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Well-Known Member
Why? Proof isn't your criterion for belief? None of your religious beliefs are proven, and they're all "just opinions." Your fallacy is called special pleading, or unjustified double standard.
What is true in your post here is that you have a double standard. You are unable to prove there is no God yet you ask for proof that there is God while ignoring what was written in response to you in the majority of the post content you left out and are unwilling to discuss with me in order to simply repeat yourself. As posted earlier, no one can see or know God if they continue to seek God in their sins and unbelief. According to the scriptures finding God is conditional to us believing and obeying what Gods Word says (see Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 5:32; John 3:3-7; John 3:36). Practicing sin and unbelief is what separates us from God according to Isaiah 59:2. Unless we are born again we cannot see the kingdom of Heaven and know God. If we continue in our sins and unbelief we will never find God but be forever lost in our sins and unbelief and only meet God come judgement day according to the scriptures because we never tried to find God in Gods appointed way (Hebrews 9:27; Jeremiah 29:13; John 3:36).
What I've offered is a plausible hypothesis. You won't find any error of fact in it.
Unfortunately, all you have offered is your opinion unsupported by any facts, full of errors, while simply ignoring all the post content, scriptures and questions that were in disagreement with you earlier. Did you have something to contribute towards the OP? I am guess not.
3rdAngel said: The scriptures teach many will be sad at that day knowing what they have forever lost when they could have at least made the effort to seek and find God but refused to do so much rather seeking to hide in their lies, myths, sins and unbelief for season then realizing only too late that what they gave up was worth more than life itself.
Your response here...
Why should that matter to me? "Proof" - or rather, compelling evidence - *IS* my currency for belief, so I'm going to have to repeat your own words above to you. You're going to need to give me a reason to consider this more than just an unevidenced claim that you've chosen to believe for no reason apparent to me. There's nothing else of value to me there apart from a peek at how people thought then compared to now. I view your scriptures like we both view ALL other scripture.
Lets be honest. You ask for proof there is God yet in the same breath you are unable to prove there is no God. You must have doubts in your mind thinking what if God is real? What will happen to me if I am wrong? The thing is that anyone can know and find God if they are willing in Gods appointed way as revealed through His scriptures. As posted earlier, no one can see or know God if they continue to seek God in their sins and unbelief. Practicing sin and unbelief is what separates us from God according to Isaiah 59:2. According to the scriptures and the words of Jesus " Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God and again "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. You will never find God in your sins and unbelief dear friend. I have already found God so I have no doubt and all the proof I need. God knows me and I know Him. You are of course free to believe as you wish. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. Although all those who leave if until this time will only find that they spent their whole life rejecting God and His Word and have now become Gods enemies. According to the scriptures it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:26-31).

Take Care.
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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You are unable to prove there is no God
Nor need I to reject god claims. Such "proof" wouldn't be of any value to either of us, anyway, since I don't need it to be an atheist, and you don't base your beliefs in empiricism, nor are you affected by contradictory evidenced argument.
yet you ask for proof that there is God
No, I don't. I ask for evidence that supports belief before believing.
while ignoring what was written in response to you in the majority of the post content you left out and are unwilling to discuss with me in order to simply repeat yourself.
Most of your post was scripture? Did you want me to discuss scripture with you? OK. I don't consider it authoritative. I skipped over it all as I have the scripture in this next post that I am answering now.

Here are two old comments I made years ago on another site in response to people posting their scriptures. They're a little more snarky than I would write them today, but the sentiments are the same. These are empty words to you as your scriptures are to me:

[1] "It must be difficult for you imagine what that sounds like to a non-Christian. Let me share some sacred Muslim scripture with you to illustrate:[or Here's something equally valuable from the Muslim scriptures as a token of my esteem and gratitude :]: "Wherein they will hear no unsuitable speech. Within it is a flowing spring. Within it are couches raised high" - Qu'ran Al-Ghashiyah 88:11 - Please write these wise words down, or commit them to memory to inspire your remaining days."

