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Ullr, Nebet-Het,Wendigowak
A spirit who is in the spiritual world needs a medium to facilitate communication between a person living in this world and a spirit who is in the spiritual world because only a medium has the psychic powers that are needed to contact spirits in the spiritual world.
Für mich sind sie bis jetzt in einer eigenen Welt und weiß gekleidet . Aber weil das MEINE Erfahrung war, kann ich nicht mehr
dazu sagen . Sowas ist grundsätzlich nicht zu verallgemeinern und es wird auch kaum weiterhelfen, aber ich hab eben mal
auf die Frage geantwortet. Man hat mit mir gesprochen und was wichtiges mitgeteilt , aber berührt hab ich Keinen .

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
A spirit who is in the spiritual world needs a medium to facilitate communication between a person living in this world and a spirit who is in the spiritual world because only a medium has the psychic powers that are needed to contact spirits in the spiritual world.

We've already discussed why mediums are needed to communicate with the dead more than once in this thread, but the question is still being asked.



Veteran Member
Für mich sind sie bis jetzt in einer eigenen Welt und weiß gekleidet . Aber weil das MEINE Erfahrung war, kann ich nicht mehr
dazu sagen . Sowas ist grundsätzlich nicht zu verallgemeinern und es wird auch kaum weiterhelfen, aber ich hab eben mal
auf die Frage geantwortet. Man hat mit mir gesprochen und was wichtiges mitgeteilt , aber berührt hab ich Keinen .
Sorry, I do not speak German but I just translated that with Google Translate:

For me they are in a world of their own and dressed in white until now. But because that was MY experience, I can't anymore saying . Something like that is basically not to be generalized and it will hardly help, but I just got it answered the question. I was spoken to and told something important, but I didn't touch anyone.

Thanks for sharing.
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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Sure, there are mediums who prey on vulnerable people who have lost a loved one, but there are also genuine mediums. The key is to be able to tell the difference.

That is a sad truth that I and other true mediums must face. But, like these other genuine mediums, I've been able to confirm the authenticity of my mediumship abilities through the very specific personal information that I can convey from the spirits that I wouldn't have known otherwise.

If I don't tell the medium anything about my late husband, and the medium comes through with information only I could possibly know, there is a good reason to believe the medium contacted the spirit of my late husband. That is called evidentiary proof.

As I've previously stated (post #85), I don't want to be told anything about the deceased person or their living relatives, anything about a specific location or its history, anything about someone else's experiences in that location, or anything about an object I'm holding in an attempt to connect with a spirit.

Long ago, my husband and I agreed on something I would ask him if he passed on before me. I don't know if he will remember that now, but even if he doesn't, there are things that are unique to him that I would recognize if I did actually contact him.

I told my husband about this, and he thought it was a good idea, so we decided to do the same.

The upshot of all this is that I think I will know if the medium got through to him or not. If I do get through I will finally have some closure, but if I don't, no harm will be done.

You're right that no harm will be done, and I sincerely hope that the medium will be able to connect you with your late husband. I hope that he will have enough energy to communicate with the medium and with you, but as I explained to you earlier (see here), you can directly help him with that.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Sorry, I do not speak German but I just translated that with Google Translate:

For me they are in a world of their own and dressed in white until now. But because that was MY experience, I can't anymore saying . Something like that is basically not to be generalized and it will hardly help, but I just got it answered the question. I was spoken to and told something important, but I didn't touch anyone.

Thanks for sharing.
I also have used google translate a few times.:)


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Regarding John 5:28:29, Jesus said the dead will come out of their “memorial tombs”. The Greek word Jesus used in that verse, “mnémeion”, means “memorial tomb”, different from “taphos”, which just means “grave.”
Jesus didn't speak in Greek. He most likely spoke in Aramaic. So why use an argument based on the Greek? Just pointing that out, I have no stake in this discussion. See that @Trailblazer?


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I suppose the argument was based on Greek because the original language of the books in the New Testament was a form of Koine Greek (source).
From the same Wikipedia article:

After the Babylonian captivity, Aramaic replaced Biblical Hebrew as the everyday language in Judea. The two languages were as similar as two Romance languages or two Germanic languages today. Thus Biblical Hebrew, which was still used for religious purposes, was not totally unfamiliar, but still, a somewhat strange norm that demanded a certain degree of training to be understood properly.

