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Search results for query: "1 Thessalonians 5:21"

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 1, 5, 21
  1. Pogo

    The stoic persistence of the literal Creationist view in the polls.

    The worst part is we have a demagogue who has tapped into this mindset and made alternative facts a battle cry.
  2. shunyadragon

    The stoic persistence of the literal Creationist view in the polls.

    First, Literal Creationism may be versions of YEC and OEC beliefs. The share the common belief that the Pentateuch is in some way a literal accurate history. https://apologeticspress.org/literal-creationists-holding-their-ground-in-the-polls-4509/ Literal Creationists Holding Their Ground in...
  3. Subduction Zone

    Convergence Of Signs

    It warns you not to follow those people. And the Bible is for once right in that. The Bible also tell you not to judge. So don't follow the Hitlers of the world. But if you follow your holy book you won't judge them either. Hypothetically even the worst of them could have...
  4. InChrist

    Convergence Of Signs

    Well, the scriptures do speak a lot about having discernment, plus there are all kinds of warnings about false teachers, false doctrines, and behavior which are not fruits of the Spirit. I think if one uses God’s word to test a group like the KKK or any other group claiming to be Christian, it...
  5. CG Didymus

    Obligation as Faith leaders

    And what is a Christian testing it against? I don't think the Baha'i Faith's claims will get very many Christians to think, "Gee, the Lord Jesus has come back. Let's read about it in this Baha'i book." What the Baha'i Faith, if believed in, will do is take them away from their traditional...
  6. T

    Obligation as Faith leaders

    So you would not attempt a Just look at what was offered? Strange, very strange indeed! I see the Bible offers we need to pursue justice. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 But test everything; hold fast what is good. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether...
  7. InChrist

    Revelation without Jesus?

    I don’t simply take an author’s word, nor should anyone… hopefully. The scriptures encourage one to test all things for truth and to search checking for reliability. These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the...
  8. sojourner

    Genesis 1:26 and the Trinity

    Paul says, “Some are appointed teachers...” God gives human beings agency. It’s a relational thing. We partner with God. That partnership doesn’t make us perfect, nor does it give us carte blanche to say whatever pops into our heads and claim that it’s “God doing the teaching.” I perceive by...
  9. 101G

    Genesis 1:26 and the Trinity

    NO, you ERROR, who is actually teaching? the human or God? understand Teaching is a GIFT, and God is the Gift. no man can preach unless God is in him or her, for God speak through his anointed one's. so don't think that it's you who is teaching preaching, or singing, or praying. this is one of...
  10. 101G

    The Plurality of God, The First and the Last

    Now lets get back to the OP, and the subject at hand. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.". this term “GOD” here is H430 אֱלֹהִים 'elohiym (el-o-heem') n-m. אֱלֹהֵי 'elohiy (el-o-hee') [alternate plural] 1. (literally) supreme ones. 2. (hence, in the ordinary...
  11. 101G

    The Plurality of God, The First and the Last

    GINOLJC, to all. if made up then prove me in ERROR, do what the bible say do, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I'll be looking for your reproof. PICJAG, 101G.
  12. R

    Special Pleading and the PoE (Part 3)

    Notice how you say it's "reasonable" to draw your conclusion, but you don't provide any reasons for why you would draw your conclusion. By definition for something to be reasonable you first need reasons. So what are you reasons? They are based on presumptions that you believe are held in...
  13. SigurdReginson

    Applying scrutiny to your beliefs

    This is a lot to go through and digest, but it's really unpacked in such a way to where you would later on answer questions that would pop into my head as you'd suggest themes throughout your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to unpack your thoughts so completely. You have a very...
  14. Vouthon

    Applying scrutiny to your beliefs

    Those are really excellent questions Sigurd. I would like to start with an aphorism from the Hebrew Bible: “The naive or inexperienced person is easily misled and believes every word he hears, but the prudent man is discreet and astute.” (Proverbs 14:15) Catholic theology rejects the...
  15. Deeje

    What's in a name?

    Do you have any idea of how many points I have raised so that you could defend and explain your church’s position on things that were clearly NOT part of any teaching of Jesus or his apostles......and what did we hear?.....crickets. I know enough about your church from my own research, from...
  16. InChrist

    Christians and Q

    Oh, like the Q claim God’s focus is the USA instead of Israel? Or their belief that it will be man that brings in 1000 years of peace and a righteous world government, rather than Jesus Christ at His second coming? Not to mention their innumerable false predictions about the election, Trump...
  17. N

    Are you Certain There is no God?

    So the video evidence isn't enough to convince you? Now replace YOU, with atheist, and you will understand why an atheist does not believe. What is your reason and/or goal for cherry picking bible verses that's irrelevant to the discussion? You agree that faith is blind, and yet, you blindly...
  18. Love God

    Are you Certain There is no God?

    I suppose I would have to convert if I believed in signs and wonders... “But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:39‬ ‭KJV‬‬ I know you think ‘faith is...
  19. Redemptionsong

    Christianity vs Baha'i

    Is Baha'u'llah pointing people to the one and only Saviour, Jesus Christ?
  20. S

    Christianity vs Baha'i

    How does belief in Bab stand up to Bible verses? Jesus said that many false prophets and false prophets will appear and will preform great signs and wonders. Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if...