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Are There Any Religious Ascetics On These Forums?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Are you Mortifying the Flesh by Renunciation, Abstinence and Solitude?
Please don't attempt to drag me into your Abrahamic concepts. I don't use such terms as "mortifying the flesh."

The goal in my paradigm is Self-realization. The purpose of asceticism in my practice is to remove attachment and desire to that which lies in transactional reality to either realize or maintain this state of being. An ascetic life aids in remaining stable in this knowledge.


Be your own guru
Are there any Religious Ascetics on these forums?
Why does anyone need to be an ascetic? Krishna said (or you can say Gita says) "Know them as ever renounced who do not envy anyone and do not desire anything; free of all dualities, O mighty-armed Arjuna, they easily become free from all fetters".

'jñeyaḥ sa nitya-sannyāsī yo na dveṣhṭi na kāṅkṣhati, nirdvandvo hi mahā-bāho sukhaṁ bandhāt pramuchyate." BG 5.3
Therefore, you are a different Hindu from @Aupmanyav than.
Why are you surprised by that? Hinduism gives freedom of personal belief. You are welcome to worship any God or Goddess or all of them or none at all. Hinduism does not make you into a slave. Hindus have different views about things.
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Well-Known Member
Please don't attempt to drag me into your Abrahamic concepts. I don't use such terms as "mortifying the flesh."

The goal in my paradigm is Self-realization. The purpose of asceticism in my practice is to remove attachment and desire to that which lies in transactional reality to either realize or maintain this state of being. An ascetic life aids in remaining stable in this knowledge.
You dislike Christianity that much that you cannot relate to terms used by Christians. The meaning of Mortifying the Flesh is greater than its use by Christians. The point is Christians do Not Mortify the Flesh. Do even know what the term means? I Am Christian Gnostic. A Christian uses Christian terms.

Is this Self-realization the Original Self? Are you trying to Recover something that was lost?


Well-Known Member
Why does anyone need to be an ascetic? Krishna said (or you can say Gita says) "Know them as ever renounced who do not envy anyone and do not desire anything; free of all dualities, O mighty-armed Arjuna, they easily become free from all fetters".

'jñeyaḥ sa nitya-sannyāsī yo na dveṣhṭi na kāṅkṣhati, nirdvandvo hi mahā-bāho sukhaṁ bandhāt pramuchyate." BG 5.3
That's nonsense. If you didn't Desire anything you wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. It doesn't appear that your Religion teaches you how to think,

Why are you surprised by that? Hinduism gives freedom of personal belief. You are welcome to worship any God or Goddess or all of them or none at all. Hinduism does not make you into a slave. Hindus have different views about things.
You are making assumptions about being surprised. Making an observation that you are a different Hindu from @SalixIncendium.

It depends on your perspective on Slavery. Living in the Flesh and Not Thinking for Yourself is Slavery from my Christian Gnostic Perspective. To you Nature is the Highest form of Existence and it appears you are Not thinking for yourself.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
You dislike Christianity that much that you cannot relate to terms used by Christians.
That's a pretty wild assumption based on what I said. Likes and dislikes are terms that are increasingly useless for me.

I have no issue with Christianity. I just have no practical use for the language it uses. That's not to say no one else does.

The meaning of Mortifying the Flesh is greater than its use by Christians. The point is Christians do Not Mortify the Flesh. Do even know what the term means? I Am Christian Gnostic. A Christian uses Christian terms.
I think it would be useful for a Christian using Christian terms when speaking to non-Christians to explain the meaning, just as I do when speaking to non-Dharmics about Dharmic terms. Failure to do so leads to people just speaking past one another.

For example, when I reference 'Maya,' I use the terms 'time/space/causation,' because simply using the term 'maya' in a statement is meaningless to one that is unfamiliar with how I use it.

Is this Self-realization the Original Self?
It is what I am in my true nature. There are many words that have been used to describe it, and while they all may point to what it is, there are no words that can accurately describe it in my paradigm or in yours.

Are you trying to Recover something that was lost?
No. I've always been that. It's not about recovering anything. Quite the opposite. It's about tearing down the veil...removing ignorance.


Be your own guru
That's nonsense. If you didn't Desire anything you wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. It doesn't appear that your Religion teaches you how to think,
You are making assumptions about being surprised. Making an observation that you are a different Hindu from @SalixIncendium.

Living in the Flesh and Not Thinking for Yourself is Slavery from my Christian Gnostic Perspective. To you Nature is the Highest form of Existence and it appears you are Not thinking for yourself.
One has his/her duties, and duties ('dharma') is the most important thing in Hinduism. That is why one should get out of bed - early rather than late.

