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Do You All Want the End of Humanity?


Well-Known Member
I think I do understand how that being was me two thousand years ago, and I've now returned in another human body; with a name in many religious texts globally (Revelation 19:12), thus you'd think people would be respectful.

In my opinion. :innocent:

Well, here....I will save you some trouble.

The Human race (humanity) can NEVER be "destroyed", it is NOT possible.
Oh sure, we have our ups and downs, but we CANNOT be done away with.

And the reason is simple,
"humanity" is LITERALLY...."GOD IN THE FLESH".


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I used to doubt the Bible in entirety, as I was told parts are corrupt; yet the corruption is all prophesied to the letter, it just takes study to see clearly.

Maybe. I'm not saying the books of the Bible are entirely worthless. Some stories contain moral lessons which might be helpful guidelines for humanity.

But on the other hand, there's a thread currently running (Man made traditions from the Church or the Word of God - Who do you believe and follow?) where they're arguing on and on and on over whether the Sabbath should be celebrated on Saturday or Sunday.

I've seen this kind of thing come up before, where people are arguing endlessly over what appears to be a relatively minor and trivial point. Whole schisms have arisen over whether to do the Signs of the Cross with two or three fingers (or whether to do them at all).

The wealthy elites created the political system, to further benefit the free market to make more capital; it has always been an oligarchy/plutocracy whilst mortals rule, as they're greedy for material goods.

What is prophesied under the Messiah linking religion globally, is we can then establish a global theocracy based on logic.

There are two pathways, one is people unite under the Messiah, we create world peace or the Elites fulfil the prophecies of Global Annihilation, and the Great Tribulation happens.

The political system originated with the social contract, although it probably took a long to develop before it could reach a level where there would be any wealthy elites at all. At that point, the political system was already created, while the wealthy elites found ways to manipulate it and shift it to their ends. However, they eventually end in failure. Every major empire that ever existed has fallen.


Well-Known Member
The political system originated with the social contract, although it probably took a long to develop before it could reach a level where there would be any wealthy elites at all. At that point, the political system was already created, while the wealthy elites found ways to manipulate it and shift it to their ends. However, they eventually end in failure. Every major empire that ever existed has fallen.

The problems with our country are not rocket science. The billionaires and CEOs pay the lobbyists money to force or persuade the politicians to pass laws creating cartels and monopolies in exchange for campaign financing. We have no free-markets. There is no mechanism in the economy to wring out the inefficiencies of exorbitant CEO pay and excessive dividend payouts. Combine the laws creating with cartels and monopolies with the corporations fixing wages based on data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is pure evil. This is because tax payer dollars are being used to directly hurt the US worker. The result is this:

Nobody ever watches this video. The problem is so far worse than anyone can ever imagine. We virtually economic slaves. The 1936 words of FDR are more true today than when he first spoke them:

"An old English judge once said: 'Necessitous men are not free men.' Liberty requires opportunity to make a living - a living decent according to the standard of the time, a living which gives man not only enough to live by, but something to live for.

For too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality. A small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other people's property, other people's money, other people's labor - other people's lives. For too many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness.

Against economic tyranny such as this, the American citizen could appeal only to the organized power of government."

Speech before the 1936 Democratic National Convention

But do not worry my comrades. Marx always said laissez faire capitalism is always followed by communism. This is because unfettered greed would result in the government's currency collapsing to nothing in value. Once the currency is worthless, people in breadlines will demand MORE government not less. See you in the breadlines comrades!!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You mean like the fact that you have an anti-Christian bias?

No i do not. I have nothing against christianity other than teaching people that genocide, murder, theft, rape and slavery to be ok.

I do have a problem with some christians for various reasons.

Such as denying evidence that contradicts belief.

Or the christian who somehow tries to give the impression that they are Christianity because they they get annoyed when they cannot answer difficult (and sometimes easy) questions so they think its a god given right to obfuscate or try to change the object of the discussion.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
No i do not. I have nothing against christianity other than teaching people that genocide, murder, theft, rape and slavery to be ok.
proof is self evident - I don't remember Jesus teaching any of that. Would you like to quote me where he did?

I do have a problem with some christians for various reasons.
That's ok :) I have problems with some Christians too. Then again, any group of people will have some who people will have problems with.

Such as denying evidence that contradicts belief.

back to "interpretation" of same evidence.

Or the christian who somehow tries to give the impression that they are Christianity because they they get annoyed when they cannot answer difficult (and sometimes easy) questions so they think its a god given right to obfuscate or try to change the object of the discussion.

Well... like I said, there are people on every group that we will have problems with... after all... look how hard it was to get some cogent information from your posts. ;)


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
proof is self evident - I don't remember Jesus teaching any of that. Would you like to quote me where he did?

Ahh that old argument..

Are you saying 85% of the bible is irrelevant to Christianity?

Are you saying the abrahamic god is irrelevant to Christianity?

That's ok :) I have problems with some Christians too. Then again, any group of people will have some who people will have problems with.