[2] "You have no idea how much that means to me. And may Raël focus his inner eye on your chakra and astrally project your aura to the yin and yan dimension of Xanadu."

Did you find either of those edifying? If not, then maybe you can understand why I don't want to see your scripture, either.
Unfortunately, all you have offered is your opinion unsupported by any facts, full of errors
I wrote, "What I've offered is a plausible hypothesis. You won't find any error of fact in it." There were no errors. If there were, you could demonstrate them rather than leave an unvidenced, unargued claim.
Did you have something to contribute towards the OP?
Nothing more.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You're cherry picking. There's no reason to ignore Matthew 5:18, and the two commandments can be interpreted as a summary, not a replacement.
So, you don't believe in what Jesus said about "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these Two Commandments.”.



Well-Known Member
So, you don't believe in what Jesus said about "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these Two Commandments.”.
Why would I care that you think so? Anyone can read what I wrote about it being interpreted as a summary.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Why would I care that you think so? Anyone can read what I wrote about it being interpreted as a summary.
It's a "summary" based on the simple fact that Gentiles were and are not bound by Jewish Law. This is clearly where Jesus was coming from, which is why Paul later said that any Gentile that wanted to be circumcised was not doing Jesus' will.


Well-Known Member
It's a "summary" based on the simple fact that Gentiles were and are not bound by Jewish Law.
It's got nothing to do with the Gentiles. The gospel of Matthew is recognised as being for written a Judean audience, not a Hellenized one. What Paul wrote came later, so it's irrelevant to the context of the interpretation of Matthew.


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't God send a message to earth to clear it up as the when he wants to be worshipped?
Not a theist myself, but if this omni-everything being does exist it wouldn't need worshipping and is probably really depressed at seeing all these people arguing over words in books.

Seems to me that many of those in these threads have deified their books which , in their own terms, is idol worship. Right?


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that many of those in these threads have deified their books which , in their own terms, is idol worship. Right?
Yes, for example calling inanimate books "God breathed". Logically it's a form of circular reasoning, holding to ideas that have no actual connection to the real world. Overcoming this problem involves validation of the text, the usual approach being to find prophetic references that couldn't reasonably be expected to be due to simple coincidence.

What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols?
Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it [is] laid over with gold and silver, and [there is] no breath at all in the midst of it.
Habakkuk 2:18-19


Well-Known Member
Nor need I to reject god claims. Such "proof" wouldn't be of any value to either of us, anyway, since I don't need it to be an atheist, and you don't base your beliefs in empiricism, nor are you affected by contradictory evidenced argument.
Sure you do. If you cannot prove there is no God then all you have is unproven claims and opinions not based on any empirical evidence. So your arguments are simply a double standard and hypocritical in my view. As for me as posted earlier it is not up to me to prove God to you. I have already found God and know God is true so God does not need to be proven to me if I have already met God and know God. As posted earlier in the post content you leave out of our discussion, no one can see or know God if they continue to seek God in their sins and unbelief. According to the scriptures finding God is conditional to us believing and obeying what Gods Word says (see Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 5:32; John 3:3-7; John 3:36). Practicing sin and unbelief is what separates us from God according to Isaiah 59:2. Unless we are born again we cannot see the kingdom of Heaven and know God. If we continue in our sins and unbelief we will never find God but be forever lost in our sins and unbelief and only meet God come judgement day according to the scriptures because we never tried to find God in Gods appointed way (Hebrews 9:27; Jeremiah 29:13; John 3:36).
No, I don't. I ask for evidence that supports belief before believing.
Then you will never find God because believing is the first condition of finding God (see Hebrew 11:6; John 3:36). If you continue in your sins and unbelief you will never meet God in this life because our sins are what separate us from Gods presence (see Isaiah 59:2). All those who continue in their sins and unbelief according to the scriptures however, will meet God once day, but at that day will be Gods enemy because you choose to live a life in sin and unbelief and rejected Gods free gift love mercy grace and forgiveness. Only death and sadness await all those who travel down that road (Hebrews 10:26-31).
Most of your post was scripture? Did you want me to discuss scripture with you? OK. I don't consider it authoritative. I skipped over it all as I have the scripture in this next post that I am answering now.
Many people follow that path. According to the scriptures it is written; Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:13-14
Here are two old comments I made years ago on another site in response to people posting their scriptures. They're a little more snarky than I would write them today, but the sentiments are the same. These are empty words to you as your scriptures are to me:

