By the way, I feel I need to point out something that I THOUGHT I had made quite obvious by my first post on this thread (and during my several years as a regular member of RF).
I am a former Catholic.
Prior to converting to Catholicism, I spent much of my childhood attending the United Methodist Church with my grandmother, though I was not a member of that church. My father was a full time leader with a non denominational group called the Navigators.
Home - The Navigators
Consequently, I enjoyed a childhood with much exposure to many different forms and expressions of Christianity.
I converted to Catholicism as an adult. I learned SO MUCH during that process, and I don't regret a single year that I spent in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Over time, there were several doctrines that I eventually simply couldn't accept in the Roman Catholic Church - I realized that my mindset had been "Wow - they have so much right - I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on a few issues till I can understand them better."
The thing is - with the RCC - it's pretty much an all or nothing gig. So - my conscience would not allow me to act like I accepted all the doctrines, when I really didn't/
At that time, I decided to take another look at the UMC. Coming from a different perspective, with so much more understanding of sacraments and liturgy and the doctrine of the communion of saints, etc. this go-round, I re-discovered the UMC with great delight.
I will never forget my first Communion experience in the Methodist church after my departure from Catholicism. It was profound. I knew that regardless of what the long term future holds for me in my spiritual walk, I was where I needed to be.
Seven years later, I'm still here - and about six years ago, I became a member of the UMC. My great grandparents - charter members of a tiny UMC church still serviced by a traveling pastor in a deeply rural area - would be so pleased!
No church or group of Christians has it all right - at least I don't believe so. God is so big, so omnipotent and wise and just - I don't think we can truly grasp His complete Truth from our limited human perspective.
But we can try - and I believe the UMC does an admirable job of trying.