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Masculine Love vs Feminine Love

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
On this Easter Sunday, if I propose that Jesus’ willingness to accept his suffering on the cross was an act of love, I would get unanimous agreement among Christians. Except I find that the vast majority of those who speak of love assume the feminine version of love. In fact, it appears that most don’t even have a masculine conceptualization of love.

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law,and that he must be killed and on the third daybe raised to life.
Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.
Peter is attempting to give Jesus feminine love by protecting him from the will of the Father but is firmly rejected by Jesus. The feminine love that Peter is offering is oppositional to the masculine love that Jesus is imposing in himself.

The feminine love would protect Jesus from pain in the short term, but at the same time, it would deny Jesus the justice, life, and glory that he is entitled to. I offer this for your consideration.

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.
In the moment when Jesus desires relief from the cup of wrath through feminine love, what is the response of the Father? Does the Father give masculine love or feminine love?

By not taking the cup of wrath from Jesus, is the Father evil? Is opposing feminine love always evil? Can feminine love sometimes be in opposition to righteousness and goodness? Is that why Jesus calls Peter Satan?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
On this Easter Sunday, do you honor masculine love or feminine love when you contemplate the cross? Do you honor the Father as Jesus did or think of him as the enemy?


Hindu Wannabe
As a Hindu, I find the idea of the feminine always being nice and gentle problematic.

In reply to your question, I felt reminded of the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" ( The Last Temptation of Christ (film) - Wikipedia ), in which Jesus is saved from the cross by his "guardian angel", who is actually Satan in disguise, appearing as a sweet little girl. Jesus then goes on to enjoy the pleasures of family life as well as the things that lead to it. He is finally rejected as the Messiah by Paul and then voluntarily asks to be crucified, glad to fulfill his Father's will instead of his own in the end. It probably won't be shown on Bible TV, but it's a very moving piece of art in any case.
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Veteran Member
On this Easter Sunday, if I propose that Jesus’ willingness to accept his suffering on the cross was an act of love, I would get unanimous agreement among Christians. Except I find that the vast majority of those who speak of love assume the feminine version of love. In fact, it appears that most don’t even have a masculine conceptualization of love.

Peter is attempting to give Jesus feminine love by protecting him from the will of the Father but is firmly rejected by Jesus. The feminine love that Peter is offering is oppositional to the masculine love that Jesus is imposing in himself.

The feminine love would protect Jesus from pain in the short term, but at the same time, it would deny Jesus the justice, life, and glory that he is entitled to. I offer this for your consideration.
From where do you get this notion of two sorts of love according to gender?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
You mean it’s a notion you have come up with yourself?

Can you, then, explain the distinction between the two kinds?
Feminine love prevents death (in the most general sense) from coming through the front door, while allowing it to quietly creep in through the back door. It protects the young child who is not yet ready to be fully exposed to death.

Masculine love seeks to fulfill promise and potential by facing death.


Veteran Member
Feminine love prevents death (in the most general sense) from coming through the front door, while allowing it to quietly creep in through the back door. It protects the young child who is not yet ready to be fully exposed to death.

Masculine love seeks to fulfill promise and potential by facing death.
OK, this sounds bonkers to me. I'll leave you to it, I think.

We Never Know

No Slack
Feminine love prevents death (in the most general sense) from coming through the front door, while allowing it to quietly creep in through the back door. It protects the young child who is not yet ready to be fully exposed to death.

Masculine love seeks to fulfill promise and potential by facing death.
Are you saying the woman cuddles/comforts the children while the man goes and faces the danger?


Well-Known Member
From where do you get this notion of two sorts of love according to gender?
Masculine love is conditional love while female love is more unconditional. This distinction appears to be connected, not to gender; carrot on the stick, but to primary biological sexuality. The primary directive of sex is procreation; needs of the species. The pleasure of the individual or ego is the lure.