Most scholars support the theory that Jesus spoke in Aramaic and that he may have also spoken in Hebrew (Dalman suggests for the Words of Institution) and Greek.[10][11][13][14] Stanley E. Porter concluded: "The linguistic environment of Roman Palestine during the first century was much more complex, and allows for the possibility that Jesus himself may well have spoken Greek on occasion."

Not quite as simple as I thought.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Jesus didn't speak in Greek. He most likely spoke in Aramaic. So why use an argument based on the Greek?
Hello Truthseeker, how are you? Hope you’re doing well.

I guess i wrote inaccurately…

You’re probably right, he probably spoke in Aramaic; it is surmised that Aramaic began to supplant the Hebrew language around the 6th Century BCE. Being a perfect Son of God though, he could probably speak Greek very easily. Being the most prevalent language at the time, ‘lingua franca’.

Since the Bible doesn’t tell us, it’s all probabilities about that. (He could’ve learned Algonquin easily, if he had to.)

What we do know, is that we have the earliest copies of the Gospel accounts written in Greek, and the author of John (who I believe was the Apostle John himself) used the more specific word, “mnémeion”, referring to a memorial/sepulcher, than just “taphos.”

I can only hope that whoever would quote me, would do so accurately. I’m sure my friends would.

Enemies? It’s highly doubtful.

Take care.


Veteran Member
@nPeace & @YoursTrue ,
I like the Scripture at James 2:19; it always reminds me that, although these spirits are cunning and more powerful than we are, they “shudder” when they think about Jehovah God.

Do y’all remember a WT or Awake article that said something like they hate that name, Jehovah? I know there’s an article, “The Demons Controlled Me”, wherein the man - who later became a brother - said he grew up with the occult, he become a “male witch”, and that during that time he “hated the sound of that name Jehovah.” No doubt because of their influence.

But can y’all remember where an article specifically said the demos hate God’s name?

They know what their future holds, for sure.
Probably an old article. I don't remember. Sorry.


Veteran Member
@Hockeycowboy did @Trailblazer just say to you A living body is a living person.?
That, my brother, is the same person that said...
The physical body will return to dust, but YOU are not your body. You are a soul.

and this...
The person is the soul, not the body. You cannot exist without a soul in this life or in the afterlife.
It is the soul that animates the physical body and gives it life. Adam became a living soul when God created him so he became a person.

Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

You cannot exist without a physical body in this world, but you don't need a physical body in the spiritual world (heaven) since you will have a spiritual body.

and this...
After the physical body dies the soul (which is the person) will be is raised as a spiritual body and go to heaven where it continues to live forever.

and this...
It is not straightforward unless one believes that the physical body is who we are. I do not believe that.

The living know that their physical bodies will die physically, but some of the living know that is not the end of their life since they know their souls will continue to live in a spiritual body.

Dead bodies know nothing at all since their brain died when their physical body died, but some of us know that the dead physical body is not the person.
The the soul is the person, and the soul continues to live after the body dies. The soul has full consciousness, so
the person knows everything it knew before the body died.

I hope you know the person you are talking to.
The next round of posts will probably contradict the previous.
It's what others have come to realize is a common thing.
I hope you figured out why. I have.

In any case, now might be a good opportunity for you to ask her why she does it. ;)


Veteran Member
Hello Truthseeker, how are you? Hope you’re doing well.

I guess i wrote inaccurately…

You’re probably right, he probably spoke in Aramaic; it is surmised that Aramaic began to supplant the Hebrew language around the 6th Century BCE. Being a perfect Son of God though, he could probably speak Greek very easily. Being the most prevalent language at the time, ‘lingua franca’.

Since the Bible doesn’t tell us, it’s all probabilities about that. (He could’ve learned Algonquin easily, if he had to.)

What we do know, is that we have the earliest copies of the Gospel accounts written in Greek, and the author of John (who I believe was the Apostle John himself) used the more specific word, “mnémeion”, referring to a memorial/sepulcher, than just “taphos.”

