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Theists Only: Your Arguments


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.


Well-Known Member
It's simple. Life without god is illogical. Mortals alone is illogical. We gotta have immortals too.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
A atheist believe the energy that made the universe is not concious. And theists believe the energy that made the universe is concious.

How did this SOURCE of everything come into existence?

It is 2 possible ways SOURCE came into existence:

1. It has always existed with no beginning and no end.
2. Magically popped into existence from nothingness.

So, my argument is that the energy who made this universe/universes is concious. This is the best argument for theism in my opinion


Well-Known Member
No arguments really, my faith is personal to me, and based on personal experience. Put simply, a loving god was there for me when I needed Him most, and has been there ever since.

I was brought up a Catholic. No brainwashing or coercion, religion in my family was something you wore like a loose fitting garment. I turned my back on all that when I was 14 though, because religious observance didn't really fit with my teenage aspirations; I was too busy trying to be Jack Kerouac, and Jack was too cool for school, or church.

I was never an atheist, for the idea of a godless universe always seemed intuitively absurd; but my thinking for a long time was that if there was a god, all that had nothing to do with me. I was quite contemptuous of religious folk (that's the ego for you), but I never completely turned my back on the possibility of the miraculous or the divine.

A few decades on and, thanks to alcoholism and some spectacularly bad decision making engendered thereby, I found myself needing a miracle. When I was finally desperate enough, and my pride was humbled enough, to beg God for help and completely abandon myself to Him (or Her), not on my terms but on God's, the miracle happened. And I've been witnessing miracles of healing, in my life and in others', ever since. But then, since I have been trying on a daily basis to develop and to rely upon the God consciousness that I believe is within us all, I have come to view all of life as a kaleidoscope of miracle and wonder. And this has been true even in the most difficult circumstances.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.
If you want to know my gods...walk outside. They are Nature itself.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.

(1) God sees us exactly as we are and who we are can't exist anywhere but God's vision.

(2)Proof by contradiction (assume morality can be created from nothing, show it is impossible, to show God is Eternal).



Veteran Member
"God" is self-evident.

You are here. I am here. "Here" is here. You did not make this so, and I did not make this so. Yet is it so, and we know it is so. Therefor, there is an agency apart from and beyond you and I at work, here. And that agency clearly supersedes our own.

In my language that agency is commonly referred to as "God".

The Hammer

Premium Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.

Bhagavad Gita: 5.25-29

"Seers who can destroy their sins,
Cut through doubt and master the self,
And delight in the good of all creatures
Attain the pure calm of infinity.

The pure calm of infinity
exists for the ascetic

Who disarms desire and anger,
Controls reason, and knows the self.

He shuns external objects
Fixes his gaze between his brows,
And regulates his vital breaths
As they pass through his nostrils.

Truly free is the sage who controls
His senses, mind, and understanding,
Who focuses on freedom
And dispels desire, fear, and anger.

Knowing Me as the enjoyer
Of sacrifices and penances, Lord of all worlds,
And friend of all creatures,
He finds peace
. "


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
If you want to know my gods...walk outside. They are Nature itself.
I just remembered this quote:

The Hammer

Premium Member
@Rival another few verses from the Gita.


"Arming himself with discipline,
Seeing everything with an equal eye,
he sees the self in All creatures
and All creatures in the self

He who sees Me everywhere
and sees everything in me
will not be lost to Me,
and I will not be lost to him

I exist in all creatures,
so the disciplined man devoted to Me
grasps the Oneness of life;
wherever he is, he is in Me.

When he sees identity in everything,
whether joy or suffering,
through analogy with the self
he is deemed a man of pure discipline."


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.

It is a great question to ponder @Rival. I always look towards the Teachers of the established world religions, the example they set through their lives, the exalted nature of their teachings and the profound influence each has had on the advancement of civilization. The arguments are focused on world history and what we know about the lives and Founders of the great world religions.


Veteran Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.
I do not have any arguments, I only have beliefs. I don't think arguments for God or no God are useful or even possible since nobody can ever prove or disprove the existence of God.

For me personally, my belief is all about what I see evidence for. I see evidence for God in all the Messengers of God, but I initially came to believe in God because of the Baha'i Faith. Before I stumbled upon the Faith, I had no interest in either God or religion. I am still not what I would consider religious, but I definitely believe/know God exists, and from that belief are based all my life decisions.


I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.
Universe without first cause is logically impossible.
Eternal universe is nonsense.
The bible is complex and secret enough for my taste to study it until the end of my life.
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.
I am a theologian but i failed religious education at school. In fact i failed all my GCSES apart from business studies. Now i have a teacher Who i consider my master and sensi. The Holy Spirit. He can turn someone who had 10 E grades and the C in business studies at secondary school to being learned enough to make sense in religious and political arguments. Jesus didnt spend much time in school but yet He taught profound messages at age 11 with experienced rabbis. Masters of the Jewish faith.


Veteran Member
I am a theologian but i failed religious education at school. In fact i failed all my GCSES apart from business studies. Now i have a teacher Who i consider my master and sensi. The Holy Spirit. He can turn someone who had 10 E grades and the C in business studies at secondary school to being learned enough to make sense in religious and political arguments. Jesus didnt spend much time in school but yet He taught profound messages at age 11 with experienced rabbis. Masters of the Jewish faith.
What you said reminded me of what I read in the Baha'i Writings.

“Know then: that which is in the hands of people, that which they believe, is liable to error. For, in proving or disproving a thing, if a proof is brought forward which is taken from the evidence of our senses, this method, as has become evident, is not perfect; if the proofs are intellectual, the same is true; or if they are traditional, such proofs also are not perfect. Therefore, there is no standard in the hands of people upon which we can rely.

But the bounty of the Holy Spirit gives the true method of comprehension which is infallible and indubitable. This is through the help of the Holy Spirit which comes to man, and this is the condition in which certainty can alone be attained.”
Some Answered Questions, pp. 298-299



Well-Known Member
I'm interested to hear from all the theists on here who believe in a personal God or a creator God, what are your favourite arguments for theism? Excluding your personal experience, are there any intellectual/philosophical etc. ideas or ideas from your scriptures that confirm God's existence for you? Not looking for miracles etc.
simple. And analysis of everything in the universe, especially living things, proves God Almighty exists. God is thus an intelligent being. Further you can prove that the Bible is the true word of God.


Well-Known Member
The DNA code is way too complex to have evolved on its on by accident. 3 billion base pairs. Even if there were 3 billion base pairs randomly existing near each other, the odds of getting a particular code is 4 to the 3 billion power which is number that is so large it is inconceivable. Random chance would never have produced that even if the universe were trillions of times older than it supposedly is.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
The DNA code is way too complex to have evolved on its on by accident. 3 billion base pairs. Even if there were 3 billion base pairs randomly existing near each other, the odds of getting a particular code is 4 to the 3 billion power which is number that is so large it is inconceivable. Random chance would never have produced that even if the universe were trillions of times older than it supposedly is.
What's this to do with the Bible?


Well-Known Member
What's this to do with the Bible?
Well since it can be proved that God does exist and that He created everything, then it i possible that He wrote a book that declares His will. After all that would be one of the prerogatives of being God.
Well the Bible does claim to be written by God. It also proves that indeed it is.