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What Happens When You Die?


Matter exists in the sense that we call solid things matter; but as being ACTUALLY made out of solid things, it does not. There is no solidity in atoms, you are right, and I would agree that it is changing energy. But the New Testament also says that we should fear him who can destroy both body and soul in the valley of Hinnom. Thus, much like sleep, there can be a time where are own awareness is switched off, so therefore, dead. Equally, if everything is Consciousness, then it is conceivable that are own thoughts which make up our own mind may well be recycled in a way that is not recognisable as us. That also may be seen as dead. Ecclesiastes 9.5 also says that "the dead know nothing and even the memory of them is forgotten"; which would seem to back up what I said.

New Testament really solves the issue... my mind is clear about that now. Thanks a lot. Would you also please like to just list the MUST DO things from the Holy Bible (Just as five prayers, fasting etc. of Islam)?

I am happy to be a Christian right now!!!



You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
New Testament really solves the issue... my mind is clear about that now. Thanks a lot. Would you also please like to just list the MUST DO things from the Holy Bible (Just as five prayers, fasting etc. of Islam)?

I am happy to be a Christian right now!!!

please expand on the ending, I am not sure what you mean. :)

Ok, now I have thought about it, it makes more sense. The last forum I was on, there was a lot of sarcasm, so it is the first thing you expect to see. So I was not quite sure what you meant. Apologies.
There are two main commandments in the NT, which are, Love the lord your God with all your heart, and love your fellow man as yourself. There is none greater than these. To add to these I can do if you wish, but I would say the important ones would be, study, prayer, and fast. Study his word; Prayer can be within and from the heart without actual outward prayers, for he knows already what you want, and; Fasting from the world, and all that it entails. If you are unsure on that, then you should just consider what is right and what is wrong. That entails a line drawn in the sand, which is not always in the same place as everyone else's, as theirs not with yours. But you must be honest with your own Self, and the Scriptures. One does not want to be 'religious' but it should be a life style. That is not always as easy to decipher as it first seems. If you want a more lengthy answer, and what I do personally, I am happy to give it. I am happy also that you are happy. :)
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Deborah Smith

New Member
For now, I am only responding to a part of your entire post. Rest will follow:

1> How does blood cleanse anything?

2> How does blood sacrifice pay for sin?

I can only know what the Scripture tells me. That man is sinful, and every sin that man commits is deserving of eternal hellfire. Sin is therefore an infinite evil against God; and the Holy One that man sins against, lives forever, and will punish sin in eternity. The only thing which takes away sin is the blood of Jesus Christ, because it is sinless and holy blood and it is God’s blood and there is power in it to cleanse sin. We have no ability to pay for our own sin – it requires an infinite sacrifice. Sin cannot just be ignored, it must be dealt with – Jesus Christ paid that price by offering Himself as a sin sacrifice, once, for all sin. As I said before, the Biblical truth that sin requires a blood sacrifice to pay for and remove it is found throughout Scripture. Spiritual truths can only be received by those who are born again. If you reject God’s conviction over the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will not believe on Him for your salvation, you will not believe the truths of Scripture because you will remain unregenerate, with only a carnal nature and mind which cannot respond to the true God and His word:

‘Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.’ 1 Corinthians 2:13-15

‘Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’ John 8:43-45

‘To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.’ Isaiah 8:20


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I can only know what the Scripture tells me.

That's unfortunate. You can only know the truth through what someone else reported.

Seems to me a sucky way to go about knowing things. Personally I'd be a little bit scared to say anything with conviction. But that is just me.


Thou art That
I can only know what the Scripture tells me. That man is sinful, and every sin that man commits is deserving of eternal hellfire. Sin is therefore an infinite evil against God; and the Holy One that man sins against, lives forever, and will punish sin in eternity. The only thing which takes away sin is the blood of Jesus Christ, because it is sinless and holy blood and it is God’s blood and there is power in it to cleanse sin. We have no ability to pay for our own sin – it requires an infinite sacrifice. Sin cannot just be ignored, it must be dealt with – Jesus Christ paid that price by offering Himself as a sin sacrifice, once, for all sin. As I said before, the Biblical truth that sin requires a blood sacrifice to pay for and remove it is found throughout Scripture. Spiritual truths can only be received by those who are born again. If you reject God’s conviction over the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will not believe on Him for your salvation, you will not believe the truths of Scripture because you will remain unregenerate, with only a carnal nature and mind which cannot respond to the true God and His word:

‘Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.’ 1 Corinthians 2:13-15

‘Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’ John 8:43-45

‘To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.’ Isaiah 8:20

OK. Just wanted to make that clear:

So you don't actually KNOW how blood washes away sin, let alone that it actually DOES; you only BELIEVE, based on what you've read in the Bible, that it does.

So I guess the next question would be: 'On what basis do you believe that blood contains within it such power?'


Thou art That
when we die, we go in paradise, :)
and non-believer go to hell fire!

....or maybe there's only Paradise, and when believers get there, they find that the non-believers got there first and are having a party, but were just joking about being non-believers. It's just God's way of testing the believers.

Then all hell broke loose!

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
i have similar thought for you. :cool:

I don't care. Lol. I've thought this all out and questioned the claims of religions like yours (I was once a devout Catholic). I reject your god and don't fear the afterlife. Even if hell does exist (which it doesn't), I would rather go to hell than worship your god.