I can only hope that whoever would quote me, would do so accurately. I’m sure my friends would.

Enemies? It’s highly doubtful.

Take care.
Since modern scholars can only make assumptions, I think the Bible is the best source to consult, if we want something other than assumptions.
What language did the Jews speak?
(Acts 6:1) Now in those days when the disciples were increasing, the Greek-speaking Jews began complaining against the Hebrew-speaking Jews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution.

The Jews evidently spoke Hebrew during the period Jesus walked the earth. Jesus therefore would have spoken the same language.
(John 20:16) Jesus said to her: “Mary!” On turning around, she said to him in Hebrew: “Rab·boʹni!” (which means “Teacher!”)

It is understood that Matthew more than likely penned his Gospel in Hebrew.

In John's Gospel, he referred to Hebrew, not only in the case of the language Mary spoke, but also to places.
(John 19:13) Then Pilate, after hearing these words, brought Jesus outside, and he sat down on a judgment seat in a place called the Stone Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabʹba·tha.

There would be no need to do so, if that was not the common tongue, among the Jews.

Paul said Jesus used Hebrew, when speaking to him from heaven.
(Acts 26:14) And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice say to me in the Hebrew language: ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? To keep kicking against the goads makes it hard for you.’

Our Bible Glossary says, By the time of Jesus, the Hebrew language had come to include many Aramaic expressions and was the language spoken by Christ and his disciples. - nwt p. 1700 Glossary of Bible Terms

Thus, while the Hebrew language evolved up to the days of Jesus, it was still the common language of his day.
We speak English today, but an English that has evolved from early English.
As we would say, It's still English. ;)


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Since modern scholars can only make assumptions,….
Yes. I found out that currently, we don’t know everything about the Aramaic language in the 1st Century. In the future, we might discover some ancient inscriptions that could provide more understanding of ancient Aramaic, but much of what we don’t know (about the 1st-cent. Aramaic language), might not ever become known.
I think the Bible is the best source to consult, if we want something other than assumptions.
What language did the Jews speak?
(Acts 6:1) Now in those days when the disciples were increasing, the Greek-speaking Jews began complaining against the Hebrew-speaking Jews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution.

The Jews evidently spoke Hebrew during the period Jesus walked the earth. Jesus therefore would have spoken the same language.
(John 20:16) Jesus said to her: “Mary!” On turning around, she said to him in Hebrew: “Rab·boʹni!” (which means “Teacher!”)

It is understood that Matthew more than likely penned his Gospel in Hebrew.

In John's Gospel, he referred to Hebrew, not only in the case of the language Mary spoke, but also to places.
(John 19:13) Then Pilate, after hearing these words, brought Jesus outside, and he sat down on a judgment seat in a place called the Stone Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabʹba·tha.
Excellent use of Scripture to support our understanding, my brother!

Thank you!

It’s a great feeling to be ‘united in the same line of thought, to speak in agreement’! - 1 Corinthians 1:10.

That’s what the worship of Jehovah does: it engenders unity, through His guidance. - Isaiah 2:2-4

Hope you’re doing well, my brother.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
@nPeace , there are several verses where the Bible specifically speaks of “dead souls” — Numbers 6:11 comes to mind — but due to the influence of Greek philosopher Plato’s teachings, that the soul is immortal, it’s even corrupted how some translations render these verses! Like the New International Version (NIV)…. It says “dead bodies”, but in the Hebrew, it says dead souls, ie., “nepes”.

They hide the real meaning.

So sad; but that’s what you get, in a world ruled by Satan.
As Jehovah’s worshippers, it doesn’t surprise us. At least we know the source of all this confusion!

We can only do our best, to “adorn” Divine teachings (Titus 2:10), try to make them appealing to others.
The “good news of the Kingdom” that Jesus mentioned really is Good News! - Matthew 24:14


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
In any case, now might be a good opportunity for you to ask her why she does it. ;)
I see your point, but I don’t want to antagonize her.
I’m aware of those contradictions, but she’s been very upfront and kind in her responses, even quoting the Scriptures.
I want to try and “keep the lines of communication open” with her, as they say.

I could ask in a tactful way, I suppose.