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Prophecy Unfolding


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes. The other issue is that in Daniel's prophecy, 10 horns/kingdoms/"countries" come out of a single kingdom/"country." Whereas the 10 nations here did not come from one kingdom/country, nor are they forming a single country.

The whole interpretation is a mess.
Thanks to you pointing it out I spotted it, "The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom."(Daniel 7:24 NIV) Absolutely correct.

In my opinion.


I'm not really sure to be honest. Biblical prophecy is tricky for me. I know people have their theories on end time prophecy.

Where is the beast as spoken in Revelation here? The forced worship of the beast as spoken in Revelation hasn't happened as of now.
From what I see, the ten nation confederacy is now just in the initial stages of formation and we are not yet in the final future Tribulation period when the beast will be revealed, come into power, global control, and demand worship, etc. I think last part of Daniel 7:24- 25 is describing this beast- antichrist global leader which is also spoken about in Revelation.

...And another shall rise after them;
He shall be different from the first ones,
And shall subdue three kings.
25 He shall speak pompouswords against the Most High,
Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law.
Then the saints shall be given into his hand
For a time and times and half a time.”


Yes. The other issue is that in Daniel's prophecy, 10 horns/kingdoms/"countries" come out of a single kingdom/"country." Whereas the 10 nations here did not come from one kingdom/country, nor are they forming a single country.

The whole interpretation is a mess.
The text says...

The ten horns are ten kings
Who shall arise from this kingdom.
Daniel 7:24

It doesn’t say one country, but one kingdom and that kingdom was the Roman Empire which will be revived. All the nations involved were a part of the expansive Roman Empire which will again come into world dominance according to biblical prophecy.

Daniel’s attention is drawn to the destructive fourth beast, and he ponders the meaning of its ten horns. Then, a smaller horn begins to grow from the midst of the ten. As the little horn emerges from the beast, three of the original horns are plucked out by the roots. Daniel sees that the little horn has “eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully” (Daniel 7:8). The proud, boastful words of the little horn continue until the Ancient of Days sets up a day of judgment (verses 9–10).

What are the four beasts in Daniel chapter 7? | GotQuestions.org

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Human men do numbers.
No future in science it's all past and going back in time exact.

As no mass. To remove means going back in time. He says to just gases not owner of mass.. so I'm safe I live in a gas position.

God is naturally ground mass reactive tectonic earthquake weak and can collapse warning. Mass.

Predict the future. Rich man science man men own why the bible was written.

Keeps reading the bible. Believes and makes his choices based on what he wrote. Says see I'm correct.

Is no different from detailing as a man how to convert earth dust. Stops doing it then chooses to convert it again himself. Same position mass however not same position.

You are in control of it...no one else is.

If you say I return to the same place I left you predict so I'll do it again.


Veteran Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Nothing more, nothing less.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


The Religious Right elected W. Bush, and it turned out that W. Bush was the Satanic demon from hell, predicted by the bible, that attacked Babylon (his name is the Beast). The Whore of Babylon, according to Revelation 17:18, is the strongest nation in the world (United States), that is called the Whore because it corrupted Babylon.

God sent modern Prophets to verify the ancient prophecies of Revelation (to make sure that no one missed the fact that if Iraq is attacked, according to the bible, we will face God's wrath and eventually God will destroy everything and everyone in the world). Some of those modern Prophets of God are my personal friends. They didn't add to, nor subtract from God's prophecies of Revelation.

One must be very very very very very very very very careful not to misinterpret Revelation. Revelation says that if you misinterpret it or change the meaning (of Revelation) in any way, your immortal soul will be written out of the book of life forever, and your soul will roast in the lake of fire of the bottomless pit of hell for all eternity.

The Religious Right promoted wars (God said "thou shalt not kill"). The Religious Right was for the many torture camps (such as the one in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, designed to evade treaties about the treatment of prisons that the US signed years ago).

The Religous Right was fine with the lies of Colin Powell, who lied us into war.

The Religious Right was fine with the lies of Attorney General John Ashcroft, who was so upset with the lie-motivated-wars that he wrote the book "Never Again."



I had a religious experience today. I felt the power of God moving me. It was a strong pull, that I could not resist. It dragged me into a Restore (President Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity store) and I felt my arm lift up, and I used all of my strength to resist it, but could not. I was pushed by an invisible force and forced to push the other books aside, and I gripped "The Politics of Truth" by Ambassador Joseph Wilson. I expected to hear the booming voice of God, but, rather, God did not speak. Rather, God made me know that I had to buy this book. I quickly got out my two dollars and bought it. God gave me the knowledge, rather than use words.

The book was about President W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney asking Ambassador Joseph Wilson to bear false witness against Niger in order to motivate war to steal Niger's yellow-cake Uranium deposits (and other resources) and take their country, while using that same lie to justify the unjustifyable war against Iraq. Notice, also, that when Wilson had refused to lie us into yet another war, W. Bush and Cheney punished Wilson by illegally (a felony) publicly reveal the secret CIA identity of his wife, Valery Plame, which resulted in her CIA contacts also getting revealed and summarily executed.

The Religious Right used Veterans for Truth to bear false witness against legitimate war hero, Senator John Kerry, in his bid for the presidency against W. Bush.

The Religious Right made sure that only those who support guns (members of the National Rifle Association) can get their support. Ironically, Senator John Kerry did support gun rights and went on a hunting trip during his campaign.

Who is on Satan's side....

1. Those who support torture camps, illegal wars, lies, greed, pollution. They ignore the poor. They oppose Obamacare.


2. Those who oppose illegalities, wars, lies, greed, and pollution. They want to help the poor (just as Jesus did). They support universal health care, just as Jesus healed all without charging them.

