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Did the Pharisees Purposely Make up Christianity?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
If you would have at least bothered to have read the midrash, you would see that nothing Shimon Caiapha (which I have since learned is how the name שמעון כיפא should probably be transliterated) did was with the help of the Sanhedrin. Nor is the Sanhedrin actually mentioned in the midrash. He volunteered to do these things, and the other sages supported him, but they never actively assisted him.
I did not get the ideas the Sanhedrin worked with Paul and Simon from the Midrash, that was posted on here years after (2019); I've been saying Yeshua called Simon petros to fulfil Zechariah 3:9, and Isaiah 8:14-16 since around (2006).

I originally understood it was part of prophecy, as I questioned why Yehoshua called Simon petros; so I looked up 'stone', and his real name 'Yehoshua' in a Bible word search.

The Hebrew of Simeon the stumbling stone is שׁמעון אבן נגף... Where Immanuel/Yehoshua deliberately set up the Pharisees as prophesied, and why in the Parable of the Seed Sower, Yeshua is saying the Seed that falls on Stony Ground (petrodes) is removed at Judgement Day.

I'd say the Pharisees didn't just create this, yet also worked as the early Jesuits continuing these concepts; where I understand God has set the lot up on purpose - yet I believe I've been sent with advanced knowledge, to see if I can free everyone from the noose they've put themselves into.

In my opinion. :innocent:

Tinker Grey

It's worth noting 2 things. First, the earliest epistle was written (~AD50) about 20 years before the first gospel (~AD70). It's seems as likely to me that the gospel writers corrupted the message as Paul. Second, Acts was written many years after Paul wrote. Paul never mentions Damascus in connection to his conversion that I could find.

Acts was as much myth as the gospels.


Veteran Member
I don't really trust anything in this realm completely, we're down near Hell according to many religious texts globally; we can show most things in this world become corrupted, and the bigger something is, the more potential it has for decay, and corruption.

I respect I can show certain aspects of the Bible fulfilled, and I can show multiple illegitimate books added to the Bible; yet I would say based on years of study, that the Source of reality has purposely allowed these corruptions, to test who is actually paying attention.

Thus do I trust that God has made all of this comprehensive, yes; is it a simple answer of blind faith, no.

In my opinion. :innocent:

I asked that question because you quote the bible as history. To do that one has to trust it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Damascus at the time was part of the Roman province of Syria. Judea was also under Roman occupation.

Paul, having Roman citizenship, was the ideal person to travel within the territories under Roman control.
For travel that may may sense. You would now need to show that he had some sort of authority in Damascus over citizens of Judea. And it was not under Roman occupation at that time. It was either Syrian, or it was part of Nabatea. The history of that time is not clear. Syria at the time was a client territory of Rome. The Syrians were autonomous but would have paid tribute to Rome as Judea did under Herod the Great. They were called client states. As long as the money kept rolling in they were allowed to have autonomy:

Damascus - Wikipedia

Nabatea was an independent state at that point in time. They were not annexed from Rome until later on.

So where did Paul get his authority to do what he did? Many of Paul's stories would have been told to people that lived far away from the places that he named and there was almost no way for the people of the time to check his claims.


A queer sort
On posting the link on Wikipedia it explains they left Israel prior to the 2nd temple destruction, which I would say is because they heeded Yeshua's warnings.

I'd not say they were completely following him, like the cult mentality that we've seen has come about after; more that they respected John the Baptist, who accepted Yeshua as the Messiah, so we should take into account that they didn't reject him as someone sent by God.

In my opinion. :innocent:

Except Mandaeans don't generally think that John the Baptist accepted Yeshua as the Messiah. In fact, Yeshua is often seen as a false Messiah by Mandaeans.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am staunchly convinced that the Pharisees paid Saint Paul to hijack Christianity.
Why would Jews pay him to do such a thing?
Sounds more like a staunch refusal to accept Paul's letters were likely altered by people long after the fact and instead cling on to thousands of years of blaming the Jews.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
I asked that question because you quote the bible as history. To do that one has to trust it.
We can show certain bits of prophecy, and the history surrounding it existed... Lots of stuff we can't show; thus I'm generally dealing with the stuff I believe we can.

