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What Is Your Biggest Self-Taught Subject or Skill?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
What do you consider to be the most extensive or specialized subject or skill that you have mostly or entirely learned on your own?

I started a similar thread a while back, but the question still greatly interests me. I'd like to read about others' experiences here.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Mine would have to be the English language: aside from the bare basics, I've learned it on my own--that's about 90%-95% of my English knowledge both written and spoken.

I'm currently working on learning some programming courses on my own as well.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
A skill I guess would be poetry. I've been writing poetry since I was in elementary school. I've even came up with my own styles of writing with rules such as rhythm, syllable count, and rhyme(I've posted how to do one particular style I created back in elementary school in the poetry subforum I can post said thread here if anyone's interested) but mostly I do freeform rather then adhere to particular rules these days.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
A skill I guess would be poetry. I've been writing poetry since I was in elementary school. I've even came up with my own styles of writing with rules such as rhythm, syllable count, and rhyme(I've posted how to do one particular style I created back in elementary school in the poetry subforum I can post said thread here if anyone's interested) but mostly I do freeform rather then adhere to particular rules these days.
Heres one of my more recent poems: Trigger warning: use of restraints, ableism, abuse, forcing an autistic to act neurotypical, and denial of bodily autonomy
Title: Behavior is communication
My body's never belonged to me.
It's never been mine.
What's autonomy?
When others decide.
When they insist you act against your nature...
Act in ways that cause you pain.
You can never say no
They grabbed my hands
To stop me from flapping.
They lifted my head to force eye contact.
My body has never been truly mine.
What's autonomy my friend I ask you?
When your body's been used against you?
Sensory overload, I started to rock
To hear the yelling tell me stop acting like a freak.
I meltdown
Folk much bigger then me restrained me.
Could've been avoided
Bruises formed
Dont you know restraints are dangerous?
What's autonomy I ask again?
When no one listens no one hears?
When they grabbed your hands to force movements that are unnatural?
When they harm you against your will
For simple things not your fault?
What's autonomy I beg you please answer...
When your whole life others decided through force how your body should behave and you can't say no?
When your whole life your body has never been your own?
When behavior is to be controlled to never truly act like yourself?
When trauma of the past holds you prisoner with fear thus even when safe you cannot act like yourself?
I am me I am me I belong to me I say
I'm tired of fighting tired of it all
I am safe now
But still can not act like myself.
I try to unmask I try for freedom
But the pain holds me back
When to others it never mattered!

Most of my poems are dark and emotional. It's my niche. Im not good at writing happy stuff never have been

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Hacking. Even the courses that are available on the subject are a little bare bones and overpriced. You can gain all of the information you need to pass certification exams through free resources and practice, and you will probably gain a better understanding of the subject than the relatively shallower overviews given by "bootcamps" and "certified training" and degree programs.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Mine would be learning how to search. I've found over and over that I can find things that other's can't by using various search terms and settings and occasionally search engines. That started with libraries and books and took off when search engines were invented.

It even helped me get a job once. I was an interview and was asked what I knew about something. I said I only knew the basic meaning of the acronym but described how I'd be able to learn more. I got that job and that was one reason.


Veteran Member
What do you consider to be the most extensive or specialized subject or skill that you have mostly or entirely learned on your own?

3D graphics, benchmarking and optimization (not the artistic "I modeled / made a texture" side, but the technical "Let's see how these shaders work! I see it's performing a little slow. Maybe if we reduced the number of calculations here, or changed X to a Y..." side)

Some things I have learned in my studies:

-Most purely 2D games I have benchmarked, that gives you access to code and stuff, I have found to be CPU rather than GPU limited.

-15w CPUs tend to have gimped integrated graphics, meaning the integrated graphics part rarely ever reaches its max advertised clock under ordinary stressful loads. The situation changes when we're talking 28+W CPUs, however.

-LP RAM is actually pretty grand.

-An increase in resolution taxes the GPU, but often not very much the CPU. An increase in framerate taxes both the CPU and GPU.

-Say you're doing game development. You have a model with 40K polygons. Plan for it to cost more real-time, as it can take multiple passes once you start adding shaders.

-Sometimes when a computer part really needs more of something, increasing the thing in need can sometimes bring dramatic 1:1 (or possibly higher) results in the amount of the increase. An example would be if you had UHD 630 integrated graphics, and one stick of a really slow RAM, and added another of the same speed for dual-channel. On some games you might see a 30% performance increase. Still on a few, you might see something crazy likes a 70-110% increase. By fixing the large bottleneck.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Navigating around a poorly understood metabolic hormone disorder and still managing to be healthy. Had to reject a lot of 'conventional wisdom' on health that didn't create the results for me as it does for conventional bodies.

I also taught myself 3d modeling though haven't gotten to play with it much lately.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
What do you consider to be the most extensive or specialized subject or skill that you have mostly or entirely learned on your own?

I started a similar thread a while back, but the question still greatly interests me. I'd like to read about others' experiences here.
I have major health issues that would normally require medical help and supervision, but by proper specific diet restrictions and my Guru's Grace and Help, I am still able to do without doctors

The recent Self invented skill is a natural way to do a kind of "dialysis equivalent".

I don't like to be dependent on doctors for my health, hence I go to extremes to figure out new ways, and it's also kind of my interest, hobby to invent things myself


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
How does one teach one's self self-discipline?

Doesn't that require self-discipline?
Requires self effort

By self effort human reach very high

That said

But my self-discipline has been off a bit, quite a bit, lately. Goes in waves with me. But I don't give up easily, hence when looking back, I do see small improvements over the past 30 years