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Unleash Your Hidden Powers to Pick Up Women! Find More Sex and Love Than You Ever Thought Possible!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
1. Be brimming with confidence: Women want a confident man. It has to be genuine however. A man must genuinly believe in his heart that he is a "pimp", not just when it comes to women but when it comes to life in general. If he believes that it will shine through in everything he does. Do not over do it however. There's a big difference between confident and cocky. The latter makes guys come off as douche bags. Be a gentleman but under no circumstances can it be done timidly.

2. Have a genuine love for women: A man must find the presence of women to be intoxicating. They are a well of mystery whose depths one cannot resist probing, a closed flower whose petals must delicately be opened. Part of that love is having a genuine respect for women. Confidence and respect make the woman feel safe. That's when magic happens.

3. Do not over-rely on physical attractiveness. Mind you, you must be well groomed especially so she feels like she was important enough for you to make an effort to "impress" her. If you come in looking like you just walked out of bed, besides not finding you as attractive she will feel like you don't give a ****. Good looks for a guys are like getting a degree from a fancy college and then going out into the real world. The fancy degree will grab potential employer's attention, but after that you need to actually perform. So it is with natural good looks. It'll grab the girl's attention but if you've failed step one or two you're probably in big trouble.

You've honestly impressed me! Those three bits of advice strike me as not only good, but as excellent. Much better than you usually get from people. And I think they're pretty applicable to anyone who is interested in picking up women, and in improving his relationship with women.

Got any more where those came from?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
You've honestly impressed me! Those three bits of advice strike me as not only good, but as excellent. Much better than you usually get from people. And I think they're pretty applicable to anyone who is interested in picking up women, and in improving his relationship with women.

Got any more where those came from?

I was going to say the same thing. Confidence, grooming, and the knowledge that when a woman feels safe, she opens up...it's worked for me when picking up women, too. ;)


.45 Cal
A man's confidence around women, if lacking, often is not built in a day. If a man finds himself feeling unsure around women, unsure about what to say and what to do, there is hope but he must be prepared to persevere. The man must find his "inner pimp." What I'm really talking about is finding his own style in relating to women. If a man hasn't found his style the only remedy is practice. He has to go up to women and talk to them, again and again. Through real world practice he will develop a style of relating to women the comes naturally to him and he will let go of any approaches he might've had in mind that just don't feel natural in practice. This often means that a man will have to confront anxieties and fears as he has successful encounters with women and ones are forgettable.When a man finds the "pimp" he was made to be he will not hesitate or second guess himself when confronted with a lady that strikes his fancy. His "game" must get to the point where it comes off as natural or else women will read him as being insincere and so they will therefore be less likely to trust him. Lack of trust = the woman not feeling safe and secure = little chance of anything blossoming.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I was going to say the same thing. Confidence, grooming, and the knowledge that when a woman feels safe, she opens up...it's worked for me when picking up women, too. ;)

Yeah, Peacemaker almost makes me wish I had a practical use for his advice. But getting into a relationship with someone would mean I had to pick up the socks off my floor and now and then brush my teeth. In short, it would mean huge changes in my lifestyle. And that stinks suspiciously of effort.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
A man's confidence around women, if lacking, often is not built in a day. If a man finds himself feeling unsure around women, unsure about what to say and what to do, there is hope but he must be prepared to persevere. The man must find his "inner pimp." What I'm really talking about is finding his own style in relating to women. If a man hasn't found his style the only remedy is practice. He has to go up to women and talk to them, again and again. Through real world practice he will develop a style of relating to women the comes naturally to him and he will let go of any approaches he might've had in mind that just don't feel natural in practice. This often means that a man will have to confront anxieties and fears as he has successful encounters with women and ones are forgettable.When a man finds"kind of "pimp" he his he will not hesitate or second guess himself when confronted with a lady that strikes his fancy. His "game" must get to the point where it comes off as natural or else women will read him as being insincere and so she is therefore less likely to trust him. Lack of trust = the woman not feeling safe and secure = little chance of anything blossoming.

