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Will the Jewish people ever accept the Messiah?

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Well-Known Member
My plans and will are to enable and induce and help (most of) the people of the whole world to become much more fruitful and to multiply their wealth, so that they can live and enjoy their life to an unprecedented potential!

I believe in a type of capitalism and a type of socialism. I believe that the people that are able to work can and should make their own money and reap the rewards of their labor! But the people that can not work, for whatever reasons, should be able to live a decent life- not rich but not poor.

I believe that there should be a cap on wealth, so no single person should own more than a billion dollars in capital and/or assets combined: and that would help spread the wealth around to the poorer class and the middle class!

I also believe that there should be a sliding scale tax, so that the poorer class pay NO TAXES, and the more profits someone earns the more they will pay in taxes. For example, if someone is making $200k in profits- they might have to pay 20% in taxes. But if someone is making millions of dollars in profits- they might have to pay 50% in taxes. And if someone is making less than $50k per year, than they should NOT have to pay any taxes, because they need that money to pay bills and eat, etc..

And I also believe that there should be a GLOBAL MINIMUM WAGE, because that would protect most jobs from being outsourced to a different country! And the minimum wage should be a living wage, so I believe that the global minimum wage should be maybe $15 per hour. But, for the record, all of these numbers are arbitrary and are just to give examples, because My global online government would dictate the actual numbers and percentages, etc..

I also believe that people have a "God-given right" to free food, free education- including daycare for little children AND free college for adults, free health care, and many other things will become free rights as dictated by My global online government like free internet and free satellite cellphone service, etc..

Moreover, I believe that PEOPLE should be the "gold standard," because that would protect the currency from inflation or deflation! For example, maybe there could be a million dollars per person who is alive, in circulation. And this money could get into circulation via public workers and social services and the military and whatever else that we need to pay for that will benefit the people.

But because I am not a despotic tyrannical dictator, I can only give My suggestions as I see righteous fairness and justice, but it is not in My jurisdiction to subjugate and manipulate and impose all of the laws of the land! Because I want My people to decide their own destiny and fate for their own lives! And I also believe that all of the countries should be sovereign, so each country can dictate their own laws based upon the majority rules. But every country will have to obey the simple global laws like murder, rape, stealing, etc., will always be illegal! These are the moral laws.

I want people to prosper and enjoy their life! And I don't want there to be any immoral and unjustified laws, so I trust that the majority of people will choose what is the best for their own state and their own country.

I want everyone to be able to have a good quality of life! And I want My Garden Paradise Kingdom to be able to evolve with the contemporary times that they live in!

I don't want to hurt any people, because I want to be a blessing to the world and then the world's to come!

War will become obsolete in My Kingdom!

You ever played civilization on PC ? The AI will not allow you to isolate and build your own little utopia it gets quite bloody .
World would be a much better place if you just banned all forms of gambling ,leveraged speculation , as for pay I believe an hour of someone's life is an hour of someone's life and everyone should be paid accordingly , minor adjustments for skill levels and danger etc .
I'd cap inheritance/birthright .
Not sure how I what to do with those that are innotavative and make fortunes from hard work .
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You ever played civilization on PC ? The AI will not allow you to isolate and build your own little utopia it gets quite bloody .
World would be a much better place if you just banned all forms of gambling ,leveraged speculation , as for pay I believe an hour of someone's life is an hour of someone's life and everyone should be paid accordingly , minor adjustments for skill levels and danger etc .
I'd cap inheritance/birthright .
Not sure how I what to do with those that are innotavative and make fortunes from hard work .

I would NOT ban gambling or make gambling illegal, because the government has no business telling people how or what to spend their money on. But I would suggest and advocate for people not to gamble, but it's really none of My business.

And no, I have never played the game Civilization on the computer. I am not much of a gamer anymore, but I used to love playing a game called Counter Strike, a first person shooter, and that was a lot of fun.

I agree with you that an hour of someone's life is the same for everyone, but some people are much more qualified for a job, some people are much harder workers, some people have a very special skill from training and experience, etc., and that is why I believe that it's up the company/boss to pay their employees a fair amount of money. But because of inflation, today's minimum wage is a poverty wage- especially if you have children to support, etc..

And yes, I believe that all of a parents inheritance should go to their child(ren), as long as it's not over a billion dollars total. The government has enough money.

