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UK general election May 2015

Who will you (or are likely to) vote for in the coming UK general election this May?

  • Total voters


Ministry of Serendipity
You're wrong. Placing caps is a metaphysical concept which is applied when the cap is reached. There is no technology involved in this principle--although it will play a part in terms of security at borders.
And it does not matter whether or not we are talking about realpolitik; these major decisions are made by the political establishments.

I'm afraid not. Managing the push-pull factor, because negotiation on controlled immigration is in vain when a member of the EU, should be the last resort, after trying the aforementioned, as push-pull factors tend to impact the citizens of the country.
But I do agree that, very slightly tweaking the push-pull factor, after implementing artificial caps can play a part but only when done with extreme caution.

I have no interested in your UKIP rhetoric, sorry.


Classical Liberal
Besides, I don't know why you even bother. It's not like UKIP have a hope in hell's chance of winning, lol.

They are the third largest political party in the UK.
And after the T.V. debates, they can only improve on their position.

Say, do you ever stand up for what you think is right? Because with an attitude like that, I expect that you wouldn't be arsed to stand up for anything unless it had the approval of the masses.


Ministry of Serendipity
They are the third largest political party in the UK.
And after the T.V. debates, they can only improve on their position.

Say, do you ever stand up for what you think is right? Because with an attitude like that, I expect that you wouldn't be arsed to stand up for anything unless it had the approval of the masses.

Honestly? I don't care. My job is to look at the much larger picture.

For example, I don't care about women's rights, or black rights, or white rights, etc. What I care about is inequality as a whole. You can't eliminate inequality toward women unless you eliminate inequality as a whole, because it'll just return sooner rather than later. My job is to think about how to arrange the environment so that it no longer produces inequality.

Similarly, I don't care about immigration. If I thought immigration was a problem - which it isn't - then I would be looking at how to deal with the conditions tha generate immigration to the UK, namely the conditions of the environment in the countries from which immigrants come from.

You wont sway me with your UKIP rhetoric no matter how much you try because I firmly believe in a world where there are no borders, no countries, no political parties, etc.

And while UKIP may be the third largest party in the UK, it doesn't change the fact that they will not win.


Classical Liberal
Honestly? I don't care. My job is to look at the much larger picture.

For example, I don't care about women's rights, or black rights, or white rights, etc. What I care about is inequality as a whole. You can't eliminate inequality toward women unless you eliminate inequality as a whole, because it'll just return sooner rather than later. My job is to think about how to arrange the environment so that it no longer produces inequality.

But you cannot just "arrange" for the death of inequality altogether. One has to take it one step at a time. That would be like trying to learn Biology, Chemistry, and Physics all at the same time in the same classroom.

Similarly, I don't care about immigration. If I thought immigration was a problem - which it isn't - then I would be looking at how to deal with the conditions tha generate immigration to the UK, namely the conditions of the environment in the countries from which immigrants come from.

Immigration is not a problem. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
Mass immigration (at current levels) is a problem, however. Any economics textbook will, perhaps indirectly, tell you this.
And, actually, it is very easy to deal with this issue: set up artificial caps every year and be able to choose people who will benefit the country and economy. How do we do this? By scrunching up the rule that tells us that we cannot do this by leaving the European Union.
And I can see that you think we should manipulate the push/pull factor on immigrants, but this has been tried over and over and it just does not work. No matter what we do in this respect, it will not work. Because people from countries like Bulgaria, in where the minimum wage is a ninth of what it is here, are going to want to pack theire bags and come here no matter what the push/pull factors are--I certainly would.

You wont sway me with your UKIP rhetoric no matter how much you try because I firmly believe in a world where there are no borders, no countries, no political parties, etc.

You live in a fantasyland. You probably think that communism would work, as well.

And while UKIP may be the third largest party in the UK, it doesn't change the fact that they will not win.

They may not win outright, but there is a chance that they can form a coalition.
Quatermass, political parties and leaders rise and fall, like the Liberal Democracts. But this isn't going to stop us from trying.


Ministry of Serendipity
They may not win outright, but there is a chance that they can form a coalition.