I have no problems with my group of friends.

Well... like I said, there are people on every group that we will have problems with... after all... look how hard it was to get some cogent information from your posts.

There is plenty of cogent information in my posts, there are some few who refuse to acknowledge that. And fyi. That is cogent information.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Sorry i missed this bit

back to "interpretation" of same evidence.

Some evidence is beyond interpretation. There is so much research and evidence from multiple disciplines that each confirm the other evidence that to put an interpretation to suite one's own ego is lying to oneself and the world


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Actually it is down to the seasonal weather conditions.
Weather patterns are all mathematics; everything is maths, we're inside a giant quantum computer.
What? Wow, just wow.
As an archangel who was there at the beginning of creation; people working from inside the matrix will struggle to see the dynamics of reality, they can only theorize what could exist mathematically.

Within my NDE at 21, I got to see the quantum physics dimensional levels of ascension (Jacob's Ladder), which after I've quantified from multiple aspects.
You can? Get it in to print, publish your proof, you will be famous, you will have the world's religious leaders clamouring to have you on their speed dial lists.
Do you not get I've literally got prove to show I'm the return of King David/Yehoshua, and you think I'd be famous for proving old books. :confused:

The conclusions of the Bible are removal of the ungodly, and unless people actually question the authenticity of what is being stated about the contradictions in the Bible a.k.a the Antichrist (John, Paul, and Simon)...

Then soon the world will be washed in Fire at the Great Battle, and after only those who understood this will remain; we do not need to prove to people to accept what they already should have done based upon history, morality, logic, and contexts.

Christ returns to announced the Great Tribulation, and Judgement Day (Luke 17:20-37); then after those who are worthy, will already know this stuff, I don't need to convince people down near Hell to be logical before their deletion.

Now if it was possible to rectify the religious differences, it would take people listening; yet as Religious Forums & Paltalk has shown, people are too argumentative to deal with evidence before ego.

In my opinion. :innocent:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Weather patterns are all mathematics; everything is maths, we're inside a giant quantum computer.


As an archangel who was there at the beginning of creation; people working from inside the matrix will struggle to see the dynamics of reality, they can only theorize what could exist mathematically.

Within my NDE at 21, I got to see the quantum physics dimensional levels of ascension (Jacob's Ladder), which after I've quantified from multiple aspects.


Do you not get I've literally got prove to show I'm the return of King David/Yehoshua, and you think I'd be famous for proving old books. :confused:

The conclusions of the Bible are removal of the ungodly, and unless people actually question the authenticity of what is being stated about the contradictions in the Bible a.k.a the Antichrist (John, Paul, and Simon)...

Then soon the world will be washed in Fire at the Great Battle, and after only those who understood this will remain; we do not need to prove to people to accept what they already should have done based upon history, morality, logic, and contexts.

Christ returns to announced the Great Tribulation, and Judgement Day (Luke 17:20-37); then after those who are worthy, will already know this stuff, I don't need to convince people down near Hell to be logical before their deletion.

Now if it was possible to rectify the religious differences, it would take people listening; yet as Religious Forums & Paltalk has shown, people are too argumentative to deal with evidence before ego.

I know you would be either famous or infamous if you actually did have valid evidence


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I don’t want anyone to die. But I want that evil, lies, theft and murder ends.

Here is a thought.

93% of the worlds population have some sort of religious affiliation.

It follows that most lies, and crime (evil next) is committed by religious people.

Evil is a religious concept anyway, the product of some religious mindsets.

Most crime is carried out by religious people, statistics on the religiosity of prison inmates in several countries confirm this.

So my idea is get rid of all religion and the crime rate will be cut by at least 93%, possibly more.

Is that not a great (tongue in cheek) solution?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
I know you would be either famous or infamous if you actually did have valid evidence
I've explained it on Religious Forums, and Paltalk, where people have scared me by their interactions.

If none of the religious accept their Messiah on here, where in textual format gives more time to show the ideas, why in person would people accept it more genuinely?

Thus literally if no one on here takes their own prophecies seriously about the end of time, humanity can die as prophesied, and after we keep the enlightened saints.

This just fulfils multiple aspects of the 2nd coming prophecies before the Great Tribulation, then after we come to an age of Godliness...

Personally I'd like to educate people; yet honestly people seem to all have challenging behavioural syndrome, like we're down near Hell, and most beings are psychotic in some way - where they just like to argue, before reason things out.

In my opinion. :innocent:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I've explained it on Religious Forums, and Paltalk, where people have scared me by their interactions.

If none of the religious accept their Messiah on here, where in textual format gives more time to show the ideas, why in person would people accept it more genuinely?

Thus literally if no one on here takes their own prophecies seriously about the end of time, humanity can die as prophesied, and after we keep the enlightened saints.

This just fulfils multiple aspects of the 2nd coming prophecies before the Great Tribulation, then after we come to an age of Godliness...