In my opinion. :innocent:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yet I believe based on prophecy, and history the Pharisees were a renegade sect that existed since the Babylonian Exile.
They filled a gap after the Temple was destroyed, thus animal and grain sacrifices could not be performed. But with these Pharisees, we get great emphasis on the scriptures instead, the "sermon" that's part of the commentary system, and the belief in Heaven-- amongst other things.

In Zechariah 11:1-14 I see it is a continuation of Jeremiah 25, and Daniel 9, where God is fed up with these 'Brutish Leaders' since Babylon (Jeremiah 10:21), who have taken over rulership from God's appointed.
That's a common theme throughout the Tanakh that extended its way into "the Way" as well. Even within the early Church there were similar conflicts and they have kept rolling on for many centuries now.

Yeshua warned not to be called a Rabbi (Matthew 23:2-11), as originally Moses instructed no hierarchy, so that God could inspire any of the tribe of Israel to correct each other.
And yet he very much acted like a rabbi, including sermonizing using his own commentary.

Pharisees placed themselves in the seat of Moses, making up oral traditions, and claiming to be the final authority; to the point I've been told by a professor of Kabbalah that he isn't meant to question the Tanakh independently, as the Rabbis decide its meanings.
Oral traditions were absolutely necessary and are done in churches today. Denominations splintered off and they still do based on differing commentaries, as they are mostly based on interpretations and/or applications.

As far as I understand Yeshua wasn't simply debating meanings as the Rabbis do, he was justifying he was the Messiah (spirit of the Lord) justifying what was meant.
And that is an interpretation as well that not all share.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
And yet he very much acted like a rabbi, including sermonizing with his own commentary.
Anyone is capable of acting like a Rabbi, and sermonizing their own commentary, it doesn't make us all Pharisees.

Lets be clear I don't mind addressing Yeshua kept certain standards the Pharisees did, and kept to certain ideas about the beliefs, as if I question logically, it was because he was brought up in that environment...

Yet does that make him purely Pharisaic?

That question depends if we can find evidence elsewhere, to suggest his view points were far more expansive.

Thus in our previous conversations, I created you a list of Essene points that I personally think are blatant:
  • The Lilly & Raven of the Field being provided for (Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 12:22-32).
  • The Essenes using the terminology 'Sons of Light' (Luke 16:8).
  • The idea that cleaning the inside leads to direct connection with God (Matthew 23:26-28).
  • That God will provide for his servants (Matthew 10:7-10).
  • The belief that the 2nd temple would be destroyed for its fake leaders as an abomination; where Yeshua (Teacher of Righteousness), & John the Baptist (One crying in the wilderness, making straight the path of the Lord) came as a final warning before its destruction.
  • etc...
Yet we can go further than that, as I believe with study of Zoroastrian, and Dharmic statements before it, we can show Yeshua is speaking from a more universal nature.
And that is an interpretation as well that not all share.
I find having spent the last 18 years discussing this across the web, that the problem with the difference of opinions are:

The false texts (John, Paul, Simon) cause far too many theological dichotomies.

With a careful analysis of the Bible using software like Esword & Strongs reference searches, I believe it is possible to educate people to understand the intertextuality showing Yeshua's Divine status, and proving many religions accurate:
For example: said:
H3444 (Yeshua) + H1961 (To become) = Exodus 15:2, Psalms 118:14-21, Isaiah 12:2 (2 Samuel 10:11 David Vs Ammon) + Isaiah 33:2-6, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 51:6-8

H3444 (Yeshua) + H7200 (To see) = Exodus 14:13, Psalms 98:3, Isaiah 52:10 (2 Chronicles 20:17 Jehoshaphat Vs Ammon)
These contexts of Salvation (H3444) if understood properly, shows how it was prophesied that the 'Lord would Become Yeshua (Salvation)', and how the prophetic writings interlink, like scatting across time.

Another reason many argue about the interpretation of Divine status, is because the theological foundations of the topic are wonky; where the language has been confused since Babylon.

El and Elohim are not the same thing (Isaiah 46:9), yet have been translated the same since Babylon.

With a careful analysis of H410 (El) the Source of reality, is where everything comes from, a God, and in the Bible it is referenced as the God Most High (El Elyon) to imply the highest Source.