But I forgot to mention, I would suggest that My global online government implement a sliding scale tax on the sliding scale tax. For example, if My global online government has let's say 10% or so of the total money in circulation in their banks, I believe that everyone should pay less taxes- because the people should make sure that the government does't get (too) greedy! But, conversely, if the government has less than 1% of the total money in circulation in their banks, it might be time to increase taxes on the rich and wealthy! But these numbers are whimsical and arbitrary, and the actual amount or percentage should be dictated by My global online government!

I don't hate rich people at all! As a matter of fact, I want the whole world to be much richer! And as the people of the world get richer, than everyone will become richer, because rich people are more able to help the poorer people.

But I do have problems with the top 1% of the population owning more than the 90% of the population combined! In other words, in this present economy the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and something needs to be done about this monopoly on power and control, etc..

I would rather see the whole world be rich and prosper than the whole world to be poor!

I believe that we should abolish the Rothschilds owned central banks!

I am not against prosperity, because I am for prosperity! But I am very against banking monopolies that enslaves the whole world via their conspiracy to rule the world.



Well-Known Member
I would NOT ban gambling or make gambling illegal, because the government has no business telling people how or what to spend their money on. But I would suggest and advocate for people not to gamble, but it's really none of My business.

And no, I have never played the game Civilization on the computer. I am not much of a gamer anymore, but I used to love playing a game called Counter Strike, a first person shooter, and that was a lot of fun.

I agree with you that an hour of someone's life is the same for everyone, but some people are much more qualified for a job, some people are much harder workers, some people have a very special skill from training and experience, etc., and that is why I believe that it's up the company/boss to pay their employees a fair amount of money. But because of inflation, today's minimum wage is a poverty wage- especially if you have children to support, etc..

And yes, I believe that all of a parents inheritance should go to their child(ren), as long as it's not over a billion dollars total. The government has enough money.

But I forgot to mention, I would suggest that My global online government implement a sliding scale tax on the sliding scale tax. For example, if My global online government has let's say 10% or so of the total money in circulation in their banks, I believe that everyone should pay less taxes- because the people should make sure that the government does't get (too) greedy! But, conversely, if the government has less than 1% of the total money in circulation in their banks, it might be time to increase taxes on the rich and wealthy! But these numbers are whimsical and arbitrary, and the actual amount or percentage should be dictated by My global online government!

I don't hate rich people at all! As a matter of fact, I want the whole world to be much richer! And as the people of the world get richer, than everyone will become richer, because rich people are more able to help the poorer people.

But I do have problems with the top 1% of the population owning more than the 90% of the population combined! In other words, in this present economy the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and something needs to be done about this monopoly on power and control, etc..

I would rather see the whole world be rich and prosper than the whole world to be poor!

I believe that we should abolish the Rothschilds owned central banks!

I am not against prosperity, because I am for prosperity! But I am very against banking monopolies that enslaves the whole world via their conspiracy to rule the world.

Hahaa you really have no idea , speculative gambling causes this world a lot of harm. I do not believe for one second you are from God , never heard the story of Jesus in the temple ?.
BTW imho by observation The Rothschild's appear to be more benevolent than any past monarchs . Bankers running the show or monarchs myself I'd choose the bankers.
Banning Gambling I'd start on stock markets can only buy what you intend to take delivery of .
Inflation is due to money printing , in theory they could just print it and no one works.
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See in the dark
Will the Jewish people ever accept the Messiah?


Some already have and given that the church was founded by Jews that is hardly a surprise really. Also the prophesy is that many Jews will convert before Christs return. Messianic Jews in Israel are amongst the bravest and most substantial Christians I have ever met.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to prove that I am Me(ssiah), because I believe that the world needs and deserves only the very best!- and once I become the King of the world, I will pour out My blessing so that there will be an overabundance of all that is good and beneficial and benevolent and righteous, etc..

Even if 2 billion people claim to be Jesus followers, it doesn't do Jesus any good, because Jesus is dead! What good or bad can you do for the dead?

Does the dead care about anything? Even if I had the whole of creation following Me, and if I was dead, it wouldn't do Me any good. Because dead people don't know or feel anything! To be dead is to be incorporeal or experience the naught.

I don't have any plans of dying (via crucifixion)! But I do have plans to stay alive to keep the universe on! But if I die, who knows what would happen? I have the Power to keep the universe on or I can turn it off... Haha, that's what you call Power!

