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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Veteran Member
Apparently, in a Me Too setting, a man is guilty anytime a woman imputes a crime against them. That is going to make women a hot potato, that no one will go around. Your husband must be walking on eggshells. A hell of a life for him.
LOL You're psychologically projecting.

I'm sorry your life is so miserable that you have to blame women for it.

My husband and I have been quite happy for 24 years now. Thank you. He knows that I have been sexually assaulted and have had debilitating panic attacks for the last 2 decades because of it, and he encourages and supports me and helps me through it. He would never and has never sexually assaulted anyone, nor been accused of it. Despite your sexist beliefs, women don't make up sexual assaults all the time. In fact, we don't report them as much as we should, for myriad reasons given to you earlier, which I'm sure you didn't bother reading. Why learn anything when you can remain stagnant and wallow in your own ignorance, amirite? Good times.
As for a New York Court, that votes generally 2:1 Democratic, and lives under a Me Too umbrella, no real evidence is necessary to convict a man charged by a woman.
And yet evidence was presented and Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation in a court of law. The man is guilty.
As for convicting Trump of disparaging E. Carroll of being crazy, well, in most places you can't be convicted for telling the truth.
Nope, it's called defamation. Trump has been found liable for doing it. Twice now in this one case.
As time marches on, and the media and the elite experts are more or less discredited, a lot of New Yorkers are realizing that Trump is their ally and not their enemy, and any political judicial war against him may not succeed, even in a historically democratic setting. The democrats will probably have to set up something of a black swan event to try and rig any election
Trump and his co-conspirators are the only ones who have tried to rig an election. The last one.

Your attempt to transfer his guilt to the Democrats is duly noted though.
, because I am thinking their criminal proceedings are not going to wind up as they wish. E. Carrroll has her mice, cat, and dog, but what will you have when the Me Too crowd undermine their own platform?
Trump is currently sleeping through his criminal proceeding in New York. Good start for him, eh? LOL
If she is sued by Trump, with regard to her video saying the rape was not sexual, will likely cost her around 80 million dollars, plus attorney fees.
LOL You think he can sue her for saying "rape was not sexual?" How?

So how come he hasn't sued her yet?
Not that there was any interaction to start with.
Oh, it's been determined in a court of law that there was, in fact, an interaction. It's been adjudicated. You don't get to say there wasn't.
Which was one of the points of my post that you ignored and doubled down on instead.

This post was in response to, "1. Innocent until proven guilty. Not a criminal until convicted.
2. Trump found liable for fraud, sexual abuse and defamation in a civil court by judge and jury. Still innocent. Didn't do anything wrong at all. Witch hunt! It's all going to be reversed someday."

No where in your response did you come anywhere close to speaking to the point. You've just engaged in more woman bashing and repetition of your previous claims.


Well-Known Member
No where in your response did you come anywhere close to speaking to the point. You've just engaged in more woman bashing and repetition of your previous claims.
There are strong independent women, but they won't need DEI to get through life, and they don't consider themselves woman libs, and among the Progressive "woke", and they don't have a platform of complaints. Here is another DEI strong black woman who was declared the worst judge in Illinois. 'America's Worst Mayor': Illinois Democrat Accused of Covering Up Sexual Assault, Firing Victim Did you hear about the Toronto housing bubble might bust this year, indicated by the Toronto food bank use being up around 100%, and the 1.1 million average house price tags being a bit high, when full time workers can't afford their food costs. Apparently, Progressive programs bring about Marxist results. Progressive NY, Portland, Chicago, and San Francisco can try and call on the federal government to bail them out, but the Canadian federal government does not have anything in their coffers, and food bank use is way up across Canada. Just because your husband is in no position to complain about you, doesn't mean he is happy about his position. Men, even weak men, generally tend to keep their misfortunes to themselves, and they don't like change. Their only hope is the wife divorces them, without making false charges. It is better to live in an attic with a piece of bread, than to live in the house of a nagging woman (Proverbs 21:9.

9Better to live on a corner of the roof

than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife.


Well-Known Member
No, that was you.

And now you've Gish Galloped off into another tangent and you're just parroting far-right-wing talking points.

Why can't you ever stay on topic or address a single point?
The point is that you come across as a Progressive DEI woman lib Marxist, who creates their own problems, and problems for others. Oh yeah, did I mention that the last DEI black woman Supreme court justice appointee apparently never read the 1st amendment, or at least has no idea of its context. Here is another election manipulation, whereas illegal migrants are urged to vote for Biden to keep the border open, which is only possible if voter ID is kept verboten. Not that you care, but when Canada fails, where are you going to flee if the U.S. fails?


