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Democratic Debate


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
As far as the Republicans, I have a difficult time seeing the party establishment getting behind anyone but Rubio or Bush. None of the others are even remotely electable in a general election.

As a Democrat, I would be very pleased if Trump, Carson, or Cruz were the Republican nominee. It would hand us the election.
As a Democrat, I'd be very pleased if the Republicons dump Trump and he responds by running as an independent candidate. That would blow the Republicon's chance to win the election out of the water.


Computer Simulator
As a Democrat, I'd be very pleased if the Republicons dump Trump and he responds by running as an independent candidate. That would blow the Republicon's chance to win the election out of the water.
This scenario works. Another good one is where Trumpy stays in till the bitter end and fatally wounds his repobo opponents. Some folks say that is what happened to "the Mitt" last election.


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As a Democrat, I'd be very pleased if the Republicons dump Trump and he responds by running as an independent candidate. That would blow the Republicon's chance to win the election out of the water.
I predict Carson becomes front runner for a while, then both Trump and Carson are forgotten. The eventual choice will be Kasich, Bush or Cruze.


Computer Simulator
I predict Carson becomes front runner for a while, then both Trump and Carson are forgotten. The eventual choice will be Kasich, Bush or Cruze.
I don't like to talk about the repobos much in the Liberal DIR, but I think you are close. I would throw Rubio in there for yucks, and I think they're all covered. Oh, and I think Cruze is too religious right even for those guys. It's all good for Hill!


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I don't like to talk about the repobos much in the Liberal DIR, but I think you are close. I would throw Rubio in there for yucks, and I think they're all covered. Oh, and I think Cruze is too religious right even for those guys. It's all good for Hill!
True. Its the representatives and the senators that get to act in the shadows. Who is vetting them? I think 1 in a 100 even knows the names of senators in 3 states.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
I think Ben Carson would be good for national unity though not for progressive ideas. He seems too soft to me to be president, and that means he could get us more involved in foreign wars. Presidents rely heavily upon their military advisors, CIA, FBI etc. If they can't say 'No' then off we go to war in places we've never heard of. Not that I'm complaining about him being ahead of Trump in the polls, since D. Trump seems like a wildcard, like some kind of Beeblebrox. Anyway I think we were discussing the Democratic party process.
When Ben Carson said, "Back Israel and follow what Netanyahu wants on Iran." (May 2015) I decided he is unqualified to become POTUS. No President should even hint that (s)he believes that (s)he should follow what any foreign leader be it Netanyahu or someone else tells him or her what to do in foreign affairs.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
Watched it all. Bernie or Bust.
I believe that Bernie's response to the question of his being a socialist was weak. It would have been better if he had said that we have had two Democratic Socialist presidents in the 20th century, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt who held political beliefs similar to mine. Both were re-elected, Theodore once and Franklin three times. They American people must have thought they did a good job.
"We wish to control big business so as to secure among other things good wages for the wage-workers and reasonable prices for the consumers. Wherever in any business the prosperity of the businessman is obtained by lowering the wages of his workmen and charging an excessive price to the consumers we wish to interfere and stop such practices. We will not submit to that kind of prosperity any more than we will submit to prosperity obtained by swindling investors or getting unfair advantages over business rivals." -- Theodore Roosevelt: Speech at Progressive Party Convention, Chicago (17 June 1912)


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When Ben Carson said, "Back Israel and follow what Netanyahu wants on Iran." (May 2015) I decided he is unqualified to become POTUS. No President should even hint that (s)he believes that (s)he should follow what any foreign leader be it Netanyahu or someone else tells him or her what to do in foreign affairs.
I believe Ben Carson was speaking to his audience. He has a strong evangelical base, and that is exactly what they would want to hear. I think he would be a very strong contender as vice president or as president and he would let the libertarians and hawks walk all over him.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
I believe Ben Carson was speaking to his audience. He has a strong evangelical base, and that is exactly what they would want to hear. I think he would be a very strong contender as vice president or as president and he would let the libertarians and hawks walk all over him.
Every President of the United States has served as either:
Vice President of the United States
a Member of Congress
a Governor of a state
a Cabinet Secretary
a General of the United States Army

Ben Carson, if elected, would be the first president that no governmental experience. To me that's worrysome.


