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Well-Known Member
Supposed, that Kirk Cameron is totally right, does the debate below shows the clear case for victory over aggressive atheism? If no, then why it is written "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."? Luke 21:15. Because the END is NEAR: "woe to those inhabiting the land and the sea, because the Devil did go down unto you, having great wrath, having known that he hath little time." Revelation 12:12.



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upposed, that Kirk Cameron is totally right, does the debate below shows the clear case for victory over aggressive atheism? If no, then why it is written "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."? Luke 21:15.
He is an actor, and he's just saying what he believes. I think there is no battle between Christianity and atheism. Any such battle is imagined. The battle is within just as it always has been.

Because the END is NEAR: "woe to those inhabiting the land and the sea, because the Devil did go down unto you, having great wrath, having known that he hath little time." Revelation 12:12.
'The END is NEAR' must refer to something other than what Cameron thinks, or else he thinks thousands of years is the same as near.


Veteran Member
I agree with the above. I think he is simply stating what he believes, which is certainly his right to do, ... especially when asked. His beliefs don't prove nor disprove anything. And ultimately it's up to us to agree or disagree as we see fit.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Tucker is about as far from a believer as there can be - he's a minion of darkness. "fox" is mostly an outlet for extremists liars, breakers of the 10 Commandment and general negativity.


Veteran Member
Supposed, that Kirk Cameron is totally right,
Your views are probably very similar to Kirk Cameron's. So why not just post a video of you parroting the same thing about Adam & Eve and marriage, etc? Do you think his words carry more weight for us than yours would? For both, that would be NoneWhatSoEver.

"? Luke 21:15. Because the END is NEAR
The Bibel writers' view of NEAR is quite different from my views of near. Two thousand years is a big stretch for the word near unless one is discussing the proximity of the origin of the earth versus the origin of the moon. On the celestial time scale, those two events occurred at nearly the same time. On the time scale of Adam and Eve believers, 2000 is one-third of all the time since "The Beginning".


Grand Hat
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Premium Member
Supposed, that Kirk Cameron is totally right, does the debate below shows the clear case for victory over aggressive atheism? If no, then why it is written "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."? Luke 21:15. Because the END is NEAR: "woe to those inhabiting the land and the sea, because the Devil did go down unto you, having great wrath, having known that he hath little time." Revelation 12:12.

I watched both videos...yay for me, right?

1) I had no major issues with what Kirk Cameron was saying in this video. Which is not to say I agreed with any part of his position (I didn't). But he's just presenting the truth as he sees it, and I'm not here to litigate the existence of God. However, ultimately what I don't understand is why he would hold a position which seeks to control others. I would think the simplest path here is for marriage to be allowed to any 2 people, since that doesn't have legal ramifications. Morally, people can make their own call. In short, no-one is suggested Kirk, nor anyone associated with him needs to be homosexual, or enter into a gay marriage (of course!!). Why does he feel the need to make decisions for others, and control their ability to follow their moral judgement on this? Does he want to ban sex before marriage legally? Adultery? Divorce? Perhaps he does, I don't know. But I don't see many people in favour of living in a theocracy, yet on the issue of gay marriage in particular there is a sudden need to align other people's decisions and actions with a Christian moral standard. Not even getting into the sheer number of 'Christian moral standards' which actually exist at this point.

2) I have no idea what point you were trying to make with the Tucker Carlson video. It's an incident that happened a few years back. If it was as presented, then I'd be on the boy's side, but I'd love to hear an alternate view of the issue. I have actually read a little of Alison Downie's blog posts, and it's fair to say her view of the world is VASTLY different to mine. But again...not sure what point you were trying to make here. Or what it has to do with the Devil. Or agressive atheism. Or...whatever...


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Why do you use the word 'aggressive' before atheism?

I've seen it before where atheists are arguing for certain controls which would (in the minds of some) force Christians to act contrary to their beliefs. The fun part is that they don't EVER use the word 'aggressive' before Christianity where some Christians are trying to do the same for non-Christians.

So...promoting marriage equality might be seen as 'aggressive atheism', despite it not forcing anyone to do anything, or being 'atheistic', whatever that means.
Trying to preserve marriage as only between a man and a woman is not seen as 'aggressive Christianity' despite it preventing people taking an action they may wish to.

It's a funny little twist, but ultimately it comes down to progressive versus conservative thinking more than anything. Some Christians see themselves as preservers of what is good, with the enemy (eg. aggressive atheists) trying to break down the walls of morality.
They don't seem overly concerned with whose worldview impacts directly on others, but moreso what is the 'right' worldview. For that subset of Christians, the coherency or consistency of argument makes no difference. They'll act as they think God or their religion dictates, and that's the end of the story.


Well-Known Member
Tucker is about as far from a believer as there can be - he's a minion of darkness. "fox" is mostly an outlet for extremists liars, breakers of the 10 Commandment and general negativity.

Can God create a stone that He cannot lift?
Answer: no, the Omnipotent One cannot make
such a stone because it is a suicide, and the latter is sin. Any sin is an act of non-existence.
Because sin is emptiness, the absence of
any meaning, the God of Existence and living
does only existent actions. Satan, the evil spirit of non-existence and death, does the non-existent actions only: he is the father of sin. For example, the tobacco industry produces cancer cases. It serves the evil authorities to depopulate the planet.

The question about stone-lifting has hidden meaning, the skeptic asks can God lose divinity, own divine powers. All those Omnipotent Paradox formulations can be put into the question: can God commit suicide? But the answer is no, also because the Christian God is Omnipresent, and so, if He becomes dead in 2021, then He was dead when He was creating the Universe. But that is not possible, because the world exists now. Also because God is not mad and crazy. He is Spirit of Wisdom, mental Health, and Life, and so, can not commit suicide even in principle. He can do only reasonable actions, not the crazy ones. Therefore the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche with his "God is Dead" must be understood not literally, he was referring to the modern and post-modern apostasy.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Supposed, that Kirk Cameron is totally right, does the debate below shows the clear case for victory over aggressive atheism? If no, then why it is written "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."? Luke 21:15. Because the END is NEAR: "woe to those inhabiting the land and the sea, because the Devil did go down unto you, having great wrath, having known that he hath little time." Revelation 12:12.

Goodness... guys, I think I even need help understanding how you feel that the 2 video clips attached here, in any way relate to Luke 21:15 and Revelation 12:12...?

I’m properly confused now.
