For starters, the big bang is NOT...
2) 'explosion'. Explosions happen at certain places, and for only a brief moment. The big bang, on the other hand, did not happen at any particular happened/is happening everywhere.
Now, here's what the big bang IS:
2) The big bang is everywhere. When the universe was young, the entire, infinite volume of space was filled with high density, high energy radiation. Today, the entire, infinite volume of the universe is filled with galaxies and galaxy clusters, and as space expands the distances between these clusters increases.
3) The big bang is difficult to imagine. In order to imagine an event in X dimensions, we have to exist in X + 1 dimensions. The only way we can really grasp the expansion of three-dimensional space is to use an analogy in only two dimensions (i.e. an expanding rubber band or balloon). Still, it is important to remember that these are only analogies....they are limited in how accurately they can represent reality.