Active Member
I don't care. Lol. I've thought this all out and questioned the claims of religions like yours (I was once a devout Catholic). I reject your god and don't fear the afterlife. Even if hell does exist (which it doesn't), I would rather go to hell than worship your god.

don't be upset, ;)
i was joking!


St. James VII
OK. Just wanted to make that clear:

So you don't actually KNOW how blood washes away sin, let alone that it actually DOES; you only BELIEVE, based on what you've read in the Bible, that it does.

So I guess the next question would be: 'On what basis do you believe that blood contains within it such power?'

It doesn't. The wages of sin are death. There is no forgiveness of sins without shedding blood (dying). That's the law of sin and death. All who are born into this world must pay this price. Jesus too had to face death, even though he never sinned. He was born into a sinful world where death is imminent. He offered himself as a living sacrifice, came to this temporal world, and led a sinless life conquering death through his perfect obedience. He rose in glory, giving us hope for ourselves after death. Death had no hold on him. This enabled him to be a worthy high priest and savior to imperfect creatures like ourselves. The sacrifice made was the life he led. Blood sacrifice equates to dying. It's just a fact of life in this temporal realm. While we are not able to live a perfect life, Jesus did. This is why his death and resurrection is so sacred. He was killed unjustly, but could not be held down. He rose in glory despite his enemies attempting to silence him through crucifixion. Jesus sacrificed himself by coming to this temporal world, and he did so to show us the path of life. He came to lead us home through love, reconciling us with the father of life.

He was going to die anyway. He was a man. The manner in which he died was horrible. Still, he never faltered from God's will. Even while being nailed to a cross he loved, forgave, and did not resist man's wickedness. To me this alone demonstrates God's will and nature in contrast to man's. Jesus is no scapegoat. We broke the law, so we are required to pay the penalty, which is physical death. Once that penalty has been paid, Jesus heals us and reconciles us with the father in the heavenly kingdom. The point of the cross and his resurrection is about showing us that there is life after death, and that death has no hold on Jesus, nor us because of him. He's stronger than death, and perfectly able to heal and give us life after the fact. The gospel is about hope, life, love, forgiveness, and mercy. The gospel, believe it or not, is truly the good news. It (like Jesus) is a light in a dark world.


Thou art That
It doesn't. The wages of sin are death. There is no forgiveness of sins without shedding blood (dying). That's the law of sin and death. All who are born into this world must pay this price. Jesus too had to face death, even though he never sinned. He was born into a sinful world where death is imminent. He offered himself as a living sacrifice, came to this temporal world, and led a sinless life conquering death through his perfect obedience. He rose in glory, giving us hope for ourselves after death. Death had no hold on him. This enabled him to be a worthy high priest and savior to imperfect creatures like ourselves. The sacrifice made was the life he led. Blood sacrifice equates to dying. It's just a fact of life in this temporal realm. While we are not able to live a perfect life, Jesus did. This is why his death and resurrection is so sacred. He was killed unjustly, but could not be held down. He rose in glory despite his enemies attempting to silence him through crucifixion. Jesus sacrificed himself by coming to this temporal world, and he did so to show us the path of life. He came to lead us home through love, reconciling us with the father of life.

He was going to die anyway. He was a man. The manner in which he died was horrible. Still, he never faltered from God's will. Even while being nailed to a cross he loved, forgave, and did not resist man's wickedness. To me this alone demonstrates God's will and nature in contrast to man's. Jesus is no scapegoat. We broke the law, so we are required to pay the penalty, which is physical death. Once that penalty has been paid, Jesus heals us and reconciles us with the father in the heavenly kingdom. The point of the cross and his resurrection is about showing us that there is life after death, and that death has no hold on Jesus, nor us because of him. He's stronger than death, and perfectly able to heal and give us life after the fact. The gospel is about hope, life, love, forgiveness, and mercy. The gospel, believe it or not, is truly the good news. It (like Jesus) is a light in a dark world.

But Jesus did not say he forgave his transgressors for their SIN; he asked the Father to forgive them for their IGNORANCE:

Luke 23:34 KJV

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

Everything you said was added later to add significance and credibility to his ignoble death, including the Resurrection and Ascension. The reality is that Jesus (Yeshu) was crucified for political reasons on the one hand, and for blasphemy on the other.

BTW, ignorance, not sin, is the focus of Buddhism, which points to a strong connection between Yeshu and the East.

But even if divine blood has no power of redemption, as you say, how does his death pay for man's sin? The whole idea of his 'sacrifice' was to re-open the Gates of Paradise closed to all mankind because of the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. However, this implies that God's love is conditional, and not unconditional, the condition, the covenant, being that a supreme sacrifice was necessary for God's love to be made available once again. If God's love were truly unconditional, He would have instantly forgave Adam and Eve, and the entire affair would have ended at that point. Even we, as human parents, can forgive our children when they do atrocious things out of their ignorance. It's because we love them, God's love being even greater.

I am afraid the entire rationality of debt payment via sacrifice has to do with Jewish culture (ie; the value of a first-born son), but more deeply with pagan superstition of an angry, insatiable God who delivers punishments for man's sins, and when man's sacrifices of grain and animal prove ineffective (the punishments continue as locusts, floods, disease, etc) the only acceptable sacrifice in the eyes of God is God himself, in the flesh.
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