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  1. Antibush5

    Kafir Questions

    I've just got some quick questions. Do Muslims really believe Muhammad split the moon in two? Did he put it back together later or what? Do Muslims believe that the earth has always existed? So all intoxicants are banned except beneficial ones right? So is marijuana okay in Islam (especially...
  2. Antibush5

    Objective morality and God

    For me, the reason I believed in God was due to the fact that it gave an objective morality to life. So I was reading the Virtue of Selfishness and it pretty much gave a sound arguement for objective morality without God. So now I've got no reason to not believe in God, should I still believe?
  3. Antibush5


    Hey guys, I was talking to a friend about reincarnation and he asked me how you'd stop being a worm, I made a comparison to spending time in jail. Could you suggest ancient texts or give quotes explaining reincarnation of an animal please?
  4. Antibush5

    Choosing between God and Satan

    I've been thinking of getting baptized and becoming a Christian and I've been a bit weak in the knees, giving my life over to Christ and accepting him would mean losing my independence, inviting God in and letting him take over would mean losing stuff I love, but then I realized that all that...
  5. Antibush5

    Abrahamic history

    Forgive my ignorance, but I've got many questions that make it somewhat impossible for me to believe in the Abrahamic god. One of the major things is about how the concept of God developed out of an earlier Hebrew god, how do for lack of a better word "Abrahamics" deal with this idea proposed...
  6. Antibush5

    Genetic morality

    I have heard that morality can be genetic, has anybody heard about this?
  7. Antibush5

    Good mantras

    Do you lovely guys and gals know of any really good mantras? Not the normal kind, something that gets the blood pumping, something full of adrenaline and energy! Something like this qAfZUCS8bQM Om Siva Om Naan Kadavul Song FIRST ON NET- WWW .TKADA. COM - YouTube
  8. Antibush5

    Atheism in Hinduism

    Could someone explain this to me? How do they live their lives? How does it make sense to them, are there any here?
  9. Antibush5

    What is your opinion on Tribalism?

    I have a friend who thinks that humans are naturally suited to live in tribes and clans. Nations should be collections of tribes, what do you think of the idea?
  10. Antibush5

    Am I the only one who thinks that depictions of the Hindu gods

    Always seem to have lifeless eyes, seriously they just look so empty with no emotion at all.
  11. Antibush5

    Feeling the spirits of the land

    To be honest, I don't know much about Shamanism, but I would like to know if you can feel the spirits or if its a Shaman only thing and is becoming a Shaman a birth only or can you be trained?
  12. Antibush5

    Non-Wiccan magic for beginners

    I've recently been struck by a curiosity in magic, but I'm not exactly a fan of magik, could you recommend some for lack of a better word schools? Where could I start off?
  13. Antibush5


    What is the archeological proof of the Egyptian belief in Netjer? What is the arguement that the Egyptians were hard polytheists?
  14. Antibush5

    Jodo Shinshu

    Are there any followers of it on here?
  15. Antibush5

    Is there such a thing?

    Is there a type of filling nutrient paste? I'd love something like that.
  16. Antibush5

    Phallic worship

    I don't know where this should really go, since it spans a fair few religions. But if you do this sort of thing? How are you okay with it? Did it take time for you to become comfortable with the idea?
  17. Antibush5

    Modern gods

    Why haven't the gods been modernised? Why is there no god of the internet or the phone?
  18. Antibush5


    Where could you buy idols? I've tried looking, but they mostly just stock Egyptian ones, I'm trying to find a store that sells mesoamerican ones, norse and Babylonian ones. So does anyone know a site? I've checked Ebay.
  19. Antibush5

    Polytheistic deism

    Is there such a thing? Its always one god, is there any form of deists who believe that there are a variety of gods?
  20. Antibush5

    Life is suffering?

    What is meant by that? Is it meant to differe for each person? For me the suffering in life is that there is always work and will always be some form of work until you die.