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Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
OneThatGotAway said: "How is it that my God abuse you? Yahweh Almighty God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He made these things for mankind to enjoy and live a lifetime of happiness. If such a Creator is responsible for fashioning the very air we breath and making the earth inhabitable to produce food for our consumption; how is that abuse? However, if a man or woman hurts another man, woman, girl, or boy, should not God set laws in place to protect helpless from such hurt? Was he wrong in punishing Sodom and Omarrah for their sexual sins?"

Debate Slayer: "Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone. Why should people be punished for it when it doesn't harm anyone in the first place? In my opinion, the god portrayed in the Old Testament is abusive by being genocidal, vengeful, and arrogant. It is scary to me that so many people idealize (and idolize) such a character and view it as a paragon of morality and righteousness."


In regards to previous comments on Sodom posted to me and this one about somebody hurting anyone, it is written:

"And they called unto Lute, and said unto him, Where [are] the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lute went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,...And they said, Stand back. And they said [again], This one [fellow] came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, [even] Lute, and came near to break the door. -- Genesis 19;5,6,9

It appears to me that the men of Sodom had gang anal rape on their mind to the point that doing it with women disgusted them; they wanted fresh bodies from men. I would call that hurting someone; if you don't think that hurts, then ask the thousands of prisoners in prisons across the world. In my opinion the God in the Old Testament is merciful and non-genocidal, preserving hundreds of nations. He is kind those who are kind to others; and he is vengeful to those that abuse, torture, and murders others. In my opinion, Yahweh is not arrogant simply because of who he is and what he has done for the sons of Aedam. It is scary to me that people idolize and worship other people, despite their faults.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
OneThatGotAway said: "How is it that my God abuse you? Yahweh Almighty God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He made these things for mankind to enjoy and live a lifetime of happiness. If such a Creator is responsible for fashioning the very air we breath and making the earth inhabitable to produce food for our consumption; how is that abuse? However, if a man or woman hurts another man, woman, girl, or boy, should not God set laws in place to protect helpless from such hurt? Was he wrong in punishing Sodom and Omarrah for their sexual sins?"

Debate Slayer: "Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone. Why should people be punished for it when it doesn't harm anyone in the first place? In my opinion, the god portrayed in the Old Testament is abusive by being genocidal, vengeful, and arrogant. It is scary to me that so many people idealize (and idolize) such a character and view it as a paragon of morality and righteousness."


In regards to previous comments on Sodom posted to me and this one about somebody hurting anyone, it is written:

"And they called unto Lute, and said unto him, Where [are] the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lute went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,...And they said, Stand back. And they said [again], This one [fellow] came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, [even] Lute, and came near to break the door. -- Genesis 19;5,6,9

It appears to me that the men of Sodom had gang anal rape on their mind to the point that doing it with women disgusted them; they wanted fresh bodies from men. I would call that hurting someone; if you don't think that hurts, then ask the thousands of prisoners in prisons across the world. In my opinion the God in the Old Testament is merciful and non-genocidal, preserving hundreds of nations. He is kind those who are kind to others; and he is vengeful to those that abuse, torture, and murders others. In my opinion, Yahweh is not arrogant simply because of who he is and what he has done for the sons of Aedam. It is scary to me that people idolize and worship other people, despite their faults.

Well, that's anal rape, then. What about consensual homosexual sex between informed adults? Is that a sin too?


Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
OneThatGotAway said: "Was he wrong in punishing Sodom and Omarrah for their sexual sins?"

Yes. He should have worked with them to change the cities rather than destroy them.

We do not have any written record that God worked with them for the better; and we don't know whether God made any attempt to work with the people of Sodom and Omarrah.

Therefore, in my opinion, I cannot say that God was wrong because I do not have access to all of the events leading up to their destruction.


Well-Known Member
OneThatGotAway said: "Was he wrong in punishing Sodom and Omarrah for their sexual sins?"

We do not have any written record that God worked with them for the better; and we don't know whether God made any attempt to work with the people of Sodom and Omarrah.

Therefore, in my opinion, I cannot say that God was wrong because I do not have access to all of the events leading up to their destruction.

So your god left you with incomplete information, in a matter involving the complete destruction of a city containing thousands of men, women and children?

I mean, if you can't justify it on the basis of what is contained in the text, doesn't that say something?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I know you did not say Yahshuo (Jesus Christ) willingly laid down his life for mankind; but I wanted the point to be made that the Son of God volunteered to save mankind himself knowing that drinking that cup could be severe.
The point was, rather than just saying pray for forgiveness, he sent his own son to be tortured to a slow and agonizing death.
Slavery back then came in two forms indentured servitude and voluntary servitude; one was voluntarily and the other was involuntary.
You apparently missed the point: owning a human being as a piece of property is not good. It is something only a real ******* is capable of. Human beings are not property, yet slavery degrades them to that status.
Lute's wife's punishment for turning back is very important.
But, did she have to die? For something so petty?
Do the sons bear the sins of the fathers or not?
Yes they do and No they don't depending on the context of the sin
The following link explains the difference in detail at the following link:
That does not excuse the fact that we are all punished, even before we are born, because of the sins of Adam and Eve. We didn't even get a chance: we are born with a sinful nature.
So much for not punishing the son for the sins of the father.