[1] "It must be difficult for you imagine what that sounds like to a non-Christian. Let me share some sacred Muslim scripture with you to illustrate:[or Here's something equally valuable from the Muslim scriptures as a token of my esteem and gratitude :]: "Wherein they will hear no unsuitable speech. Within it is a flowing spring. Within it are couches raised high" - Qu'ran Al-Ghashiyah 88:11 - Please write these wise words down, or commit them to memory to inspire your remaining days."

[2] "You have no idea how much that means to me. And may Raël focus his inner eye on your chakra and astrally project your aura to the yin and yan dimension of Xanadu."

Did you find either of those edifying? If not, then maybe you can understand why I don't want to see your scripture, either.

I wrote, "What I've offered is a plausible hypothesis. You won't find any error of fact in it." There were no errors. If there were, you could demonstrate them rather than leave an unvidenced, unargued claim.
Let me tell you a little about me. I use to be an atheist just like you. One day I was sitting on the back of a bus with some friends going out, on a night out on the town like we always use to do every pay day when I was younger. All of a sudden a thought came to me. "There must be more to life than working, partying, eating, drinking, sleeping and dying?" Ever had those thoughts IANS?

As an Atheist I knew I could never prove that there was no God. There was simply no evidence to disprove God. So I started thinking, "What if I am wrong and God is real? I do not really know if God is real or not real. This thought kind of worried me a little deep down in side as I am one of those people that wants to find out what is real and what is not real. For me personally the scientist in me said why not go and find out if God is real or not, what have you got to lose and see if God is in these so called religions in the world. Unlike many people I did not focus on one religions I looked into many for as long as I could determine if God was there or not there. That is what I sought out to do. I thought to myself if God is in these religions I will find him. If I do not find God then at least I can say that I know God is not real because I have tried to find Him and He was not there.

So I started with Buddhism and meditation... did not find God or peace there. I then moved to Taoism and other eastern religions. Did not find God and peace there either. I then looked at New Age religions. Did not find God there just a lifestyle like all the other religions I looked into earlier that I thought God might be in. I then for a short time looked into Islam and Hinduism. I did not find God or peace there either. Thinking my journey was nearly over and that there was no God. The last one I thought to try was the one I thought I would never find God which was why I left it until last, and that was in Christianity.

I decided not go to any Church but I started reading the bible and praying with an opened mind praying God if you are out there let me find you. After some time I started reading Gods Words and His Words did not seem to be the Words of a book like other religions. I felt a peaceful presence with me like someone was with me guiding me and looking after me. To cut a long story short. The very last place I expected to find God was in the very last place I looked for God and that was in His Word (the bible). Gods Word (the scriptures) led me to find God. It was like Gods presence was speaking to me through His Words (the scriptures in the Hebrew bible and also in the New Testament scriptures.

After some time praying and trying to seek to know God through His Word and having answered prayers over time... too many to count, I started having these dreams that were not like dreams I had ever had in the past, but very vivid. I have had various dreams of meeting with Jesus and even with an Angel telling me some personal things that were going to take place in my life (it happened).... I now can honestly say I know there is a God and I have no doubts that God is real. It is the same God as the Hebrew bible. I know God and He knows me.... I was an atheist but God has proven me wrong and has changed my life. He sent me to university to study science. Now I am a Research Scientist working for my countries Government and I share His Word with all those who want to know Him and are seeking to find Him. God is always there waiting to help those who seek him and call upon Him but he will not be found by those who hide themselves from Him in their sins and unbelief asking Him to prove Himself to them before they believe. This is why I disagree with what you posted. You have only provided your opinion. It is not based on any fact, evidence or experience. If you seek to find God in your sins and unbelief you will never find God but will be lost in your sins and unbelief according to the scriptures. You will meet God one day but that day will be too late for you. Until that time all you will have now is the burning question that I once had. What if I am wrong?