Wow just wow. The been billions before you and there will be billions more after you .
Jesus wasn't people technically .
Again yes you have the power to end your own experience of the universe , universe IMHO being the local world but everything will carry on without you is for sure.
I like your ideas , is nothing new though .
The universe would miss you like it misses the Venetians.
I thought I was the messiah once then I kinda grew out of it , hoping you do to is not healthy pal.


Well-Known Member
Some already have and given that the church was founded by Jews that is hardly a surprise really. Also the prophesy is that many Jews will convert before Christs return. Messianic Jews in Israel are amongst the bravest and most substantial Christians I have ever met.

Ah yes the Christians who prey on the uneducated Jews.

Such a brave people.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Some already have and given that the church was founded by Jews that is hardly a surprise really. Also the prophesy is that many Jews will convert before Christs return. Messianic Jews in Israel are amongst the bravest and most substantial Christians I have ever met.
Except many of them flagrantly Israeli law that prohibits proselytizing by any group, including us Jews. Same is true in India, btw.

There is a great danger in proselytizing someone who in another religion and has faith because trying to take them out of their religious beliefs and religion can possibly lead to them having no faith at all. In Judaism, it is considered unethical to take such a chance.
Hahaa you really have no idea , speculative gambling causes this world a lot of harm. I do not believe for one second you are from God , never heard the story of Jesus in the temple ?.
BTW imho by observation The Rothschild's appear to be more benevolent than any past monarchs . Bankers running the show or monarchs myself I'd choose the bankers.
Banning Gambling I'd start on stock markets can only buy what you intend to take delivery of .
Inflation is due to money printing , in theory they could just print it and no one works.

Well, okay, I admit that I don't know all about speculative gambling and the stock market. So I am not the best person to judge this topic.

I believe that a part of the stock market is good for some businesses, because people invest money into said businesses and that gives the business a chance to grow and prosper.

I am anti-corruption, and if there is corruption, I believe that My global online government should use their power to remedy the situation and keep things just and fair.

I understand that the stock markets are largely corrupt, but because I am not an expert on the subject- I am not going to speak from ignorance.

Why don't you explain to Me what you feel is important pertinent information on the subject? Why is speculative gambling so bad?

But I still believe that people should be able to spend their own money on whatever or whoever they want, even if it's gambling. But if a entity like the stock market is rigged, corrupt and monopolized, then I would let the experts from My global online government suggest and posit the remedy for the problem.

I would consider Myself more of a libertarian than any other party, because I believe that the government should stay out of people's business unless they are breaking the law, and I believe in minimal government and NOT big government!

The government is supposed to be for the people and by the people. But most governments today are for the elites and by the elites.

I agree that we should fix many things about the world, but I believe that there should be more freedom and less unjust laws.

Please explain for Me why speculative gambling is so bad? Thanks!



See in the dark
Except many of them flagrantly Israeli law that prohibits proselytizing by any group, including us Jews. Same is true in India, btw.

The law was no different in the early Jewish church. Some laws have authority and others do not.

There is a great danger in proselytizing someone who in another religion and has faith because trying to take them out of their religious beliefs and religion can possibly lead to them having no faith at all. In Judaism, it is considered unethical to take such a chance.

Unless that is you believe that their current beliefs are in the way of actual relationship with God and eternal life. In which case atheism might be an honest move in the right direction.


See in the dark
Ah yes the Christians who prey on the uneducated Jews.

Such a brave people.

Deaf people cannot hear and blind people cannot see. Deafness , blindness and hostility to the truth can all be taught. it is brave to confront such stubborn defiance even if such activity is more akin to waves wearing down rocks over centuries than the tide destroying sandcastles overnight.


Well-Known Member
Well, okay, I admit that I don't know all about speculative gambling and the stock market. So I am not the best person to judge this topic.

I believe that a part of the stock market is good for some businesses, because people invest money into said businesses and that gives the business a chance to grow and prosper.

I am anti-corruption, and if there is corruption, I believe that My global online government should use their power to remedy the situation and keep things just and fair.

I understand that the stock markets are largely corrupt, but because I am not an expert on the subject- I am not going to speak from ignorance.

Why don't you explain to Me what you feel is important pertinent information on the subject? Why is speculative gambling so bad?

But I still believe that people should be able to spend their own money on whatever or whoever they want, even if it's gambling. But if a entity like the stock market is rigged, corrupt and monopolized, then I would let the experts from My global online government suggest and posit the remedy for the problem.

I would consider Myself more of a libertarian than any other party, because I believe that the government should stay out of people's business unless they are breaking the law, and I believe in minimal government and NOT big government!

