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Why is the U.S.A. still in Iraq?


Lord of the Badgers
Oh my God, it's the oil argument again. I thought that one was over with, but I guess not. I can see why people kep bringing it up. I mean, we have gotten so much oil out of them, and Bush is obviously on the top of the list for those making money from the profits. How much oil has been taken out of that country now? And where is all that oil going? If you can actually tell me, I would be impressed.
Lol, a Bu****e, eh? Well for starters Bush's buddies get the immediate spoils, the re-build - http://www.usatoday.com/educate/college/business/articles/20030330.htm

Before the war the US got half of Iraq's oil so i'm assuming that's still the same, after the new US-friendly Iraqi government gets properly settled in, that amount will steadily rise. You watch and see, although you might have your work cut out getting the stats, its not something Bush is going to want to advertise.


User of Aspercreme
Halcyon said:
Lol, a Bu****e, eh? Well for starters Bush's buddies get the immediate spoils, the re-build - http://www.usatoday.com/educate/college/business/articles/20030330.htm

Before the war the US got half of Iraq's oil so i'm assuming that's still the same, after the new US-friendly Iraqi government gets properly settled in, that amount will steadily rise. You watch and see, although you might have your work cut out getting the stats, its not something Bush is going to want to advertise.
Well, I wouldn't call myself a Bu****e, because there are a lot of things that I do not agree with him on. I just think a lot of the criticism of him has been quite unfair and many times not truthful (escpecially on Iraq and the war on terror).


This is an interesting report that shows an overview of the oil for food program, what countries had a major role in it, and what countries took advantage of it. In section CRS-12, there is a chart that shows the countries that where most involved. The US is number 4 on the list. Right after Jordan and just before China. Also, there is an interesting list of contracts that whee given by Saddam Hussein for oil exploration in the country. No US company is listed (of course) and the jury is still out on whether these contracts will be honored now that the regime has changed. Bottom line is, there is a whole lot that has to be cleared up before the S is even insured that they will have a stake in oil exploration in Iraq. Bush had absolutely no guarantees that any US or British company would be able to set up contracts with the country and I would bet it will be a long time (well after Bush is out of office) before the legal battle over whose contract counts, will be over. Given all of this, I just don't see how folks can so easily assign a hidden agenda such as "Bush wants the oil for his buddies". There are no guarantees.


Active Member
look we are still in iraq because WE don't control it yet, and we are not going to leave it til we do. war is business. until we get the right puppet into the big seat in iraq, and until we and the puppet regime squash the resistence we are going nowhere. if you are wondering why control over iraq is so important to the u.s. and brittan, look no further than whats going on in the geopolitical arena. as of last dec., china just made a billion dollar deal with iran for exclusive oil rights. right now countries are aligning themselves with new allies. china as we speek is on its way of becomming a big dog in world politics which is a big threat to the u.s. and brittan. we targeted iraq for reasons, and these reasons were not because hussein was a bad guy or because he had wmd's. big changes are on the hirozion and our govs. knew it. i strongly feel that if we do infact invade iran, ww3 will be the result and the u.s. and brittan will crumble. the international community is sick and tired of the tyranical attitude of both countries and they would love nothing more than for us to suffer the way we have made them suffer. and perhaps they are just sitting back and waiting for the right time to pounce.


artist in training
Basically the reason i think the US is still in Iraq is one if we leave now we leave the country in shambles and that makes us look bad also we will lose valuable oil supplies

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
jewscout said:
a few years ago i would have agreed w/ you. Now i think Bush is probably alot smarter than people give him credit for

like the Capt. said, i don't know that he, himself, was aware that there were no WMDs. As i've said before, do we really expect the C student to read the whole book for the assignement? No, he'll get someone to do it for him.
Actually, he probably got someone else to read the study notes for him and worked it all out from that. :D


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
lady_lazarus said:
Actually, he probably got someone else to read the study notes for him and worked it all out from that. :D
You've all got it wrong; he's actually a prototype remote controlled Android; they've simply got around the teething problems. They did quite a good job - he looks nearly good enough for his makers to pass him off as a human; their only problem is with the remote controlled activated speech.:biglaugh:


