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Why is Islam so dangerous?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Disagree with what? Your reasons have zero to do
with what I said. You said there was no terrorism
and only defensive warfare.

I said the books are open to interpretation,
as are "terrorism" and what is offense, or defense.

Pearl Harbour was terrorist and defensive in

As for what you say of universal values- of
course there is general agreement that there is
good and bad.

But there are huge differences in what is "good",
what is murder, what is theft, what is bad.

I wont give you a course in anthropology but I
will say your statement shows you could use

Finally, not the least is found in your reply,
of an acknowledgement of the stunningly
obvious fact that people read into "sacred"
text what they will.

Your formulaic auto- pilot and irrelevant
resopnse is very typical of what comes from
cult members.

Can you do better than that?

The majority of 1.7 billion Muslims are peaceful. That’s all that needs to be said about how they interpret the Quran.


Premium Member
The majority of 1.7 billion Muslims are peaceful. That’s all that needs to be said about how they interpret the Quran.

Not true. All it takes is a few. Sadly. In Sri Lanka it seems those few have been rounded up now. But not before some 350 people lost their lives. In New Zealand it was one white anti-Muslim supremist. So one, or a few can really do a lot of harm. You or I might well be the next innocent victim.


Veteran Member
The majority of 1.7 billion Muslims are peaceful. That’s all that needs to be said about how they interpret the Quran.

Actually it speaks to your ability / inclination
to respond on topic.

People not exposed to islam probably dont
care ond way or another. Once the bombs
stsrt going off, it is not PREjufice, it is POST
judice against an appalling "faith".

And it is not against "1.7 billion people" but
against the ideology. Same with communism
or other extreme ideologies that are incompatible
with others not like them.

It appears that all you are doing is posting
to promote your agenda.

I wont provide you with another platform for
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Not true. All it takes is a few. Sadly. In Sri Lanka it seems those few have been rounded up now. But not before some 350 people lost their lives. In New Zealand it was one white anti-Muslim supremist. So one, or a few can really do a lot of harm. You or I might well be the next innocent victim.

We are not well satisfied that those people on either
side are not deeply supported by non combatants.

The percent of the US population in combat in
Afghanistan says...like...all there is to, ah, say,


Veteran Member
Thing is, many Qur'anic verses were revealed in a particular context, in this case, in which Muslims were fighting against non-Muslims to defend their right to exist. If that arises today, then the verses arguably apply. If not, they do not. The verses do not justify an aggressive, oppressive kind of war.



Active Member
Back up your claims...….
I didn't make any claims. I just told a story based on the Quran and Hadith and told and explained to me by Muslims. I don't ask questions about Islam to Christians or Atheists, I go to the source and my mission is to find out the truth and repeat it out loud whether people like you like it or not.
If you find a line in my story that you believe is not truth, please quote it and I can help you understand it.
Any knowledgeable Muslim knows the story is truth. Yes, I know my way of telling it might bother a few but the bottom line is nothing that I said is false unless Muslims lied to me.

... an attack on Islam which comprises about 1.7 billion innocent peaceful men, women and children living peaceful lives harming no one is inappropriate
Sir, with all due respect I think you are getting very defensive for no reason. If you carefully read my posts you would have realized that I never attacked any of the 1.7 billion peaceful Muslims in the world. That has never been my motive, that will never be my motive. But in case you have been living your happy life without realizing there's a huge problem in the world today caused by extremist Muslims I'm here to remind you that we all want to be living happy and peaceful lives, not just you.
Have you heard about some terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka not very long ago?
Did you bother finding out who and why commited the crimes? I hate to break it to you but it was done by Muslims. I blame them for the crimes but guess what, they don't have any problem pointing out at Islam as the source of their actions. They are the ones saying it, not me.
Do you understand?
What should we do?
What would have happened if western nations didn't unite to stop ISIS?
Would them then go and conquered the whole Middle East, then Africa and maybe most of the world?
Would have that started WW3?
See we don't wait until it is too late to act.
We need to prevent this kind of things but how are we going to do it if we are afraid of hurting the feelings of people like you.
Don't worry, we know who are the good Muslims and who are the bad ones. Muslims in western countries are treated 1000 times better than Christians in Muslim countries, wouldn't you agree?
Aren't you worried about them too?
or you just don't care as long as you are nice and safe?


