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America's cultural divide: I can't help but notice this


New Member
A lot of states tend to be more purplish, not all red or all blue.

I see the cultural divide also as an economic divide. The coastal (mostly blue) states tend to be more affluent than the states commonly associated with (mostly red) "flyover country."

Ironically, those associated with liberal and progressive politics tend to be far more classist than their red state counterparts.

Indeed Blue regions are the most anti-Second-Amendment and least affordable for Americans to live. There are simply no classy-but-affordable-and-pro-gun parts of America anywhere that know of. The Democrats have once been reputed to be the Party Sympathetic to the Poor but the blue areas of America have the highest costs of living and housing costs so go figure.

My guess is the city in America that even comes somewhat close to what I feel is ideal and Utopian might be Austin, Texas. Austin boasts cheaper real estate including new-construction homes, low-or-no state income tax, attracts many Californians and the state of Texas is fairly pro-gun. The Twin Falls and Pocatello metro areas of eastern Idaho might also be promising.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
And these 2 videos, I guess shows, linguistically, how the North was more italianized than the South:p


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The divide in America traditionally created a tension of opposites, from which both sides learn and grow. This divide used to be based on political sports. One could debate and still be friends.

However, since the election of Trump, the left has been using more of a war approach, deepening the divide beyond what was normal. The Democrats began leading the country toward a new Civil War. It was like the past was repeating itself; General Bubba Clinton. Brothers became enemies.

The bottom line was the Democrat party had become extra corrupt during the Obama Years. Biden and others had learned to money launderer tax payer dollars through foreign aid, family members and corrupt foreign entities; Ukraine, China, Iran, etc. The DNC fixed the primaries against Bernie Sanders so Hillary would win. They showed that America has a dual justice system when Hillary ddi not pay for her crimes. The DNC spied on the Trump campaign using the power and intel resources of the US government; FBI and CIA. That was way worse than Watergate and anything Nixon had done.

When Trump won, he threatened to undermine the syndicate and expose the swamp. The Democrats and the mainstream media; fake news, began a coup to overthrow a duly elected President, since he was considered a threat to powers to be; drain the swamp.

This began a constant negative assault on the President and his base, with 90% negative news through all the Democrats controlled media complex. Most of this fake news was an illusion based on Intel schemes and the arrogant ignorance of the main street media.

Remember the collusion delusion, where the self proclaimed smartest people in media got it all wrong for over two years? This was a scam from day one and demonstrated that arrogance does not mean smart. There was also a push to alienate Trump supporters; deplorable, which deepened the divide. Trump and the Republican party have been on the defensive for three years, due to these organized efforts by the swamp, to avoid exposure and stay out of jail for their crimes.

The tide is starting to turn, since all the scams of the left, including impeachment, did not work. These efforts are now starting to alienate many in their own base. The Democrats used to support the underdog. This is noe seen as Trump causing blue color Democrats to change sides. The healing is beginning. Punishment of the criminals may needed so the healing can continue. As long as the liars and thieves run free, they will be a need to maintain the divide as a way to defend themselves and avoid justice.
It's the opposite. Trump and his minions and cult members are attacking the left and blaming the left for attacking them. They are tearing down that all are created equal and have inalienable rights to prop up their discrimination. They bring the worst smelly degenerate swamp while claiming to drain it. They lie and lie and lie and disparage those who believe in the truth. They exalt extreme rightist religious ideology while claiming to uphold Christianity.

This is part of a world wide struggle for the future of humanity with nazi flags, terrorist cells, terrorist Muslims and haters of all that is good and holy versus those who want a better world than the one that existed before.

Truth will win. Justice will win. Honor will win. Love will win.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I looked it up, there seem to be 15 to as many as 20 million
"assault rifles" in private hands.

Are you sure you have identified the purpose to which they are put?
They're worshiped

The gun is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
The gun makes me feel safe.
I walk with a gun on my hip.
Guns restore my soul.
I walk in the path of guns.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Indeed Blue regions are the most anti-Second-Amendment and least affordable for Americans to live. There are simply no classy-but-affordable-and-pro-gun parts of America anywhere that know of. The Democrats have once been reputed to be the Party Sympathetic to the Poor but the blue areas of America have the highest costs of living and housing costs so go figure.
The left likes to regulate away low cost housing. Oh, sure,
they like to create public housing, but they way they use
building, housing, & zoning codes to limit density per acre
& per unit is problematic. It increases the cost of construction
& operation.
(I'm a landlord who has had to fight them in these areas.)


New Member
I do think being pro-gun is merely cultural...it is still rooted in the DNA of cowboys who needed to defend themselves in isolated places where law enforcement was not that effective and/or present.

Yet, gun rights were guaranteed by America's Founding Fathers in the later half of the 1700's. None of which men were cowboys. These were college-educated men of the American Colonies and many as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were well-to-do. Even champagne-drinking opera goers need protection from violent crimes. Many snooty high-society people hunt or once hunted fowl with shotguns.


Veteran Member
They're worshiped

The gun is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
The gun makes me feel safe.
I walk with a gun on my hip.
Guns restore my soul.
I walk in the path of guns.

I know that is fake because it should be "restoreth"


Veteran Member
It's the opposite. Trump and his minions and cult members are attacking the left and blaming the left for attacking them. They are tearing down that all are created equal and have inalienable rights to prop up their discrimination. They bring the worst smelly degenerate swamp while claiming to drain it. They lie and lie and lie and disparage those who believe in the truth. They exalt extreme rightist religious ideology while claiming to uphold Christianity.

This is part of a world wide struggle for the future of humanity with nazi flags, terrorist cells, terrorist Muslims and haters of all that is good and holy versus those who want a better world than the one that existed before.

Truth will win. Justice will win. Honor will win. Love will win.

It might, but it wont come down on your side.


Veteran Member
The left likes to regulate away low cost housing. Oh, sure,
they like to create public housing, but they way they use
building, housing, & zoning codes to limit density per acre
& per unit is problematic. It increases the cost of construction
& operation.
(I'm a landlord who has had to fight them in these areas.)

Population density helps with services like fire and rescue. It makes them more affordable.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The left likes to regulate away low cost housing. Oh, sure,
they like to create public housing, but they way they use
building, housing, & zoning codes to limit density per acre
& per unit is problematic. It increases the cost of construction
& operation.
(I'm a landlord who has had to fight them in these areas.)
NIMBYism is the one thing that unites left and right although it's expressed differently.