Hindus are always like that. Each Hindu has his own view, and we understand that very clearly.

If we do not live in flesh and blood, then how do we live? What is there to think about myself? I do my duty to my family, society and country; and when the time comes someone else takes my place. Nature too is a part of this illusory world. The absolute as we know presently is Fundamental Interaction. Fundamental interaction - Wikipedia
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Well-Known Member
That's a pretty wild assumption based on what I said. Likes and dislikes are terms that are increasingly useless for me.

I have no issue with Christianity. I just have no practical use for the language it uses. That's not to say no one else does.
The to be able to communicate with others of different Religions appreciation of the language they use is required relating to your own religion. Different terms/names can have the same meaning.

I think it would be useful for a Christian using Christian terms when speaking to non-Christians to explain the meaning, just as I do when speaking to non-Dharmics about Dharmic terms. Failure to do so leads to people just speaking past one another.

For example, when I reference 'Maya,' I use the terms 'time/space/causation,' because simply using the term 'maya' in a statement is meaningless to one that is unfamiliar with how I use it.
You should know what Mortifying the Flesh mans since you have declared that you are a Former Roman Catholic. Are you saying that you don't know what the term Mortifying the Flesh means?

It is what I am in my true nature. There are many words that have been used to describe it, and while they all may point to what it is, there are no words that can accurately describe it in my paradigm or in yours.
Were you born with this True Nature or does your Religion uncover this True Nature?

No. I've always been that. It's not about recovering anything. Quite the opposite. It's about tearing down the veil...removing ignorance.
Recovering and Tearing Down The Veil means the same thing in Christian Gnosticism.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
You should know what Mortifying the Flesh mans since you have declared that you are a Former Roman Catholic. Are you saying that you don't know what the term Mortifying the Flesh means?
I know what it means, but it's also tied to other Christian/Catholic concepts that are unrelated to my worldview, therefore I don't find use in the term.

Perhaps if you wish to communicate effectively with other religions, you should use more general terms such as renunciation and/or abstinence.

Using terminology such as "mortifying the flesh" with me would be like me using terms like Vanaprastha or Sannyasa with you. The use of terminology from other paradigms results in people talking past one another.

Were you born with this True Nature or does your Religion uncover this True Nature?
My true nature is not born nor does it die. It is eternal.


Well-Known Member
One has his/her duties, and duties ('dharma') is the most important thing in Hinduism. That is why one should get out of bed - early rather than late.

Hindus are always like that. Each Hindu has his own view, and we understand that very clearly.

If we do not live in flesh and blood, then how do we live? What is there to think about myself? I do my duty to my family, society and country; and when the time comes someone else takes my place. Nature too is a part of this illusory world. The absolute as we know presently is Fundamental Interaction. Fundamental interaction - Wikipedia
1) You are providing more clarity on your Religious beliefs. Your Desire for Dharma makes you get out of bed early in the morning. Without Desire a person is not able to function and would rot away to skeleton not getting out of bed.

2) In Christendom, like among Hindus, Christians have different interpretations among the Denominations and within the Denominations.

3) In Hinduism you practice Duty to Family, Society and Country. This same Duty is practiced in Temporal Christianity given that the practitioners are Sincere.

4) You have provided link to Physics/Natural World and I'm not denying this as I work in applied Physics. Physics, Biology and Chemistry is Limited to the Physical Domain. Physical Domain is Not All There Is. The Physical is the Temporal. Do you reject that there is Spiritual Domain?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Galatians 6:17

17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Are there any Religious Ascetics on these forums? If yes, how do you practice Religious Asceticism? To what end do you practice Religious Ascetism? Is the intent to draw near to Elohim/God?

Here is the Roman Catholic Brand:

The Da Vinci Code (2/8) Movie CLIP - Silas (2006) HD

Ethan Hawke "First Reformed"
I was close to joining a Catholic religious order at one point in my life, but I reject asceticism as unhealthy now. I no longer worship the sadomasochistic Catholic deity. I believe in affirming the world, not denying it. I've suffered and denied myself enough in life.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
although there is only One True Religion.
Like you know what it is. That's called hubris. Go look up what the Bible says about hubris, haughtiness, arrogance, etc. Get off your high horse. Your nasty, insulting attitude will make others hate your god.
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Well-Known Member
I know what it means, but it's also tied to other Christian/Catholic concepts that are unrelated to my worldview, therefore I don't find use in the term.

Perhaps if you wish to communicate effectively with other religions, you should use more general terms such as renunciation and/or abstinence.

