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I choose to be an antichrist out of compassion


Veteran Member
No being can be the anti-Christ even if they desire it. This is like an ant challenging the sun to a fight. No being can bring down Christianity, even if that being had the power to destroy the earth it is only one planet among countless others.

You hate God? That is free will. Do with it what you wish.

There are many false prophets. People who are selfish, people who are uneducated, people who are angry.

There is no hell. God did not create such a place. Religion has always tried to scare people to keep them. It costs money to buy robes and incense. People give more when they are afraid.

God never leaves a clear message? You're much too worried about what you think God wants and doesn't want that you're not living your life. You don't have to figure it all out on the earth. Teachers will explain it to you at the next level.

You think people should follow their conscience? I think you mean the good ideas that come from the human conscience. The reality is that the human conscience provides good and bad thoughts, like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, and it sits back with extreme interest to see which you will choose. It then records the answer. "Even the number of hairs on your head is recorded". The conscience will stop giving you good thoughts if you've chosen the bad thoughts too often.

God hasn't come a long way, people finally evolved to the point where they chose to accept that there is one God and that we are saved. We didn't just get saved by Jesus, we were always saved, it's just that people finally began to accept it.
I hope you are right

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Turning against your former abusive master and educating people about what he is really like is not being an angry monkey. Unlike you, I have declared I will not longer sit back idly while people use the "word of God" to trample others.
I've been watching a 2011 version of Journey to the West on Youtube. It involves an angry monkey turning against "masters" and trying to educate people on what they are really like. :)

According to Jesus, that isn't going to happen.
Hmm. Of course, it is also said that what we do on earth will be as in heaven, so I guess if we desire equality and love and compassion HERE, God has to pay up or something. :)


Sure, I'll bite.

I'm not claiming to be the beast of the apocalypse, but the Bible says there are many antichrists (and I am one of them,) but it is out of compassion. I'm an antichrist because I'm oppossed to God and the Bible even to the point of hating them both.


Some say the Antichrist will be a false prophet who introduces the world a Religion which unites all Religions. I think that is absolutely beautiful for so many religions and philosophies contain truth and beauty. So much division and confusion in the religious world drives me nuts!

When two conflicting ideas capitulate to each other, error is compounded and all truth is lost. Only one - if either - of them can possibly be correct, and truth ought to triumph over error. It is not at all beautiful, this idea of unitive religion.

I also think it is thoroughly disgusting how many people claim that people outside of their Religion (or polytheists like Ghandi) are burning in hell for all eternity.

Seeing as you apparently recgonise the authority of scripture...

(John 14:6): Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.

(Acts 4:12): Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.

(Mark 16:16): He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.

Additionally, on the authority of the apostolic/episcopal office, through the Holy Spirit:

"Now the holy Church universal proclaims that God cannot be truly worshipped saving within herself, asserting that all they that are without her shall never be saved." (Pope St. Gregory the Great)

"Such is the nature of the Catholic faith that it does not admit of more or less, but must be held as a whole, or as a whole rejected: This is the Catholic faith, which unless a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved." (Pope Benedict XV)

"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside which no one at all is saved." (Fourth Lateran Council)

"They could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it, or to remain in it." (Second Vatican Council)

There is absolutely no chance of salvation for those outside the Body of Christ. Exactly why do you find this 'thoroughly disgusting'? Is it merely a gut feeling, or do you actually have an argument to present?

God never once leaves a clear message for so many and the consequence of not believing in him or having the right Dogma is an eternity of torture (is what many monotheists are preaching). I'm completely oppossed to such a God, and to give someone that consequence for rejecting what they didn't know to be true is the epitome of injustice according to what my conscience tells me justice is.

The message from God to mankind is clear: take Christ as your own and join in His Body, or you cannot - and will not - know God, and thereby will never be saved. You believe that you, within your conscience, have a superior understanding of justice than a God who is all-knowing, timeless, and most importantly, infinitely merciful? That's not wisdom - that's delusion.

I think people should follow their conscience. There are a lot of Scripture verses that lead people to believe that people like Ghandi or other polytheists, buddhists, Pagans, or agnostics who follow their conscience and do what they believe to be right will be tortured for ever and ever and ever in agony because they didn't accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. This is their consequence even if they didn't know they were rejecting the truth.

If the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the form of His Church and Her teachings was truly never revealed to an individual, they would not have been saved anyway. Not a single man is innocent; God knows each and every one fully.