A Free Man
Thing is, many Qur'anic verses were revealed in a particular context, in this case, in which Muslims were fighting against non-Muslims to defend their right to exist. If that arises today, then the verses arguably apply. If not, they do not. The verses do not justify an aggressive, oppressive kind of war.

Did they need to invade Spain and many other countries to defend their right to exist?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Not true. All it takes is a few. Sadly. In Sri Lanka it seems those few have been rounded up now. But not before some 350 people lost their lives. In New Zealand it was one white anti-Muslim supremist. So one, or a few can really do a lot of harm. You or I might well be the next innocent victim.

Yes but violence is not dependent or more prevalent because of religion. Gun violence in the USA alone kills thousands yearly. The great wars killed millions. The leading cause of murder in the world today is not caused by religion but it’s antithesis, irreligion. When man does not live a spiritual and holy life according to the virtues taught then he can become lower than the animal. But these Books teach to do good. However people still make their own choices.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Actually it speaks to your ability / inclination
to respond on topic.

People not exposed to islam probably dont
care ond way or another. Once the bombs
stsrt going off, it is not PREjufice, it is POST
judice against an appalling "faith".

And it is not against "1.7 billion people" but
against the ideology. Same with communism
or other extreme ideologies that are incompatible
with others not like them.

It appears that all you are doing is posting
to promote your agenda.

I wont provide you with another platform for

The Quran forbids murder so that’s an ideology that’s sound. Although the Ten Commandments say not to kill too but when people do we don’t blame the Bible for it.

Things like terrorism and murder are in direct contravention of the law of God.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I didn't make any claims. I just told a story based on the Quran and Hadith and told and explained to me by Muslims. I don't ask questions about Islam to Christians or Atheists, I go to the source and my mission is to find out the truth and repeat it out loud whether people like you like it or not.
If you find a line in my story that you believe is not truth, please quote it and I can help you understand it.
Any knowledgeable Muslim knows the story is truth. Yes, I know my way of telling it might bother a few but the bottom line is nothing that I said is false unless Muslims lied to me.

Sir, with all due respect I think you are getting very defensive for no reason. If you carefully read my posts you would have realized that I never attacked any of the 1.7 billion peaceful Muslims in the world. That has never been my motive, that will never be my motive. But in case you have been living your happy life without realizing there's a huge problem in the world today caused by extremist Muslims I'm here to remind you that we all want to be living happy and peaceful lives, not just you.
Have you heard about some terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka not very long ago?
Did you bother finding out who and why commited the crimes? I hate to break it to you but it was done by Muslims. I blame them for the crimes but guess what, they don't have any problem pointing out at Islam as the source of their actions. They are the ones saying it, not me.
Do you understand?
What should we do?
What would have happened if western nations didn't unite to stop ISIS?
Would them then go and conquered the whole Middle East, then Africa and maybe most of the world?
Would have that started WW3?
See we don't wait until it is too late to act.
We need to prevent this kind of things but how are we going to do it if we are afraid of hurting the feelings of people like you.
Don't worry, we know who are the good Muslims and who are the bad ones. Muslims in western countries are treated 1000 times better than Christians in Muslim countries, wouldn't you agree?
Aren't you worried about them too?
or you just don't care as long as you are nice and safe?

Hadiths really? Hadiths are sayings not gospel truth or the Word of God.

The Caliphs fabricated Hadiths to circumvent the defensive laws of the Quran to try and justify their conquests. Hadiths are unreliable and not accepted if they contradict the Quran.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of falsely blaming God’s Word instead of the real perpetrators.

Their religion is not evil or even violent if you know the history of Islam. The violence we have seen foes not come from Muhammad or the Quran or Bible but from Mullas and Popes.

If you look at history, behind every war, the Crusades, the holy wars, the inquisition were popes and Mullas with political ambitions and acting opposite to what was taught in their Holy Books.

