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Dao Hao Now

Active Member
If you will notice the first time I asked I was not given what I consider to be a reasonable response so there was not much to be learned from the first time I asked the question. A different perspective would be a response that actually makes sense to me.
Do you have a preconceived notion of what a “worldview” is?
If so; what is it?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
A worldview is a status update about your relationship with the world.

Your relationship with the world, or your worldview, is the initial stand-in for your relationship with God. God uses worldview as a buffer. If your worldview is positive, then it will be much easier to believe in and relate to God. If you view the world as hostile, then God will impose atheism on you.
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Well-Known Member
Do you have a preconceived notion of what a “worldview” is?
If so; what is it?
Whatever preconceived notions I might have had was the result of responses from other people. Different people seem to often have different perspectives on what it is.


Well-Known Member
A worldview is a status update about your relationship with the world.

Your relationship with the world, or your worldview, is the initial stand-in for your relationship with God. God uses worldview as a buffer. If your worldview is positive, then it will be much easier to believe in and relate to God. If you view the world as hostile, then God will impose atheism on you.
Can you give examples of a positive and a hostile worldview?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
Can you give examples of a positive and a hostile worldview?
It’s a feeling you intuit, like how you feel about another person. It’s a process of self awareness to examine your worldview. Worldview is layered, meaning we have multiple worldviews stacked on top of each, much like how you have good and bad memories with another person.

Worldview is closely associated with desire. If you engage desire deeply and hit a failure point, in that moment of failure you will feel hostility toward the world. A positive view of the world as benevolent is associated with hope and naivety. It’s associated with the child.

Worldview is important because we use it to access the characters in the story of the soul (the good son, the rejected son, God) and the story itself.
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Well-Known Member
It’s a feeling you intuit, like how you feel about another person. It’s a process of self awareness to examine your worldview. Worldview is layered, meaning we have multiple worldviews stacked on top of each, much like how you have good and bad memories with another person.

Worldview is closely associated with desire. If you engage desire deeply and hit a failure point, in that moment of failure you will feel hostility toward the world. A positive view of the world as benevolent is associated with hope and naivety. It’s associated with the child.

Worldview is important because we use it to access the characters in the story of the soul (the good son, the rejected son, God) and the story itself.
So why does God impose atheism on those with a negative/hostile worldview?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
So why does God impose atheism on those with a negative/hostile worldview?
It’s protective in both directions. When man condemns God, then God condemns man. The detached, atheistic rationalist with a neutral / nonexistent worldview is the opposite end of the spectrum to the one who condemns God.

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
Why would an atheist condemn something he doesn't believe in?

Is a neutral / nonexistent worldview the same as no worldview at all?
God makes the one with a view of the world as hostile an atheist, so that neither he nor God is condemned.

Not having a worldview, or not having a positive or negative relationship with the world, is deadness. Zombies don’t have a worldview.
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So if (for example) a worldview is Western, what does this say about that person?

The world is to complex for us to treat every experience, person or event as entirely novel or unique.

As such we need to generalise and stereotype, to some extent, to put things into broader categories that are useful.

The key is to find the right balance between generalising/stereotyping and seeing the differences and nuances in every experience, person or event.

A modern Western worldview would be scientific, individualistic, humanistic and liberal-democratic. Obviously this is a massive generalisation that doesn't apply to many and would usually be used as a starting point of comparison with a different worldview.

The utility of any such generalisation would depend on the context it was used in. But it would be silly to think we can't make some generalisation of difference between the worldviews of lets say Salafi-jihadis and the average Western person.

Everyone's worldview is unique, but we can generalise to some extent but the greater the generalisation, the lower the accuracy.


Well-Known Member
God makes the one with a view of the world as hostile an atheist, so that neither he nor God is condemned.

Not having a worldview, or not having a positive or negative relationship with the world, is deadness. Zombies don’t have a worldview.
Zombies don''t exist. Most people have a combination of both negative and positive relationships with the various events that take place.

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
Zombies don''t exist. Most people have a combination of both negative and positive relationships with the various events that take place.
Events are rare. The mundane and monotonous dominate daily life. The wise person makes sure to not have a dead worldview from moment to moment.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So why does God impose atheism on those with a negative/hostile worldview?
Impose atheism? Atheism's the epistemic default, like a-unicornism. It's the blank slate we start out with, before theism's imposed on us.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It’s protective in both directions. When man condemns God, then God condemns man. The detached, atheistic rationalist with a neutral / nonexistent worldview is the opposite end of the spectrum to the one who condemns God.
Are you implying that atheists condemn God? What sense does that make? We don't even believe in God. I also don't believe in unicorns, but I don't condemn them.
Neutral/nonexistent worldview? How can you be conscious and not have a worldview?
I don't think you understand what a worldview is.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God makes the one with a view of the world as hostile an atheist, so that neither he nor God is condemned.
??? Why do you think atheists see the world as hostile? That sounds more like conservatives, and most of them are theists.
Not having a worldview, or not having a positive or negative relationship with the world, is deadness. Zombies don’t have a worldview.
You don't understand worldview. It's not a religious concept.
Events are rare. The mundane and monotonous dominate daily life. The wise person makes sure to not have a dead worldview from moment to moment.
What the heck is a dead worldview?

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
Defining worldview as a suite of identities trivializes it compared to how I’ve explained it. Your relationship status with the world is extremely important in the religious domain.


Well-Known Member
Impose atheism? Atheism's the epistemic default, like a-unicornism. It's the blank slate we start out with, before theism's imposed on us.
Well...... Yeah I know that, and you know that; but the person I was responding to seems to be under the impression atheism is something imposes on some people.