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Has pork started to chew cud ???


Love me or Hate me
Has pork started to chew cud ???

A reason was given by God for prohibition of pork, & unless pigs start to chew the cud, this prohibition remains valid. So christians should NOT eat pork until it chew cud:-

LEV 11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
DEUT 14:8 And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.

Have the pigs started to chew the cud NOW ??????

Those are both from the old testiment and therefore when jesus died he fullfilled the old laws makeing them void. That is why women are not separated from the rest of mankind when they are on their periods.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It's not a New Testament concept, because Jesus chased the demons into all the pigs, and all the pigs jumped off the cliff to their death. For the NT, it's a non-issue, because there are clearly no pigs. What we have today are not pigs. We call them pigs, but they are clearly something else that is perfectly suited to human consumption...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Those are both from the old testiment and therefore when jesus died he fullfilled the old laws makeing them void. That is why women are not separated from the rest of mankind when they are on their periods.
It's also why no current Christian groups trot out Leviticus as an excuse for discrimination against homosexuals. :rolleyes:


Love me or Hate me
I know what you are saying I was just throwing that out there to see what happened. I mean I can pull things out of no where now and again too!! Oh well maybe one day....


Done here.
It's not a New Testament concept, because Jesus chased the demons into all the pigs, and all the pigs jumped off the cliff to their death. For the NT, it's a non-issue, because there are clearly no pigs. What we have today are not pigs. We call them pigs, but they are clearly something else that is perfectly suited to human consumption...


tri-polar optimist
I don't eat it as much as I use to but I thoroughly enjoy a BLT (bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich).


The Devil's Advocate
Has pork started to chew cud ???

A reason was given by God for prohibition of pork, & unless pigs start to chew the cud, this prohibition remains valid. So christians should NOT eat pork until it chew cud:-

LEV 11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
DEUT 14:8 And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.

Have the pigs started to chew the cud NOW ??????
The laws in Leviticus and Deuteronomy were given to the children of Israel. Christians are only bound to Noahide law, not to Mosaic law.

Of course, that means that the oft-cited alleged injunctions against homosexuality are also not relevant. If Christians are going to quote Leviticus 18:22 and/or 20:13 with any authority, then they should not be eating pork, nor wearing cloth of mixed fibers, nor shaving their sideburns, and every seven years they should be forgiving all debts and re-distributing their wealth.


tri-polar optimist
I wouldn't know where to start if I had to be perfect.
I do know that my life was changed forever some thirty years ago.


The Devil's Advocate
It's not a New Testament concept, because Jesus chased the demons into all the pigs, and all the pigs jumped off the cliff to their death. For the NT, it's a non-issue, because there are clearly no pigs. What we have today are not pigs. We call them pigs, but they are clearly something else that is perfectly suited to human consumption...
So all the pigs in existence in the entire world at that time were in the herd that went hurtling off the cliff?

I always thought it was rather mean of Jesus to kill all those poor innocent piggies.

(I do not eat pork, btw. Not because I think pigs are unclean. Quite the opposite.)


Well-Known Member
The reason that I do not eat pork is that they are known to happilly eat their own feces. This is something that I cannot stomach. Sure, ham tastes alright. But just think of what that pig was eating before it made it's way between the two slices of bread. Try turkey bacon. It is better for you and has a much better taste than regular bacon anyways.


The Devil's Advocate
The reason that I do not eat pork is that they are known to happilly eat their own feces.
I have not heard that about pigs. It is true of rabbits, and it's because they need to. And if it is true of pigs, it does not bother me one bit. The body would simply absorb whatever is left that is nutritive and expel the rest. That's what the digestive system is for.

That said, I do not eat pigs because they are intelligent beings, and because the factory farms that raise pigs are causing them great suffering and are destroying the environment.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Mystery bacon is the best bacon. I always favoured chicken with a hint of cat.

But...neither cat nor chicken chew cud! How dare you!

Wait a minute! The Jews ate all kinds of things that don't chew cud. Hmmm.....Wonder if the whole "cud-chewing" thing is a red herring.....


The cake is a lie
It's not a New Testament concept, because Jesus chased the demons into all the pigs, and all the pigs jumped off the cliff to their death. For the NT, it's a non-issue, because there are clearly no pigs. What we have today are not pigs. We call them pigs, but they are clearly something else that is perfectly suited to human consumption...
Could you tell me why there are no reports all over the world of "holy crap! Our pigs ran off cliffs for no reason!"? :areyoucra

Phil Lawton

Active Member
Could you tell me why there are no reports all over the world of "holy crap! Our pigs ran off cliffs for no reason!"? :areyoucra

Because, tragically, the swine-herders (traditionally short-sighted, of course, due to the misguided belief that swine guano was good for the optic nerve if rubbed vigorously into the eyeballs) were pursuing their herds, thereby removing any witnesses to the affair.

As the whole evnts took place during the annual "Dress Like A Rodent, Squawk Like A Hawk Festival" (outlawed in 1765 after complaints from the neighbours), it gave rise to the myth that lemmings hurl themselves off cliffs.

Of course, this was confused with the "Kamikaze Lemon" cult, which sprang up around the Galilee and downtown Bethlehem areas at the same time.