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I attained nirvana


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I don't want to scare you off from desiring from experiencing the Ayahuasca ritual, because it is a phenominal experience in my opinion, and I hope to experience it one day. However, from everything I've read (and it's a lot), the ayahuasca expererience is pretty violent. Massive vomiting, nausea, headaches, etc. There was a national geographic where a researcher did the ayahuasca ritual in a true native american village, and wow it was not pretty.
The amusing catch is that one does not need an ayahuasca expererience to begin with. There's something inside of all human animals just begging for release. Merely entertain the idea and you are almost there.

Now, if they administered too high of a dose of DMT through an IV, then I can definitely see something going wrong. But I would wager to say if a doctor was there than it was some type of medical experiment, and he was there for insurance reasons.
Mainlining reality, what a novel concept.

As far as your struggles with your ego go, as others have said you cannot really "kill" your ego. From what I have gathered the more you try to fight your ego the more it wants to fight back. After all, it thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread lol. So when you try to get destroy, it is naturally going to do what it was made to do which is to survive.
Even after the dreadlocks drivel, this is an astute point. What's a wee ego to do, eh?

As stated above the ego is not junk, it is a beautiful thing, and it is only trying to do what is best for "you" as the person you are right now. If you can help it realize that there is something beyond it that can make "you" better, then it will let go of it's control over you. Sometimes it still gets mad that it's not always the best lol, but if you can convince it that this "spiritual self" is good for you, which it most certainly is, then it will let your "spiritual self" shine through more and more.
Clumsy wording, but in essence, true. The ego, when understood as a necessary part of personality, is actually a very good "team player". Sadly, most human animals are not aware of this aspect of reality.

As evidenced by previous comments in this thread, there are people on this forum that might not recognize themselves as gurus, but they definitely have a lot of knowledge when it comes to matters like this. Why be upset that you don't have one guru, when you have a bunch of them here on Religiousforums.com. :D
Guru's are way over-rated. Reality is, by far, the better teacher... Jus' sayin'


Istha gosthi
namaskaram :namaste

please excuse me jumping in I have not been keeping up with this thread but have just returned to it .....

As far as your struggles with your ego go, as others have said you cannot really "kill" your ego. From what I have gathered the more you try to fight your ego the more it wants to fight back. After all, it thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread lol. So when you try to get destroy, it is naturally going to do what it was made to do which is to survive.

from where I stand , .... true , you canot realy ''kill the ego '' , ..... but you can let it desolve naturaly , yes it is true for most that the more you fight it of course the more you find that it fights back , ....it is like a child which canot see anything beyond its own existance .

As stated above the ego is not junk, it is a beautiful thing, and it is only trying to do what is best for "you" as the person you are right now.
it is beautifull in the way that children are beautifull and we forgive them for their ignorance in some areas because they are only children , this is the natural way of things .

but as childhood is a stage through which we must inevitably grow , ego too has its limitations which we naturaly out grow .

If you can help it realize that there is something beyond it that can make "you" better, then it will let go of it's control over you. Sometimes it still gets mad that it's not always the best lol, but if you can convince it that this "spiritual self" is good for you, which it most certainly is, then it will let your "spiritual self" shine through more and more.
this little ego is thinking that it is so big , so important , so individual and so so important , ...but in truth it is only the most basic of rudementary awareness'es, when the ''spiritual'' self begins to awake it will outshine the ego and the ego will simply melt away , as true spiritual awareness surpasses it and leaves it behind .
As evidenced by previous comments in this thread, there are people on this forum that might not recognize themselves as gurus, but they definitely have a lot of knowledge when it comes to matters like this. Why be upset that you don't have one guru, when you have a bunch of them here on Religiousforums.com. :D
the true benifit of a good guru is that he can see exactly what stage you are at and lead you gently but surely on to the next level , he is there to support and give guidance .
true there is a lot of wisdom out here , but even a good peice of wisdom at the wong time is of no use infact it merely confuses things .