Take Care.
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Well-Known Member
It's a "summary" based on the simple fact that Gentiles were and are not bound by Jewish Law. This is clearly where Jesus was coming from, which is why Paul later said that any Gentile that wanted to be circumcised was not doing Jesus' will.
Depends on what you mean by Jewish Law. In the new covenant no one is bound by the old covenant Mosaic laws of atonement (animal sacrifices and sin offerings for forgiveness of sins, or even circumcision of the flesh. These were for the time then present under the Old covenant prior to the coming of Gods promised Messiah in Jesus and Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world.

However, Gods 10 commandments are the work of God alone that were spoken and written with Gods own finger (see Exodus 20:1-17; Exodus 32:16-18). Everyone of Gods 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament as the standard of Christian living. Gods 10 commandments are the standard of GOOD (moral right doing when obeyed) and EVIL (moral wrong doing when disobeyed); SIN (moral wrong doing when disobeyed) and righteousness (moral right doing when obeyed) see Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:172. Gods law shows us our duty of love to God and man and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11; Romans 6:23; Romans 3:31; Hebrews 10:26-31).

Take Care.


Veteran Member
Why is that? That is what the scriptures say not me... see Isaiah 55:8-9; John 7:17; John 14:26; John 16:13; 1 John 2:27. No one can know Gods Word unless God guides them with His Spirit.
"...guides them with his Spirit" ????
Why not clearly written, non ambiguous instructions?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you cannot prove there is no God then all you have is unproven claims and opinions not based on any empirical evidence.
What unproven claim is that? I claim that I don't believe in any gods.
I now can honestly say I know there is a God and I have no doubts that God is real.
That's what *I* call an "unproven claim and opinion not based on any empirical evidence"
it is not up to me to prove God to you.
No, it's not. Nor have I asked you or anybody else to.
you will never find God because believing is the first condition of finding God
That's the formula for self-deception: 'First I choose to believe something, then I believe it.' What can't you believe using that method?
According to the scriptures it is written ...
I've told you that I don't read scripture. I just don't care what it says. When I saw "(see Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 5:32; John 3:3-7; John 3:36)" I knew that it was nothing I cared to read. Why can't you understand that? I gave you examples of what it's like to hear somebody else with beliefs you don't share offering advice from their belief set. You didn't even bother to comment you saw it. If you understand why you didn't care about any other ism's words, you can understand why you scripture is just like that for me. You'll need to make compelling arguments yourself if you want to persuade. That's not the way to go about it.
All of a sudden a thought came to me. "There must be more to life than working, partying, eating, drinking, sleeping and dying?" Ever had those thoughts IANS?
Sure, very young. One of my investigations was a decade in Christianity beginning about that age. Then I returned to atheism and humanism, went to school, married (happily the second time), devoted much of my life to travel, art, and music, and retired to paradise. That's what life is at its best - love, friends, beauty, peace, and a sense of connection and belonging in one's world. And if there is consciousness after death, we'll discover that then and explore that.
So I started thinking, "What if I am wrong and God is real? I do not really know if God is real or not real. This thought kind of worried me a little deep down in side
That's why the fiction of hell was devised - to put the sting in the answer to "What if I'm wrong?" It's to prevent thinking like you just read, which liberates one from the bondage of the empty threats of a god created for the purpose of threatening man and giving him commands. But they made mistakes inventing this god that let us understand that it is a fiction. It's an allegedly perfect god who also regrets his mistake and tries to correct it with another mistake by using the same breeding stock. It's an allegedly tri-omni god that presides over a world full of what would be needless suffering if such a god existed. That's the Wizard of Oz, and we can see who's pulling the strings.
It is the same God as the Hebrew bible.
That's the one I rejected. I consider that god ruled out. There were no six days of creation or first two human beings. If there's a god, it's not that one.