You have mistaken President Biden's efforts to establish world peace for W. Bush's coalition of many nations in just hours (just as the bible said the Beast would do).

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
I do think we are on a path of self-destruction and in the process destroying many other species and the environment.

Christians put us on that path. They were duped into ignoring dire warnings of scientists about Global Warming. They take belief in God on faith. Sadly, they vote with faith, and their leaders betray that faith.

Christians are well-meaning, but highly destructive.

The world is a mess, and the Chrsitians made it so.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Thanks to you pointing it out I spotted it, "The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom."(Daniel 7:24 NIV) Absolutely correct.

In my opinion.

Don't confuse Biden's coalition to stop Putin with W. Bush's coalition to fight Iraq.

Notice that Revelation is about Iraq, not Russia. It specifically mentions Babylon.


Well-Known Member
I prophesy that you can bend the scriptures to suit your needs.

Think this OP is an example. I recall when some religious people were saying the Beast of Revelation were the ten members of the EU. Now's there's two dozen members. But just because a lot of tis IS stupid doesn't mean it's ALL stupid. I refer you to the state of Israel and the return of the Jews - with more arriving all the time as anti-Semitism rises in the world, again. Coming out of nations that were their 'graves' and returning to rebuilding the 'desolate' land, taking it back 'with the sword' and recreating the Jewish langauge, religion etc.. Imagine if 'Babylonians' did this in Iraq? All the world mocked these things in the late 1800's - but it actually happened.


Veteran Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”

SELAH PETRA: They Call It The ‘DEFEND Act’, And It’s A 10-Nation Confederacy In The Middle East To Protect Israel From A Nuclear Attack From Iran

Any day now!

...said the end-times-folks for the past 2000 years.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

I see this ties into the 7 kingdoms and 10 rulers mentioned elsewhere in Revelation, It does not necessarily mean becayse there are 10 Kings, that there will be 10 kingdoms.

This happened with the Message of Muhammad where there was 7 kingdoms and 10 rulers which became the beast.

Thus the Book of Revelation also tells us of the history of the Message and dispensation of Muhammad, that lasted to the year AH1260, as foretold in prophecy.

What happened in the year 1260 is another entire story of faith in our One God. IMHO

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
...And another shall rise after them;
He shall be different from the first ones,
And shall subdue three kings.
25 He shall speak pompouswords against the Most High,
Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law.
Then the saints shall be given into his hand
For a time and times and half a time.”

Times, times and half a time, is 3 1/2 years, is 42 months, is 1260 days which again is 1260 years.

1260 years was the dispensation of Muhammad.

The Day of God dawned in the year AH1260.

IMHO Regards Tony


ALL in all
Premium Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


Revelation has something to do more immediately with the reader than it it does something 2000 years later about a non-reader. The 1st verse tells you soon. 2000 years isn't soon. You're fear mongering

1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,


ALL in all
Premium Member
From what I see, the ten nation confederacy is now just in the initial stages of formation and we are not yet in the final future Tribulation period when the beast will be revealed, come into power, global control, and demand worship, etc. I think last part of Daniel 7:24- 25 is describing this beast- antichrist global leader which is also spoken about in Revelation.

...And another shall rise after them;
He shall be different from the first ones,
And shall subdue three kings.
25 He shall speak pompouswords against the Most High,
Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law.
Then the saints shall be given into his hand
For a time and times and half a time.”
Man is the beast because of the ego. The book is uncovering the layers of the psyche to self-realization


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


I think God is fed up with religionists and will change them for another people.

Since when have religionists shown they want peace? All religionists seem interested in is superiority and telling other religions they are wrong and only they are right.

So God I believe has abandoned those who only want to dominate and control and will raise up a people who really want to get along with each other.

Religionists, by their hatred of other religions have prevented the world from living in peace and are forever creating division and conflicts. God will exchange them for another people. That’s my understanding.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


The core theory is not bad, but we saw this happen about 200 years ago.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
The text says...

The ten horns are ten kings
Who shall arise from this kingdom.
Daniel 7:24

It doesn’t say one country, but one kingdom

Okay so 'kings' is non-literal but 'kingdom' is literal?o_O

and that kingdom was the Roman Empire which will be revived. All the nations involved were a part of the expansive Roman Empire

No they were not. Please reread the list of countries and look up a map of the Roman Empire. Also an alliance (e.g. NATO) is not an empire or kingdom.


Jesus in me
Just as the scriptures prophesied (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12) things are coming into place concerning end time world events and a 10 nation confederacy. That’s my perspective, anyway. What is yours?

“Biden’s visit to Israel will “focus on the Jewish state’s “increasing integration into the region through the Abraham Accords— normalization agreements Jerusalem signed with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco — through the strengthening of Israel’s ties with Israel and Egypt and through the creation of a new forum established by the Biden administration that includes the US, the UAE, Israel and India — the I2U2.”

So what are we talking about here? Only a 10-nation confederacy, 9 Arab nations and Israel, based on the Abraham Accords, all coming together to create a Middle East NATO-style organization that puts you smack dab in the middle of the book of Daniel, that’s all. Who’s the first Arab nation willing to join? Jordan. What is Jordan called in Bible? Edom and Moab. What’s in Edom and Moab? Why, it’s Selah Petra. Now do you see how close we really are? The 9 Arab nations are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, add Israel and that brings you to 10. Hmm, I wonder what Mohamed bin Zayed and Emmanuel Macron think of all this progress? I imagine we will be finding out that answer soon and very soon.”


I believe I do not agree. It doesn't fit the text.