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Did Jesus die and rise from the dead?


Veteran Member
I wonder a ' blind believer ' in what ___________
If a person does Not believe Genesis then they also do Not believe Revelation.- Revelation 22:2.
Then, they do Not believe in a resurrection Nor Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental reign over Earth.

It is a fact that all those are just a strange fantasy, to me.

You were raised in it, I was not. It just was an odd
gweilo thing, and I really was not interested plus
I did not like white people.

You are so in the middle of it that you cannot see
what a weird story it is nor understand how religion
of any sort could be a matter of indifference.

BTW, you are enjoyable to talk to. It took a very short
time before I had to put that new guy on ig.


Well-Known Member
I wonder a ' blind believer ' in what ___________
If a person does Not believe Genesis then they also do Not believe Revelation.- Revelation 22:2.
Then, they do Not believe in a resurrection Nor Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental reign over Earth.

Cure what does Revelations say and whats it about? Sense its not readable Ill give an award for genius if you can answer.


Veteran Member
We have Jesus' maternal account found at Luke, and Jesus paternal account found in Matthew.
No one questioned the Jewish ancestral records kept in the temple starting at 1 Chronicles 1
Jesus ancestry goes back to Adam - Luke 3:38.

People may disagree about Jesus' resurrection but the Bible does not.

It disagrees with itself on a lot of things, if not that.

And dont forget thst reality may also cisagree.

If I had a time machine I could make a lot of
money, betting Christians on what we would see
as we went to visit "historical" events!

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
We have Jesus' maternal account found at Luke, and Jesus paternal account found in Matthew.
No one questioned the Jewish ancestral records kept in the temple starting at 1 Chronicles 1
Jesus ancestry goes back to Adam - Luke 3:38.

People may disagree about Jesus' resurrection but the Bible does not.
Sorry, but that interpretation only came about because the two contradict each other. There is no clear statement that either is Mary's line, they both appear to be Joseph's. And both nativity tales are clearly fictional, though it is hard to say which one is worse. I vote for Luke's because he has Jesus born in both roughly 4 BCE and 6 CE.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I happen to know they only witness to Christians.
That would all depend upon where in the world they're teaching. I can assure that that the missionaries in Japan, for example, do not witness only to Christians. It would be a huge waste of their time if they did. If it seems like they"target" Christians, it's probably because the vast majority of people in the U.S. that describe themselves as believing in God at all are Christians.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I wonder a ' blind believer ' in what ___________
If a person does Not believe Genesis then they also do Not believe Revelation.- Revelation 22:2.
Then, they do Not believe in a resurrection Nor Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental reign over Earth.
That might be a good thing since it reads as if it were written either by a psychotic or someone on a bad acid trip.


Veteran Member
That would all depend upon where in the world they're teaching. I can assure that that the missionaries in Japan, for example, do not witness only to Christians. It would be a huge waste of their time if they did. If it seems like they"target" Christians, it's probably because the vast majority of people in the U.S. that describe themselves as believing in God at all are Christians.

In Japan and China, the interest in missionaries
is almost entirely for English language practice.

I have been asked, as one experienced in the
land of Christians, why they go to Asia and
try to interest people in their religion.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I was about minus 20 at the time.
No way I would have been a hippie anyway.
Its hard to get me to even sip wine
You were somewhere between -10 and -6 when I tried it. An interesting evening. Really stupid stuff was funny. I felt the risks did not merit another time.


Well-Known Member
There aren't too many of them. There are far more Biblically challenged theists. They don't know the history of their book of myths and they believe parts literally that are clearly mythological.

You have some really bizarre conclusions that continue to fail badly.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You have some really bizarre conclusions that continue to fail badly.
LOL, seriously the reason that many atheists are atheists is due to a better understanding of the Bible. You appear to treat it as a book of magic. It is hard to take someone's interpretations seriously that thinks that at one point in time that there were only two people or that there was a worldwide flood.


Well-Known Member
So are you a biblical literalist?

I'm more like a literal 'in the sense of the literature' guy
context context context

The Only Satisfying Endgame: Why Great Stories Always Hurt
Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 10.35.59 PM.png


unknown member
Ask a Biblically-challenged atheist.
Some people have a need to read the gospel story literally because it promises everlasting life for merely believing. However there are people that don't care to play a role in the big story and believe so that they too can join Jesus because they don't believe the world works that way, some how to the annoyance of those that do.
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Veteran Member
LOL, seriously the reason that many atheists are atheists is due to a better understanding of the Bible. You appear to treat it as a book of magic. It is hard to take someone's interpretations seriously that thinks that at one point in time that there were only two people or that there was a worldwide flood.

Likewise with someone who so doggedly
insists on framing a conversation to his
exact specs.


Well-Known Member
Some people have a need to read the gospel story literally because it promises everlasting life for merely believing. However there are people that don't care to play a role in the big story and believe so that they too can join Jesus because they don't believe the world works that way, some how to the annoyance of those that do.

Depends what you mean by only believing' if you mean intellectual ascent and no fruit I don't believe that's saving faith. I think true saving faith is by grace through faith but produces works of love from the start.

Colossians 1
the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.


Veteran Member
Did Jesus die and rise from the dead?

No, it never happened.
One may like to read:
"Jesus In India:

by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as)

The treatise puts forward the view that Jesus survived crucifixion, left Judea and migrated eastward in order to continue his mission to the ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’, traveling through Persia and Afghanistan and eventually dying a natural and honourable death in Kashmir at an old age. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) applied textual analysis of both the Gospels and Islamic sources – the Quran and hadith – and also drew upon medical and historical material, including ancient Buddhist records, to argue his case.
Jesus In India | Islam Ahmadiyya



Veteran Member
I can tell you one things . . . Christians can't count :rolleyes:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40)

Some believe that Christ’s “three days and three nights” statement does notrequire a literal span of 72 hours, reasoning that a part of a day can be reckoned as a whole day. Thus, since Jesus died in the afternoon, they think the remainder of Friday constituted the first day, Saturday the second and part of Sunday the third. However, only two nights—Friday night and Saturday night—are accounted for in this explanation. Something is obviously wrong with the traditional view regarding when Christ was in the tomb.

If Jesus were in the tomb only from late Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning, then the sign He gave that He was the prophesied Messiah was not fulfilled. ;)
"I can tell you one things . . . Christians can't count". Unquote

Please elaborate on one's reasonable evidences/proofs from Religion as well as from science, if any.
