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The new science - Information Integration


Veteran Member
"Multilevel evolution leads to long-term information integration. Through genome, network, and dynamical structuring, the occurrence and/or effect of random mutations becomes nonrandom, and facilitates rapid adaptation. This is what does happen in the in silico experiments. Is it also what did happen in biological evolution?"


David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Our Crakerjack team of "deep thinking research" have developed a theory about the theory of multi level evolution. We are one level deeper than them. Our theory is the correct theory theirs is a poor joke dressed in the name of science.

Not our no ours is a higher greater a larger theory since ours is a theory of a theory of a theory.

He who has the most multi levels of theories is infact the one that is correct!


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I have read the abstract, and I think what they are saying is that not everything in the genes directly affects or is affected by the viability of the species. There are pieces of information which compete to replicate as well. Some things replicate within the cell which do not pertain to overall evolution of species except perhaps occasionally in a symbiotic manner, so its evolution does not correlate with the evolution of species. That is what I think they are talking about.

There are structures of information that do impact evolution of species and which are separate from the DNA in the cell, too; such as the mitochondrial genes. There are also pieces of DNA which appear dormant. Then there could be some bits of DNA or RNA which vie for replication but do not affect the cells. In a way they are like almost alive on their own but depend upon the cells to reproduce. That seems vestigial to me though if they don't affect our own evolution.

It took me a while to get the point of the post.


Premium Member
"Multilevel evolution leads to long-term information integration. Through genome, network, and dynamical structuring, the occurrence and/or effect of random mutations becomes nonrandom, and facilitates rapid adaptation. This is what does happen in the in silico experiments. Is it also what did happen in biological evolution?"


This answers the questions you had in the previous thread concerning 'randomness' in evolution. From the previous thread.

Careful, Randomness is insufficient, because it does not apply to the outcome of evolution, and like many Christian skeptics of evolution you are misusing randomness. Random only applies to unpredictability of the timing of the outcome of individual events by definition. It DOES NOT apply to the process of evolution, nor the outcome of the chain of cause and effect relationships. You are describing random as a 'cause' as to whether the outcome of the processes of evolution naturally progress or not. It is the Laws of Nature, and in particular the environment that determine the outcome of the process of evolution.

From: https://www.google.com/search?q=ran...7j69i59j0l4.8255j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Random - made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

The 'method' that determines the outcome of the chain of cause and effect in evolution is determined by the Laws of Nature, and the environment, and the primary 'method' is Natural Selection.' The process of evolution is non-random


Veteran Member
I have read the abstract, and I think what they are saying is that not everything in the genes directly affects or is affected by the viability of the species. There are pieces of information which compete to replicate as well. Some things replicate within the cell which do not pertain to overall evolution of species except perhaps occasionally in a symbiotic manner, so its evolution does not correlate with the evolution of species. That is what I think they are talking about.

There are structures of information that do impact evolution of species and which are separate from the DNA in the cell, too; such as the mitochondrial genes. There are also pieces of DNA which appear dormant. Then there could be some bits of DNA or RNA which vie for replication but do not affect the cells. In a way they are like almost alive on their own but depend upon the cells to reproduce. That seems vestigial to me though if they don't affect our own evolution.

It took me a while to get the point of the post.

A little background on information Integration, is the notion that information transfers may or may not be a fundamental natural and universal law. In and of itself.


Veteran Member
I think you need better grasp of the English language before you try to put words in the mouths of folks who know a lot more than you know about the topic.

This isn't about me. I simply asked you a question.

...Do you not understand the question?
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God is sovereign and in control <><
Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen ........ 1 Timothy 6:19-21

It's just another sign of the times approaching

-- and amen


Veteran Member
Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen ........ 1 Timothy 6:19-21

It's just another sign of the times approaching

-- and amen

It just amazes me -The lack of imagination combined with the rejection of logic.

...The fundamentalist mindframe is sad.


God is sovereign and in control <><
logic ?? .... information can only be generated by a mind

DNA sequence
your post above evolutionists ....... are the letters / spaces and punctuation - are they of A or B
A = random / mindless / no structured sequence (just where they happened to land) .. or
B = design / code / information / intent / writer-reader / speaker-listener / agenda driven / intelligence

07-01-2019 .. Origin of Life: Intelligence Required (Science Uprising 05)
06-18-2019 .. DNA Is Code: Who Coded It?
04-23-2019 .. DNA is a language / information storage system - google
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Premium Member
So the mutations that occur, you agree, are not random then?

Careful, Randomness is insufficient, because it does not apply to the outcome of evolution, and like many Christian skeptics of evolution you are misusing randomness. Random only applies to unpredictability of the timing of the outcome of individual events by definition. It DOES NOT apply to the process of evolution, nor the outcome of the chain of cause and effect relationships. You are describing random as a 'cause' as to whether the outcome of the processes of evolution naturally progress or not. It is the Laws of Nature, and in particular the environment that determine the outcome of the process of evolution.

From: https://www.google.com/search?q=ran...7j69i59j0l4.8255j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Random - made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

The 'method' that determines the outcome of the chain of cause and effect in evolution is determined by the Laws of Nature, and the environment, and the primary 'method' is Natural Selection.' The process of evolution is non-random


Premium Member
..... and the beat goes on

Bogus unethical use of randomness, probability and statistics by Fundamentalist Christians.

Careful, Randomness is insufficient, because it does not apply to the outcome of evolution, and like many Christian skeptics of evolution your source is misusing randomness and probability.. Random only applies to unpredictability of the timing of the outcome of individual events by definition. It DOES NOT apply to the process of evolution, nor the outcome of the chain of cause and effect relationships. Your source is describing random as a 'cause' as to whether the outcome of the processes of evolution naturally progress or not, which is false. It is the Laws of Nature, and in particular the environment that determine the outcome of the process of evolution.

From: https://www.google.com/search?q=ran...7j69i59j0l4.8255j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Random - made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

The 'method' that determines the outcome of the chain of cause and effect in evolution is determined by the Laws of Nature, and the environment, and the primary 'method' is Natural Selection.' The process of evolution is non-random
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