Using terminology such as "mortifying the flesh" with me would be like me using terms like Vanaprastha or Sannyasa with you. The use of terminology from other paradigms results in people talking past one another.
Romans 8:13

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

I Am a Christian Gnostic and Being Christian Gnostic use Christian Terms. The Holy Scriptures/Bible is the Holy Book of the Christians. Mortifying the Flesh is the same as Mortifying the Deeds of the Body.

You being Hindu should use Hindu Religious terms explaining the meaning. In that way those of other Religions get to learn about your Religious perspective. What are you Renouncing and Abstaining from?

My true nature is not born nor does it die. It is eternal.
Are you saying that you have Attained Eternal Life? Are you saying that you are Not going to Die?


Well-Known Member
I was close to joining a Catholic religious order at one point in my life, but I reject asceticism as unhealthy now. I no longer worship the sadomasochistic Catholic deity. I believe in affirming the world, not denying it. I've suffered and denied myself enough in life.
I Am Christian Gnostic and Not Roman Catholic. Did you practice Asceticism before? If yes, how did you practice Asceticism?

The last part of what you wrote sounds like Friedrich Nietzsche. Is Friedrich Nietzsche Devil's/Satan's Apostle or Servant of Elohim/God? Friedrich Nietzsche said: "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him...."

I see that you are promoting the Satanist Aleister Crowley in your profile. Are you a Satanist?

Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley (/ˈælɪstər ˈkroʊli/;[1] born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) was an English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he published widely over the course of his life.

Aleister Crowley - Bio


Well-Known Member
Like you know what it is. That's called hubris. Go look up what the Bible says about hubris, haughtiness, arrogance, etc. Get off your high horse. Your nasty, insulting attitude will make others hate your god.
Isaiah 14:13-15

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

If I said I didn't know what the One True Religion Is I would be a Liar and Sinning Against Elohim/God. Those that know the One True Religion and declare such appear arrogant to others.

Your Satanist Prophet Aliester Crowley is Among those at the Pinnacle of Hubris and Arrogance from my perspective. Satanist Prophets Marquis de Sade and Jacob Frank at the Pinnacle of Hubris and Arrogance with Aliester Crowley. Marquis de Sade, Jacob Frank and Aliester Crowley are Inverted Cross Practitioners practising Great Evil:


Fury Ending Credits
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I Am a Christian Gnostic and Being Christian Gnostic use Christian Terms. The Holy Scriptures/Bible is the Holy Book of the Christians. Mortifying the Flesh is the same as Mortifying the Deeds of the Body.

You being Hindu should use Hindu Religious terms explaining the meaning. In that way those of other Religions get to learn about your Religious perspective.
You would do well to follow your own advice. You've simply used Christian terms without explaining them, rendering them useless to one without a working knowledge of Christianity.

What are you Renouncing and Abstaining from?
Worldly attachments and desires.

Are you saying that you have Attained Eternal Life?
Again you use a Christian term with no explanation of the meaning, which reinforces what I said above.

I'm saying that my true nature is eternal. It just so happens I typed it out in an exercise yesterday and copied it here onto this very forum. The terms are quite simple to understand and leave little to nothing to interpretation.

Are you saying that you are Not going to Die?
My body and mind will end, but I am not that. I do not die.


Well-Known Member
You would do well to follow your own advice. You've simply used Christian terms without explaining them, rendering them useless to one without a working knowledge of Christianity.
I don't have to explain to you because you said you know what Mortifying the Flesh means giving that you were a Roman Catholic.

Worldly attachments and desires.
What is Worldly from your Religious perspective? Does Worldly in your Religion mean the same thing as in Christianity?

Again you use a Christian term with no explanation of the meaning, which reinforces what I said above.

I'm saying that my true nature is eternal. It just so happens I typed it out in an exercise yesterday and copied it here onto this very forum. The terms are quite simple to understand and leave little to nothing to interpretation.
In Christianity Eternal Life means Living Forever and Not Dying.

The post describing your True Nature sounds like Authentic Christianity. In Christian Gnosticism/Authentic Christianity the Natural Man Dissolves into Elohim/God. It sounds like you have Dissolved into Elohim/God. What you have described in the post is another way of expressing Elohim/God.

My body and mind will end, but I am not that. I do not die.
The difference with Temporal Christianity is that they Believe the Physical Body will rise again when the Messiah/Christ returns.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
What is Worldly from your Religious perspective?
Worldly is anything associated with the world...transactional reality. All things apparent in this world are temporary and transient. Renunciation means having a dispassion for all things of the world.


Well-Known Member
Worldly is anything associated with the world...transactional reality. All things apparent in this world are temporary and transient. Renunciation means having a dispassion for all things of the world.
Does this mean being Celibate, Vegan, Alcohol Free and Drug Free, for example?