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Your Kitchen is Now a Restaurant...

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
@John53 , a proper sausage gravy is the opposite of healthy. Just looking at it should cause your arteries to tremble in fear.

Start with a pound of ground breakfast sausage. Brown it in a large cast iron skillet. Take the meat out once browned and reserve. D,o not drain the grease from the pan. Add a quarter cup of white flower. Is that enough grease? Probably not. Add two tablespoons of bacon grease or butter. Cook until the roux starts to turn colors. Just a little golden. Add three cups of whole (full faHt) milk. Heat to boiling, return the sausage to the pan, and heat and stir until thickened.

There are these abominations called "gravy packets" in foil. Don't use those. That may be what you had.

If you can't find a recipe for biscuits you can cheat with "canned" dough. I don't expect you to go all out the first time around.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I could substitute something similar like Charlotte potatoes, which seem to be available here all the year round. I've always got a small bag of those in my cellar.
That might work. To me new potatoes have to be new. Immature potatoes dug up less than a week ago. Either from your own garden or a friends work best. I get peeved at people calling any small potato "new".


Veteran Member
@John53 , a proper sausage gravy is the opposite of healthy. Just looking at it should cause your arteries to tremble in fear.

Start with a pound of ground breakfast sausage. Brown it in a large cast iron skillet. Take the meat out once browned and reserve. D,o not drain the grease from the pan. Add a quarter cup of white flower. Is that enough grease? Probably not. Add two tablespoons of bacon grease or butter. Cook until the roux starts to turn colors. Just a little golden. Add three cups of whole (full faHt) milk. Heat to boiling, return the sausage to the pan, and heat and stir until thickened.

There are these abominations called "gravy packets" in foil. Don't use those. That may be what you had.

If you can't find a recipe for biscuits you can cheat with "canned" dough. I don't expect you to go all out the first time around.
Must say I think sausage gravy is pretty disgusting. I prefer to make a little sauce out of a sweated diced shallot, some sage leaves and balsamic vinegar. But I do make gravy with roast pork or lamb, when there is a green vegetable accompaniment - one uses water from the cooked vegetables in the gravy, along with a little wine or sherry. But one always need onion or shallot. I often put one in the meat dish to cook, but one has to be careful it does not go in for too long or the sugar in the juice comes out and goes black rather quickly.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Must say I think sausage gravy is pretty disgusting. I prefer to make a little sauce out of a sweated diced shallot, some sage leaves and balsamic vinegar. But I do make gravy with roast pork or lamb, when there is a green vegetable accompaniment - one uses water from the cooked vegetables in the gravy, along with a little wine or sherry. But one always need onion or shallot. I often put one in the meat dish to cook, but one has to be careful it does not go in for too long or the sugar in the juice comes out and goes black rather quickly.
Sounds more like a sauce. A gravy is rather hearty to me. I will often make a red wine sauce to go with a nice streak. Gravy is more of a farmer's meal item.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
@John53 , a proper sausage gravy is the opposite of healthy. Just looking at it should cause your arteries to tremble in fear.

Start with a pound of ground breakfast sausage. Brown it in a large cast iron skillet. Take the meat out once browned and reserve. D,o not drain the grease from the pan. Add a quarter cup of white flower. Is that enough grease? Probably not. Add two tablespoons of bacon grease or butter. Cook until the roux starts to turn colors. Just a little golden. Add three cups of whole (full faHt) milk. Heat to boiling, return the sausage to the pan, and heat and stir until thickened.

There are these abominations called "gravy packets" in foil. Don't use those. That may be what you had.

If you can't find a recipe for biscuits you can cheat with "canned" dough. I don't expect you to go all out the first time around.

Gravy ain't white and scones are for morning tea with jam and cream.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Gravy ain't white and scones are for morning tea with jam and cream.
Sure it is. I make a white gravy quite often. Or off white.

And then don't use scones. Use biscuits. This is cheating, but acceptable:



LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Current dishes frequenting my kitchen:
  • Home-made sourdough bread of all types
  • Borscht
  • Banh Mi
  • Carnitas
  • Chicken curries of various types
  • White chicken chili
  • Home-made pizza
  • Roasted squash
  • Iced oolong tea with fruit juice
  • Cold brew coffee


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Today the plat de jour will be Moroccan casserole with cuscus, followed by home made apple pie with custard and cheese with biscuits to finish.

The casserole has been in the oven for an hour and a half now (its just gone 9am)

And will make the pastry for the pie in moment to chill for a couple of hours in the fridge

I made couscous two days ago; found the cassava variety. I was skeptical the first time I saw it, but I just love it... its got a bit of a 'zest' to it. Texture's about the same, but its easy to overcook if you're not watching it.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I made couscous two days ago; found the cassava variety. I was skeptical the first time I saw it, but I just love it... its got a bit of a 'zest' to it. Texture's about the same, but its easy to overcook if you're not watching it.

Just basic cuscus for us with each grain hand rolled on the thighs of dusky maidens (or so i tell my hubby;-)

Easy to make too. Two cups of cuscus, pour on two cups of boiling water, fluff up with a fork then cover and leave for 5 minutes. It's ready.

We have some left over, tomorrow pour a little pimento sauce and fluff up, bung it in the microwave for a minute. Nice lunchtime snack.