Nope. The tories will win with a narrow margin. I expect UKIP to gain a few seats, but if we see a coalition it'll be with the Greens. Boris Johnson will take over as PM from David Cameron when the time comes. Labour will come second/third (depending on how far the Green's get) and UKIP just ahead of the Lib Dems.

It's all been pre-arranged.


Classical Liberal
Nope. The tories will win with a narrow margin. I expect UKIP to gain a few seats, but if we see a coalition it'll be with the Greens. Boris Johnson will take over as PM from David Cameron when the time comes. Labour will come second/third (depending on how far the Green's get) and UKIP just ahead of the Lib Dems.

It's all been pre-arranged.

Ridiculously claiming statements as if they were truly verified. Instead, you, most likely, put on a tin-foil hat and blindly type away.
The fact is that the British public now understand, despite nation-wide slandering, the consequences of being an EU-state--UKIP being the only party with the solution.

Of course, one can not make predictions, but by looking at the marginal seats, I can certainly see UKIP winning around 10 of them. Some people are actually estimating more--like the spread bet millionaire, Stuart Wheeler.


Veteran Member
I must admit, I don't know how to cast my vote this election. I have narrowed it down but I really wish we had the "None of the above" option. Spoiling ones paper is not quite the same.

I live in a true blue seat, in Blair's runaway first election victory my constituency stayed Tory with a majority of 2000; last election was about 12000 majority.

I normally vote Labour or Lib Dem but neither inspire confidence,

We have a Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, UKIP and Greens running. UKIP frightenly managed 1500 votes in 2010, Greens didn't put a candidate out.

So, in reverse order....

UKIP - I'd rather vote Nazi than this gang of chancers
Tory - Public school bullies, they haven't a clue about me, yet I should be a Tory voter and they should be trying to attract my vote.
Lib Dem - Oh dear, lost the plot.
Green - they would have my vote if they didn't oppose HS2, but I am passionately for HS2 so, the Greens have lost my vote.
Labour - My natural home but they are a shambles at the moment.


Veteran Member
I'm considering a tactical vote for the SNP since they are the only party who could unseat Labour in my constituency. My heart isn't in this voting crap. Tick a box and get the same arsehole or a new arsehole. Woo.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Besides, I don't know why you even bother. It's not like UKIP have a hope in hell's chance of winning, lol.

So ......... are you saying that we should only vote for parties that have best chance of winning?
To laugh at small parties seems to be very negative.... very shortsighted.
Anyway, you're with the Tea and Biscuits on-the-day group so you are sure to be with the majority of voters ........ but that cannot make a difference. imo.

If UKIP can get a few seats (my guess is 13-20 at this time) then the Cameron Government (which I think will win) will have to take notice of UKIP policies (which they already have, imo).

So by voting for UKIP in a Thanet area I believe that I will be doing something useful.

You have a nice cuppa....! :p


Veteran Member
Of course, one can not make predictions, but by looking at the marginal seats, I can certainly see UKIP winning around 10 of them. Some people are actually estimating more--like the spread bet millionaire, Stuart Wheeler.
UKIP seems to be sinking in the polls. I think people are reverting to old allegiances as the threat of a Tory/Labour win increases.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
UKIP - I'd rather vote Nazi than this gang of chancers
Tory - Public school bullies, they haven't a clue about me, yet I should be a Tory voter and they should be trying to attract my vote.
Lib Dem - Oh dear, lost the plot.
Green - they would have my vote if they didn't oppose HS2, but I am passionately for HS2 so, the Greens have lost my vote.
Labour - My natural home but they are a shambles at the moment.

Not a bad summary! I haven't been following the polls but my guess is that, like last time, there won't be an overall majority.
Maybe a Lib-Lab coalition?
I really don't know at the moment, I don't trust the Tories with public services, but I don't trust Labour with the economy. And like you say Lib Dems have lost the plot and lost credibility. And will the result really make much difference anyway?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
If UKIP can get a few seats (my guess is 13-20 at this time) then the Cameron Government (which I think will win) will have to take notice of UKIP policies (which they already have, imo).

