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Why Are So Many Cops Dumb?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.
Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:
The U.S. District Court found that New London had "shown a rational basis for the policy." In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.
Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.

Do me a favor, leave me out of your prejudicial posts and stop trying to goad me into them,.... because this is all your going to get


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Do me a favor, leave me out of your prejudicial posts and stop trying to goad me into them,.... because this is all your going to get
I brought you in only for the engineer reference.
Your shame at having spawned one entertains me.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.
Welp...I had almost the same experience.
When much younger I applied to the Police. Process here was to do an intelligence test, then have an interview with the local sergeant, before doing medical, physicals, and a final panel interview.

I scored 98.5% on the intelligence test (which was pretty bloody simple) then had to deal with the sergeant telling me that 'wasn't ideal as smart guys don't follow orders well'.

My natural reaction (which I suppressed) was to ask him if he was sure smart guys wouldn't follow orders, or was it that smart guys wouldn't follow dumb orders.

Anyway, he did (begrudgingly) pass me, although not before asking me a bunch of other questions where he had basic information wrong. Perhaps he was trying to rile me, but...I kinda don't think so.

I failed on medical grounds. I'd had laser surgery on one eye, something the recruiters had said was okay as long as I had a letter from the doc clearing me. But when I got to the medical they said any surgery disqualified me for 12 months but I could reapply next year.

At this point I decided they were right. I was too smart to be a copper.


Not Religious

They’re not dumb.
Most are young and learning about life like the rest of us.

We all make mistakes.
But they are dumb. And many are ex-military with PTSD. A dangerous combination.
It also doesn't help that so-called good cops protect the bad ones.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

They’re not dumb.
Most are young and learning about life like the rest of us.

We all make mistakes.
The court ruled that they could eliminate smart applicants.
What's left if the smart ones are eliminated?


Veteran Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

"The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average."
104 - on average? And here I thought 90 was the upper limit.