In terms of procreation, a mother has to carry her unborn child for nine months while pregnant, and then continue her care for her babies and her young and older children, for decades. Since, she is biologically in for the long haul, she cannot let the day by day struggles, like morning sickness or dirty diapers, or complaining children bother her She learns to accept things as they are; unconditional love.

The male's role in procreation is much shorter term. In the wilds of night life, the male may go out alone or roam in small packs, seeking a suitable mate, based on various conditions, such as availability. Once his goal to procreate is done, he may move on and not look back, unless certain pleasure conditions can be met by his date, for this repetitive needs. Conditional love is more for the short term needs of a repetitive; cyclic longer term drive. Conditional love will try to control/structure repetitive or cyclic drives, such as the wife setting conditions for sex.

Gender is more connected to the lure and the carrot on the string, that leads one to the primary directive, either consciously or unconsciously. Gender is a more social construct, as to how to structure the secondary desire carrot that leads to procreation both intentionally and unintentionally.

If you look at the transgender data, there are twice as many male to female transitions compared to female to male. This tells us this gender fad is due to a new social construct. This lopsided transitioning by biological sex, should have been expected, since the male has become the negative target of the political Left, with his role made less dominant in the family, also due to the political Left breaking up the nuclear family.

I would expect since the natural male is painted as toxic and contaminated, the children were raised more by the unconditional love of natural females. One would expect a net social movement toward acceptance of Lefty social aberrations, and the female construct dominating in terms of free market transitioning appeal. This must has been part of a long term Lefty plan. Don't let anyone fool you to think this is natural.

Females in sports, initially welcomed trans females; unconditional love, until they could see the primary sexual drive was not female, but was male; there to win and move on. It is not what is on the surface that matters in the end. If trans females were actually female down deep, they would had unconditional love for their female family; do not be a hog but share the glory even of you need to dumb down.


it's the storm before the calm
I would expect since the natural male is painted as toxic and contaminated, the children were raised more by the unconditional love of natural females. One would expect a net social movement toward acceptance of Lefty social aberrations, and the female construct dominating in terms of free market transitioning appeal. This must has been part of a long term Lefty plan. Don't let anyone fool you to think this is natural.

And here I thought I was just loving my children unconditionally without realizing such a love made me an aberrant lefty. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Masculine love is conditional love while female love is more unconditional. This distinction appears to be connected, not to gender; carrot on the stick, but to primary biological sexuality. The primary directive of sex is procreation; needs of the species. The pleasure of the individual or ego is the lure.

In terms of procreation, a mother has to carry her unborn child for nine months while pregnant, and then continue her care for her babies and her young and older children, for decades. Since, she is biologically in for the long haul, she cannot let the day by day struggles, like morning sickness or dirty diapers, or complaining children bother her She learns to accept things as they are; unconditional love.

The male's role in procreation is much shorter term. In the wilds of night life, the male may go out alone or roam in small packs, seeking a suitable mate, based on various conditions, such as availability. Once his goal to procreate is done, he may move on and not look back, unless certain pleasure conditions can be met by his date, for this repetitive needs. Conditional love is more for the short term needs of a repetitive; cyclic longer term drive. Conditional love will try to control/structure repetitive or cyclic drives, such as the wife setting conditions for sex.

Gender is more connected to the lure and the carrot on the string, that leads one to the primary directive, either consciously or unconsciously. Gender is a more social construct, as to how to structure the secondary desire carrot that leads to procreation both intentionally and unintentionally.

If you look at the transgender data, there are twice as many male to female transitions compared to female to male. This tells us this gender fad is due to a new social construct. This lopsided transitioning by biological sex, should have been expected, since the male has become the negative target of the political Left, with his role made less dominant in the family, also due to the political Left breaking up the nuclear family.

I would expect since the natural male is painted as toxic and contaminated, the children were raised more by the unconditional love of natural females. One would expect a net social movement toward acceptance of Lefty social aberrations, and the female construct dominating in terms of free market transitioning appeal. This must has been part of a long term Lefty plan. Don't let anyone fool you to think this is natural.