Veteran Member
The point is that you come across as a Progressive DEI woman lib Marxist, who creates their own problems, and problems for others.
Then you haven't made your point. I'm certainly not a Marxist. LOL

The point you have made is that you strongly dislike women, don't care to understand anything about them, and you will make utterly bizarre and borderline delusional claims about them at every turn. You appear to be more happy doing this than you are to actually engage in a back-and-forth discussion. You've even admitted you don't read my posts. Probably because I'm a woman.

I create my own problems? Well, I didn't sexually assault myself four different times, buddy. That was men. Men who don't seem to think women deserve any respect or dignity. Who believe that women who have strong opinions about their rights are "Marxists" and "Progressives" or "some black woman" and we "create their own problems" by being sexual abused and then having the nerve to go after the criminals who did it.

This is straight up sexism and misogyny.
Oh yeah, did I mention that the last DEI black woman Supreme court justice appointee apparently never read the 1st amendment, or at least has no idea of its context. Here is another election manipulation, whereas illegal migrants are urged to vote for Biden to keep the border open, which is only possible if voter ID is kept verboten.
Thanks for reinforcing my above points with this screed.

Why do you feel such a huge need to point out the colour of these womens' skin over and over?

Illegal immigrants can't vote, by the way.
Not that you care, but when Canada fails, where are you going to flee if the U.S. fails?

I'm more worried about the US failing at this point.


Well-Known Member
Then you haven't made your point. I'm certainly not a Marxist.
A Marxist, as with DEI adherents, holds onto the concept of equity for all. In theory, it would include diversity and inclusion. That works well as long as someone else picks up the bill and does the work of others. In practice it includes corruption and nepotism. Kind of like Trudeau's family and friends being paid by the Progressive/Socialist government, or like the Vietnamese strong liberated woman realtor being judged guilty for fraud ($44 billion) and corruption and given the death penalty by her Communist government which is trying to reclaim the faith of its people. Cuba just shut off their equity of a bowl of a minimum caloric food package to everyone, and raised the price of fuel 500%, because Russia is no longer picking up the bill. Equity is the bulwark of woman's lib, which assumes that women are equal with men. Equal with men on the edges, but not in the main, except that men are getting weaker as we speak, but lib "woke" women, or men who claim to be women, seem to be getting crazier as time goes on. Progressives at heart are all Marxist. Let someone else do the work, and the elites will claim power, and the poor will get poorer. The Marxist Venezuelans have already eaten all of their zoo animals. When Trump gets into power, the Venezuelans who voted for a communist/socialist leader, will have to break through Canadas rigid border controls to eat the Progressive Toronto Zoo animals, now under the control of the Progressive Mayor, Olivia Chow.


Veteran Member
A Marxist, as with DEI adherents, holds onto the concept of equity for all.
That would be an egalitarian.
In theory, it would include diversity and inclusion.
So does secular humanism. And many other schools of thought.
That works well as long as someone else picks up the bill and does the work of others.
So you're asserting that we can only have equality, diversity and inclusion when "someone else picks up the bill and does the work of others?"
What does that even mean?
In practice it includes corruption and nepotism.
In practice, diversity and inclusion includes corruption and nepotism?
Kind of like Trudeau's family and friends being paid by the Progressive/Socialist government,
The government pays the Prime Minister's salary, yep.
or like the Vietnamese strong liberated woman realtor being judged guilty for fraud ($44 billion) and corruption and given the death penalty by her Communist government which is trying to reclaim the faith of its people. Cuba just shut off their equity of a bowl of a minimum caloric food package to everyone, and raised the price of fuel 500%, because Russia is no longer picking up the bill.
Gish Gallop of random claims.
Equity is the bulwark of woman's lib, which assumes that women are equal with men.
All people are equal and should be afforded equal rights. Yes.
Do you believe otherwise?
Equal with men on the edges, but not in the main,
except that men are getting weaker as we speak,]
How so?
And you think that's because people believe that men and women are equal? How?
but lib "woke" women, or men who claim to be women, seem to be getting crazier as time goes on.
That's just like, your opinion, man.

