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Congrats PRESIDENT Obama


Through the Looking Glass
And this is one reason the divide hasn't been healed. :rolleyes:
What reason is that? Sweeping a problem under the rug by telling those who are the targets of prejudice that they stand in the way of unity when they are asserting their rights . . . well, that is the opposite of healing and bringing unity.


Tu Stultus Es
Reverend Lowery's been using those exact words in his speeches since the 1950s.
Yes, yes Lowery has.... I assume you're referring to this sermon:
"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen"
Which is a reference to the blues song Black, Brown and White by Big Bill Broonzy. I'm not sure if your criticizing Lowery or just what the point was(?)

As for Rick Warren, well, he's a scumbag bigot of the lowest order and represents Obama's attempt to reach out to the religious elements that oppose gay rights. A rather disgusting gesture, but one befitting a right-of-center Dem' like Obama.

I did like these parts of Obama's speech:
For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

...restore science to its rightful place.

Wow! I do believe it's a historic first where a president acknowledged the presence of non-believers in an inaugural speech!



Well-Known Member

Wow! I do believe it's a historic first where a president acknowledged the presence of non-believers in an inaugural speech!

Tsk! Tsk! He left out mention of the Buddhists. Or are they subsumed under "non-believers"? A good speech, a little long, and does Barrack have a sense of humour? That's what I found so endearing about good old George W at the beginning...
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Tu Stultus Es
Tsk! Tsk! He left out mention of the Buddhists. Or are they subsumed under "non-believers"? A good speech, a little long, and does Barrack have a sense of humour? That's what I found so endearing about good old George W at the beginning...
I assume he included Buddhists amongst the non-believers in a Chodron kinda way.
And I think Obama swearing in on Lincoln's Bible was ripe with symbolism, humor, and irony. But maybe that's just me..... ;)

As for finding anything endearing about GW, well.... I'm honestly at a loss. :shrug:
Tsk! Tsk! He left out mention of the Buddhists. Or are they subsumed under "non-believers"? A good speech, a little long, and does Barrack have a sense of humour? That's what I found so endearing about good old George W at the beginning...
You expect to stand there and name every single religion?


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes Lowery has.... I assume you're referring to this sermon:
"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen"
Which is a reference to the blues song Black, Brown and White by Big Bill Broonzy. I'm not sure if your criticizing Lowery or just what the point was(?)

Well, "Reverend Rick" was saying that he didn't understand the use of them. Lowery's been using those exact terms in his sermons for decades, he didn't just start them out of nowhere, and didn't just take them just now. He's said them many times, I myself have heard him say them in front of another group.

As for Rick Warren, well, he's a scumbag bigot of the lowest order and represents Obama's attempt to reach out to the religious elements that oppose gay rights. A rather disgusting gesture, but one befitting a right-of-center Dem' like Obama.
I, and others who have been refused to be picked up by taxi-drivers because of the color of their skin, and my people, who have been wholesale massacred for our descent, take offense at calling him of Rev. Warren as a "scumbag bigot of the lowest order". I will concede, perhaps, he is bigoted, but certainly not of the lowest order.

There are far worse than Rick Warren, and it belittles the crimes of the NSDAP and the KKK, and the far worse bigotry of the WBC, to claim that he is as bad as they are and were.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Ok, I watched the entired damned thing whilst wolfing a bowl of Cheerio's with cranberry and pears.

- Rick Warren made me leave the room. A poor choice regardless of intent. I have no interest in anything the man has to say and can only wonder at the thinking of those who thought it would be cool to give him a soapbox.
- Next up was Aretha Franklin. Her singing was about as bad as singing gets though that could be the result of wearing a ludicrous hat that was perhaps cutting off circulation to her brain.
- Next was Itzak Pearlman, Yoyo Ma and others playing a dreadful piece of garbage by John Williams. In spite of their gifted help, the song was still a stinker. Who could seriously expect more from Mr. Williams though?

Eventually they got around to the reason why everyone had showed up and Joe Biden managed to come across decently, not stellar, but at least he didn't bugger up his lines. Vice-president Biden has a chilling ring to it, imo. Hopefully he isn't just bidin' his time.