I believe that Bernie's response to the question of his being a socialist was weak. It would have been better if he had said that we have had two Democratic Socialist presidents in the 20th century, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt who held political beliefs similar to mine. Both were re-elected, Theodore once and Franklin three times. They American people must have thought they did a good job.

I don't even remember the response, it's been a while. However, I'm aware enough to know democratic socialist is about as vague and nearly meaningless as any other term, so I don't sweat the identity political. He could be a communist, he could call himself a fairy, he could be labelled a toast-****er for all I care. Until people explicitly spell things out, there isn't much point on hanging unto people's single-phrased identities.


aged ecumenical anthropologist


Computer Simulator
The last debate was pretty good. I think the Bern brings some god new ideas to the mainstream and Hill adapts them. The energy of his campaign is reminiscent of Eugene McCarthy in '68. Anyone recall the outcome of that election ? It rhymes with "Vixen" ;).


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The last debate was pretty good. I think the Bern brings some god new ideas to the mainstream and Hill adapts them. The energy of his campaign is reminiscent of Eugene McCarthy in '68. Anyone recall the outcome of that election ? It rhymes with "Vixen" ;).
I believe at this moment many Republicans are frustrated with their party, but Bernie Sanders does not have enough name recognition. They don't know who he is or how he relates to them. They think they know Hillary Clinton already and so aren't looking for more information about her at all. Was that McCarthy's problem in '68, too?


Computer Simulator
I believe at this moment many Republicans are frustrated with their party, but Bernie Sanders does not have enough name recognition. They don't know who he is or how he relates to them. They think they know Hillary Clinton already and so aren't looking for more information about her at all. Was that McCarthy's problem in '68, too?
The 1968 election was a very divisive one for the Democrats. Eugene McCarthy was strongly anti-war. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed that year. And a third party candidate, George Wallace, ran. It ended with the election of Richard Nixon (rhymes with Vixen), perhaps the worst President of all time.

I hope the Bern does not lead to a 1968 rerun.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The 1968 election was a very divisive one for the Democrats. Eugene McCarthy was strongly anti-war. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed that year. And a third party candidate, George Wallace, ran. It ended with the election of Richard Nixon (rhymes with Vixen), perhaps the worst President of all time.

I hope the Bern does not lead to a 1968 rerun.
As one who was raised in a strongly Republican family and was originally one myself, I gradually "converted" during the Kennedy years largely because of the civil rights issue, and when Robert Kennedy was assassinated, that tore me up so bad that I couldn't even watch most of his funeral. To this day, he's still my favorite political figure.


Computer Simulator
As one who was raised in a strongly Republican family and was originally one myself, I gradually "converted" during the Kennedy years largely because of the civil rights issue, and when Robert Kennedy was assassinated, that tore me up so bad that I couldn't even watch most of his funeral. To this day, he's still my favorite political figure.
Ironically, even L.B. Johnson was good on civil rights. But it was during JFK's Presidency that the issue took off. RFK would have been a great President. Both Kennedy assassinations were tragedies for the country and it is amazing it was possible to happen twice. I think JFK's son would have had some great impact if he had not died in the plane crash. Tragic family !


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Ironically, even L.B. Johnson was good on civil rights. But it was during JFK's Presidency that the issue took off. RFK would have been a great President. Both Kennedy assassinations were tragedies for the country and it is amazing it was possible to happen twice. I think JFK's son would have had some great impact if he had not died in the plane crash. Tragic family !
Agreed, and even though LBJ was far from being my favorite Democrat, I give him tons of credit for sticking with his conscience and signing into law the Civil Rights Acts that he was warned would ultimately kill the Democrats in the South.