Critical thinking allowed me to understand that god claims were all fictions and poetry or worse and to reject them again. And I have never regretted the return to atheistic humanism and am grateful that I possessed the tools to get out of that mental pitfall I had willfully walked into. I was still able to experience cognitive dissonance despite having chosen to suspend disbelief and was still able to evaluate evidence und understood what it revealed. So, I escaped. Without those tools, I'd have been locked in. That's why I say that learning that skill was one of the best things that happened to me. It has served me repeatedly since. With it, I have no trouble knowing whether to take a vaccine, where there is a climatological catastrophe looming, or who won the last American presidential election.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Depends on what you mean by Jewish Law. In the new covenant no one is bound by the old covenant Mosaic laws of atonement (animal sacrifices and sin offerings for forgiveness of sins, or even circumcision of the flesh. These were for the time then present under the Old covenant prior to the coming of Gods promised Messiah in Jesus and Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world.

However, Gods 10 commandments are the work of God alone that were spoken and written with Gods own finger (see Exodus 20:1-17; Exodus 32:16-18). Everyone of Gods 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament as the standard of Christian living. Gods 10 commandments are the standard of GOOD (moral right doing when obeyed) and EVIL (moral wrong doing when disobeyed); SIN (moral wrong doing when disobeyed) and righteousness (moral right doing when obeyed) see Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:172. Gods law shows us our duty of love to God and man and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11; Romans 6:23; Romans 3:31; Hebrews 10:26-31).

Take Care.
There are 613 Commandments in Torah, and the Decalogue are only the first 10. Per the NT, Gentiles do not fall under Jewish Law [halacha], which is a point Paul repeatedly makes. Instead, as Jesus proclaimed, there are only Two Laws we are to follow: love of God and love of others, and the entire law was and is based on this.


Well-Known Member
There are 613 Commandments in Torah, and the Decalogue are only the first 10. Per the NT, Gentiles do not fall under Jewish Law [halacha], which is a point Paul repeatedly makes. Instead, as Jesus proclaimed, there are only Two Laws we are to follow: love of God and love of others, and the entire law was and is based on this.
According to the scriptures, no one is under the laws of atonement, circumcision and sin offerings from the Mosaic book of the law as these were all types pointing to the promised Messiah in Jesus and Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world once and for all. However, everyone of Gods 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament as the standard of Christian living. Gods 10 commandments are the standard of GOOD (moral right doing when obeyed) and EVIL (moral wrong doing when disobeyed); SIN (moral wrong doing when disobeyed) and righteousness (moral right doing when obeyed) see Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:172. Gods law shows us our duty of love to God and man and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11; Romans 6:23; Romans 3:31; Hebrews 10:26-31).

Without Gods 10 commandments we have no knowledge of what sin is. If we so not know what sin is we do not know we are sinners in need of a Savior from sin. If you have no Savior from sin you are lost in your sins and the scriptures are fulfilled in your ear, " For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law" The very definition of sin in the bible is the transgression of the law and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11 compare 1 John 2:3-4). You do greatly err not understanding the scriptures. Jesus says in Matthew 9:12-13 "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go you and learn what that means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (go learn what that means),

No one can claim to love God or neighbor by if the make idols and bow down to them and use Gods name in vain or commit adultery with their neighbors spouse. This is called sin in the new testament scriptures and it is not how we love God and neighbor (see Romans 13:8-10 and James 2:10-11; 1 John 3:4). According to the scriptures love is expressed in obeying to Gods law from the heart not breaking it.

