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What does God want from you?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
He wanted to be known so created us to know Him.
He did? Or... it's people that have invented different Gods to try and explain how everything came to be and why we are here? Every God has or had people that knew them and believed in them. But they are all different.

And how do Baha'is explain that? By saying that people made-up stories about their Gods that weren't true. But, of course, what the Baha'is say about God... that is true. You say that God is invisible and unknowable except for what the manifestations of God tell us about God.

But again, the things about God from the previous manifestations have gotten distorted and misunderstood. So, the only reliable and correct information about God comes from the teachings of Baha'u'llah, the prophet of the Baha'i Faith. How convenient.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you? If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you? Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
Agnostic atheist here. You're asking me what a god that hasn't manifest sufficiently for me to know it exists wants? Not only can't I know, why would it matter? Not because it must be smart if it can create universes.

If such a god exists, it is either unaware that we do, indifferent that we do, or unable to communicate with us. I don't need to know that such a god exists or what it wants.

So you can add apatheist - I'm an agnostic, apathetic, atheist for gods that choose not to or cannot manifest or communicate (noninterventionist gods). Regarding those said to intervene in human affairs - interventionist gods that answer prayers, provide revelation through human vectors, do miracles -


Veteran Member
Beliefs are just what you are convinced is true. That means I value truth and what is. You use the word belief as believing without evidence, That is not what it means.
@Bird123 does not think that he has any beliefs. He thinks that what he believes is the truth and what is.
Nothing he says is factual. That means that what he has are beliefs, but he has no evidence to back up his beliefs.
Like I said my beliefs are based on good evidence. How do I know what God is doing around me? Where is the good evidence God is doing something.
There is no evidence that God is doing anything around anybody. How could there be any evidence of that? Nobody has ever seen God or heard His voice. Well, Messengers have heard His voice but they never said that God was 'doing anything' on earth.
All you are doing is saying there is all this "truth" around you but then do not want to show me how you know it is truth. I can tell you why I have my beliefs, you can't or won't.
Welcome to the club. For years @Bird123 has been telling all of us that he has "the truth" but he cannot show us how he knows it is the truth.
I do not think it is because he won't, it is because he can't. He can't because there is no way for him to show that what be 'believes' is the truth.


Well-Known Member
The choices are that no gods exist, gods exist but are unaware of our existence, indifferent to it, or unable to modify it. Does it really matter which of those is correct? Such gods whether they exist or not are irrelevant, and having an answer to such a question would be useless.

That's a claim without support, and my experience has been contrary.

Be careful. Early in my Christian walk - first year, actually, while in the Army - I was sitting on the barracks steps one evening with my girlfriend, the Christian who brought me to Jesus, where I witnessed crepuscular rays piercing through the clouds, felt a frisson travel my spine, and thought that the Holy Spirit was guiding me to ask this woman to be my wife. So, I asked her, and we got married. Big mistake. You really don't want to be making decisions based in such notions.

Or, we learn through experiencing the world with no gods needed or involved.

No, the knowledge of how to fly came millennia after observing flight in the animal kingdom, and it didn't come from any deity.

Not sad, but it is reason to disregard the notion of gods (apatheism) and reject the assorted promises (atheism). The god idea obviously is of some benefit to you, but not to me. I'm as comfortable living without it and without religion than I was with both until the seams of that religious belief began unraveling. Here's the rest of that story above:

It was experience that revealed to me that my intuition that I was experiencing the Holy Spirit during church services was false and that I was only experiencing my own mind, that is, mistaking endogenous experience with received or sensed information from without. The revelation came when I left my first congregation (I converted in the Army) upon discharge from the military, and a return home to another state. I tried a half dozen congregations, all of them dead by comparison. It was then and had stumbled upon a gifted and charismatic preacher. It was then that I realized that my experience wasn't of a spirit but the product of my own mind in the hands of a gifted, charismatic preacher. This led to my leaving the religion, a return to atheistic humanism, and a satisfying life.
I am happy your life is satisfying!!

You already know God whether you know you know or not. Another choice you neglected to mention was that God does not want to intimidate anyone's choices. With this in mind, God is not going to tell anyone to do anything. If anyone tells you God is telling anyone what choice they should make, it's coming from them not God.

