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What do you think about other religions?

Do all the major religions..

  • Teach spiritual virtues

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Teach good character

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • Come from the same God

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The claims might be similar, but the evidence that backs the claims is not similar, since Ahmad has nothing to back up his claim, all he has is a claim.

I don't dwell there. There is no point far as I am concerned.

By contrast, Baha'u'llah fulfilled all the Bible prophecies for the return of Christ and the Messiah of the Old Testament.

I have heard similar lines before, mainly regarding Jesus and Judaism. They will always surprise me a bit. Why would anyone even attempt to formulate such a claim?


Veteran Member
I have heard similar lines before, mainly regarding Jesus and Judaism. They will always surprise me a bit. Why would anyone even attempt to formulate such a claim?
Baha'u'llah never 'claimed' to fulfill any Bible prophecies.I researched it myself and found out that He fulfilled them.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
And you find that important, I assume?

If so, why?
Something's not adding up here. Here's a Baha'i aritcle that says Baha'u'llah did claim to have fulfilled Bible prophecy.
Like Christ, Baha’u’llah not only claimed to have fulfilled prophecies, but he also explained their true meaning, which was far different from conventional interpretations, thereby opening for all to see and understand the “vision and prophecy” referred to in Daniel 9:24.
I have heard similar lines before, mainly regarding Jesus and Judaism. They will always surprise me a bit. Why would anyone even attempt to formulate such a claim?
I'm sure the Ahmadiyya have a list of prophecies their prophet fulfilled. And with Jesus and Judaism, I can't understand how the one verse in Isaiah is taken as a prophecy about Jesus being born of a virgin and all the rest of the verses in Isaiah about the child are ignored. Baha'is, I think, do a lot of the same... cherry pick verses they can interpret to make into a prophecy that their guy fulfilled.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And it is this kind of thinking that makes unity impossible. Why blame the Baha'is, as @CG Didymus so often does?

Buddhists go against the idea of a God but if you have lived in a Buddhist country as I did for 5 years, they worship Buddha just like a God, only they don’t use the name God. So they have a form of ‘God worship’ just different. Pagodas in every village and town, pagodas covered in real gold leaf, statues of Buddha in the thousands which people bow down before and pray to. Monks just like the Christian priests bless homes and exorcise ghosts and demons. Sermons and ceremonies by Buddhist monks. Prayer and meditation just like any other religion. Even Buddha received enlightenment, with Christ it was a Dove, Muhammad an Angel in a cave and Baha’u’llah a Maiden. There’s no real difference between the religions and no reason the followers cannot accept the truth in each.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I accept that other religions are true to the followers of those religions. My religion is true to me.

My religion recognizes that I and others are of the same nature. It doesn't really speak much that I know of on "members of other faiths."

I read and/or study other religions at my own leisure. To my knowledge, my religion isn't really interested in other religions.

Accept that as what?

Well I do not know which form of Hinduism you follow. Only I can mention the Baha’i view that Baha’u’llah is the reincarnation of Krishna which should be of interest to Hindus who follow Krishna. So if that is true, then Baha’u’llah, as the reincarnation of Krishna is very much relevant to Hindus and not just ‘another religion’.

“To Him the Bhagavad-Gita of the Hindus had referred as the "Most Great Spirit," the "Tenth Avatar," the "Immaculate Manifestation of Krishna.”

God Passes By
Shoghi Effendi


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I see quite a big difference between the religions and I think that as the reason the followers cannot accept the truth in other religions.

The difference I find is in the man made doctrines not the spiritual teachings. If you study the spiritual teachings of each scripture you will find there is no conflict or contradiction.

Fir example the Quran teaches to return good for evil, the Dhammapada that hate must be defeated by love and Christ taught to love one another. Zoroaster taught good thoughts, good words, good deeds and Krishna teaches to perform good acts not for reward or expectation. Add to this the Beautitudes, the Hidden Words.

But if you look at the man made doctrines then in the eyes of the priests no religion is true except what they teach and no interpretation but their interpretations. Until we stop blindly following others there can be no unity.


Veteran Member
The difference I find is in the man made doctrines not the spiritual teachings. If you study the spiritual teachings of each scripture you will find there is no conflict or contradiction.
That is true, but the religions are based upon the man-made doctrines, they are not based upon the spiritual teachings of each scripture, and that is why the religions are all different.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Well I do not know which form of Hinduism you follow. Only I can mention the Baha’i view that Baha’u’llah is the reincarnation of Krishna which should be of interest to Hindus who follow Krishna. So if that is true, then Baha’u’llah, as the reincarnation of Krishna is very much relevant to Hindus and not just ‘another religion’.

“To Him the Bhagavad-Gita of the Hindus had referred as the "Most Great Spirit," the "Tenth Avatar," the "Immaculate Manifestation of Krishna.”

God Passes By
Shoghi Effendi

Why should a Hindu find this Baha'i view of interest or relevant to their religion?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Buddhists go against the idea of a God but if you have lived in a Buddhist country as I did for 5 years, they worship Buddha just like a God, only they don’t use the name God.

And that is a very good thing. You may or may not realize that what you perceive as worship may (and more than likely does) have a wide variety of meanings for different people at different times.

Using the word "god" would, at the current cultural moment, invite assumptions and expectations coming from Abrahamic traditions, which are a very ill fit indeed.

Most other traditions have a far easier time understanding that religion is about how actual people relate to their own conceptions of the Sacred. Even when they actually use god-concepts and call them gods, there is a lot more respect for the relationship between the person and the conceptions of the sacred.

Abrahamic traditions instead expect their beliefs to somehow derive from the authority of their own god-concepts and to fit other people with no concern for the actual reality of who they are and what are their conceptions of values and of the Sacred. Even people who never expressed any esthetical inclinations in the vicinity of Abrahamic god-conceptions. That is a very sad thing for everyone involved, and creates a lot of obfuscation, some of it deliberate.
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Jesus in me
I think that all religions deserve the exact equal amount of respect.


- viole

In what respect? Are we to accept falsehood simply because a religion proclaims it? I don't respect what those who believe in science think about religion.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
In what respect? Are we to accept falsehood simply because a religion proclaims it? I don't respect what those who believe in science think about religion.
I did not quantify the amount of intellectual respect. I just stated they all deserve that same amount.


- viole


unknown member
This is directed to the respected members of all religions. There are differences between religions but Interfaith tries to look for what we have in common. Should we allow our differences to divide us or should we put aside our differences and work for the betterment of the world?

By religion I do not mean denomination or sect. I mean a different religion or philosophy such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam etc.

As a member of your faith, do you accept other religions are true or only your religion?

Does your religion promote fellowship between members of other faiths or not.

Do you ever read or study other religions within your religion.

Do you think religions can unite and accept each other. For example Jews accept Christ and Christians accept Muhammad. If not why not?

I think superstition is the common ground between religions and for that reason religious people are suspicious of other religions.