If you want to target the real culprits I suggest you take aim at the clergy. The Mullas who incite suicide bombers who never ever become bombers themselves because they are pure cowards. Look at what religious leaders have been doing to our children, sexually molesting them under many popes gaze perhaps for centuries against the laws of God.

These are the satans that are now being exposed as having abused religion not Muhammad or Jesus Who sacrificed Their all in the hope we would become of noble character.

It sickens me that the real instigators are so protected and remain unknown while people attack the Prophets and Holy Books of God.

If you really want to find the source of evil in religion look no further than the clergy. Look at Iran they have been persecuting minorities for how long? Who? The clergy. Who are being thrown in jails? Priests who abused the religion of God for sexual gratification. Who calls ‘death to America, death to Israel in Mosques? It’s the leaders not the Quran.

Yet they get Of Scott free while most waste time attacking God and His Prophets. For God’s sake go after the real criminals for a change so the world can be rid of these instigators of hatred and prejudice and so we can live in peace.


A Free Man
Hadiths really? Hadiths are sayings not gospel truth or the Word of God.

The Caliphs fabricated Hadiths to circumvent the defensive laws of the Quran to try and justify their conquests. Hadiths are unreliable and not accepted if they contradict the Quran.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of falsely blaming God’s Word instead of the real perpetrators.

Their religion is not evil or even violent if you know the history of Islam. The violence we have seen foes not come from Muhammad or the Quran or Bible but from Mullas and Popes.

If you look at history, behind every war, the Crusades, the holy wars, the inquisition were popes and Mullas with political ambitions and acting opposite to what was taught in their Holy Books.

If you want to target the real culprits I suggest you take aim at the clergy. The Mullas who incite suicide bombers who never ever become bombers themselves because they are pure cowards. Look at what religious leaders have been doing to our children, sexually molesting them under many popes gaze perhaps for centuries against the laws of God.

These are the satans that are now being exposed as having abused religion not Muhammad or Jesus Who sacrificed Their all in the hope we would become of noble character.

It sickens me that the real instigators are so protected and remain unknown while people attack the Prophets and Holy Books of God.

If you really want to find the source of evil in religion look no further than the clergy. Look at Iran they have been persecuting minorities for how long? Who? The clergy. Who are being thrown in jails? Priests who abused the religion of God for sexual gratification. Who calls ‘death to America, death to Israel in Mosques? It’s the leaders not the Quran.

Yet they get Of Scott free while most waste time attacking God and His Prophets. For God’s sake go after the real criminals for a change so the world can be rid of these instigators of hatred and prejudice and so we can live in peace.

If the Hadiths are unreliable, that must cast doubt on the reliability of the Quran.

We could go after the real criminals if the good Muslims would turn them in.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
If the Hadiths are unreliable, that must cast doubt on the reliability of the Quran.

We could go after the real criminals if the good Muslims would turn them in.

The Quran was reveled in 23 years during the lifetime of Muhammad while the Hadiths were sporadically written down most some 200 years after His death. Enemies of Islam also fabricated Hadiths to try and slander a His reputation and that if Islam.

In places like Iran entire populations are oppressed and the least sign of an uprising and the revolutionary guard stops at nothing to make it clear they must be obeyed. So for Iranians, although they hate the Mullas are helpless to do anything and fear for what the revolutionary guard will do to them and their families. Not as easy as you make it sound.

That’s why for over 175 years they have mistreated and killed Baha’is as we are forbidden to harm anyone do they use us as scapegoats to send a message to anything thinking about an uprising.


Veteran Member
I didn't make any claims. I just told a story based on the Quran and Hadith and told and explained to me by Muslims. I don't ask questions about Islam to Christians or Atheists, I go to the source and my mission is to find out the truth and repeat it out loud whether people like you like it or not.
If you find a line in my story that you believe is not truth, please quote it and I can help you understand it.
Any knowledgeable Muslim knows the story is truth. Yes, I know my way of telling it might bother a few but the bottom line is nothing that I said is false unless Muslims lied to me.