Granted lots of people might think they have had interaction with God. In reality, without a certain amount of understanding ahead of time, most would simply be confused by the experience. God is High Intelligence. We are but mere ants. God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. It is a struggle just to keep up. Who knows went over one's head in the process. No names are needed. Everyone already knows who everyone is. Everyone is going to really like God. God doesn't value all those petty things mankind holds so dear, God has no baggage or garbage He is hanging onto. Finally, I have found no religion that really understands God at all.Religions are creations of mankind. That is who they really reflect.

Life isn't about God, however one can take that journey, as I have, just to Discover the Real Truth. It has never ever been about believing. God's system works regardless of any beliefs one might choose to have.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Even Zephaniah 2:3 mentions seeking:
Seek God (discover through prayer and the pages of Scripture to maintain a warm personal relationship with Him )
Seek righteousness ( seeking to uphold God's standards )
Seek meekness ( humbly cultivating a submissive attitude in responding to God's will, His purpose for mankind )
Seek freely what one wishes to seek. It has never ever been about seeking God though one is free if one chooses. Prayer can be as simple as a thought. Holy books are creations of mankind. They reflect mankind more than anything else. God's actions can be seen and studied from what exists around us all.

God has chosen no standards or rules. Choose freely. Our actions and choices show the world and God what we know and what we need to learn. God will teach all His children what their actions and choices really mean. People can choose some might hard lessons for themselves. Think, then choose would be good advice. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan!

Meek or not, that is a free choice, however mankind is a controlling lot. Many teach one to be meek because meek is easier to be controlled. Speak your mind!! Share that which is Special about you. It is what those around you really need from you. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a view larger than any one person could have. Never ever think your view is less and should not be explored by others.

Never ever worry about God!! Make your free choices. God is working around any choice anyone could make for the best of all in the long run. Widen the view. Look around you. It stares us all in the face. God will not give anyone all the answers, however God hides nothing!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
No, happiness is not a choice. Every mental health professional knows that.
If happiness was a choice there would be no need for counseling or antidepressant drugs.
You do not Understand the capabilities you hold. Patience, in time, you will Discover your choices do change things.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
The ' real world ' was the paradisical Garden of Eden.
We can't get in the ' real world ' because of father Adam's downfall keeping us out.
On the other hand, Jesus is the one who will bring us, restore us, to the real world of Eden.
First, the passing of time has allowed for us to be born and think who we would like as Sovereign over us.
Earth would have to be populated before Jesus will take action - Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15
So, this now real world of badness whose ' god ' is Satan - 2nd Corinthians 4:4 - is nearing its final curtain.
Soon the sun will rise on the coming Millennium-Long Day of Jesus governing over Earth for a thousand years.
The ' figurative sheep ' of Matthew 25:31-34,37 will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' millennial reign over Earth.
Jesus will have subjects/ citizens from sea to sea - Psalm 72:8, 12-14
These can gain everlasting life on Earth -> the coming ' real world of righteousness ' on Earth forever and ever.
Your stories are not Reality. They are but mere stories .

Why is it mankind always thinks one needs saving. Learn the lessons and in time God is going to teach us all how to create a Heavenly state for ourselves and others. This world is never going to have peace until all the lessons are learn. Why would God change the multilevel classroom that is working so very well?

Mankind always values Blame. Blame is one of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Must one create Satan, an idea that does not exist, so one can't be responsible for their own choices and actions? Blame is useless energy spent. If Satan existed, do you know what God would do? God would teach Satan just like God teaches all His children so one day even Satan would be able to create a Heavenly state for himself and others. Does one really need someone to Blame and Hate? What are you teaching the children???

Finally, everlasting life will never be on Earth!! Why not? The physical laws of this universe will limit or restrict one to the physical laws of this Universe. WE are Spiritual beings in our true natures. We are already Eternal. The time-based causal nature of this Universe is perfect for learning. That is the only reason this physical Universe exists in the first place. It is for God's children and the lessons to live.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Well, there's no accounting for taste, they say.

Me, I'll stay in reality.

Though come to think of it, there's a great opportunity for you to clean up here ─ get God to dictate the proof of Riemann's Hypothesis to you. There's a respectable prize attached to the first person to do that.

And it sounds less ─ ahm, vulgar ─ than asking God for next week's Powerball numbers, because it would represent an advance in mathematics, though heck, if [he]'s in a good mood, you might as well try your luck with that for seconds.

