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"Human animals"


aged ecumenical anthropologist
They should never have had the right or given the capability to do such a thing, not to mention that ww2 proved that concentration camps must never be allowed. You would think that the parents of the israelis would have taught their children much better.
The Gaza Strip has no natural source of fresh water, which Israel did provide. It also may not have the capacity of building its own power plant. And since Iran spends so much money supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, why didn't they help Gaza with resources instead?

War is terrible, and we here in the U.S. also was the victims of terrorism, and we responded using force. The perpetrators of this recent slaughter were not Jews, nor most Palestinians, but were Hamas elected by Palestinians in the Gaza in 2005. Bad decisions usually have consequences, so it's important to lay the blame with those that decided to conduct the terrorist attacks. Israel didn't. If Hamas hadn't, we would not be having this conversation.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
BTW, Egypt could supply Gaza with both water and electricity, but I have doubts that they will.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
If Hamas hadn't, we would not be having this conversation.
Those who murder babies, rape and murder women etc have earned a special place in hell.

Egypt could supply Gaza with both water and electricity, but I have doubts that they will.
That assertion would be more credible with a citation to a reputable source.


Those who murder babies, rape and murder women etc have earned a special place in hell.
As of this am about 414 children in Gaza dead. The medium age of gaza is 18yrs old.
That assertion would be more credible with a citation to a reputable source.
Israelis would prefer removing palestinians from Israel proper and gaza/sinai is controlled by israel. Nothing is going in or out without Israelis allowing it.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
It was on the news today.
I can find nothing that confirms your assertion that it was in the news. What I did find is:

Although Egypt says that border is open, multiple Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza side on Monday and Tuesday have rendered it effectively closed. And Israel said that no humanitarian aid would be allowed to enter until Hamas releases the 150 people, including children and older people, it captured during the brutal raids on the weekend. As Deaths Soar in Gaza From Israeli Strikes, Egypt Offers Aid, but No Exit

From what I see, Israel is doing a wonderful job of getting people to forget Hamas' atrocities by replacing the horror of Hamas's crimes with the suffering Israel is creating.


Veteran Member
Israelis would prefer removing palestinians from Israel proper and gaza/sinai is controlled by israel. Nothing is going in or out without Israelis allowing it.
Except all the weapons, ammunition and rockets Hamas is using. It's not like they have a production site in Gaza.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
As I understand it, half of the population of Gaza are children. Israel will make a terrible mistake in the name of defense. They will fuel future war without any sympathy from the rest of the world. BeBe has only a support rating of 42% now. Many Israeli voters feel they were not protected from terrorists by this government.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Except all the weapons, ammunition and rockets Hamas is using. It's not like they have a production site in Gaza.
Some of it is local. But you probably know who helps them https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/11/midd...srael-palestine-unrest-intl-hnk-ml/index.html
half of the population of Gaza are children. Israel will make a terrible mistake in the name of defense.
Telling 1 million people to move in 24 hours is a propaganda disaster.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Which basically means "I would keep supplying Hamas and maintaining their capacity to kill us".

Can you see it as understandable that others may not want to keep giving Hamas full access to the electricity needed to continue their attacks to their full capacity? Without electricity you get no water.

My guess would also be such a war naturally cuts off most supplies unless you create massive alternative networks of logistics that are very problematic in a war zone from multiple perspectives. They would probably need to involve the cooperation or acquiescence of the local government, Hamas, to some extent, and Hamas fighters would likely be the first to benefit from these supplies.

So from one perspective people can say "war crime! collective punishment!" and from the other people can say "why are we actively using our taxes to support Hamas and maintain their capacity to try to wipe us off the map?"

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I have always admired your clear-eyed view on topics you choose to write on.

To the point, however, when precisely @sun rise did human beings cease to be animals? We are mammals, the last time I checked, but perhaps there has been an email I missed while I was away. It's not an insult. It is reality. Humans ARE animals.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I have always admired your clear-eyed view on topics you choose to write on.

To the point, however, when precisely @sun rise did human beings cease to be animals? We are mammals, the last time I checked, but perhaps there has been an email I missed while I was away. It's not an insult. It is reality. Humans ARE animals.
This of course ignores the context in which it was used. When someone refers to others as animals, it's obviously to suggest that they're lesser. Let's not play dumb. They obviously wouldn't include themselves when they say "human animals".

That said, Hamas are scum and should be eradicated, but they shouldn't be conflated with Palestinian non-combatants; especially not children. Anyone okay with targeting civilians is no better than Hamas.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
This of course ignores the context in which it was used. When someone refers to others as animals, it's obviously to suggest that they're lesser. Let's not play dumb. They obviously wouldn't include themselves when they say "human animals".

That said, Hamas are scum and should be eradicated, but they shouldn't be conflated with Palestinian non-combatants; especially not children. Anyone okay with targeting civilians is no better than Hamas.
I haven't heard anyone calling for the death of Palestinian children... other than, good old Hamas... of course.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Israel treats all Palestinians as combatants - but then, so does Hamas.

If there was a way to separate civilians from combatants, Israel should follow that path and, in fact, they tried in the past. But when the terrorists hide in the crowd (and the crowd helps them hide) that is no easy task.
Israel could strategically play the divide et impera game, providing certain regions, declared demilitarised, with food and water but what would Hamas do? Hide exactly there and attack from the crowd. And the crowd would help them hide.
So Israel has resorted to war crimes, basically in self defence.

On the other hand, Israel gives Hamas and the Palestinians all reasons to see them as oppressors allowing and supporting illegal settlements and controlling supplies even in times of no open hostilities.

I see no way out of this mess short of a massive occupation by UN Blue Helmets and international help - to which neither party would agree.

Or they could try tolerating each other.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I haven't heard anyone calling for the death of Palestinian children... other than, good old Hamas... of course.
They'll inevitably be "collateral damage" when little care is taken to differentiate between combatant and civilian. But **** Hamas and their apologists, especially if the reports that they burned and beheaded babies are true.
Who kills more children, obviously the Israelis
It's wrong regardless of who does it or how much. It's not like the death of a Palestinian child and the death of an Israeli child cancel each other out. Two wrongs don't make a right, etc. Both sides have stained their hands with innocent blood for decades. This conflict shouldn't have cheerleaders on either side.

chris baron

The heads of babies were chopped off.
that sounds like wartime propaganda to me. why is the western media so biased and does not report the monstrous atrocities perpetrated by Israelis, like sniping medics and chopping down 100s of thousands of olive trees. looks to me like Israel is playing the victim while occupying land they stole from the Palestinians.


that sounds like wartime propaganda to me. why is the western media so biased and does not report the monstrous atrocities perpetrated by Israelis, like sniping medics and chopping down 100s of thousands of olive trees. looks to me like Israel is playing the victim while occupying land they stole from the Palestinians.
I don't follow western media, I have my own hand selected OSINT list of proven resources I go off of.


Veteran Member
As I just said in another thread, there are no good guys in this conflict. I don't have sympathies for either side, especially as both sides prefer it this way. Both Israel and Palestine keep on electing hardliners.
When everyone thinks they're the victims, they all want strong-men protectors for leaders. And so they elect merciless thugs that they think will protect and avenge them. And all they get is more bloodshed.