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WUT....i am a coffee addict...yaiks


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
If I ever wind up in hell, it will always be morning there and I will always be out of coffee.


Well-Known Member
It apparently can use all types of capsules but ive never tried any but Nespresso ang dolce gusto, both very good It also can use fresh, ground coffee that i use most

I have an electric coffee grinder to make it easier.

A machine that grinds, steams etc will cost quite a lot more, €500 upwards. And take up a lot of worktop space
Yeah that is sad part :(

More than im willing to pay for something like that :D

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Here is another one in Danish but I reckon you can understand it:

En stigende mængde forskning peger på, at kaffen er harmløs for os mennesker – måske gør den endda mere gavn end skade. I et nyt studie frikendes kaffe endnu engang for at være årsag til hjerteflimmer.

Mange af os prøver at styre vores indtag af kaffe. Vi forsøger måske endda at skrue ned, men selvom mange har prøvet, har videnskaben endnu ikke fundet beviser på, at kaffen faktisk kan have en skadelig effekt på vores helbred - udover at misfarve tænderne.

»Vi kunne ikke se en øget risiko for denne type uregelmæssig hjerterytme - selv ved et relativt stort indtag af kaffe - hvilket er omkring seks kopper om dagen,« fortæller undersøgelsens hovedforfatter Susanna Larsson, lektor i epidemiologi ved Instituttet for miljømedicin ved Karolinska Institutet i Sverige.

Dette er kun et udvalg af de fund, undersøgelsen har gjort, der siger god for et moderat indtag af kaffe. Med udgangspunkt i tidligere forskning anbefaler Susanna Larsson dog stadig, at man nøjes med at drikke omkring tre kopper kaffe om dagen.

»Generelt set, associeres kaffen med en mindre risiko for type 2-diabetes, slagtilfælde og udviklingen af koronar hjertesygdom. Så overordnet lader det til, at kaffens bivirkninger gør mere gavn end skade,« forklarer Susanna Larsson og tilføjer:

»Cirka 40.000 mænd og 35.000 kvinder udfyldte et spørgeskema om deres kaffeindtag i 1997. Derefter fulgte vi dem i 12 år. Ingen af deltagerne døjede med hjerterytmeforstyrrelsen i begyndelsen af undersøgelsen,« fortæller Larsson og siger:

»I løbet af de 12 år udviklede nogle af deltagerne lidelsen, så vi sammenlignede risikoen mellem dette og et stort til lavt indtag af kaffe, og vi fandt ingen sammenhæng.«

Larsson og hendes team så også på yderligere 10.000 tilfælde fra tidligere publicerede undersøgelser, der efterforskede den samme risiko associeret med kaffe og atrieflimmer og fandt heller ingen association med en øget risiko for atrieflimmer her.

So she does advice no more than 3 cups, but I personally wouldn't be to worried. This is a huge study and they have followed people for 12 years.

"I reckon you can understand it" made me laugh until I realized it was intended for a Norwegian. I had to run it through a translator:

Translation results An increasing amount of research indicates that coffee is harmless to us humans - perhaps it does even more good than harm. In a new study, coffee is once again acquitted of being the cause of heart fibrillation.

Many of us try to control our coffee intake. We may even try to screw it down, but even though many have tried, science has not yet found evidence that coffee can actually have a detrimental effect on our health - in addition to discoloring the teeth.

"We could not see an increased risk of this type of irregular heartbeat - even with a relatively large intake of coffee - which is about six cups a day," says the study's lead author Susanna Larsson, associate professor of epidemiology at the Department of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden .

These are just a selection of the findings the study has made that bode well for a moderate intake of coffee. Based on previous research, however, Susanna Larsson still recommends that you just drink about three cups of coffee a day.

'In general, coffee is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke and the development of coronary heart disease. So overall, it seems that the coffee side effects do more good than harm, "explains Susanna Larsson and adds: »

About 40,000 men and 35,000 women filled out a questionnaire about their coffee intake in 1997. Then we followed them for 12 years. None of the participants suffered from the heart rhythm disorder at the beginning of the study, "says Larsson and says:

"During the 12 years, some of the participants developed the disorder, so we compared the risk between this and a large to low coffee intake, and we found no correlation."

Larsson and her team also looked at another 10,000 cases from previously published studies that investigated the same risk associated with coffee and atrial fibrillation and also found no association with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation here.

Now I want coffee and a Danish.


Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Today I only had half a cup of coffee :) but I do have a slightly headach, but nothing major :)
Actually my journey to become coffee free goes more easy than I thought it would do.