You do have good points. Here is one that stuck out.
This body will die anyway. And it is only by losing this body that we are enabled to receive the perfect and incorruptible body God has in store for us.
Since we have differing beliefs, it is hard to see this is true unless we found a common grounds of understanding each other. The best foundation I can somewhat agree with is that the body dies. Whether our souls come to god or no, well, as you can see on RF, everyone varies in opinion of that relation between body and god.
God actually brings about life into the earth; a woman (and a man) is but a tool in the creation process. For this reason she has no power over the life that is created.
I am using mother and child so it's easier to talk about god and man without changing theme. Since god and man relationship has so many interpretations that a mother and child don't have, it's easier to use that language instead.
Thinking context, if mother was god and child were man, and the mother had/created a child, once that child is on earth-his soul
and his body is no longer the mother's. We say it is based on our relationship with our mother (or Father) but in reality (or how I see it, I guess), that isn't the case. If my mother dies before me or I die before her, she or I will still exist. This is both in body and spirit/soul. You can't separate the two.
That been said, if the mother/god created/have her child, that doesn't make the child literally her child. There isn't ownership. That's just, well, wrong. We have motherly instincts to take care of who we call our child and we still do even when they are well into adulthood, but I'm talking more technically not morally (if that's the right word).
So, if my mother took my life because she created me, that is wrong. If a creator took my life because he created me, that is wrong. Body and spirit/soul are one. They are not separate while we are on this earth. So, to say "okay, our body will die anyway" (my words), is really disregarding half of who you are. If I believed in god, that would be an insult for being created by god-both in flesh and in spirit.
A human being cannot restore another human being's life. That is, having taken life away and deprived a person of life, the murderer (even if that murderer is the mother) cannot bring that person back and cannot make up for the lost opportunity.
Going by my analogy, even if a human can restore a person's life, that doesn't give him, creator, bodhisattva, spirit, or human, any right to take it. I don't understand how restoring a life connects to our points, though.
Life is sacred, yes. But what is life? If you limit the word life and say that it only applies to people who are on this earth then it is understandable why you believe God would be a bad person if he kills someone. But if you understand life to be the consciousness of the soul then you will understand that no life can be ended as life is eternal.
The spirit is immortal, yes. The spirit isn't isolated. We are mind, body, and spirit. Yes, I am focusing on this life because this life is what we know (not just knowledge or intellect). This life-spirit
and physical-is what we experience and how we live our faith, morals, or so have you. It is this life that I appreciate not the next life or the next. It's not a "bridge" to a better place. We are in a better place. We just have to live for our community, others, and ourselves rather than always looking on the news and interpreting what we see as if that "defines life." Like people say it's a bad world and so forth.
If we take on a different perspective, then this earth, this life would not be a bridge to a beautiful view. We would appreciate what we have now as the end because we do not
know. Yes, we may be comfortable with faith and with our experiences, interpret that as knowledge. The results of faith being interpreted to make faith a fact. However, that's completely wrong. If you don't know, you don't know.
Anyway, so our body, mind, and soul are interconnected. Anyone, regardless if they are a tool that have a child or entity that created a child, it doesn't matter. Once that child or person is in this world-he has the right to live-in body, spirit, and mind. To deprive him of that because of a future with god makes it counterproductive to create him here in the firsts place.