H433 (Eloh) is a Divine Being/Avatar/Archangel, that when pluralized is often in reference to the Divine Council or Avatars (Elohim - H430) - which I believe was globally understood in ancient times; yet because of polytheism, where they were made into demigods, we've removed that concept of theology.

Even the Quran references the Divine Council (38:69, 37:8), yet its importance has been lost in Islamic scholarship, rather than to address the Divine Council is a part of theology that does exist.

Deuteronomy 32:7-18 I find to be saying that the theological structuring will become corrupted in later generations, and Deuteronomy 32:15 it points out that we've rejected the Rock of Salvation (Yeshua - H3444) by a lack of our comprehension, as we've grown thick.

In my opinion. :innocent:

rational experiences

Veteran Member
As far as I can see from the Bible, I believe we can show Paul & Simon the stumbling stone (petros) purposely corrupted the teachings of Yeshua to a more Pharisaic ideology - Creating Christianity between them in Antioch (Acts 11:25-26) with the help of the Sanhedrin.

Where it is also possible to show that the Gospel of John was purposely made up by the Sanhedrin, to corrupt Yeshua's original message.

It is being questioned historically, that the original followers of Yeshua were the Ebionites; which stemmed from the Essenes, then the Nasoraeans & Mandaeans.

It is questioned James the Just was Head of the church of Jerusalem, and an Ebionite; where the terminology 'Poor Ones' was prophesied in Zechariah 11:11 prior to the 2nd temple destruction.

The idea that the Nasoraeans/Mandaeans fled Jerusalem prior to the destruction, is because they were following Yeshua's teachings.

Paul & Simon taught an idea that the Jews were now under Grace, as Christ had died for them; rather than what scripture shows, that they were placed under the Curse of Moses (Deuteronomy 28), because their Worthless Leaders (Sadducees, Pharisees, Levites) rejected the Messiah for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:1-14).

Proof that the Curse was placed is that in Zechariah 11:9, it repeats the idea that they will eat each others flesh as found in Deuteronomy 28:53-55; where we can show historically, that at the Siege of Jerusalem by the Romans, they literally eat each others flesh due to being starved to death.

To me it is clear that the book of James in the Bible is standing against Paul, on some of the similar concepts that were debated between them. Some of these contrary points, are Paul kicking people out who didn't want to follow his sacrificial Messiah's death & resurrection doctrines, impartially deciding who is worthy of being part of Pauline Christianity, Abraham being faithful, and thus doing good works, etc.

When Revelation 2:2 says about the False Apostle who tried to get them to follow his fake Gospel, Paul also stated that he was rejected by the Church of Asia Minor with his own version of the Gospel (2 Timothy 1:15).

Because over time Christianity has become the main orthodox view on the teachings of Christ, the original ideas have been partially overwritten; yet it is still possible to see from the texts alone, that the original message is still there in the Synoptic Gospels.

I understand it could be possible for us to fix this as part of Messianic prophecy; otherwise in my understanding scripture says God will condemn the Rabbinic Jews for having lied to humanity (Jeremiah 5:26, Isaiah 29:20-21).

It appears to me that what the Pharisees did, is try to cover up the prophesied concepts they'd been cut off, to make the Gentiles follow a system supporting them, and in doing so creating the false representation of the Messiah.

Thus when there are Jewish texts called the Sefer of Zerubbabel that refer to a true, and false Messiah both in Rome; the problem I find, is that the Rabbinic Jews don't realize they've made up the false Messiah contrary to the real one, that they have overwritten. Thus when in Ezekiel 22:3, and other places, it says they made their own idols, this is talking about how they made the Messiah into an idol.

I believe as a provable return of the Messiah it is possible for me to redeem, and fix this situation (Isaiah 52:3-7) - if I can get the support from the Rabbis, to help fix what they've messed up; otherwise Judgement Day will come, and God will just keep the Enlightened Saints who've already noticed.

To quickly summarize the difference between the original followers, and the Pharisaic Christianity: Is that the Pharisees taught an Oral Tradition, that "the death of the righteous, can atone for the sins of that generation"...

Where Yeshua challenged the Sanhedrin, and cut them off, for saying that the murdering of the prophets counted as atoning sacrifices in Matthew 23:27-38, Mark 7:1-13, and the Parable of the Wicked Husbandman (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, and Luke 20:9-19).