Let me know how it goes.
God doesn't just give knowledge out. Wisdom is acquired on the journey to Discover knowledge. God surely wants the wisdom included. Besides, there are other Discoveries that one could clean up far beyond that prize. Further, what is money really? There are other useful things at this point that require much more consideration for me to seek. I'm working, once again, on what others say is impossible. I know that those who seek sometimes find what they are looking for. I seek!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!!


Well-Known Member
He wanted to be known so created us to know Him. This is from an Islamic tradition and makes a lot of sense to me.

I was a Hidden Treasure; I loved to be known, so I created the creation in order to be known.

And Baha’u’llah says:

O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.
Hmmm, I say God knows what most parents know. Children make life Grand!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Actually you would just need to give me good evidence. If you had it I bet you would give it to me.

Beliefs are just what you are convinced is true. That means I value truth and what is. You use the word belief as believing without evidence, That is not what it means.

Like I said my beliefs are based on good evidence. How do I know what God is doing around me? Where is the good evidence God is doing something. All you are doing is saying there is all this "truth" around you but then do not want to show me how you know it is truth. I can tell you why I have my beliefs, you can't or won't.
There is only one proof one can have for a Spiritual Being. Direct contact.
I started my journey to Discover the truth when I became an adult and realized so much of religion simply did not add up. I was even open to the possibilities God did not exist at all. I just wanted to know the real truth.

In a time-based causal universe, a Spiritual Being might not be able to be seen, however actions in a time-based causal universe can. I studied these actions and tried to understand the why in order to understand. The base I would never fall below was that everything about God must add up. If it didn't it wasn't God. Since all the physics add up perfectly, so must the people factor. The people factor is much more complicated since it carries so many more variables. Ebb and Flow of knowledge helped put the end pieces of the puzzle together. If I were to build a car, there are some things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. You get the idea.

Through your journey, a picture will form and your understanding will grow. When you open one door, it will lead to more doors that can be opened. At this point you will still only have beliefs.When you reach a certain amount of Understanding, you might just get a visit from God. At this point God will no longer be a belief.

An interaction with God should not be discounted. Without a certain amount of understanding, most would just be confused by the experience. One does not have the capabilities to create or duplicate this. God will never intimidate anyone's choices. If the interaction would do this, it will never happen. God doesn't give out knowledge. One must acquire the knowledge and understanding first. I point the way because finding a starting point is not an easy thing to do. This is a journey no one can do for you. Only you can choose what you seek. I have always been one who had to know. This was the driving force in my case.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Agnostic atheist here. You're asking me what a god that hasn't manifest sufficiently for me to know it exists wants? Not only can't I know, why would it matter? Not because it must be smart if it can create universes.

If such a god exists, it is either unaware that we do, indifferent that we do, or unable to communicate with us. I don't need to know that such a god exists or what it wants.

So you can add apatheist - I'm an agnostic, apathetic, atheist for gods that choose not to or cannot manifest or communicate (noninterventionist gods). Regarding those said to intervene in human affairs - interventionist gods that answer prayers, provide revelation through human vectors, do miracles -
Perhaps, there is something you are missing. Could there be Method to the Madness??? Much more knowledge lives beyond the mere surface of things.

Could there be good reason not to communicate to people?? When you understand the why, there will be more to see.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
@Bird123 does not think that he has any beliefs. He thinks that what he believes is the truth and what is.
Nothing he says is factual. That means that what he has are beliefs, but he has no evidence to back up his beliefs.

There is no evidence that God is doing anything around anybody. How could there be any evidence of that? Nobody has ever seen God or heard His voice. Well, Messengers have heard His voice but they never said that God was 'doing anything' on earth.

Welcome to the club. For years @Bird123 has been telling all of us that he has "the truth" but he cannot show us how he knows it is the truth.
I do not think it is because he won't, it is because he can't. He can't because there is no way for him to show that what be 'believes' is the truth.
Are you choosing to limit yourself through your assumptions??? It's a good excuse as any to do nothing. I will not serve up beliefs for people to believe. I will place truth in the world and point to where this can be Discovered for yourself. What anyone chooses to seek has never been up to me. What journey anyone chooses to take has never been up to me. I placed the knowledge in the world for those who are ready. It has always been within your hands!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God doesn't just give knowledge out. Wisdom is acquired on the journey to Discover knowledge.
You don't need God to make the journey. Look at Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian and Chinese achievements in maths and science back then.