Sir, with all due respect I think you are getting very defensive for no reason. If you carefully read my posts you would have realized that I never attacked any of the 1.7 billion peaceful Muslims in the world. That has never been my motive, that will never be my motive. But in case you have been living your happy life without realizing there's a huge problem in the world today caused by extremist Muslims I'm here to remind you that we all want to be living happy and peaceful lives, not just you.
Have you heard about some terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka not very long ago?
Did you bother finding out who and why commited the crimes? I hate to break it to you but it was done by Muslims. I blame them for the crimes but guess what, they don't have any problem pointing out at Islam as the source of their actions. They are the ones saying it, not me.
Do you understand?
What should we do?
What would have happened if western nations didn't unite to stop ISIS?
Would them then go and conquered the whole Middle East, then Africa and maybe most of the world?
Would have that started WW3?
See we don't wait until it is too late to act.
We need to prevent this kind of things but how are we going to do it if we are afraid of hurting the feelings of people like you.
Don't worry, we know who are the good Muslims and who are the bad ones. Muslims in western countries are treated 1000 times better than Christians in Muslim countries, wouldn't you agree?
Aren't you worried about them too?
or you just don't care as long as you are nice and safe?

The killers in Sri Lanka do NOT represent Islam or Muslims.. You are promoting hatred , fear and ignorance. Why?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
What does "any" mean? You claimed X, X was wrong. After all you tried to use it to paint Irish Republicans are only Catholics. You were wrong then tried to make excuses to get out of it. Try again.

I used a single wrong word and you have danced a jig since.

As far as the political/religious situation in Northern Ireland i am 100% correct and stomping your foot makes no difference to that.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
No, it wasn't a declaration of war and in fact the Byzantines never attacked the Muslims it was the Muslims who attacked first against their own principles. Remember the "attack only if you are attacked" rule. It is pretty obvious this was not a defensive fight since the Muslims then conquered the byzantines lands and not only that, they gave them the choice: convert to Islam or will kill you. Very peaceful. That of course was followed by the usual gathering of the women and girls available and their distribution to the Muslim warriors as a reward for their hard work or something. The celebrations included having forced sex with the newly acquired slaves, all this done legally under the Islamic rules on times of war. Not to worry, It's not adultery nor fornication on times of war and is not rape either (they're your slaves).
You do know these rules still apply today, don't you?

What happened afterwards wasn't on Muhammad's watch.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I didn't make any claims. I just told a story based on the Quran and Hadith and told and explained to me by Muslims. I don't ask questions about Islam to Christians or Atheists, I go to the source and my mission is to find out the truth and repeat it out loud whether people like you like it or not.
If you find a line in my story that you believe is not truth, please quote it and I can help you understand it.
Any knowledgeable Muslim knows the story is truth. Yes, I know my way of telling it might bother a few but the bottom line is nothing that I said is false unless Muslims lied to me.

Sir, with all due respect I think you are getting very defensive for no reason. If you carefully read my posts you would have realized that I never attacked any of the 1.7 billion peaceful Muslims in the world. That has never been my motive, that will never be my motive. But in case you have been living your happy life without realizing there's a huge problem in the world today caused by extremist Muslims I'm here to remind you that we all want to be living happy and peaceful lives, not just you.
Have you heard about some terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka not very long ago?
Did you bother finding out who and why commited the crimes? I hate to break it to you but it was done by Muslims. I blame them for the crimes but guess what, they don't have any problem pointing out at Islam as the source of their actions. They are the ones saying it, not me.
Do you understand?
What should we do?
What would have happened if western nations didn't unite to stop ISIS?
Would them then go and conquered the whole Middle East, then Africa and maybe most of the world?
Would have that started WW3?
See we don't wait until it is too late to act.
We need to prevent this kind of things but how are we going to do it if we are afraid of hurting the feelings of people like you.
Don't worry, we know who are the good Muslims and who are the bad ones. Muslims in western countries are treated 1000 times better than Christians in Muslim countries, wouldn't you agree?
Aren't you worried about them too?
or you just don't care as long as you are nice and safe?
Do you acknowledge that the passage you quoted from, when read in full, does not, in any way, shape or form, condone the killing of civillians from another religion under any circumstance?
If and only if you acknowledge this, would any of us think that you are a sincere and credible person, rather than simply strawmanning a faith because its convenient.