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A Win for BLM in Germany


Veteran Member
It's a small victory and it's not directly related to BLM but it is a silver lining.
In North-Rhine Westphalia 29 police officers were suspended for posting in chat-groups where also racist and neo-nazi stuff was posted. While in other cases seemingly no progress can be made, in this case the reaction was swift and decisive. At least 14 of the officers will face charges.

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Veteran Member

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
It's a small victory and it's not directly related to BLM but it is silver lining.
In North-Rhine Westphalia 29 police officers were suspended for posting in chat-groups where also racist and neo-nazi stuff was posted. While in other cases seemingly no progress can be made, in this case the reaction was swift and decisive. At least 14 of the officers will face charges.
Wait a minute: posting in chat-groups where also racist and neo-nazi stuff was posted.

That doesn't even say that they are neo-nazi's themselves. And certainly terms like 'racist' are subjective. And did any of this affect their job performance? Is the so-called politically correct now censoring thinking they don't like just like the Nazis did in their heyday?


Veteran Member
Wait a minute: posting in chat-groups where also racist and neo-nazi stuff was posted.

That doesn't even say that they are neo-nazi's themselves. And certainly terms like 'racist' are subjective. And did any of this affect their job performance? Is the so-called politically correct now censoring thinking they don't like just like the Nazis did in their heyday?
It does say that they knew their colleges were. And in Germany it is a crime to show or post signs of anti-democratic organizations.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So no freedom of speech in Germany? Now who's the Nazi?
Germany has long had problems with liberties.
But on the plus side, this problem takes wind from the
sails of some here who hold up that snooty Europe as
so racially progressive compared to Ameristan.
Knocked them down a peg or two, eh.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
It does say that they knew their colleges were. And in Germany it is a crime to show or post signs of anti-democratic organizations.
It seems as the decades go on Germany should gradually become a free speech nation like the rest of the first world.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Americans are so arrogant, judging a country for banning an ideology that almost totally destroyed it and most of Europe. How dare they, these Nazi PC fascist communist socialist blah blah blah.


Veteran Member
It seems as the decades go on Germany should gradually become a free speech nation like the rest of the first world.
Things have gotten better over time. Especially when it comes to censorship of media. (I.e. not hard censorship but regulations on selling and advertising adult media.) We are still a bit stingy when it comes to violence but at least some nipples don't make a movie "R" here.
The only thing that is really prohibited is speech suitable to undermine democracy. As I said, we had bad experiences with that.
And that is a law that is widely accepted, even with ardent free speech advocates. And we didn't make that law ourselves. Guess who we got that from.
The only ones who complain about not being able to speak free are the ones who'd like to force everybody else to shut up.