Take Care.
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Well-Known Member
What unproven claim is that? I claim that I don't believe in any gods.
Your an atheist right. Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no God or disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings. (Dictionary.com). The non-existence of God or there is no God is something you cannot prove right?
That's what *I* call an "unproven claim and opinion not based on any empirical evidence"
As posted earlier I do not need to prove that to you. That is already proven to me so for me I know it it true and have no doubts. Proving my own personal experience with God to you is like me taking a bite of an amazing fruit and asking you what my fruit tastes like. Now if my personal experience with God was a one off you could perhaps argue pink flying elephant no evidence. But if my experience in meeting God was not a once off event and people from all over the world starting claiming the same experiences then your argument loses its weight and empirical evidence although not proving the existence of God starts proving that the existence of God cannot be discounted due to replication. You talk empirical evidence but it is all around you and you simply ignore it. Today there are over 2.6 billion Christians in the world today from nearly every country in the world today most professing to have met God? That must be an amazing coincidence in your eyes. Also, as posted earlier, no one can see or know God if they continue to seek God in their sins and unbelief. Practicing sin and unbelief is what separates us from God according to Isaiah 59:2. Unless we are born again we cannot see the kingdom of Heaven and know God. Yet once again you will always have that burning question (what if I am wrong).
That's the formula for self-deception: 'First I choose to believe something, then I believe it.' What can't you believe using that method?
I use to believe that as an atheist. I thought to give faith in Gods Word and repentance of me sins a try to see if God was real as faith and repentance are Gods conditions for finding Him through His Word. Now I am convinced that it is self deception to think you can ever find God if you continue in your sins and unbelief when it is our sins and unbelief that separate us from God. Now lets get real. If there was a God (I say that on your behalf I know there is a God) then why can't he set the conditions on how and who he chooses to reveal Himself to? I did not set the conditions for meeting with God. This is something God made through His Word. The scriptures are how we find God. They are like a lamp and a map when the road is dark and narrow (John 3:36; Matthew 7:13-26).
I've told you that I don't read scripture. I just don't care what it says. When I saw "(see Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 5:32; John 3:3-7; John 3:36)" I knew that it was nothing I cared to read. Why can't you understand that? I gave you examples of what it's like to hear somebody else with beliefs you don't share offering advice from their belief set. You didn't even bother to comment you saw it. If you understand why you didn't care about any other ism's words, you can understand why you scripture is just like that for me. You'll need to make compelling arguments yourself if you want to persuade. That's not the way to go about it.
Yet here you are in a scripture debate forum. How ironic. Maybe you came to the wrong place. The only reason I posted those scriptures if you took the time to read the rest of my post instead of micro quoting me you would see that those scriptures was only provided in support of what I have been telling you from the beginning. That is according to the scriptures, no one can see or know God if they continue to seek God in their sins and unbelief. Practicing sin and unbelief is what separates us from God. If we continue in our sins and unbelief we will be forever lost in our sins and unbelief and only meet God come judgement day according to the scriptures because we never tried to find God in Gods appointed way. This is why you cannot find God.
Sure, very young. One of my investigations was a decade in Christianity beginning about that age. Then I returned to atheism and humanism, went to school, married (happily the second time), devoted much of my life to travel, art, and music, and retired to paradise. That's what life is at its best - love, friends, beauty, peace, and a sense of connection and belonging in one's world. And if there is consciousness after death, we'll discover that then and explore that.
This section of your post reminds me of the scripture in Hebrews 10:26-31 that says; "26, For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, 27, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. 28, He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29, Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, with which he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has done despite to the Spirit of grace? 30, For we know him that has said, Vengeance belongs to me, I will recompense, said the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. 31, It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. For me these scriptures state your experience perfectly. If you stay in known unrepentant sin according to these scriptures you will not need to worry about the afterlife. You will die in your sins and will need to stand before God. If you had peace in your life you would not be here right now spending all your time in Religious Forums.
That's why the fiction of hell was devised
I agree. Biblically there is no such thing as the Roman Catholics version of eternal burning Hell. The Hebrew and Greek simply means the place of the dead. In most context it is a reference to the grave. In others the judgements of God.
"What if I'm wrong?" It's to prevent thinking like you just read, which liberates one from the bondage of the empty threats of a god created for the purpose of threatening man and giving him commands. But they made mistakes inventing this god that let us understand that it is a fiction. It's an allegedly perfect god who also regrets his mistake and tries to correct it with another mistake by using the same breeding stock. It's an allegedly tri-omni god that presides over a world full of what would be needless suffering if such a god existed. That's the Wizard of Oz, and we can see who's pulling the strings.
The fact is as humans we can be right or we can be wrong. Both can have either positive or negative consequences right? So there is nothing wrong with critical thinking. Being wrong can also mean that our understanding of what we thought was right were simply lies so we should always be prepared to examine ourselves. Lets also be honest here. We are all in bondage to sin. Which is defined in the scriptures as breaking Gods law and not believing and obeying what Gods Word says. Society and countries are governed by law millions of different law to promote civil rest and they still do not work because people break them. It is sin (breaking law) that is the cause of all sorrow and suffering that is in our world today. It is mankind's departed from God that has caused their own sin and suffering. Sin (breaking Gods law and unbelief) is what we are in bondage to and it is sin that is the cause of sorrow and death. We play in it we will be lost in it.
Critical thinking allowed me to understand that god claims were all fictions and poetry or worse and to reject them again. And I have never regretted the return to atheistic humanism and am grateful that I possessed the tools to get out of that mental pitfall I had willfully walked into. I was still able to experience cognitive dissonance despite having chosen to suspend disbelief and was still able to evaluate evidence und understood what it revealed. So, I escaped. Without those tools, I'd have been locked in. That's why I say that learning that skill was one of the best things that happened to me. It has served me repeatedly since. With it, I have no trouble knowing whether to take a vaccine, where there is a climatological catastrophe looming, or who won the last American presidential election.
Sounds like critical lies to me from someone who was once a Christian and gave their life to God but then fell back into temptation and sin which led them away from God and His Word into unbelief in fulfillment of the scriptures in Hebrews 10:26-31 as posted earlier. Yet here you are today in the Religious forums because I believe deep down inside you have no peace and the burning question "What if I am wrong?". Please forgive me but I do not believe you learned critical thinking. So we will agree to disagree on that.