I think 13 to 20 seats is over-optimistic but I might be willing to place a small bet. ;)


Classical Liberal
UKIP - I'd rather vote Nazi than this gang of chancers

Nothing shows as much misinformation about a cause or politics as this quoted sample. It's actually quite a horrifying thing to type. The Nazi Party are a top-centre totalitarian party who wanted to establish a single superstate: much like the European Union.
UKIP are a libertarian party who wish to leave said superstate in favour of a smaller state.
You don't know your politics!

Pray tell, what is it with UKIP policy that makes you type so blindly and ignorantly?

UKIP seems to be sinking in the polls. I think people are reverting to old allegiances as the threat of a Tory/Labour win increases.

Polls vary on where said poll was taken and the random chance of picking out a few thousand random people. Mathematically, polls usually come nowhere near enough a large/diverse enough sample to propose a definite result.


Veteran Member
Polls vary on where said poll was taken and the random chance of picking out a few thousand random people. Mathematically, polls usually come nowhere near enough a large/diverse enough sample to propose a definite result.
Of course. But they take polls for a reason - they are often reliable indicators. There's plenty of time for things to change (and UKIP seem to be rising again just now) but I suspect that the closer we get to the day many people will be making up their minds to vote Labour or Tory out of fear of the other.

Which seats are UKIP focusing on?

I've been thinking today about the fact that there are so few MPs that I have any respect for. There are one or two Tory backbenchers who I wouldn't have shot. A handful of Labour backbenchers that I kind of like. A couple of Lib Dems who seem principled. Caroline Lucas, Pete Wishart and Angus Robertson I genuinely respect as people and public servants. And whoever the MP was who responded to the recent media fishing trap that hooked Straw and Rifkind by simply saying, "My contacts are not for sale".

Of the possible big casualties I'm praying that Nick Clegg and Danny Alexander lose their seats, and if Jim Murphy was to lose his seat to the SNP I might start attending mass again on the grounds that there would have to be a god.

Anyone else have anyone they would like to see out?

Any MPs you have time for?


Veteran Member
Nothing shows as much misinformation about a cause or politics as this quoted sample. It's actually quite a horrifying thing to type. The Nazi Party are a top-centre totalitarian party who wanted to establish a single superstate: much like the European Union.
UKIP are a libertarian party who wish to leave said superstate in favour of a smaller state.
You don't know your politics!

Pray tell, what is it with UKIP policy that makes you type so blindly and ignorantly?
It is the racist comments from their candidates, councillors and supporters that remind me of the Nazis. It is the movement of followers from the BNP to UKIP.
Like the Nazis, UKIP builds on fear and is 'anti' rather than 'pro'; it blames all the UK's woes on 'outsiders' just like the Nazis did.

I know my politics very well thank you, please don't call me ignorant, name calling is a typical UKIP trick and devalues the argument. It is people like you who convince me I am correct to stay well clear of UKIP.


Classical Liberal
Of course.

It's good that we agree.

But they take polls for a reason - they are often reliable indicators.


There's plenty of time for things to change (and UKIP seem to be rising again just now) but I suspect that the closer we get to the day many people will be making up their minds to vote Labour or Tory out of fear of the other.

But this is merely an assumption. I guess we'll just have to wait to see whether or not your statement stands true.
At this moment, however, it's a baseless claim.

Which seats are UKIP focusing on?

Well, obviously, we have Thanet South, being Nigel's seat, which will most likely be converted to purple. I went up to Grimsby last weekend and spoke to many ordinary people about politics--many of them said they were going to vote for UKIP (take what you will from this). However, there are a plentiful number of people voting for Labour out of tribalism.
Skegness and Boston, previously Conservative, is extremely likely to fall to UKIP, also. Thanet North may follow suit.
I would also not be surprised to see UKIP take Rotherham, now.

I've been thinking today about the fact that there are so few MPs that I have any respect for.

They certainly seem rare and few!

Of the possible big casualties I'm praying that Nick Clegg and Danny Alexander lose their seats,

As a student, I had voted for the Liberal Democrats in the last election. They certainly seem to have good causes and very enthusiastic MPs, but Nick Clegg is such a weak leader that I'm not surprised that the party is now a minor party.

Anyone else have anyone they would like to see out?

Every Labour MP along with the Green MP.

Any MPs you have time for?

Some backbench Tories and the two UKIP MPs.[/QUOTE]