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Vegans have 43% more bone fractures


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Thanks for the clarification! I read that as "a place without vegans and vegetarians would be paradise."
Clearly vegans and vegetarians can get to heaven. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who practiced vegetarianism, and probably were vegans, were righteous men who probably went to heaven. They weren't vegetarians their whole lives, probably, and were vegetarians for non-health reasons too. Their vegetarianism was only for proscribed limited reasons. But they were vegetarians for portions of their lives.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Have humans evolved to drink the milk of other species? Do any other species do that?
Why do humans continue to drink milk into adulthood, what has happened to weaning?
Yes, we have. Two different human populations have convergently evolved lactase persistence and are well-suited to milk of all sorts in their diets as adults. If those populations were forced to rely on human sources, it might be socially awkward, though I think I might enjoy the possibility.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Yes, we have. Two different human populations have convergently evolved lactase persistence and are well-suited to milk of all sorts in their diets as adults. If those populations were forced to rely on human sources, it might be socially awkward, though I think I might enjoy the possibility.
Why am I now thinking about Dolly Parton


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Vegans are known for their ruthless pogroms, exterminating fields of almonds in their ruthless drive for dairy avoidance.

Clearly, the almonds are fighting back.