Take Care.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
According to the scriptures, no one is under the laws of atonement, circumcision and sin offerings from the Mosaic book of the law as these were all types pointing to the promised Messiah in Jesus and Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world once and for all. However, everyone of Gods 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament as the standard of Christian living. Gods 10 commandments are the standard of GOOD (moral right doing when obeyed) and EVIL (moral wrong doing when disobeyed); SIN (moral wrong doing when disobeyed) and righteousness (moral right doing when obeyed) see Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:172. Gods law shows us our duty of love to God and man and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11; Romans 6:23; Romans 3:31; Hebrews 10:26-31).

Without Gods 10 commandments we have no knowledge of what sin is. If we so not know what sin is we do not know we are sinners in need of a Savior from sin. If you have no Savior from sin you are lost in your sins and the scriptures are fulfilled in your ear, " For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law" The very definition of sin in the bible is the transgression of the law and according to James if we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin and death (see James 2:10-11 compare 1 John 2:3-4). You do greatly err not understanding the scriptures. Jesus says in Matthew 9:12-13 "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go you and learn what that means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (go learn what that means),

No one can claim to love God or neighbor by if the make idols and bow down to them and use Gods name in vain or commit adultery with their neighbors spouse. This is called sin in the new testament scriptures and it is not how we love God and neighbor (see Romans 13:8-10 and James 2:10-11; 1 John 3:4). According to the scriptures love is expressed in obeying to Gods law from the heart not breaking it.

Take Care.
So, you actually don't accept what Jesus said about his "Two Commandments". OK, that's obviously your choice.