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U.S. shoots 50-60 Tomahawk Missiles at Assad's Airforce

Did Trump make the right decision attacking Assad so quickly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • No

    Votes: 22 59.5%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
Not a bad decision in my view, too bad it is hypocritical in that Trump was not accepting refugees trying to escape tyranny. Also hypocritical in that Trump changed his mind while blaming previous administration for not taking care of something he wanted to stay out of originally.
Very true.


Veteran Member
In the words of Thomas Paine:

I highly doubt this is going to 'let Asaad know' anything. It's just going to escalate into another drawn out campaign similar to Sadaam and Osama et all, which will end in a failed dummy government or the rise of another terrible power from the vacuum. Either that or it'll just be an anemic gesture because Trump doesn't want to **** off Russia. I basically see nothing good coming from this.
Only time will tell, I guess.


Veteran Member
Israel and the US have dropped white prosperous and DU munitions on civilians, among other very nasty things. So let's not act like we're superior. Plus, it hasn't been proven that Assad's forces actually did that attack. It seems pretty convenient, after all.
I think it could not be clearer that Assad was responsible. They traced the planes that dropped the chemical weapons back to Assad's base. That is the base that was attacked.


Veteran Member
In which case the strike was a complete success. I doubt it will make the slightest difference to what actually happens in Syria, especially if there is no follow-up of any kind, but it’ll be popular among American voters and that’s what counts. :(
I am no fan of Trump in any respect. Actually I am disgusted and embarrassed by him. But, I'm glad we did something instead of nothing.


Veteran Member
Or is perhaps operating on "alternative facts"?
Well, the information on the Syrian attacks came from the mainstream media, which doesn't have the highest regard for Trump. And, there is a 0% chance that the rebels could have dropped the bombs. So, Assad/Russia are the only ones left. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are getting at.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
There's no shortage of rulers world wide who do despicable things to their people. We only care about ones in the middle East, as opposed to Africa or South America, because we have interests there. But we will not succeed at being world police. So far every time we've tried to topple a dictator in the ME, a new and more terrible one just takes its place.

There was a time in history and only one time that the USA might have could have been a policeman to the world. That would have been just before WW2 ended, even then it would have been messy with a 50/50 chance of working. There was also a time as I was growing up that I believed the USA was morally superior and I believed if we went to war it would be justified, wrong again and I paid a personal price for that one. Zip forward twenty years or more and you are correct. The ME is a not a place for the USA especially when seen as a Christian power by a majority of Islamic citizens. I feel like a Knight of Christendom, and I am sure the young men of ISIS see us as such. In other words the reason we can never win in the ME is we are fighting an IDEOLOGY. Who can fight a belief instilled for a thousand years? (none unless we have a massive army with a solider guarding every fighting age Muslim).

Obama wouldn't say it, and Bush had a Freudian slip about it, and Trump is dumb enough not to care the Muslim youths are full of ..um testosterone and have the ultimate reason to hate us, ie the USA and allies. We represent Christendom, and have everything material they don't have. They do have the before mentioned ideology. And that will be what they they ultimately die for, which is the sad belief in a perverted from of Islamic belief. What about the atrocities? What about the babies, the chemicals the Gas, the horrors? Well, sadly those are not as bad compared to whats going on in other parts of the world.

The most humane and easiest way to protect our own is to completely isolate the western hemisphere and our allies. It worked for over a thousand years back in the day maybe it will work today...... or maybe not.

; {>


yawn <ignore> yawn
Well, the information on the Syrian attacks came from the mainstream media, which doesn't have the highest regard for Trump. And, there is a 0% chance that the rebels could have dropped the bombs. So, Assad/Russia are the only ones left. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are getting at.
All I am really saying is that there are reasons for everyone involved to spin and dissemble, even Trump. I don't trust anybody involved to mail a letter, much less give a clear and complete account of the facts and motivations behind another bombing in Syria.


Well-Known Member
If Syria truly used gas weapons, then I'm cool with it.

I come from a refugee background so I'm fine when others want to retaliate against dictators.

I would also be fine if we attack North Korea.

If other people didn't make it their business to save me and my family at the time we needed it, I wouldn't be here.

Some of you are lucky to be born where you are and to have the governments you have now.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In other words the reason we can never win in the ME is we are fighting an IDEOLOGY.
I thought Sam Harris hit it dead-on when he said we locked in war of ideas. And ideas are bulletproof and bomb resistant.
Trump is dumb enough not to care the Muslim youths are full of ..um testosterone and have the ultimate reason to hate us
Just changing this around abit to reflect history:
Thatcher is dumb enough not to care that Irish Catholic youths are full of... um testosterone and have reason to hate England.
Pretty lame that was just as my life was starting, and it seems I'm taking in the lessons far more than those who were around enough to to comprehend and understand the actions and shocks of the Provisional-IRA. He have just a few pages back in history too see how marginalized people sometimes react when someone comes along and offers them a chance to make a difference. We must not view Muslims and recruitment efforts by groups such as ISIS as any different.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If other people didn't make it their business to save me and my family at the time we needed it, I wouldn't be here.
The problem with this is that continued involvement in the Middle East is beginning to have dire consequences for the West--especially Europe--where civilians that have absolutely nothing to do with the bombings or military involvements (and may even be opposed to them) are being killed.
Such a thing may work in a video game, but when you have the lives of your own citizens to consider, it is not a very easy choice to go in and be the hero and have your people suffer the consequences later, or do nothing and keep your own people safe.
When ISIS is completely gone, the areas they captured will descend into civil war, if not along with the entire state of Iraq. The void left by Saddam was filled by someone far worse, and we have no reason to assume the void that will be left by ISIS will be filled by anyone better.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
I think it could not be clearer that Assad was responsible. They traced the planes that dropped the chemical weapons back to Assad's base. That is the base that was attacked.
I don't quite trust what they say since they've lied before, like with Libya. Regardless, this isn't some humanitarian thing at the end of the day.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I can't make a definite judgment yet as to whether the strike was hasty, primarily because history shows that the United States' military intervention has harmed other countries more than it has benefited them.

Parenthetically, this strike shows me that the discernment of many of the Republicans who touted Trump as a "non-interventionist" candidate is most suitable for flushing down the drain.


yawn <ignore> yawn
I don't quite trust what they say since they've lied before, like with Libya. Regardless, this isn't some humanitarian thing at the end of the day.
Libya is another case in point of the dangers of toppling tyrants without a clear plan for something to replace it with. That was just another horrible gift to violent islamicists.
And now Trump is doing the same thing!


Veteran Member
All I am really saying is that there are reasons for everyone involved to spin and dissemble, even Trump. I don't trust anybody involved to mail a letter, much less give a clear and complete account of the facts and motivations behind another bombing in Syria.
Fair enough. So, you don't trust anyone, huh?