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Dems on path to official support for same-sex marriage


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
Huffington Post said:
- A Democratic Party source confirmed to The Huffington Post that the party will include a plank supporting marriage equality in its official platform at the upcoming convention
Gay Marriage Plank Will Be In Democratic Party Platform At Convention

It seems that the Dems are on their way to officially supporting same-sex marriage, and I think that could be a major factor in both the upcoming election and in the future of full recognition.

Personally, I think it's outstanding. I might just have to relinquish my "unaffiliated" status and fully support the Democratic Party.

Links for those who don't like the one already provided:
Democratic Party to add gay marriage to platform
Dems move to include gay marriage support in official party platform | Fox News
Dems approve draft of same-sex marriage plank for convention platform – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
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Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
As long as they follow through and make it a reality :D

That's a good point. And even if they do officially adopt it into their platform, there isn't any guarantee that it will have a huge effect in legislation.

But it will, for once, be a major party declaring that denying marriage equality is wrong, and that is a major step. It will also serve as a measuring stick for politicians with a (D) behind their name; sure they can always go against the Party's platform, and many do (the "blue dog" democrats my fellow North Carolinians like to elect come to mind), but there won't be any way to brush it off.

I see this as having a large impact on the election though, particularly with independents. This isn't going to do anything for their base, but the unaffiliated and undecided are a different story. I stopped being a Republican years ago, and had flirted with the Libertarians for quite awhile. Lately I've been a lot less idealistic, and a lot more pragmatic, which has left me as some sort of civil-libertarian-moderate-leaning political basketcase. As it stands right now, I don't see all that much difference in the Big Two, and something like this might just be enough to tip the scales for me.

And I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Several years ago my nephew, who is a federal agent based in DC, said the mood and atmosphere there was that within 10-12 years same sex marriage would become reality. He's a staunch republican, but he's on-board with this.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
And you never called.

I did too. But it just rang and rang......

To be honest, there are some things I like about the Libertarian platform, and, ideologically, it's a decent fit for me. But there isn't any way I can see it being implemented in today's world. Pragmatically, it's a nightmare.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
You Americans are so terribly "progressive". *yawn*

We can't move too fast on these kinds of things, ya know.
We have to let you heathen countries go first so we can see if y'all get sucked into hell for it.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
So I guess this means Chic-Fil-A will not be catering the Democratic Convention.

Probably not.

I do know there were a lot of calls for them to move the convention out of Charlotte after my bigoted brethren chose to enact a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

Might be fitting for them to make it an offical part of the platform here.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm going to pee and poop myself laughing on the day the US Supreme Court slaps down all those state bans on same sex marriage. The US Constitution trumps all state constitutions.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
I'm going to pee and poop myself laughing on the day the US Supreme Court slaps down all those state bans on same sex marriage. The US Constitution trumps all state constitutions.

They've got grow a pair of balls and actually do something first.


I'm going to pee and poop myself laughing on the day the US Supreme Court slaps down all those state bans on same sex marriage. The US Constitution trumps all state constitutions.

Thank you for that wonderful mental image. Anyone want my sandwich? :cover:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A part of me wants to cheer, but the part of my brain that reminds of reality is telling me that because the last few elections have been close that both parties are trying to get every last vote they can, and it's kinda late consider many Republican state platforms have been explicitly anti-gay marriage for some time now. Better late than never I suppose.


What? Me worry?
Imagine that. Equal rights for all. Good for you guys.
It's not really a question of equal rights. Gay and lesbian couples have the exact same rights as everyone else. No one else in this country can marry outside their gender or species. This a small but visible sector of society that wants "special" rights. I firmly believe in civil unions with all the legal and societal privileges that one would expect in marriage. However I believe you are opening the door for many unintended consequences by defining marriage as anything other than one man/one woman. Where does it stop? Polygamy? Brother/Sister? Your Goat? How will you be able to say no?