Finally they got down to business with the coronation of BHO. I did giggle when he blew his lines, but appartently it was the other fellow who screwed up and that just threw him off. Understandable. All in all, I felt his speech was lacklustre and didn't actually have much substance.

Overall, I couldn't share the feeling of hope and that this was the man who was going to lead us to well... whatever... everything, apparently. I'll give him a couple of years and then decide if I am ready to sign on to his brand of snake oil.

The thing that stood out to me, is because of the huge amount of hope people have invested in Barak Obama, they stand a very good chance of being disappointed. I felt like I was watching a huge pack of lemmings ready to go off the proverbial cliff while chanting, "Yes, we can!"


Tu Stultus Es
I, and others who have been refused to be picked up by taxi-drivers because of the color of their skin, and my people, who have been wholesale massacred for our descent, take offense at calling him of Rev. Warren as a "scumbag bigot of the lowest order".
And I, as the descendant of Eastern European Jews who have historically been the victims of pograms, et al, find bigots of the lowest order like Warren to be offensive. And I venture to say that gays and lesbians who have been victims of the vitriol, slander, oppression and violence of such bigots are equally offended.
Elessar said:
I will concede, perhaps, he is bigoted, but certainly not of the lowest order.
Ok.... So your "offense" is based on the semantic definition of "lowest order"? Would it help if I said "low order" instead? Perhaps "lowest order just above the lowest of the lowest"?
Elessar said:
There are far worse than Rick Warren,
Thanks. Stating the obvious does little to bolster your opinion here.
and it belittles the crimes of the NSDAP and the KKK, and the far worse bigotry of the WBC, to claim that he is as bad as they are and were.
Are you having trouble reading posts? You're clearly having difficulty understanding what I actually wrote. Where exactly did I "claim that he [Warren] is as bad as they [NSDAP/KKK/WBC]are and were"? Where did I compare the atrocities of facism to Rick Warren?

Oh wait... I didn't. I implore you Elessar, please actually read the posts before you mouth off and make offensive claims that have no merit. It's rather offensive.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I've only heard one part of the speech so far.. I was at work at the time/having breakfast, so the radio people just blurted out snippets. There was only one part I remember, but I forget what the exact words were. Something to do with everyone being equal and deserving to persue their dreams.. but... Didn't sound overly special.

Interesting cartoon in our newspaper the other day... Bush handing the wheel of a sinking ship over to Obama, saying something like "Happy steering!", smiling widely.


Treasure Hunter
Congratulations indeed. I loved the part where he walked on water.

Oh, me too. I know America will be 100% better now. Obama is completely flawless and will do everything exactly how everyone wants it to be done. No one will ever disagree with anything he does. It will be just perfect from now on.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Congratulations, President Barack Obama. Don't **** this up.
Sad thing is, he is on such a high pedestal, that he is doomed to fail unless he does a damn good job.

I tried to watch it, but although I thought it was pretty cool how he walked, but I had passed out just after he got out of his car (and started walking again) from getting up to early for work. I'm hoping I can find a video of his speech online.


Question Everything
LOL – the first thing he does is make a national holiday for himself?
Politics News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Jan 20th – the day I became president – is now a holiday… sounds a little like Cuba, where their only holidays are Castro’s Birthday, and “liberation day” – the day Castro got into power… So now instead of Castro’s “liberation day” we have Obama’s “renewal and reconciliation day” to celebrate the start of fascism in America.

Celebrate good times ya'll - woo hooooooooooooo Bow down to your allmighty leader!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see what he does next.

Sad thing is, he is on such a high pedestal

Yes, he has put himself up on a pedistal hasn't he? Making a national holiday for himself - I thought I had seen it all... I guess I haven't seen anything yet.
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Tu Stultus Es
doppelgänger;1405390 said:
Um . . . no. Could you at least read your own link, please?
Ha! I just thought idea was being funny- you know, parroting the right-wing paranoid rhetoric into Onion-esque idiocy.

Maybe I was wrong.....?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
His promise to the rest of the world, something to the effect of "To all the other peoples, the governments watching right now, I promise we will lead again" left a rather sour taste in my mouth