there is an age old expression , ..... everything is guru , but not everything is guru quality .:bow:
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I know first hand how scary they can be and how upside they can turn you world. I actually had my first experience with this type of thing while I was getting my hair dreaded. :D

As evidenced by previous comments in this thread, there are people on this forum that might not recognize themselves as gurus, but they definitely have a lot of knowledge when it comes to matters like this. Why be upset that you don't have one guru, when you have a bunch of them here on Religiousforums.com. :D

I suppose I'm upset because I'm upside down and alone. I'm really tired of the internet having friends in it and life not. I'm frustrated I don't have somewhere spiritual to go to physically. Or a person to help me through this here with me. that is why.
For the record, I don't buy into the Kundalini/Chakra thingy, but it is fun reading and thinking about it.

Ok so what thingy do you not buy into?

for me chi, meridians, chakras, aura, consciousness these things are one energy system. Actually everything is. but anyhow they all work together. Possibly being able to see an aura or interact with energy by getting Reiki or other methods then you'd know about them and there would be nothing to buy into. It would just be cool.

I wish I had an aura burst super power so I could just show people!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Attempt 2: (Since this was such an important point, made by WindWafter.)
WindWafter! That's awesome. :D

The non-dual view of reality puts things into a proper perspective FOR the ego to behold. When one treats the ego as a necessary friend, it doesn't mind moving aside from time to time to let the greater reality of self shine through. Somewhat like the rays of sunshine, breaking through a cloudy day....
That's beautiful, and quite an apt description. If you treat you ego as your friend, it's power can be directed to experience the ineffable. Treat it as your enemy, and you're only creating dissociation. It will rear it's face in ugly ways, rather than being your friend.

If you think about it in terms of extreme aesthetics and self-flagellation, starving the body trying to put it down, whip it into submission. Even the Buddha went the path of starving the body seeking Nirvana. It wasn't until he fed the body, that on the heals of feeding himself that he experienced enlightenment. What is the lesson here? Isn't trying to rid yourself of ego, to deny it, to shove it underground the same sort of bad idea? Doesn't it make more sense to heal the ego as well as the body, heal it to a healthy condition first, and then work with it to cooperate with you towards growth?

People misunderstand the ego as egotism. Yes, egotism is to be grown beyond. But I see egotism as a symptom of an unhealthy ego (qualify that as in an adult, not a child which is normal and healthy for that stage of development). If you have a healthy ego, then you are not self-centered. You see others. And then you grow beyond that into identification with others. "Love your neighbor AS yourself.", not like yourself, but as yourself, an extension of your very own body and soul. That's a healthy ego including, and stepping beyond itself.
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If you think about it in terms of extreme aesthetics and self-flagellation, starving the body trying to put it down, whip it into submission. Even the Buddha went the path of starving the body seeking Nirvana. It wasn't until he fed the body, that on the heals of feeding himself that he experienced enlightenment. What is the lesson here? Isn't trying to rid yourself of ego, to deny it, to shove it underground the same sort of bad idea? Doesn't it make more sense to heal the ego as well as the body, heal it to a healthy condition first, and then work with it to cooperate with you towards growth?

There are so many metaphors for things in life either that happen to us or we do to ourselves. We deprive ourselves when we feel unworthy. we often feed ourselves to fill a spiritual not a physical emptiness. No matter what we do our bodies and our homes and words and actions reflect our inner world. For me it seems many things do strip the ego down layer by layer. Fasting or starving when not done on purpose but as the course of life or illness flows will also make your true nature apparent. doing it on purpose not so much. As with drugs and alcohol. true nature will come out. whatever is in you will come out and whatever is not can not come out. whatever strength or weakness you have is not in the deprivation or the excess. it is in what comes from it. Knowledge of self.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Going back to that sound... I've heard it as though it was a mosquito buzzing in my ear, only instead of the mosquito sound, I'd describe it as piano notes being played in such quick succession it almost sounded like a buzz. Like a whole piano concerto condensed into just a few seconds.