How can anyone who believes that not be horrified that their friends, coworkers, and so many people they come into contact with will have such a fate forever? How is that good news? How is the God who permits that and hides himself from everyone worthy of all our love, worship, and praise? I'm absolutely going to oppose and fight such a God. Perhaps by opposing him I can get him to change his mind. Anyone who knows the Scriptures knows that people have argued with God and got him to change his mind (The name Israel means contender with God).

I know many such sorts - I am deeply hurt, but not horrified. God is infinitely just; when we attain salvation, then there is no grief for those lost - we gain His understanding of justice, and come to know exactly why it is that the reprobate suffer the fate that they do.

Fighting with God can be the best thing for our world. Moses explained to God that his idea of leading the Israelites into the wilderness to destroy them was asinine "14 And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."
Exodus 32:14-20

Verse 14 actually reads: Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.

God's mind cannot be changed, nor His will.

God has come a long way. He used to be the Jerk in the Old Testament that had people stoned to death for crimes as stupid as working on the wrong day of the week. We can get him to change his ways and not be such a tyrant. After seeing how poorly God treats us, I see nothing more noble than to contend with him.

As above; God is timeless and unchangeable. You are again attempting to call God's sense of justice lacking, or wrong. That is impossible, by virtue of the fact that He is God. Where Man and God clash, Man is always wrong.

An Antichrist is completely capable of being a good intentioned, compassionate person who sees injustice and will fight injustice even if it means fighting God!

True - the greatest of antichrists throughout history have been well-intentioned, and even compassionate. This does not make them right; it makes them foolish.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
The message from God to mankind is clear: take Christ as your own and join in His Body, or you cannot - and will not - know God
Weird, then, that God didn't need Jesus to talk to anyone all throughout the OT ...

Verse 14 actually reads: Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.

God's mind cannot be changed, nor His will.
That is, really, the definition of changing one's mind.

That is impossible, by virtue of the fact that He is God. Where Man and God clash, Man is always wrong.
Even Abraham could tell God offing two whole cities was wrong and HE didn't get killed for saying such a thing.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Seeing as you apparently recgonise the authority of scripture...
That doesn't mean he, or anyone, recognizes any "authority" of scripture. I know what it says, what it teaches, what it instructs, and the laws it establishes, but I see it as being no more real than A Midsummer Night's Dream.
take Christ as your own and join in His Body, or you cannot - and will not - know God, and thereby will never be saved.
Some of us don't see this as a bad thing. We don't want anything to do with your god.
You believe that you, within your conscience, have a superior understanding of justice than a God who is all-knowing, timeless, and most importantly, infinitely merciful? That's not wisdom - that's delusion.
I don't believe, I know. Such as, I'm not too far away from being a psychotherapist. I'd never tell a parent must kill a rebellious teenaged child who disrespects them, but rather call them all in for an appointment and work towards resolving issues and preserving the family without bloodshed and death. Nor would I ever tell a woman she must be totally submissive to her husband, as a marriage should be 50/50 with both partners having input and weight for decision making.
we gain His understanding of justice, and come to know exactly why it is that the reprobate suffer the fate that they do.
That seems terrible. That we are really just human, and god would punish us forever over a few years of disbelieve. My own mom is infinitely more forgiving than that - my brother, on more than one occasion, has put us all through hell and he still always has a place to stay at mom's. She even finds it inconceivable, unbelievable, incomprehensible for any parent to hate and disown a LBGT child, unlike a a great number of Christian parents who are directly responsible for adding a chunk to the number of homeless youth because they believe such a thing is an abomination. Even my dad has made efforts to reach an understanding and acceptance, shedding his former racist, homophobic, or other forms of bigotry (he's even went from being an avid cat hater to sleeping with one on his chest).
As above; God is timeless and unchangeable.
Which is a problem. God said pi equals 3 and when leprosy is cured that dove's blood should be slung all over the place. If god is timeless and unchangeable, we, the Creation, have surpassed the Creator.


Veteran Member
I choose to be an antichrist out of compassion

Are you against the teachings of Jesus the Christ? Please

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I choose to be an antichrist out of compassion

Are you against the teachings of Jesus the Christ? Please
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. Luke 19:27
Very much against. We can get the peace from other sources and without the rigid expectations of submission, obedience, punishment, and damnation.