Replace the word "pimp" with "Adonis", and I think that's good advice. I think "pimp" carries with it some baggage that might manifest in certain unsafe ways of thinking.


.45 Cal
Replace the word "pimp" with "Adonis", and I think that's good advice. I think "pimp" carries with it some baggage that might manifest in certain unsafe ways of thinking.

I hear you. "pimp within" just has a nice ring to it. In truth "inner Adonis" conveys the message better but hopefully people won't take it the wrong way.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I hear you. "pimp within" just has a nice ring to it. In truth "inner Adonis" conveys the message better but hopefully people won't take it the wrong way.

LOL I hear ya. Just didn't want some guy finding his inner pimp while he's beating up his date when she didn't hand him over all the money she made.


.45 Cal
A man should learn the power of dancing, especially if he's having trouble meeting women. Mind you, i'm not talking about crotch dancing but something with a little bit of class like ballroom and even swing and salsa. Too often guys go to bars and trashy clubs to meet girls where the ratio of guys to girls is 3:1. Dating is a numbers game and a man must understand how to work the odds in his favor. At a legit dance event where they actually do partnership dancing as opposed to grinding up on one another the ratio of girls to guys is sometimes 3:1 and almost always at the very least with a majority of women to men. In general, women just love to dance. The great thing about these dance events is that you can use it like speed dating. You dance with a girl for a three minute song and you can even try to get to know her a little. When the song is over you move on to someone else or if you feel a little chemistry try asking her for another song. Understand that ballroom events have more dating prospects for the 35 and older crowd and swing/salsa with more of an 18-35 crowd. If you're going to use dancing to meet women you really need to take some lessons and practice. Women also want a comfortable dance partner. Being the best dancer you can be means that more and more women will gravitate toward you.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
LOL I hear ya. Just didn't want some guy finding his inner pimp while he's beating up his date when she didn't hand him over all the money she made.

Hold it! Stop the presses! You mean it's wrong to beat up your date? Say it ain't so! Tell me I've been doing things right! Don't make me change!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Dating is a numbers game and man must understand how to work the odds in his favor.

I've told this again and again to people who've sought my advice (and even to some who didn't actually seek it! :D ), but sometimes I don't think they get it. Would you elaborate on this point? Perhaps you can put it in better words than I have.


.45 Cal
I've told this again and again to people who've sought my advice (and even to some who didn't actually seek it! :D ), but sometimes I don't think they get it. Would you elaborate on this point? Perhaps you can put it in better words than I have.

Some people like to say "when you stop looking is when you'll actually find the one that's right for you." The problem is that they speak of it as if it was a principle woven into the fabric of the universe. This is simply superstition akin to believing in the boogeyman. For people who say this strategy worked for them, what they're actually saying is that they gave themselves lousy odds and the longshot actually won. It happens from time to time, there's nothing miraculous about it. For every person I know that used such strategy with success I know 100 more that are lonely and miserable.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Some people like to say "when you stop looking is when you'll actually find the one that's right for you." The problem is that they speak of it as if it was a principle woven into the fabric of the universe. This simply superstition akin to believing in the boogeyman. For people who say this strategy worked for them, what they're actually saying is that they gave themselves lousy odds and the longshot actually won. It happens from time to time, there's nothing miraculous about it. For every person I know that used such strategy with success I know 100 more that are lonely and miserable.

Thanks! That's what I was looking for. A fresh approach to explaining that picking up women is a game of odds (fresh to me, that is).


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
By the way, you might want to think up a better title for this thread. I don't think the one you have is being taken the way you might want it to be taken. I can change the title if you want.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Peacemaker, do you think one way of lessening anxiety when picking up women is to make the conversation about them? That is, if you're tongue tied about what to say, just how helpful would it be to focus the conversation on them by asking them questions about themselves or about their interests?