Da man, when I walk thru!
The amusing catch is that one does not need an ayahuasca expererience to begin with. There's something inside of all human animals just begging for release. Merely entertain the idea and you are almost there.

I agree, I have induced some natural DMT a time or two, or atleast I think I have lol. An true ayahuasca experience, in my opinion, is about more than just the experience of DMT.

Even after the dreadlocks drivel, this is an astute point. What's a wee ego to do, eh?

And what do you have against dreadlocks, sir?

Guru's are way over-rated. Reality is, by far, the better teacher... Jus' sayin'

I would agree to a certain extent, but reality is like the mean teacher that you hated in school, but realize later in life taught you so much. A guru is like your favorite teacher in school. You learn a lot from both of them, but it sucks a lot more when your learning from the mean teacher lol.

namaskaram :namaste

from where I stand , .... true , you canot realy ''kill the ego '' , ..... but you can let it desolve naturaly , yes it is true for most that the more you fight it of course the more you find that it fights back , ....it is like a child which canot see anything beyond its own existance .

I don't believe it ever truly dissolves, as I stated earlier, if that were true, than you would die in my opinion, because the ego controls basic bodily functions in my opinion. If by dissolve, you mean merge with universal conciousness, then yes I would degree with that.

it is beautifull in the way that children are beautifull and we forgive them for their ignorance in some areas because they are only children , this is the natural way of things .

but as childhood is a stage through which we must inevitably grow , ego too has its limitations which we naturaly out grow.

I would agree with you, but just as a child grows up, there are certain parts of the childhood personality that I would argue should be maintained in order to be a healthy adult. Of course, we should grow, but that does not mean that we eliminate all aspects of our "inner childe" in my opinion.

the true benifit of a good guru is that he can see exactly what stage you are at and lead you gently but surely on to the next level , he is there to support and give guidance .
true there is a lot of wisdom out here , but even a good peice of wisdom at the wong time is of no use infact it merely confuses things .


I suppose I'm upset because I'm upside down and alone. I'm really tired of the internet having friends in it and life not. I'm frustrated I don't have somewhere spiritual to go to physically. Or a person to help me through this here with me. that is why.

I know the feeling very well. I actually went through it in the opposite direction as you though. I hated not having people in real life that I could talk to about this kind of stuff, and I felt a huge relief when I found these forums to express my thoughts.

The most important thing that I personally have realized through this proccess is that it is good to have people in your life make you feel better, but it is not as good to rely on other people to make you feel "good" in the first place. In my opinion, it creates a reliance on others to make you happy. Not saying it's not good to have a positive word of encouragment here and there, but you should always seek to maintain your own happiness without reliance on others.

Just my .02 cents though, everyone walks a different path.


Da man, when I walk thru!
Chakras, meridians, chi, etc. Possibly the path of biophotonic intercellular communication?

And YmirGF, interesting that your religion is "beyond the light". In the DMT book I read, one of the doctors main ideas was that the importance of a DMT experience was "going beyond the light". The descriptions given by the few participants that were able in achieving this to some degree were extremely profound to say the least. Just thought that was interesting with all this DMT talk and your religion title.
Going back to that sound... I've heard it as though it was a mosquito buzzing in my ear, only instead of the mosquito sound, I'd describe it as piano notes being played in such quick succession it almost sounded like a buzz. Like a whole piano concerto condensed into just a few seconds.

It seems to me that different sounds reflect different activity and mean different things. Just like any sound. that is just what I've tried to gather from this kind of thing recently.Your description sounds beautiful and pleasant. I would have to say , using your condensing metaphor, I had an entire thunderstorm condensed into a few seconds including getting struck by lightning. but it didn't hurt. It was so loud it so so so should've hurt. Like feedback from a speaker hurts. but it didn't. took my breath away. Yeah nope mostly the electrifying. It was like I got electrocuted.
Chakras, meridians, chi, etc. Possibly the path of biophotonic intercellular communication?