Yeshua is prophesying in the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen that the Pharisees will corrupt his message, teaching you get an inheritance from his death; when instead it is saying many will be condemned by God at Judgement Day for believing such a thing.

In my opinion. :innocent:
Theism is first thought just by a man human telling stories.

Before calculus numbers. Before purposeful machine only laws. By thinking as inside heavens only. Pretending about outside.

It is pretend.

As advised was visionary cloud imagery human warning.

You don't own any cosmic mass you also don't own why it's burning not as it passed active burning heavens.

Not science in any concept. What you don't own is the reading.

So you say Phi. You think about it only as O circle plus a number.

As the man.

Idea Phi is man caused exact. As king lord human titles were lived as he then did technology.

Common sense non arguable as it is lived natural human history. Human behaviours.

Phi. Was about the See. Of the Sun man said was power Ra....nuclear.

Phi Ra see.
Themed in feedback human themed stories I was given back my own man's warning. So I said as just a man.

As I knew if I said Phi Ra see some human idiot would believe I was Phi.

As in records the science man in feedback answers is inferred as the I'd identity who did it I OT.

Old testimonials Conscious aware human confess of Sion. ID I OT.

Fusion changed. By fission. My causes.

Man's turned sin holes. Emptied out earths God space held mass.

Knew he did it

As ice was the new freeze saviour law. As sun fall dinosaur life not only indented earth it had by mass amount burnt new holes of sin the warning...law saviour ice mass itself.

Literal space stone law star mass gained from sun as sun fusion is equalled little stone no sin. On earth by old law status. Man taught always.

Today AI said earth mass ground now colder is loosing heat. Vacuum dealt with new collider instigated bio attack removed their atmospheric program.

Ice is now colder to deal with mass loss. So you can lose ice yet it can become colder.

When you take away ground natural heat. The warning.

As instant dust means instant machines only are instant...so is asteroid hit instant.

It's slow moving alight dark mass I got shown vision via latest space probe.

You don't see it coming. Suddenly. Space slit cold gas opens...there is the planet sized asteroid star you ordered from stars mass. By formula thesis and machine law.

Star laws. Are where stars are.

Asteroid mass isn't Star laws.

A man Pharisee discussing in secrets his causes of Phi RA see.

Sedim Haba

Outa here... bye-bye!
Why would Jews pay him to do such a thing?
Sounds more like a staunch refusal to accept Paul's letters were likely altered by people long after the fact and instead cling on to thousands of years of blaming the Jews.

Always handy to do that, even when it makes no sense at all. It's dem jooz

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The Theist human says I know gods heavens terms causes lightning.

I think my own fake human stories. Just stories

As lightning today is still lightning

If lightning hit biology...fried.

Instead he falsely said I believe lightning makes plasma and hence electricity in biology.

Human still would be superfried.

Brother correct scientist biologist not occultist says bio chemicals cause a charged pulse.

Doesn't use electricity knowing one word means just electricity only.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Why would Jews pay him to do such a thing?
Sounds more like a staunch refusal to accept Paul's letters were likely altered by people long after the fact and instead cling on to thousands of years of blaming the Jews.
I know koiné, the ancient Greek of the Hellenistic period.
The way of writing of Paul is so unique and unmistakable ....that it is him.
Nobody touched anything.
I think Paul was not a rational person.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father said as the nuclear power plant is the first position a weapon by the destruction it can cause. To nature's biology. Occult science is a weapon wielded against natural life.




Science illegal by its terms a weapon.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I know koiné, the ancient Greek of the Hellenistic period.
The way of writing of Paul is so unique and unmistakable ....that it is him.
Nobody touched anything.
I think Paul was not a rational person.
He didn't write everything attributed to him. Colossians, Ephesians and 2 Thessalonians are debated while 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus likely weren't him at all with Hebrews falling out of view as an authentic Pauline document.
This also includes the raging misogyny found in Pauline doctrine. That was probably added in by someone much later (later enough to have formal church leadership).
Last edited:

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
He didn't write everything attributed to him. Colossians, Ephesians and 2 Thessalonians are debated while 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus likely weren't him at all with Hebrews falling out of view as an authentic Pauline document.
This also includes the raging misogyny found in Pauline doctrine. That was probably added in by someone much later (later enough to have formal church leadership).

It looks like you are defending Saint Paul. Are you?