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Does having a religion make you a better person?

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Some people might believe that the religious are supreme to the non-religious while the non-religious might seem themselves as supreme to the religious. o_O
I don’t think religion makes one a better person. I actually think practicing a religion is very deceptively dangerous because it can cause one to believe they are a good person, feed pride and self-righteousness, and look down on others.
In contrast to religion, acknowledging one’s need for the Savior to change and transform their life on a daily basis, causes one to walk in humility, gratitude, and grace.
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Well-Known Member
Just seems an extreme position. I'm not sure there's 6 billion wicked people on leashes around the world.
Not 6 billion. The rather large subset of the 2 billion Christians who think that all humans are born depraved, full of sin, and deserving of hell

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It can, depending on what one learns. Atheists never would though, too literalistic with words. Too smart, none too wise.
Too literal yet Percy Shelley's poetry is still read today. Too literal, but George Carlin made word play a routine part of his shows. Too literal, but Steve Martin has written plays deeply saturated in metaphor and imagry. Too literal, but Douglas Adams is a beloved author still years after his death.
None too wise, yet Hawkins, Dawkins, Harris and Turing are top of their fields.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not 6 billion. The rather large subset of the 2 billion Christians who think that all humans are born depraved, full of sin, and deserving of hell
Thise 2 billion do NOT all believe that. Like the Episcopal Priest who got me over such a mentality that did view and hold all Christians as guilty. That's just not the case, and many emphasis the love part amd do not believe thier god is hateful and cruel.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Being a Christian was an awful experience for me, and it didn't make me a better person or improve my life. I was always anxious, fearful, and miserably depressed, and I had to deal with a lot of other Christians who were judgmental, rude, obnoxious, hateful, and bigoted. That's not to mention the guilt trips and shaming I received from Christians who would remind me that I could still go to hell if I died with unrepentant sins or would accuse me of being morally depraved and deserving of hell. Being a Wiccan and a new druid, on the other hand, has been a very positive experience for me and has made me a happier person. I will say that my mental health has vastly improved since I renounced my Christian faith, and that has helped me be a better person, in my opinion. My mental health and my life have significantly improved since I let go of all the fearmongering antics and guilt trips about allegedly sinning against God and needing a savior that were imposed upon me when I was a Christian. I've finally experienced joy and peace, and I'm content with my life.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Some people might believe that the religious are supreme to the non-religious while the non-religious might seem themselves as supreme to the religious. o_O
It all depends all on the person. Normally, religious people should have a higher standard but in this age of consumerism and materialism we find the religious get swept away too so that explains why we have billions of religious people but not world peace, or an end to poverty etc. lip service doesn’t help humanity and basically there’s not enough true religion to make a difference in the world today.


Weedian Magnus
Too literal yet Percy Shelley's poetry is still read today. Too literal, but George Carlin made word play a routine part of his shows. Too literal, but Steve Martin has written plays deeply saturated in metaphor and imagry. Too literal, but Douglas Adams is a beloved author still years after his death.
None too wise, yet Hawkins, Dawkins, Harris and Turing are top of their fields.
Most scientists believe in god. Most religious folk would say you are confused, myself included. What's your actual defense?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No. Better behavior demonstrates the character of anyone, regardless of religion or the lack thereof.
I'm in a mood to argue.
Better behaviors really don't necessarily reflect character. Could be it's all surface deep just to try ti get out of jail or Hell.
I also fully get and understand the thinking of "what stops you doing it without god being there?" Like me. I've always had a vulgar, profane, lewd and indecent mouth. I may have flipped tye switch off for Jesus, but it was always there and very shortly after I left the Church I remember a friend looking at me weird as I was trying to get in a certain radio station (X103.3) and cussing up a storm because it wasn't coming in. "It's weird hearing you cuss," my friend said. But I wanted that great music I had denied myself for Jesus. Cobain and Veder are better moral teachers than the church anyways.


I'm in a mood to argue.
Better behaviors really don't necessarily reflect character. Could be it's all surface deep just to try ti get out of jail or Hell.
I also fully get and understand the thinking of "what stops you doing it without god being there?" Like me. I've always had a vulgar, profane, lewd and indecent mouth. I may have flipped tye switch off for Jesus, but it was always there and very shortly after I left the Church I remember a friend looking at me weird as I was trying to get in a certain radio station (X103.3) and cussing up a storm because it wasn't coming in. "It's weird hearing you cuss," my friend said. But I wanted that great music I had denied myself for Jesus. Cobain and Veder are better moral teachers than the church anyways.
I didn't say all behavior or just behavior in itself. Better behavior as compassion and the like.