Why is the US still in Iraq??
Shocked I can't believe someone seriously asked that. If the US had already pulled out, do you think that the government and army of Iraq could have kept control. The US had to stay in Grenada for something ten to fifteen years, and stiiiiillll, have a small setup over there.
It would have made no sense to go in, clean out Saddam, and then just let it fall into the wrong hands, again. The people of Iraq could not handle their own affairs, and that threat burst its borders, so the US has every right, as a national superpower, to make sure the good people of Iraq are on their feet, government is working structurally, and the coast is clear of major defiance. That's why....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think Bush simple underestimated the Iraq forces. He went in with greedy intentions, thinking the war would be a quicky like his father had, found out that instead he bit off way more than he and the rest of his administration could possible chew, and got stuck in a bad situation. The situation in Iraq is bad, immediatly pulling out now would make things much more worse than when Bush first invaded, and the hundreds that died there would die in vien.
It will take many years to get the situation is Iraq to resemble anything that is remotly stable. And unfortunatly, American will be stuck thier till the end, with or without collition aid.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Luke Wolf said:
I think Bush simple underestimated the Iraq forces. He went in with greedy intentions, thinking the war would be a quicky like his father had, found out that instead he bit off way more than he and the rest of his administration could possible chew, and got stuck in a bad situation. The situation in Iraq is bad, immediatly pulling out now would make things much more worse than when Bush first invaded, and the hundreds that died there would die in vien.
It will take many years to get the situation is Iraq to resemble anything that is remotly stable. And unfortunatly, American will be stuck thier till the end, with or without collition aid.
Yes...Yes, but all will not be lost if we can just stick in there long enough to get a McDonald's openned.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes...Yes, but all will not be lost if we can just stick in there long enough to get a McDonald's openned.
:banghead3NO! NO McDonalds!:verymad: That would make things a thousand fold worse if we just packed up and did a 100% evac overnight. People might get shot and blown up for serving card-board flavored hamburgers.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Sunstone said:
If we leave Iraq without leaving the country stable...
Can you honestly forsee the country being stable - or reaching a point of 'stability' whilst yours and our armed forces are still there? My guess is that a large proportion of the terrorist activities are led by people who want power - and, no matter how long we stay, things will go on as they are.:(

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
God, the cardboard must be really substandard where you come from.
Actually, Im the only one in my family that refuses to eat from McDonalds, Wendys, or any other fast food places like that. I would much rather get a steak burger from steak 'n shake, or angus burger from hardys. That taste like real food.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Luke Wolf said:
Actually, Im the only one in my family that refuses to eat from McDonalds, Wendys, or any other fast food places like that. I would much rather get a steak burger from steak 'n shake, or angus burger from hardys. That taste like real food.
McDonalds ? what's that ?

Like all parents, our kids wanted to go to McDonalds when they were in Primary school - it was a 'Saturday 'treat'; Marie used to work on Saturdays in those days - it was the only chance to get out of the house, and 'do her thing'.

It didn't take long for them (Andy & James) to decide that Dad's cooking was better though!
(Not with a small monetary bribe, it did'nt!:biglaugh: )


I think we have pretty much answered for everyone why we cannot leave Iraq. Stability. I stated that earlier and the thread flowed that way. I wish it was this easy for the whole world to agree with things so easily. For that fact, I wish the 'parties' would agree that easily, and quit bickering over who is doing who and who is doing what.


Blissful Insomniac
I believe that the U.S. may eventually leave Iraq to its own devices, but I also believe what numerous other people do, that with time Iraq will be in the same state we found it orginally. When that happens what do we do then? Would we still have the responcibility to take care of them and almost run thier government? I know that since the United States and the other countries that are helping to try to set Iraq straight have a responcibilty to them for now, but how long does that last? And if in some distant time out country(which ever one you live in) is in the same state that Iraq was who will it be that helps and is responcible for us? Just something to think about.