You should look up the Suffragette Movement of the 19th-20th Century if you want to see some real "crazy" stuff.
Progressives at heart are all Marxist.
Let someone else do the work, and the elites will claim power, and the poor will get poorer.
This is what we've had for centuries already. Progressive want to change this.
The Marxist Venezuelans have already eaten all of their zoo animals. When Trump gets into power, the Venezuelans who voted for a communist/socialist leader, will have to break through Canadas rigid border controls to eat the Progressive Toronto Zoo animals, now under the control of the Progressive Mayor, Olivia Chow.

And once again, you've failed to respond to the content of my post. Instead, you cherry picked one sentence and went off on that, without taking anything I've said in the rest of the post into consideration. This is not the sign of an honest interlocuter.


Well-Known Member
That would be an egalitarian.
Egalitarian is the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Equity is the doctrine that all people deserve the same amount of rice in their bowl. Apparently, the Marxist nation of Cuba, has recently rescinded that order. All people are not equal. In the U.S. all people theoretically deserve equal rights under the law. People such as Me-Too Progressives, believe women should be believed before men. As for opportunities, the unequalness of candidates, winds up with unequal avenues of opportunity. If you want to be a history teacher, first learn some history.


Jesus in me
I hope we all would regret things we have may still now regret, so with the above what are you really saying?
I believe I am saying that a Christian is a new person. The old person has died under the baptismal fount and a new person has risen from it.


Veteran Member
Egalitarian is the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Equity is the doctrine that all people deserve the same amount of rice in their bowl. Apparently, the Marxist nation of Cuba, has recently rescinded that order. All people are not equal. In the U.S. all people theoretically deserve equal rights under the law. People such as Me-Too Progressives, believe women should be believed before men. As for opportunities, the unequalness of candidates, winds up with unequal avenues of opportunity. If you want to be a history teacher, first learn some history.
And again you ignore the entirety of my post.

This is about the eighteenth time you've done this now. Thus confirming my original claim of you doing just that.
I prefer discussions with honest interlocuters.


Well-Known Member
I believe I am saying that a Christian is a new person. The old person has died under the baptismal fount and a new person has risen from it.
Catholics are generally baptized as infants. They don't even know they are a "person "at the time. Did Stalin being baptized make him a "new person"? A "Christian" is simply a person who has become a follower of the false prophet Paul, and the "worthless shepherd" (Zech 11:17), Peter. They are simply persons on the wide path to "destruction" (Mt 7:13) and will acquire the plagues of Babylon in the process (Rev 18:4), if they fail to "come out of her".


Jesus in me
I can't reconcile claims of devout Christianity with support of a man like Donald Trump whose life is the antithesis of Christianity. In my view, the two positions of Christianity and Trump support are radically inconsistent.

If I were to support such a person, it would seem to me as if I had made a deal with the Devil in order to get something I want that isn't even biblical in most cases. I find that last bit ironic given that these devout supporters often flaunt biblical literalism and inerrancy.
For a Christian the past life is gone. That person is dead and a new person takes its place but even after a person becomes a Christian there is room for a lot of growth.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I believe when I write, I write the words of God and so did those men.
Now you just claimed that the "word of God" is frequently if not always wrong. Remember, it does not matter what you believe. What maters is if you can support your claims and I have never seen you do that. Why on Earth would you go on a debating site if all that you can ever do is to say "I believe"?

Banach-Tarski Paradox

Well-Known Member
Which parts do you consider true? Please be specific.

As an atheist, I don’t claim to be a Christian.

Like Bertrand Russell, I tend to pick and choose, I suppose.

You could, of course, if you liked, say that there was a superior deity who gave orders to the God who made this world, or could take up the line that some of the gnostics took up—a line which I often thought was a very plausible one—that as a matter of fact this world that we know was made by the devil at a moment when God was not looking. There is a good deal to be said for that, and I am not concerned to refute it.

Bertrand Russell

Why I am not a Christian (1927)

"Gracias a diós y nuestro señor salvador, fue el diablo el que me enseñó a tocar violin."

"Thanks to God and our Lord Savior, it was the Devil who taught me how to play the violin"

Felipe Ibarra, violinista

(page 130)

Las amas de los violines 'negros'

Dr. Paloma Muñoz (Anthropologist)

PDF: repositorio.unicauca.edu.co:8080/bitstream/handle/123456789/2222/TESIS%2520PALOMA%2520MU%C3%91OZ%2520FINAL.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