Being a Christian was an awful experience for me, and it didn't make me a better person or improve my life. I was always anxious, fearful, and miserably depressed, and I had to deal with a lot of other Christians who were judgmental, rude, obnoxious, hateful, and bigoted. That's not to mention the guilt trips and shaming I received from Christians who would remind me that I could still go to hell if I died with unrepentant sins or would accuse me of being morally depraved and deserving of hell. Being a Wiccan and a new druid, on the other hand, has been a very positive experience for me and has made me a happier person. I will say that my mental health has vastly improved since I renounced my Christian faith, and that has helped me be a better person, in my opinion. My mental health and my life have significantly improved since I let go of all the fearmongering antics and guilt trips about allegedly sinning against God and needing a savior that were imposed upon me when I was a Christian. I've finally experienced joy and peace, and I'm content with my life.
I’m truly sorry for the awful experience you endured all those years in the Christian religion. No truly born again believer who has an understanding of biblical redemption would ever tell you that you’d go to hell if you died with unrepentant sins. Clearly, what you have described was not the saving grace and love of Jesus.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Most scientists believe in god. Most religious folk would say you are confused, myself included. What's your actual defense?
Actually only about half of them do believe in god.
And of course a number of religious people would say I'm confused (I strongly suspect this would be heavily and mostly conservative and orthodox Christians and Muslims). They think those who don't believe in their god are foolish, hedonistic nihilists, especially regarding those who have no religion or gods.
My defense is you have no idea how atheists have shaped the world (we're having this conversation because of an atheist's efforts into computers). We love their poetry, their movies, their music, their philosophies and their inventions and discoveries. You say they arw too literal and not wise, and that's your problem for not realizing how atheists have contributed to society.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have no idea what you think is BS or why. I can’t think of any reason to care or speculate either. Either clarify or I’ll take you off my radar as a waste of time.
It's the fact and reality a lot of Christians don't actually share in that view.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I’m truly sorry for the awful experience you endured all those years in the Christian religion. No truly born again believer who has an understanding of biblical redemption would ever tell you that you’d go to hell if you died with unrepentant sins. Clearly, what you have described was not the saving grace and love of Jesus.
I love that denial because it's hastening Christianity's decline. A good deal of you don't want to accept that even their own egregiously misbehave and would rather just dismiss people outright than acknowledge a problem.


Active Member
It's the fact and reality a lot of Christians don't actually share in that view.

So I guess you think I’m under estimating the intellect and good intentions of American Christians. I’m still guessing what motivates your hostility but so far I still don’t care.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Being a Christian was an awful experience for me, and it didn't make me a better person or improve my life. I was always anxious, fearful, and miserably depressed, and I had to deal with a lot of other Christians who were judgmental, rude, obnoxious, hateful, and bigoted. That's not to mention the guilt trips and shaming I received from Christians who would remind me that I could still go to hell if I died with unrepentant sins or would accuse me of being morally depraved and deserving of hell. Being a Wiccan and a new druid, on the other hand, has been a very positive experience for me and has made me a happier person. I will say that my mental health has vastly improved since I renounced my Christian faith, and that has helped me be a better person, in my opinion. My mental health and my life have significantly improved since I let go of all the fearmongering antics and guilt trips about allegedly sinning against God and needing a savior that were imposed upon me when I was a Christian. I've finally experienced joy and peace, and I'm content with my life.
The big problem with believers is that they never question and later complain about their experience. Question! Question! Question! Who taught you these things? Men. Religious leaders. Who gave them their authority? Not God but other men!! So they are dressed up in robes or whatever, practicing some sort of holier than thou attitude to make themselves and whatever they say appear holy and from God but it’s all fake and nonsense. No God ever gave them any special power, authority or knowledge yet people allow these imposters to control their very lives and dictate to them right and wrong, good and bad and immoral and moral.

That’s the grave mistake billions of religious people have made. The Holy Books don’t endorse popes or any individual or any course for religious leadership so we should not be listening to these men or those who follow them. Otherwise we become like 70% of humans - BRAINWASHED!
I have my own mind to think with for myself and from my research I find no guilt or problems come from the Prophets or Holy Books but if I followed priests I would be mentally deranged by now because they teach fear and guilt to scare their followers. They damage our minds if we let them.

I believe in the Christ that taught love not the one that priests talk about Satan and the devil to frighten their followers. The Bible is about love but these leaders use it to damage the minds of others to keep their followers from leaving.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I’m truly sorry for the awful experience you endured all those years in the Christian religion. No truly born again believer who has an understanding of biblical redemption would ever tell you that you’d go to hell if you died with unrepentant sins. Clearly, what you have described was not the saving grace and love of Jesus.

The big problem with believers is that they never question and later complain about their experience. Question! Question! Question! Who taught you these things? Men. Religious leaders. Who gave them their authority? Not God but other men!! So they are dressed up in robes or whatever, practicing some sort of holier than thou attitude to make themselves and whatever they say appear holy and from God but it’s all fake and nonsense. No God ever gave them any special power, authority or knowledge yet people allow these imposters to control their very lives and dictate to them right and wrong, good and bad and immoral and moral.

That’s the grave mistake billions of religious people have made. The Holy Books don’t endorse popes or any individual or any course for religious leadership so we should not be listening to these men or those who follow them. Otherwise we become like 70% of humans - BRAINWASHED!
I have my own mind to think with for myself and from my research I find no guilt or problems come from the Prophets or Holy Books but if I followed priests I would be mentally deranged by now because they teach fear and guilt to scare their followers. They damage our minds if we let them.

I believe in the Christ that taught love not the one that priests talk about Satan and the devil to frighten their followers. The Bible is about love but these leaders use it to damage the minds of others to keep their followers from leaving.

Sorry, but the No True Scotsman fallacy doesn't work with me. In fact, I believe that it is a lousy excuse and a very weak defensive argument.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I love that denial because it's hastening Christianity's decline. A good deal of you don't want to accept that even their own egregiously misbehave and would rather just dismiss people outright than acknowledge a problem.

^ This. In my opinion, what you said cannot be emphasized enough. Truer words have never been spoken.