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What did Sadam do that was so wrong?


New Member
What did Sadam do that was so wrong?
Sadam was responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Muslims,(if not hundreds of thousands) to any sane person,that alone would be enough to condemn him,
but fortunately for him and his gang, Iraq is surrounded by Muslim countries,
Iran, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, who, for 25 years, sat and watched him perform his deeds, and did nothing, after all, what was he doing, he was only killing Muslims, where were the suicide bombers when the Iraqis needed them?
it seems the bombers only die to get someone power, or keep someone in power, or make statements for people in power,
they are certainly not wasted on saving the lives of Muslims and their families.
When Sadam was in trouble, he prayed like a good Muslim, and the Arab world loved him, when he was at war, he attacked Israel to get sympathy for his cause, and the Arab world loved him, after all, he only killed tens of thousands of Muslims, nothing wrong in that.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I don't get the gist of your point. I assume you have one, but it isn't very clear. Perhaps combing your hair will reveal it. Your point, that is.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
hmm... I'm going to agree with NetDoc here and say I'm not shure I know what your getting at.
Unless it is some attempt to bash Islam, Arabs or both perhaps?



New Member
I just thought I would give you something to read, maybe make you think a little!!
and I keep forgetting, Irony is lost on Americans, silly me.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I can't decide if your post is anti-Saddam or anti-Muslim.... :confused:

Prehaps you could explain a little better.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Irony is a subtle tool best used by those with practice. Personally I think that Saddam started to go 'wrong' during the Iran/Iraq war when he started using chemical weapons. The real Irony is that Saddam ran a secular government, unlike the rest of the middle east. Irony is that he was backed by the very government that turned on him. Another Irony is that he is now the epitomy of 'evil' and Momar Kadaffi is now becoming 'good' when just a few decades ago the reverce was true.

so yes, silly you. ;)



Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe he was viewed with trepidation by his neighbors till the US commandeered his airspace, instituted the "No Fly Zones." and sent in weapons inspectors -- and there was a pretty bloody war with Iran a while ago.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
yes and the fact that at the time he had one of the most advanced and largest militarys in the area I'm shure had something to do with it. (and again the fact that he proved willing to use chemical wepons on civilian populations) Not to mention that we were his most potent ally untill Desert Storm pt.1... When you can never judge what an ally like us will do, (we are a bit fickle on the forign policy) why go and stir up a potental hornets nest. :sarcastic



Well-Known Member
George W. said, "You tried to kill my Daddy!" And oh, BTW he is an evil man who killed thousands of Iraqi's and he is getting Nukes and will kill us with them, but not on my watch!

Don't get on George W.'s bad side!

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
This was going to be a straight forward hate-fest until you brought in Dubya. Now there are two people to despise.


Well-Known Member
Didn't he ask a question? Well I answered it to the best of my knowledge. Saddam got on W's bad side. ;)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Not to mention that we were his most potent ally until Desert Storm Pt 1...."

True, he got most of his weapons -- including gasses -- from the US. The US provided much clandestine materiel during the Iran-Iraq war.


New Member
I asked 'where were the suicide bombers', an army cannot stop a suicide bomber, any one of those countries could have stopped Sadam, if it had been in their interest.
But never mind all of that rubbish, let's keep it light and stupid, and talk about an American,
after all, the whole world is at the mercy of a few yank's who are where they are because of money.


Well-Known Member
browser said:
I asked 'where were the suicide bombers', an army cannot stop a suicide bomber, any one of those countries could have stopped Sadam, if it had been in their interest.
But never mind all of that rubbish, let's keep it light and stupid, and talk about an American,
after all, the whole world is at the mercy of a few yank's who are where they are because of money.
You sound English! But what about your grasp of the language?
You asked, What did Sadam do that was so wrong?

PS. BTW, Isn't George W. American enough for you?
browser said:
I just thought I would give you something to read, maybe make you think a little!!
and I keep forgetting, Irony is lost on Americans, silly me.
The irony was not lost on me, browser.

Where were all those supposedly "idealistic" suicide bombers when Saddam was massacring Muslims for all those years?


The cake is a lie
Good to know that getting on Dubya's bad side is enough to make him throw a hissy fit and start a war.


Jeeze, like no other country leaders have ever had assassination attempts on them...

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
browser said:
after all, the whole world is at the mercy of a few yank's who are where they are because of money.
I'm glad some of the world is remembering the 'few' part. Believe me, a good many of us Yanks are trying to do everything we can to convince those few otherwise. Sadly, we seem to be lacking in the money department.
Folks: The topic of the thread is "What did Sadam do that was so wrong?" Please stick to the topic.

I believe browser started this thread to bring to light the hypocrisy of the the actions of the insurgents and Iraq's neighboring Arab countries (correct me if I'm wrong).