And the reason the Enlightenment was so successful, leading in a direct line of approach and method to today's advances, is because it sought to examine reality, the world external to the self, as it stands. Believers can be excellent scientists, historians, archaeologists, medicos, but should they seek to account for this or that important aspect of any of those by reference to God (a being notable for lacking any useful definition) then in fact they've contributed nothing to our understanding of reality.

We don't know how the Big Bang came to happen, for example, but to say God did it ─
(a) begs the question of how God did it and
(b) since we don't know what real entity we intend to denote when we say God, makes the larger question "How did God come to happen?" meaningless.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
@Bird123 does not think that he has any beliefs. He thinks that what he believes is the truth and what is.
Nothing he says is factual. That means that what he has are beliefs, but he has no evidence to back up his beliefs.

There is no evidence that God is doing anything around anybody. How could there be any evidence of that? Nobody has ever seen God or heard His voice. Well, Messengers have heard His voice but they never said that God was 'doing anything' on earth.

Welcome to the club. For years @Bird123 has been telling all of us that he has "the truth" but he cannot show us how he knows it is the truth.
I do not think it is because he won't, it is because he can't. He can't because there is no way for him to show that what be 'believes' is the truth.
It is typical of most people with faith. I believe he truly believes. I just don't think he will look into why he believes very deeply in my opinion.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
There is only one proof one can have for a Spiritual Being. Direct contact.
I started my journey to Discover the truth when I became an adult and realized so much of religion simply did not add up. I was even open to the possibilities God did not exist at all. I just wanted to know the real truth.

In a time-based causal universe, a Spiritual Being might not be able to be seen, however actions in a time-based causal universe can. I studied these actions and tried to understand the why in order to understand. The base I would never fall below was that everything about God must add up. If it didn't it wasn't God. Since all the physics add up perfectly, so must the people factor. The people factor is much more complicated since it carries so many more variables. Ebb and Flow of knowledge helped put the end pieces of the puzzle together. If I were to build a car, there are some things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. You get the idea.

Through your journey, a picture will form and your understanding will grow. When you open one door, it will lead to more doors that can be opened. At this point you will still only have beliefs.When you reach a certain amount of Understanding, you might just get a visit from God.
This is just a story with no good evidence.
At this point God will no longer be a belief.
Again you are using belief differently than I do. A belief is what I think is true based on the evidence.
An interaction with God should not be discounted. Without a certain amount of understanding, most would just be confused by the experience. One does not have the capabilities to create or duplicate this. God will never intimidate anyone's choices. If the interaction would do this, it will never happen. God doesn't give out knowledge. One must acquire the knowledge and understanding first. I point the way because finding a starting point is not an easy thing to do. This is a journey no one can do for you. Only you can choose what you seek. I have always been one who had to know. This was the driving force in my case.
So no evidence huh? I am open to god wanting to talk to be etc. I have no power to contact god, it has all the power to contact me. I am waiting.


Well-Known Member
You don't need God to make the journey. Look at Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian and Chinese achievements in maths and science back then.

And the reason the Enlightenment was so successful, leading in a direct line of approach and method to today's advances, is because it sought to examine reality, the world external to the self, as it stands. Believers can be excellent scientists, historians, archaeologists, medicos, but should they seek to account for this or that important aspect of any of those by reference to God (a being notable for lacking any useful definition) then in fact they've contributed nothing to our understanding of reality.

We don't know how the Big Bang came to happen, for example, but to say God did it ─
(a) begs the question of how God did it and
(b) since we don't know what real entity we intend to denote when we say God, makes the larger question "How did God come to happen?" meaningless.
You have built walls around yourself to prevent you from Discovering anything at all. When you question you are not supposed to merely accept. You are supposed to work at Discovering the answers.

I guess you never realized. I never asked you to believe anything. I merely pointed to where you can Discover the answers for yourself. It seems you like being served up beliefs so you can accept or reject. This is no way to Discover anything.

You assume that since past beliefs about God are wrong that there are no facts about God. I have found no religion that understands God at all. Sounds like we see the same thing only you assume God does not exist instead of finding out the truth.

How did God do it? To create a universe to unfold into what we have today and more from a single point takes Great Intelligence. You underestimate God also what is involved in creating a universe. Be patient. There is a lot to learn before one has that capability.

How did God come to happen? Your narrow view can't see beyond the physical time-based causal nature of the universe. With such a narrow view and no vision, is there any hope for you to see? Quantum physics is showing the possibility of many dimensions. What would a dimension without time look like? I know God is big on what is. Perhaps that is why.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!