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Trusting the Bible


Veteran Member
It's just as trustworthy as Bach's symphonies or the Mona Lisa.
How can this be true?! Bach wrote his symphonies down, and Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Original works from both of these men are still in existence.

OTOH, no original Gospels or Bibles are still in existence. Jesus didn't write down a single word himself. The authors of the Bible did not witness anything they wrote about first hand. Paul never met Jesus ever.
I am ignorant because I am asking for the evidence, that not one of you here is given, and because you cant bring the proof so you have to resort to calling me names:)
You have no real knowledge to offer us, only insults, your letting your brothers and sisters in faith down, your shaming them
Where is the original text Jaywalker................................???
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The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
I am ignorant because I am asking for the evidence, that not one of you here is given, and because you cant bring the proof so you have to resort to calling me names:)

Your a cry cry baby :(



Active Member
Premium Member
If the Bible is not 100% accurate in what it says, then how can you trust it at all? If small, insignificant verse #6 is wrong, then how can you put your faith in the belief that immensely important verse #22 is right? So isn't inerrancy mandatory?

A person using the excuse that the Bible is not 100% accurate, is really trying his best to find an excuse for not obeying the word of The Almighty, Omniscient God.
God is going to judge this world, using His son, Jesus Christ. The basis for this judgment is The Bible, the word of God.
If any person is truly interested in knowing the word of God, it is very easy to find the truth, even if some Bibles have a very few errors in them. All a person has to do is compare each Bible with others, for it is very unlikely that the same error will be in the same place in every Bible.
I make sure that I get the truth, buy having around 40ty different Bibles, and interliniers to compare.
Bible scholars have been searching for accuracy for many years, and they have found that, all reason for not believing what the Bible says, has now, no basis whatsoever.
It has been found that no man can even copy a whole Bible without making a mistake, let alone translate a whole Bible into another language.
Are you going to use the excuse, that because it is impossible to translate a Bible completely inerrantly, you are going to dismiss the Bible and die an everlasting death??? Is so, I would say that is not very wise, when all you have to do is compare Bible translations to get the truth, even is very small things.
Any errors that are found in the Holy Bible, are very insignificant, usually errors in names or numbers. These errors have, many times, been found, not to be errors at all, but different names used by the different languages in the area. Many names of people were also used as numbers.
The thing we want to keep in mind is, any error ever found in the Bible had nothing to do with the life giving MESSAGE from God contained in His Holy word.
God has promised that He would not allow errors to His word, Ps 12:6,7. The Bible tells us to search for truth as we would for treasure, silver or gold, and if we do we will find the very knowledge of God, Pr 2:2-9.
Do not let laziness keep you from finding salvation, and the opportunity of living in that paradise, that God promises to all who love Him.
One more point; people who call themselves Higher Critics, have been searching the scriptures for hundreds of years, to find the smallest error in God's word. Each and every time they have claimed to have found an error, they later had to eat crow, to their own shame and embarrassment.


A person using the excuse that the Bible is not 100% accurate, is really trying his best to find an excuse for not obeying the word of The Almighty, Omniscient God.
God is going to judge this world, using His son, Jesus Christ. The basis for this judgment is The Bible, the word of God.
If any person is truly interested in knowing the word of God, it is very easy to find the truth, even if some Bibles have a very few errors in them. All a person has to do is compare each Bible with others, for it is very unlikely that the same error will be in the same place in every Bible.
I make sure that I get the truth, buy having around 40ty different Bibles, and interliniers to compare.
Bible scholars have been searching for accuracy for many years, and they have found that, all reason for not believing what the Bible says, has now, no basis whatsoever.
It has been found that no man can even copy a whole Bible without making a mistake, let alone translate a whole Bible into another language.
Are you going to use the excuse, that because it is impossible to translate a Bible completely inerrantly, you are going to dismiss the Bible and die an everlasting death??? Is so, I would say that is not very wise, when all you have to do is compare Bible translations to get the truth, even is very small things.
Any errors that are found in the Holy Bible, are very insignificant, usually errors in names or numbers. These errors have, many times, been found, not to be errors at all, but different names used by the different languages in the area. Many names of people were also used as numbers.
The thing we want to keep in mind is, any error ever found in the Bible had nothing to do with the life giving MESSAGE from God contained in His Holy word.
God has promised that He would not allow errors to His word, Ps 12:6,7. The Bible tells us to search for truth as we would for treasure, silver or gold, and if we do we will find the very knowledge of God, Pr 2:2-9.
Do not let laziness keep you from finding salvation, and the opportunity of living in that paradise, that God promises to all who love Him.
One more point; people who call themselves Higher Critics, have been searching the scriptures for hundreds of years, to find the smallest error in God's word. Each and every time they have claimed to have found an error, they later had to eat crow, to their own shame and embarrassment.
Your first sentence says it all! Amen! Good post!!