Ok so, physics... two atoms or whatever can communicate over however many light years away. we are 99% "empty" space. most of our bodies isn't even here it is nothingness. If most of reality is unseen, and yet we are alive and communicating it is barely a hop to see our electric impulse thoughts are a part of this world of electrons and protons and quarks and Chi the chakras are made of chi. It's just different words for the same things that we think we discovered.the same building blocks make everything. Everything is one.


Well then Leilaniana, there is nothing about the experience which needs an explanation if you believe the experience as spiritual.

Jumping at conclusions, well if that lifts your spirits, all the power at you, right?

The street drugs though, if you want your ego fried or deadened, that's the way... people who go overboard with those drugs do long term damage and integrating back into society is a humbling experience, saying the least.

I highly recommend people try things out, however, the truth of the matter is, it is way way easier being reckless with substances than responsible. Only an opinion.

What is that new issue in the news with synthetic marijuanas? Right?

Your inner ear experience, that might be naturally invoked, or a result of drugs, or externally through a 3rd party.
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Well then Leilaniana, there is nothing about the experience which needs an explanation if you believe the experience as spiritual.

Jumping at conclusions, well if that lifts your spirits, all the power at you, right?

The street drugs though, if you want your ego fried or deadened, that's the way... people who go overboard with those drugs do long term damage and integrating back into society is a humbling experience, saying the least.

I highly recommend people try things out, however, the truth of the matter is, it is way way easier being reckless with substances than responsible. Only an opinion.

Your inner ear experience, that might be naturally invoked, or a result of drugs, or externally through a 3rd party.

I'm not sure why you keep referencing to drugs. My inference was that I believe we make DMT naturally at the gate. I am saying why do drugs when you can meditate safely for free and get the same result.

IDK why you are talking to about drugs... this had nothing to do with drugs. Did our wires get crossed somewhere?
Your inner ear experience, that might be naturally invoked, or a result of drugs, or externally through a 3rd party.

What do you mean externally through a third party? that's something I've never heard of before. Please elaborate on that hypothesis for me.


from the Blood tribe
I would pass on the electrocution, its happened to me 5 different times, last time was from an old breaker box, the 2 pole kind, I found out the hard way it was hot straight from the pole, I grabbed the breaker with plyers, and as I wiggled it back and forth the breaker was old and crumbled on the forward wiggle, the plyers went across the 2 poles and it knocked me back 5 ft or so. I tingled all over for about 10 mins. Then got my neighbor to help and when I handed him the blackened plyers the look on his face was priceless. well congrads on your achievement, im ignorant to what you experienced.


Well-Known Member
Chakras, meridians, chi, etc. Possibly the path of biophotonic intercellular communication?

And YmirGF, interesting that your religion is "beyond the light". In the DMT book I read, one of the doctors main ideas was that the importance of a DMT experience was "going beyond the light". The descriptions given by the few participants that were able in achieving this to some degree were extremely profound to say the least. Just thought that was interesting with all this DMT talk and your religion title.

Di -MomenTarily ?

beyond the light is ... beyond brahmajyoti (the 'inner light' - the subtlest dualistic indulgence ... often mistaken for 'the goal' )

always present.
priorly and subsequently present.
foundation of wisdom and folly.
unsurpassable, never modified.

light is silly-putty. universe as 'object of meditation'.

being, beyond the light, is the experiential luminosity - not in the sense of photons, or any variety of entoptica ... luminosity as presence .. the personal aspect of eternity ... who, not what ... the which than which there ain't no whicher ....

the wordless answer to '?'

'scuse me while I kiss the sky ... :angel2:


Aspiring Sri VaishNava
Nirvana(assuming a sanskrit term) is very difficult to achieve, it requires a lots of penance