Although Yahweh foresees and controls every situation, he also gives man the freewill to choose and take responsibility for their actions.
You do see the logical fallacy of that, don't you? If god controls every situation, then we cannot have free will because we are controlled by god.
In contrast, I rather spend eternity with the God who has given me air to breath, food on my table, clothing on my back, family and friends, good health, wealth of knowledge, and hope for a better life eternally. (In my humble opinon)
And I'd rather not spend it with a god who instructed the soldiers of Israel to take women as sex-slaves, hack up children, and tear open pregnant women.
We do not have any written record that God worked with them for the better; and we don't know whether God made any attempt to work with the people of Sodom and Omarrah.
If he controls everything, then had he worked with them they would have changed.
Either he didn't work with them, or he doesn't control everything.


Well-Known Member
OneThatGotAway said: "Was he wrong in punishing Sodom and Omarrah for their sexual sins?"

We do not have any written record that God worked with them for the better; and we don't know whether God made any attempt to work with the people of Sodom and Omarrah.

Therefore, in my opinion, I cannot say that God was wrong because I do not have access to all of the events leading up to their destruction.
Yet you accept the story of sodom as true and use it to reenfrorce your stance against homosexuality and you don't see how that is self fulfilling? Why?


Woke gremlin
they will adopt the same beliefs because if it is science, you can prove it. will you deny proof just because you belong to another religion? does that include denying salvation?
What are you talking about? I could just as easily say "I should start a hot dog business, because if I discover the recipe for the world's most delicious hot dog I would become a millionaire!". If you happened to find a religious belief structure that you could prove to be true, then congratulations. But in reality, no such thing currently exists, and we have no reason to assume it does. Right now, science is proving things - not religion. You can't just hitch religion on to science and say "now we have proven religion!" That's nonsense, and it's not how science or religion work.

well, science has worked with those industries and they do pay taxes and they do lobby their congressional leaders for their point of view.
You do realize that science existed before congress and special interest groups, right?

does that mean if one religion condones murder that all the rest in this communal utopia must agree and set the killer free?
Again, what are you talking about? Do you understand that you are currently living in a society that is like the one I described? Law is secular - religion can't influence it. That's the point of secularism. So why on earth do you think religious groups could successfully petition to release a murderer on religious grounds?? Do you even know what secular means??

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I'm not in the habit of letting those who abuse my language control my vocabulary. Especially when that word accurately and succinctly describes a phenomenon.

Awesome, and I would support secular marriage licenses for each of those families, and when it approaches the 96% of homes that have children that heterosexual marriages show, I'll support a general marriage license as well.

I know I'm one man in a sea and my opinions aren't valued by either side of the debate... but that is my view.
So 50% to you is not a substantial amount? What is exactly? Is it 96%? What if I told you that one of the leading reasons that only half of officially married homosexuals have children is because adoption agencies are still prejudice in many areas?


Also from my source it seems some seventy percent of the non-married couples have children together. Many of those seventy percent are in simple civil unions that are not allowed to marry. Is seventy percent close enough yet?
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Well-Known Member
One that Got Away states: It appears to me that the men of Sodom had gang anal rape on their mind to the point that doing it with women disgusted them; they wanted fresh bodies from men. I would call that hurting someone; if you don't think that hurts, then ask the thousands of prisoners in prisons across the world. In my opinion the God in the Old Testament is merciful and non-genocidal, preserving hundreds of nations. He is kind those who are kind to others; and he is vengeful to those that abuse, torture, and murders others. In my opinion, Yahweh is not arrogant simply because of who he is and what he has done for the sons of Aedam. It is scary to me that people idolize and worship other people, despite their faults.

I wonder...have you worked in prisons in the medical field? Or in any capacity at all? Yes, some prisoners rape other men. And sometimes the guards for that matter. You see, I have worked in maximum and medium security prisons as an APRN. And despite that some are raped, a goodly number become what the Hawaiians call a 'mahu' or IOW, a homosexual and/or transgender and sell themselves for sex. In all the time I have worked in these settings, the number that came to the clinic due to rape were very few. Of course, we recognized that many didn't come d/t being considered less of a man. Most that came to the clinic did so for medications which were strictly monitored or for minor issues, such as the flu, etc. A few were truly sick and ended up in the infirmary. But your assertion about men in prison and rape is more legend and myth than reality. And btw, keep in mind that I did say it occcurs.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Yahweh is holy, righteous, perfect, true, intelligent, all powerful, gracious, and very merciful to allow people like you to mock him for thousands of years from generation to generation; he understands your pain and ignorance.
You have nothing to fear if such a God does not exist; however, if such a God do exists...
Wow! Oops! and Ouch!

Why so mant adjectives, when "perfect" would have been sufficient?

Well, you have nothing to fear either, if Allah does not exist. However, if He does exist, well...