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It's My Birthday!
A person using the excuse that the Bible is not 100% accurate, is really trying his best to find an excuse for not obeying the word of The Almighty, Omniscient God.
That is redundant. If a person is trying to find an excuse then of course they are using an excuse, but that isn't my situation. I never went looking for an excuse. A literal interpretation of the Bible makes it into something it never was, so the person who insists it is 100% accurate is the one making excuses for whatever reason. Usually they are trying to put other people, particularly children, on guilt trips to turn them into servants, usually to accumulate real estate and power. Have you ever noticed how the many different churches are often right across the street from one another and how wasteful that is? I notice, and I also notice how many churches are in debt today paying for land they don't need. These are the churches that insist the Bible is 100% accurate and put their congregation on guilt trips, meanwhile somebody gets rich. A lot of people go to church once per week so that a few people may have six days off from work. Naturally those people at the top continue to insist the Bible is 100% accurate.


Active Member
A person using the excuse that the Bible is not 100% accurate, is really trying his best to find an excuse for not obeying the word of The Almighty, Omniscient God.
So what? How does this impact my question: "If the Bible is not 100% accurate in what it says, then how can you trust it at all? If small, insignificant verse #6 is wrong, then how can you put your faith in the belief that immensely important verse #22 is right? So isn't inerrancy mandatory?"

And, your deliberate attempt to take my question down a whole other road is duly noted; however, it is refreshing to see someone argue for mandatory inerrancy while admitting the Bible is not inerrant.

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A person using the excuse that the Bible is not 100% accurate, is really trying his best to find an excuse for not obeying the word of The Almighty, Omniscient God

This simply is not true, nor can you substantiate your positive claim.

The bible in whole was not designed to be accurate. It is factually not historically accurate in many areas.

The basis for this judgment is The Bible, the word of God.

And that is not substantiated, and with education you see exactly how it is not in any way shape or form a deities writings. They are mans and mans alone.

It cheapens the god concept as if he could write so many factual errors one after the other, making the book look just as if only man wrote it. Which is fact.

even if some Bibles have a very few errors in them.

False. And no credible academic position holds such.

Bible scholars have been searching for accuracy for many years, and they have found that, all reason for not believing what the Bible says, has now, no basis whatsoever.

Not true. Scholars state just the opposite, your quoting biased apologist who hold no academic credibility what so ever.


Each and every time they have claimed to have found an error, they later had to eat crow, to their own shame and embarrassment.

You have no education on this topic do you?

I would ask that you start to source your statements, because your just making statements that have no credibility what so ever.

You do know moses, abaraham and family, the exodus, noah ect ect FACTUALLY have no historicity what so ever?


Active Member
Premium Member
There is absolutely no basis for reasoning with a person who does not believe The Holy Scriptures.
Belief in the Scriptures and faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus is the only hope for a future, Acts 3:12, Gal 2:16.
The Jews used the, including Jesus, used the Septuagint version oh the Holy Scriptures, in the first century. Jesus made the statement: Your word is truth, at John 17:17.
The Apostles were the authority on Bible truth to all Christians, in the first century. They would make sure the word of God was transmitted accurately, just as Peter mentioned, 1Pet 1:25.
The Bible says that ALL scripture is inspired by God, and that the Holy Spirit made sure that all that was written by the early Bible writers was inerrant, 2Tim 3:16,17, 2Pet 1:20,21. A very good thing to remember is: sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven, Matt 12:31,31.
Paul wrote, under inspiration, that he received his knowledge by a revelation from Jesus, Gal 1:11,12.
At 1Thes 2:13, Paul states that what is written is not the word of man, but the word of God.
Now, here is the question, Do you claim to be a Christian, do you question that the Holy Spirit made sure that what was written was accurate, or are you questioning God's word, that He would protect His word from every generation, Ps 12:6,7. Think, if God allowed His word to be adulterated, it would not be His word, and God would not be just in judging man.
God will send His son very soon to judge this world of mankind, and the Bible will be the standard by which all will be judged, Acts 17:31, John 12:47,48, Rom 3:5,6.
It is impossible to be a Christian and deny that the Bible is the word of God!!!


There is absolutely no basis for reasoning with a person who does not believe The Holy Scriptures.

I believe many aspects of the bible.

The problem arises when you without knowledge of what is, or is not real, or historical, thinks they know what took place so many years ago. You don't and it sad because there are many free resources where one can gain real knowledge on the topic.

I cannot help you if you don't embrace academics.

Belief in the Scriptures and faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus

There was no random sacrifice.

he cause trouble in the temple and was put to death for it.

The Apostles were the authority on Bible

No they were not.

Not a single one ever write a word in the NT, all the authors are unknown at this point in time.

The Bible says that ALL scripture is inspired by God,

Bible say unicorns existed, have you seen many of those lately?

That statement also cheapens the bible due to the many contradictions. Its like saying its OK that my god makes many mistakes.

Paul states that what is written is not the word of man, but the word of God.

To these people, their own conscious thought was gods thoughts. The devil made them think bad things and god make them think good things. Today we understand humans thoughts are not controlled by mythological beings.

God will send His son very soon to judge

he is about 2000 years late on that one. Sorry you need to read the NT more closely. Had you actually done this and knew what your talking about. You would know the NT made many claim of a coming within their life times. When this did not take place they created verses claiming no one will no. [circular reasoning]

if God allowed His word to be adulterated, it would not be His word,

I would suggest you take a historical class on the NT, and actually learn about the book you hold so much value in.