Females in sports, initially welcomed trans females; unconditional love, until they could see the primary sexual drive was not female, but was male; there to win and move on. It is not what is on the surface that matters in the end. If trans females were actually female down deep, they would had unconditional love for their female family; do not be a hog but share the glory even of you need to dumb down.
And here I thought I was just loving my children unconditionally without realizing such a love made me an aberrant lefty. :rolleyes:
Yes this just the usual Wellwisher nonsense. On one forum we invented a game caleld Wellwisher Bingo, in which the object was to predict which of the terms: water (special properties of), "entropy, hydrogen bonding or liberals he would use next. Lefty is a slightly new variant of "liberal", I imagine.


it's the storm before the calm
Yes this just the usual Wellwisher nonsense. On one forum we invented a game caleld Wellwisher Bingo, in which the object was to predict which of the terms: water (special properties of), "entropy, hydrogen bonding or liberals he would use next. Lefty is a slightly new variant of "liberal", I imagine.

I should've added that unconditional love isn't this:

Since, she is biologically in for the long haul, she cannot let the day by day struggles, like morning sickness or dirty diapers, or complaining children bother her She learns to accept things as they are; unconditional love.

Unconditional love is loving her child without reservation, regardless of who the child is or becomes or what they do. It's not based on the mother's endurance of life.


Well-Known Member
I should've added that unconditional love isn't this:

Unconditional love is loving her child without reservation, regardless of who the child is or becomes or what they do. It's not based on the mother's endurance of life.
Why do most mothers and fathers have more capacity to give this type of love to their own children? It comes down to instinct and lots of practice/data in time and space. Babies are cute to help this out and they're specifically biological cute, reinforces the mind of the parents; same DNA and eyes.

Male conditional love is missing in contemporary culture, due to the manipulation constructs of the Left. If male conditional love was still present, like it was before the 1970's, it would not allow all the nonsense that a mother; female, learns to accept and unconditionally love. The male conditional love is based on seeing the long term impacts of common repetitive impulse, which may seem fine in the short term, and you can learn to ignore with unconditional love, but tends to have adverse affects in the much longer term.

I am sure Hitler's mother still unconditionally loved him. Due to her love, she may not have discouraged his ambitions which would lead to world destruction. This is where conditional love can see the writing on the walls, so his longer term health is maintained, via short term defeat of the ego, to help him gain self control.

A mother may love her child so much that she spoils him/her and even lets the brat break things. This may be good for the brat, but that brat may be destructive to others when he is older. He would be better off with more in way of the adult social conditions, so he grows into a productive adult and not a virus. Do you think unconditionally loving, self or social defined victims, make such people whole? Or would a kick in the butt to lovingly force them to walk, lead to that goal?

So much of the Lefty nonsense first needed to get rid of the male influence on culture, since Lefty ideas would not meet optimized long term social needs. Unconditional love dominating was needed since it allows more room for nonsense and socially created victims to exploit.

Religions are still more masculine in terms of spirit; conditions such as morality, which is why it is now the last defense against the unconditional Lefty Virus mentality. The push back has begun. All it takes is to open minds to natural common sense and the value of conditional love.

Conditioning small children to pretend to be the opposite sex is being done with a perverse form of conditional love. This not being done for the children, but to is benefit the medical and drug industries, and provide campaign donations and tax payer money laundering to Lefty politicians.

The gender bending is not for the child, since what does a child know at a young age? Lefty killed the dad, who now is no longer fully there to look out for his children. He was replaced with predators with self serving conditions. The Left now encourages predators, created with a perverted form of unconditional love, that is not allowed meet with resistance, by natural male conditional love.


Well-Known Member
Conditional and unconditional love work best when done together under the guidance of two parents. A child need the conditional love for long term structural advantages in culture and unconditional love for short term confidence and emotional health. It is not good to go too far either way.