It is "ouch" for both of us. One "ouch" less for me If He punishes incorrect verbs declinations when applied to Him, though :)


- viole


Veteran Member
SkepticThinker said: "Are you saying that homosexuality should be stamped out and eliminated? And you take this opinion from words in the Bible? How would you propose doing such a thing?"
OneThatGotAway said: "I propose believing and trusting that Yahweh God Almighty will finish what he started in his divine redemption of mankind through his son, Yahshuo (aka Jesus Christ). We just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."

Yahweh (Holy Be His Name) will use various ways to restore His divine order to the earth; some methods are kind and gentile while others are harsh depending on the sinner's actions.
I did not mention torture; however, if any man engages in torture, then you can be sure that Yahweh God Almighty will torture the torturer. Would you think that tortured victims would find such payback justice equitable?
Okay, so you're going to do absolutely nothing to stamp out homosexuality. Good.


Standard point: why have we banned slavery, when there's no condemnation in the Bible?
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..
This sounds good until you are asked why some slaves were to have holes put in their ears.


Veteran Member
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..
What is described in the Bible is slavery. The owning of another human being as property.

I find the attempts I've seen to sugar coat it are not only a cop out, but immoral as well.


Well-Known Member
The issue of homosexuality isn't that it should be stamped out or it should be inhibited.

The fact of the matter is that homosexuals exist. It is from birth. We even know why.
Scientists May Have Finally Unlocked Puzzle of Why People Are Gay - US News

So now that we know it is not an option to simply "not be gay" what are we to do? There have been arguments sent around that homosexuality is innately harmful. There has never been a successful argument to provide this. Homophobia in the form of personal or public pressures have been linked in causes of sexual misconduct and dangerous sexual practices.
There has been proven methods to reduce the harm and potentially make it no more harmful than heterosexual sex. (in fact female to female intercourse is already far safer than male to female intercourse has ever been) This method is through public acceptance of these sexual orientations and proper educations on safe sex for all orientations.

If the goal is to reduce "harm" caused by the homosexual community it only makes sense to give them the tools they need both sociologically and educationally to be successful and safe.

And onto marriage itself it is simply a matter of dignity. No one is arguing in favor of "just because" or "it feels good". It is a matter of human dignity and dignity is something we have proven over and over to be important. The dignity of women, religious minorities and ethnic minorities have all been fought for. Now we are slowly getting to the point where sexual orientation is obtaining the same dignity across the board.

Thoughts for or against?
The issue of homosexuality isn't that it should be stamped out or it should be inhibited.

The fact of the matter is that homosexuals exist. It is from birth. We even know why.
Scientists May Have Finally Unlocked Puzzle of Why People Are Gay - US News

So now that we know it is not an option to simply "not be gay" what are we to do? There have been arguments sent around that homosexuality is innately harmful. There has never been a successful argument to provide this. Homophobia in the form of personal or public pressures have been linked in causes of sexual misconduct and dangerous sexual practices.
There has been proven methods to reduce the harm and potentially make it no more harmful than heterosexual sex. (in fact female to female intercourse is already far safer than male to female intercourse has ever been) This method is through public acceptance of these sexual orientations and proper educations on safe sex for all orientations.

If the goal is to reduce "harm" caused by the homosexual community it only makes sense to give them the tools they need both sociologically and educationally to be successful and safe.

And onto marriage itself it is simply a matter of dignity. No one is arguing in favor of "just because" or "it feels good". It is a matter of human dignity and dignity is something we have proven over and over to be important. The dignity of women, religious minorities and ethnic minorities have all been fought for. Now we are slowly getting to the point where sexual orientation is obtaining the same dignity across the board.

Thoughts for or against?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies.
That is utterly and entirely irrelevant.
The inherent evil of slavery--no mater how it's conducted, how the slaves are treated, no mater what laws govern it--is owning another human being as property.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..

So what? Roman Slavery has it's own connotations separate to other forms of slavery as well. Just because it has different rules and cultural expectations doesn't mean it was magically good by any sense of the word. You may as well argue, but that woman who merciless beat her child to near death is different than that other lady who only beat her child for half an hour. Both are still pretty heinous regardless of circumstances.
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Woke gremlin
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..
Do you support the sanctioned ownership of another human being (and their family) as personal property to be bought, sold and inhereted?


Well-Known Member
Just a point about slavery- amongst those who lived by Torah commands slavery was a very different thing than it was as practiced by non-Torah governed societies. Which includes America in the time it practiced slavery. There is no similarity of 'slavery" under Torah and slavery under any other form of government. The Bible does not condone 'slavery' in any other form outside the limits and responsibilities outlined in Torah. It does recognize that slavery was a reality both within Torah boundaries and outside. Before one condemns the Bible as supporting the inhuman subjugation of another they should really do their homework and fine out what the Bible actually requires of the "owner"..
I've done my 'homework' about this. Can you truly believe that owning another human is something that God would have condoned? Would you like to be owned by someone? Would you like to be sold to someone else? No matter how you phrase it, or state that ownership of another is more pleasing per the Bible, its still reprehensible and doesn't represent what God, in my belief, would ever have wanted for anyone.