The government is supposed to be for the people and by the people. But most governments today are for the elites and by the elites.

I agree that we should fix many things about the world, but I believe that there should be more freedom and less unjust laws.

Please explain for Me why speculative gambling is so bad? Thanks!

Because its just wrong in so many ways , is parasitic and dimishes the value of real work and ultimately starves the poorest of the world .
Gambling on 1000s x more oil than actually exists in the world , on 1000s x more gold than exists in the ground , all with new fiat money that took its value purely from existing fiat money . Is the main reason things go up in price to consumers (inflation) is parasitic and diverts trillions of value from real work each year.


Well-Known Member
Deaf people cannot hear and blind people cannot see. Deafness , blindness and hostility to the truth can all be taught. it is brave to confront such stubborn defiance even if such activity is more akin to waves wearing down rocks over centuries than the tide destroying sandcastles overnight.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
The law was no different in the early Jewish church. Some laws have authority and others do not.

Not even close to being true, and even some differences show up clearly in Acts and even more so in the epistles.

BTW, here's the Law and where they can be found in Torah: http://www.jewfaq.org/613.htm

Unless that is you believe that their current beliefs are in the way of actual relationship with God and eternal life. In which case atheism might be an honest move in the right direction.
Anyone who believes that falls into a category I'd rather not even give a label to.

I find it so nonsensical that some profess to believe in Jesus and yet they disobey Jesus' command to "Judge ye not...". Well, maybe they just believe about Jesus but not in him, much like the "goats" in the Parable of the Sheep & Goats? What do you think?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Deaf people cannot hear and blind people cannot see. Deafness , blindness and hostility to the truth can all be taught. it is brave to confront such stubborn defiance even if such activity is more akin to waves wearing down rocks over centuries than the tide destroying sandcastles overnight.
Anyone who claims that they have some sort of monopoly on 'the truth is simply deluding themselves: Micah 6[8] It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.


I just finished reading this article tonight for My very first time, and the reason why I searched the internet for this is because I saw this guy, Paul McGuire, on a Christian TV program within the past week or so. His pretense/assertion was that the Tower of Babel was a Stargate to allow or summon interdimensional beings for whatever reason. I personally don't believe in everything asserted in this article, but I do believe that some of it is factual. Anyway, I just thought that it was an interesting read, so I figured that I would share it so maybe it could entertain you or induce your curiosity to do more research...?



I do stuff
Some already have and given that the church was founded by Jews that is hardly a surprise really. Also the prophesy is that many Jews will convert before Christs return. Messianic Jews in Israel are amongst the bravest and most substantial Christians I have ever met.
The sect was started by Jews, yes, but you conveniently forgot to mention by the second century not a Jew could be found in this sect. It’s also no surprise that many of these Jews who have converted to the “Jews for Jesus” movement were marginal Jews to start with. What I mean by marginal is that they were not firmly grounded in Judaism from the get go. They had very little to give up. What also doesn’t surprise me is that the very founder of the “Jews for Jesus”, movement Martin "Moishe" Rosen was a marginal Jew himself.

“Although his father regularly attended an Orthodox synagogue Rosen describes him as irreligious and viewing religion as a "racket".” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moishe_Rosen

Year after year Rosen’s father drills in this boy’s head that religion is a “racket”. It’s no surprise to me why Rosen left Judaism. Another thing that does not surprise me is that history has a tendency to repeat itself. The Apostle Paul goes to the Gentiles only after he gives up on the Jews. The Gentiles did not have to give up the Law. They were never part of it. Therefore they were a much easier sell then the Jews were.

In Paul’s own words:

“Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: "We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles.”(Acts 13:46)

“But when they opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, "Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it. From now on I will go to the Gentiles."” (Acts 18:6)


Veteran Member
O course the Jewish people will never accept the Messiah, and why should they ?...........this man called Jesus never proved anything to the Jews, he wasn't anything like what they were expecting, the so called Christians took the story of the man Jesus and mad a big song and dance about him.


See in the dark
Anyone who claims that they have some sort of monopoly on 'the truth is simply deluding themselves: Micah 6[8] It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.

Submission to scripture is done so with an awareness that His thoughts are higher, better and greater than our own. I can agree with your point while disagreeing with its implication. The Old Testament testifies to Christ and was ignored by too many who have read it. Whose thoughts dominate when the scriptures themselves are denied?
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