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The Multiverse Theory


I was watching a debate recently on evidence for God and a scientist was asked about the apparent order problem, because many use that to point to a creator, and he brought up the multiverse as an explanation to the order we see. Now, to me it seemed strange to me that he argued that there was no proof that God exists, yet was happy to go with the possibility that there are untold numbers of universes, and ours is the one where it turned out ok buy pot luck, even though there is no proof of that either.

So why is it fair to mock the religious for their faith in the unseen?

wel science is just making a educated guess with the multiverse hypothesis.

We still dont know everything about the nature of the universe.

Faith is a little different, its belief without any evidence at all. So far there is nothing we can attribute at all to a creator of any kind. What biblical text we have on this has been verified by science not to be accurate and even the followers of judaism look at this as allegorical writing, not literal.

History looks at this and it is clear that the creation legends have Mesopotamina influences from previous religions, as their semetic speaking people migrated to Israel around 1200 BC


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what you guys thought of the multiverse theory.
Do you think there are other universes out there? What evidence is there for more? Do you think it's a theory designed to explain away the order we see in our universe?

Thought's please.

There is hypothesis and theory and scientific theory, it kind of falls into all categories.

Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse?

Hard as it is to swallow, cutting-edge theories are suggesting that our universe may not be the only universe. Instead, it may be just one of an infinite number of universes that make up the "multiverse." In this show, Brian Greene takes us on a tour of this brave new theory at the frontier of physics, showing what some of these alternate realities might be like. Some universes may be almost indistinguishable from our own; others may contain variations of all of us, where we exist but with different families, careers, and life stories. In still others, reality may be so radically different from ours as to be unrecognizable. Brian Greene reveals why this radical new picture of the cosmos is getting serious attention from scientists. It won't be easy to prove, but if it's right, our understanding of space, time, and our place in the universe will never be the same.

Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse? - YouTube

Part of it all has to do with Quantum Mechanics

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Quantum Leap

Join Brian Greene on a wild ride into the weird realm of quantum physics, which governs the universe on the tiniest of scales. Greene brings quantum mechanics to life in a nightclub like no other, where objects pop in and out of existence, and things over here can affect others over there, instantaneously and without anything crossing the space between them. A century ago, during the initial shots in the quantum revolution, the best minds of a generation—including Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr—squared off in a battle for the soul of physics. How could the rules of the quantum world, which work so well to describe the behavior of individual atoms and their components, conflict so dramatically with the everyday rules that govern people, planets, and galaxies?

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Quantum Leap - YouTube


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big fan of the idea. I'd call it more of a hypothesis than a theory. How does one test for a different universe? What kind of experiment could I hope to do? By definition they would be a seperate universe. It doesn't seem like a very scientific idea despite its popularity amongst certain physicists. Its also not very simple from a philosophical standpoint. Would it really be necessary to invoke the existence of multiple universes just to explain the workings of one? Forget the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, for me its old Copenhagen all the way! Woooo! :D

They are just now begining to be able to test for Multiple universes, by different means.

But one is ripples in the Cosmic Background radiation.

How to spot a multiverse

"How can we tell if another universe has collided with our own? Physicists in Canada and the US believe they have the answer – it would leave "a unique and highly characteristic" imprint in the microwave background that pervades the cosmos. The physicists claim that the prediction can be tested using existing and future space telescopes, which contradicts a widespread view that the existence of a multiverse is untestable."

How to spot a multiverse - physicsworld.com

First observational test of the ‘multiverse’

First observational test of the

There might be other ways as well here.


Well-Known Member
There are two ways of thinking about multiple universes. One in terms of quantum mechanics as an outlandish interpretation of quantum phenomena; this is the many worlds interpretation. The other is in terms of general relativity as a solution involving branching or bubble space-time geometries. They authors are essentially arguing that “these two are like totally the same thing because that would be like so cool and stuff”. They make somewhat unfounded assumptions and then endeavor to prove mathematically that if they assume those things are true, then their assertion is true. They fail in their attempt, but then argue that it is true in some special cases…mainly in supersymmetric universes with vanishing cosmological constants. Both supersymmetry and a non zero cosmological constant are questionable in their applicability to the observable universe. In fact, not only is there a non zero cosmological constant, but it appears to be causing our universe to expand an accelerating rate. Apparently hypothesizing passes for good physics these days if excessive jargon is used.

They are working on combining QM which is how things work on extremely small scales, smaller then atoms and General relativity which is how things work on large scales.

The videos I posted show some extremly important new experiment in QM and large scale.

"causing our universe to expand an accelerating rate"

The universe right now is expanding faster then the speed of light.

People just got a nobel prise for it, but they have know it since at least 1995.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what you guys thought of the multiverse theory.
Do you think there are other universes out there? What evidence is there for more? Do you think it's a theory designed to explain away the order we see in our universe?

Thought's please.

"Do you think it's a theory designed to explain away the order we see in our universe?"

Its to help explain how are universe might have gotten here and other issues. The universe was more orderly at the big bang then now, the universe is actually becoming less ordered then it was when it began.

You might want to read this

Universe Today
The End of Everything

The End of Everything


Well-Known Member
Now, to me it seemed strange to me that he argued that there was no proof that God exists, yet was happy to go with the possibility that there are untold numbers of universes, and ours is the one where it turned out ok buy pot luck, even though there is no proof of that either.

So why is it fair to mock the religious for their faith in the unseen?

It is difficult to comment without the debate or transcript, but from what you have said I am not sure the scientist has said he believes it to be true, you say in your own words it was a possibility.

There are also many other things surrounding religion which do not equate with an idea that requires testing.


Well-Known Member
I was watching a debate recently on evidence for God and a scientist was asked about the apparent order problem, because many use that to point to a creator, and he brought up the multiverse as an explanation to the order we see. Now, to me it seemed strange to me that he argued that there was no proof that God exists, yet was happy to go with the possibility that there are untold numbers of universes, and ours is the one where it turned out ok buy pot luck, even though there is no proof of that either.

So why is it fair to mock the religious for their faith in the unseen?

I didn't see the debate, but there is a lot more to it then you might think, especially because of QM.

There is also Stephen Hawking opinion on this, which is new and he can show a universe can come into existence without breaking any laws of nature, by "quantum flutuatiuons." This doesn't show a god one way or another, in this case it is about god, but most science on all of this is not. It is really worth watching no matter what you believe.

Curiosity with Stephen Hawking, Did God Create the Universe?

Amazing documentary hosted by Stephen Hawking asking the key question so many people have wondered since the beginning of mankind, does a "god" or a "celestial dictator" exist?? Stephen Hawking disects the science of the universe in answering this very fundamental question.
Follow-up lecture by Lawrence Krauss entitled "The Universe From Nothing" - you will all enjoy it very much as it will provide you a beautiful scientific explanation on how the universe came into fruition spontaneously.

Curiosity with Stephen Hawking, Did God Create the Universe? - YouTube


Well-Known Member
There has been some evidence that gravity is so weak in this universe because it seeping in from another. Not totally sure where they are at with that one at the moment.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think it's possible they may exist. I really don't see any reason why they shouldn't, but for now it is only within the realm of speculation, much like extraterrestrial life (which I also think a possibility).