Veteran Member
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. Luke 19:27
Very much against. We can get the peace from other sources and without the rigid expectations of submission, obedience, punishment, and damnation.
It was a parable narrated by Luke.
Is one sure that the world is more peaceful now than say in the times of Jesus? Please

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It was a parable narrated by Luke.
A parable told by Jesus, allegedly recorded by Luke, where we find a king who has an unmistakable resemblance to Christ. The bidding of this king is not just to kill those who don't want him to reign over them, it's to kill them in front of him. That is not peaceful, merciful, benevolent, or loving. That is a war crime/crime against humanity.
Is one sure that the world is more peaceful now than say in the times of Jesus? Please
Very much so. Through much of the world, East and West, North and South, here and there--pretty much everywhere except where Christians and Muslims are still butchering each other--the chances of being murdered, killed in a violent conflict, or being the victim of violence has never been lower.


Veteran Member
A parable told by Jesus, allegedly recorded by Luke, where we find a king who has an unmistakable resemblance to Christ. The bidding of this king is not just to kill those who don't want him to reign over them, it's to kill them in front of him. That is not peaceful, merciful, benevolent, or loving. That is a war crime/crime against humanity.
That is the narration of Luke, and he never met Jesus in his life. Right? Please


Veteran Member
That is the narration of Luke, and he never met Jesus in his life. Right? Please
And Jesus did not write anything , he did not dictate anything to any scribes of the Gospels and he did not authorize anybody to write anything on his behalf. Right? Please
One should not be mislead by the inverted quotas, these were not in use in Jesus' time. Please


Veteran Member
And Jesus did not write anything , he did not dictate anything to any scribes of the Gospels and he did not authorize anybody to write anything on his behalf. Right? Please
One should not be mislead by the inverted quotas, these were not in use in Jesus' time. Please
Yep Jesus never wrote anything, in fact in my opinion he wasn't even there, they had a good imagination back then lol.


Weird, then, that God didn't need Jesus to talk to anyone all throughout the OT ...

Jesus is God.

That is, really, the definition of changing one's mind.

Has your mind been changed when you threaten someone with consequences should they not fulfil a certain thing, and then refrain from punishing them when they obey?

Even Abraham could tell God offing two whole cities was wrong and HE didn't get killed for saying such a thing.

Are you talking about Sodom and Gomorrah? If you are, it wasn't wrong - Abraham did not beg that the cities be spared in order to save life; only to save the lives of his family members.

[tantrum devoid of all logic]

Give it a rest, you bloody animal. First Wave was a mistake.


Veteran Member
Yep Jesus never wrote anything, in fact in my opinion he wasn't even there, they had a good imagination back then lol.
Is imagination truthful? If yes, to what extent? Please
This question is asked as one's religion "my own religion" seems to be based on imagination only. Right? Please


Veteran Member
Is imagination truthful? If yes, to what extent? Please
This question is asked as one's religion "my own religion" seems to be based on imagination only. Right? Please
I also imagine many things but it doesn't mean there true, no way baby.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Give it a rest, you bloody animal. First Wave was a mistake.
Funny how you changed my post to "tantrum devoid of all logic." You say this to me, but yet you are the one who follows the religion that teaches a cracker and wine literally turn into the actual flesh and blood of Christ. Or is my post "devoid of logic" because you don't agree with it, but you can't argue against it? Factually, the Bible does mandate death for ill-behaved children. It's very oppressive and degrading for women. The Bible is wrong about pi. And, god just can't seem very forgiving with examples of humans giving each other far more patients, love, and forgiveness than He ever has or will.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Are you talking about Sodom and Gomorrah? If you are, it wasn't wrong - Abraham did not beg that the cities be spared in order to save life; only to save the lives of his family members.
Then why haggle about the number of good citizens it would take not to destroy them? After all, Lot only lived in ONE city. Gomorrah has nothing to do with the plot and it's STILL roasted.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Then why haggle about the number of good citizens it would take not to destroy them? After all, Lot only lived in ONE city. Gomorrah has nothing to do with the plot and it's STILL roasted.
Personally, I'm more offended that Lot dared to offer his daughters to a mob for gang raping, and this man who thought of such a thing that can only be described as monstrous, and who also had drunken sex with his daughters is called "righteous." With words such as that, should we really be turning to such a book for moral guidance?


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
Personally, I'm more offended that Lot dared to offer his daughters to a mob for gang raping, and this man who thought of such a thing that can only be described as monstrous
I can respect the sacrifice. Besides, the mob refused the offer and the angels inflicted them all with blindness, shortly before God nuked the hell out of them.

and who also had drunken sex with his daughters is called "righteous."
It should be noted that his daughters got him drunk to have sex with him because they wanted to have children and felt they would never meet another man.

With words such as that, should we really be turning to such a book for moral guidance?

I certainly would turn to the bible- among other holy books- to acquire deep insights about individual human Nature and collective human Nature, in all its aspects, not just those one might find pleasing.

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