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What Does Your Name Mean?


erp...well I've been Tumble weed for about 2 years now...I got the name after I had my school camp. Now at this camp we went to a place called Hattah lakes where there were some tumble weeds rolling around so I thought that for the fun of it I would take a photo of a tumble weed. So then when I was trying to come up with a screen name I couldn't think of anything...so I took out my photos from camp and decided to name myself after the photo of the tumble weed which I took....crazy, huh


Well-Known Member
In the thread Alaric referred to, I mentioned that I use my given name, because that is my name and I see no reason for hiding it. It is the Swedish version of Andreas, which in turn is derived from the Greek word aner, meaning "man".


Overfiend...well it's actually a Hentai. I saw it once *cough*more*cough* and the name just stuck.

My signature is something I used in an RPG a long while back.
Frater = Father, in a padre context. Morelia is part of the scientific name for a python. I found it a humorous amalgation.
My sig roughly translated is: I serve neither your God, Nor your Devil. I serve not your king.
As was pointed out to me in another post, I am an ignorant boob. Frater=Brother, as in a monastic sense, Pater=Father. Frigging d'oh. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Drat! just born with it.

Sig- to tell all "Believing on him who sent Him/Yeshua, nets one salvation!


Well-Known Member
My sophomore year of high school, I was in the play "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." I played the part of Linus and I had a blast doing it. Heh heh I even had fun singing and dancing with a blankie...

The name just stuck I guess. Now I use it for all my online nicknames.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Well, I didn't have anything in my sig when I first posted in this thread, so I thought I'd come back and explain what I have now...

Had a garage sale a couple weekends ago, and lots of people asked me if I was moving, etc. (which I am - in a couple months I plan to pack up here and get a job on a cruise ship). Anyway, this one lady said to me after we'd been chatting for a while, "Life is a mystery to be explored, not a problem to be solved". It really resonated with me, so I decided to use it for my sig. :goodjob:


Well-Known Member
I thought I answered this a while ago, but... oh well.

The name is one I essentially created for the text-based game, Nodeka. My character was a giant, so I wanted to choose an ironic or oxymoronic name for him. I chose Runt. The name sorta stuck, so I used it here as well.

My sig changes reletively often, but right now it is a quote from "Real Genius" (awesome movie!)


New Member
My name means "interpreter of arcane or mystical knowledge". It is basically what I do in my religion and then pass that information on to any students who seek me out.