Personally I'd like to educate people; yet honestly people seem to all have challenging behavioural syndrome, like we're down near Hell, and most beings are psychotic in some way - where they just like to argue, before reason things out.

In my opinion. :innocent:

OK, i am done, thanks for the ride.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
So much for the end of humanity, thank you for your lack of care, and help.

In my opinion. :innocent:

You have no idea how i have helped humanity. Talking about it and wishful thinking are but pointing the feet in the right direction for a long walk


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
We're on a religious forum, where people clearly contradict themselves, we can't avoid mental illness.

The idea an advanced psychologist didn't find me insane in multiple meetings, and you've diagnosed me over reading a thread, proves you're not being logical in appraisal, which clearly proves a lack of sanity; yet don't worry we can psychoanalyse each other over a few sentences.

Yet honestly I don't find you logical to proceed to do that, so sorry, yet I'd not respect your appraisal of me as logical either.

In my opinion.
You should notice that I did not "diagnose" anyone at all. I was very careful say that there appears to be "evidence of psychological disorder," that evidence being your own repeated claims to be The Messiah (not a messiah, The one-and-only Messiah).

Now, if you truly believe that, then you yourself should be able to provide evidence. If, however, you are pretending, then that is tantamount to trolling. Finally, if you are not pretending, then I think any caring member of these forums should not be "playing along" with you just to see what happens. I think that would be uncaring and dangerous.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
So much for the end of humanity, thank you for your lack of care, and help.

In my opinion. :innocent:

I've remained silent in this thread until now, but your waving the proverbial middle finger at anyone who doesn't accept your claim that you are the messiah or doesn't accept your interpretation of "prophecies" in religious texts is not only very 'unmessianic' of you, but is also beginning to wear on me.

As @ChristineM said, you have no idea what steps she or other people have taken to help humanity, so stop being so spitefully condescending to others. Frankly, its rude and insulting. Or perhaps you would like to share what your accomplishments in life are that contributed to the betterment of humanity. I mean other than making claims of being the messiah on internet forums and preaching and prattling on about your prophecies.
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One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
waving the proverbial middle finger at anyone who doesn't accept your claim that you are the messiah or doesn't accept your interpretation of "prophecies" in religious texts is not only very 'unmessianic' of you
We've got a religious crisis due to the identification of the Messiah, the idea someone can prove that is them with evidence, and how the prophetic texts works; then fixes the dilemma as prophesied, and fulfils people's religious texts in the process.

If we do not fix the religious dilemma, the Source of reality according to the texts is going to remove everyone at Armageddon; I've been sent from Heaven as prophesied before the end, to give people a chance to educate themselves about their lack of morality, before they are deleted without understanding why.

Me pleading for you to understand your own religious texts, isn't my religion; mine is built on the equations the Source has shown me first hand, explaining your religious text is for your benefits before your imminent destruction.
As @ChristineM said, you have no idea what steps she or other people have taken to help humanity
You have no idea how i have helped humanity.
The whole planet will soon be annihilated in the Great Tribulation, this isn't optional, unless we get everyone globally to understand their religious texts; therefore it is 100% likely we all die soon, therefore the only equation worth working towards is fixing the religious dilemma, else we literally are part of the problem.
so stop being so spitefully condescending to others.
It is the opposite of spite, and being condescending, as King David/Yeshua I'm trying to see if we can help people survive, by giving them the exam results to their own religions, that they should have assessed themselves to prove themselves worthy, by their own moral standards - me giving them the requirements for the Messianic age is prophesied (Revelation 3:18).

In my opinion. :innocent:


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
that evidence being your own repeated claims to be The Messiah (not a messiah, The one-and-only Messiah).

Now, if you truly believe that, then you yourself should be able to provide evidence.
My understanding is that at 4-6 years old I was told my name is in the world's religious texts by the Source of reality, and shown advanced details about the Bible.

In Revelation 19:12 it says that Christ has a new name that only he knows; yet if we exegete the text in Revelation 3:12 it tells us the name by definition of the entries provided:

Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar (Sandalphon) in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God (Zion - Psalms 146:10, Psalms 147:12, Isaiah 52:7), the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name (Sananda).

Sandalphon is a pillar between Heaven and Earth in Judaism; the term pillar is also used at the start of Revelation 10:1, which I fulfilled three years before reading the Bible.

The new name of Christ according to Theosophy is Sananda, which comes from Hindu ideas that Sanandana is Brahma's son - My name is Zanda.

Lord Brahma means Lord of Creation, and Yahavah is like saying Lord of Creation the same; there is just one religion, people are confused.

Therefore for Yeshua's new name to be Sananda, and the original son of God to be Sanandana, shows a continued usage of versions of the name in different religious texts.
Therefore when we can show my name in many of the religions globally, as prophetic of the one to come at the end; plus with the knowledge I was given since young, shows by the evidence I'm the person sent as Messiah.

Ultimately this is a start to explaining some of this, people write books about avatars sent from Heaven.

In my opinion. :innocent: