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Why do people make children?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I mean....if we exclude the millionaires or the billionaires, well, they can assure a future to their children.
What about the rest? ;)
Proletariat, Middle class. Why do they make them?
They procreate, making children who will have to undergo the parents' impositions, who will basically have no freedom, and once adults they will have to succumb in shark-infested waters. Because there are voracious sharks, that is wicked people who victimize the weakest. Only the fittest survive in capitalistic economies.

Well...I have discovered Anti-Natalism, lately...but I identify as a overpopulation believer and I am 100% convinced that all the problems we have on Earth are caused by too many people on Earth.
So I would like to understand why people do anything to have children.

It's something absolutely avoidable. There is contraception. :)

Please...only serious replies, merci beaucoup. ;)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
If you have noticed, Capitalists adore high birth rates.
Because they need more and more slaves to exploit.
They need someone to till the soil, while they smoke cigar.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I have brought to beautiful girls into this world, and one has brought a daughter of her own.

Raising a child is an experience like none other. There is a love that a parent shares with their child that is different...more pure than any other kind of love a person can have for another. Seeing one's own child grow...the first time the crawl...the first step...the first word...the first sentence...the first day of school...graduation day...these bring a sense of pride that cannot be brought by any other experience in this world. Knowing you've raised a child to be the best person that they can be brings forth a sense of accomplishment.

And there's a chance that a child can fix the things ours and past generations have screwed up in this world.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
In poor countries people have kids to look after them in old age, in exchange for them looking after them as children
Honestly, that's just a good idea in general. Due to people not having kids in the West, there's starting to be more old people who are alone with no family to help or look after them. They're miserable. I see it all the time.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I have brought to beautiful girls into this world, and one has brought a daughter of her own.

Raising a child is an experience like none other. There is a love that a parent shares with their child that is different...more pure than any other kind of love a person can have for another. Seeing one's own child grow...the first time the crawl...the first step...the first word...the first sentence...the first day of school...graduation day...these bring a sense of pride that cannot be brought by any other experience in this world. Knowing you've raised a child to be the best person that they can be brings forth a sense of accomplishment.

And there's a chance that a child can fix the things ours and past generations have screwed up in this world.
Yes. That's a good point.
What about those parents of children who become drug addicts?
It's a 50/50 risk.


Well-Known Member
I mean....if we exclude the millionaires or the billionaires, well, they can assure a future to their children.
What about the rest? ;)
Proletariat, Middle class. Why do they make them?
The idea that only the rich can afford to give their children a financial future is false. 80% of millionaires are first generation rich

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The idea that only the rich can afford to give their children a financial future is false. 80% of millionaires are first generation rich
I give you an example: if the son of a zillionaire wants to become an astronaut, his father will make him become an astronaut. Through $$$$


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I'm a moderate antinatalist.

Attempting to answer the OP, I can think of several conceivable reasons.

1. Emotional appeal; some people simply want very deeply to have descendants. Some may think of that as a necessary hope of last into / contributing to a potentially "eternal" posterity.

2. Achievement by proxy. Quite possibly the most unhealthy of all conceivable reasons. There are apparently many people who specifically want their biological children to exist so that they may obtain material wealth, second-hand pride, vindication or even revenge on stead of their parents. At its core it is a deep and very harmful disrespect for the very nature of children, beyond the problems of the motivation in itself.

Anedoctal evidence, but as it happens my biological father's family suffered from a serious case of the variety fueled by expectations of wealth (it seems to be a common maladie here in South America, or at least it was a century or so ago). My biological aunt was the youngest of six children, and all of the others were boys. Somehow that was enough for statements that she would lead the life of a "princess" and never have any need to earn her own money.

Needless to say, things just did not happen quite that way.

3. Social pressure. Even today it is not very easy to deal with expectations from friends and family that people "ought to" have children.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I mean....if we exclude the millionaires or the billionaires, well, they can assure a future to their children.
What about the rest? ;)
Proletariat, Middle class. Why do they make them?
They procreate, making children who will have to undergo the parents' impositions, who will basically have no freedom, and once adults they will have to succumb in shark-infested waters. Because there are voracious sharks, that is wicked people who victimize the weakest. Only the fittest survive in capitalistic economies.

Well...I have discovered Anti-Natalism, lately...but I identify as a overpopulation believer and I am 100% convinced that all the problems we have on Earth are caused by too many people on Earth.
So I would like to understand why people do anything to have children.

It's something absolutely avoidable. There is contraception. :)

Please...only serious replies, merci beaucoup. ;)
I will make a religious argument: Maybe I am not a billionaire, but maybe I belief life is important. Then it behooves me to make sure life will continue. In addition perhaps I have no control over the way that billionaires rear their children, but I can do my best to train my own children well. Then if they have stupid or poorly reared children, mine can do what those children cannot. I can teach my children to pass on any wisdom they learn. Then I can, by having children, make an attempt to improve and to sustain life.

There could be other ways to help make sure life continues and improves. I could help other people with their children or help orphans. That does not mean that nobody should have children. Somebody should, and they should make those children as smart and strong as possible. It also should not only be the billionaires and those who have guaranteed happiness for their children.


Well-Known Member
I give you an example: if the son of a zillionaire wants to become an astronaut, his father will make him become an astronaut. Through $$$$
But if the son of a typical man; or even a poor man, wants to get rich, there is a pretty good chance he will be able to accomplish it. After all, most rich people start off that way.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The attack on capitalism is disgusting. Capitalism has done more than any other system in the world to improve the lives of the poor and trodden.