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The last post is the WINNER!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
What a complete and utter waste of time.......and with that I chalk up another meaningless win


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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The Japanese and Germans can keep stuff like that. We don't need it coming here and screwing up our already very screwed up English neighborhood.
Too late.

English is a language mutt who will borrow and steal words from all languages.
Top 20 German words used in English
1. Kindergarten
Kinder = children
Garten = garden
Garden for children.

2. Iceberg = Eisberg
Eis = ice
Berg = mountain
Mountain of ice.

3. Wunderkind
Wunder = wonder, miracle
Kind = child
Wonder child.

4. Angst
Angst = fear

5. Uber- = über
über = above, beyond

6. Zeitgeist
Zeit = time
Geist = spirit
Spirit of the time.

7. Doppelganger = Doppelgänger
Doppel- = double
‘Gänger’ (not used in this form; derivated from the verb gehen = to go) = ‘walker’
Double walker.

8. Poltergeist
poltern = to rumble
Geist = ghost

9. Bauhaus (architecture)
Bau = construction, building
or: imperative of bauen = to build
Haus = house

10. Blitzkrieg (military)
Blitz = lightning
Krieg = war
War of lightning.

11. Neanderthal = Neandertaler
Tal = valley (Thal is an old spelling)
Taler (not used in this form) = inhabitant of the valley
Neander(tal) is the proper name of a valley in Germany
Inhabitant of the valley of Neander.

12. (Apple) Strudel = (Apfel) Strudel
Strudel = swirl

13. Sauerkraut
sauer = sour
Kraut = herb; cabbage
Sour cabbage.

14. Leitmotif = Leitmotiv (music)
leiten (in imperative form) = to lead
Motiv = motive, theme
Leading motive.

15. Volkswagen
Volk = people, nation
Wagen = car, cart
Car for the people.

16. Gesundheit
gesund = healthy
heit = -hood

17. Schadenfreude
Schaden = damage
Freude = joy
Being joyful about the sufferings of others.

18. Katzenjammer (music)
Katze(n) = cat(s)
Jammer = sorrow, misery
The sorrow (moaning) of cats.

19. Zugzwang (chess)
Zug = move
Zwang = compulsion, pressure
To be forced to move. (a bad situation in chess)

20. Gründerzeit (history)
Gründer = founder
Zeit = time
Time of the founder.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Too late.

English is a language mutt who will borrow and steal words from all languages.
Top 20 German words used in English
1. Kindergarten
Kinder = children
Garten = garden
Garden for children.

2. Iceberg = Eisberg
Eis = ice
Berg = mountain
Mountain of ice.

3. Wunderkind
Wunder = wonder, miracle
Kind = child
Wonder child.

4. Angst
Angst = fear

5. Uber- = über
über = above, beyond

6. Zeitgeist
Zeit = time
Geist = spirit
Spirit of the time.

7. Doppelganger = Doppelgänger
Doppel- = double
‘Gänger’ (not used in this form; derivated from the verb gehen = to go) = ‘walker’
Double walker.

8. Poltergeist
poltern = to rumble
Geist = ghost

9. Bauhaus (architecture)
Bau = construction, building
or: imperative of bauen = to build
Haus = house

10. Blitzkrieg (military)
Blitz = lightning
Krieg = war
War of lightning.

11. Neanderthal = Neandertaler
Tal = valley (Thal is an old spelling)
Taler (not used in this form) = inhabitant of the valley
Neander(tal) is the proper name of a valley in Germany
Inhabitant of the valley of Neander.

12. (Apple) Strudel = (Apfel) Strudel
Strudel = swirl

13. Sauerkraut
sauer = sour
Kraut = herb; cabbage
Sour cabbage.

14. Leitmotif = Leitmotiv (music)
leiten (in imperative form) = to lead
Motiv = motive, theme
Leading motive.

15. Volkswagen
Volk = people, nation
Wagen = car, cart
Car for the people.

16. Gesundheit
gesund = healthy
heit = -hood

17. Schadenfreude
Schaden = damage
Freude = joy
Being joyful about the sufferings of others.

18. Katzenjammer (music)
Katze(n) = cat(s)
Jammer = sorrow, misery
The sorrow (moaning) of cats.

19. Zugzwang (chess)
Zug = move
Zwang = compulsion, pressure
To be forced to move. (a bad situation in chess)

20. Gründerzeit (history)
Gründer = founder
Zeit = time
Time of the founder.
Jetz wir haben kein superlonggoonforaverylongtimeextremelyextendedsuperwordsthatgetsolongtheyactuallypasedlegislationtolimithowlongwords can get, a case that involved the word Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, und wir haben kein Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft. AndthenofcoursetheJapanesejustwriteeverythinglikethissotheirsentenceslooksaboutwhattheGermanssoundlikewhentheygetexcitedandstarttalkingreallyfast.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Too late.

English is a language mutt who will borrow and steal words from all languages.
Top 20 German words used in English
1. Kindergarten
Kinder = children
Garten = garden
Garden for children.

2. Iceberg = Eisberg
Eis = ice
Berg = mountain
Mountain of ice.

3. Wunderkind
Wunder = wonder, miracle
Kind = child
Wonder child.

4. Angst
Angst = fear

5. Uber- = über
über = above, beyond

6. Zeitgeist
Zeit = time
Geist = spirit
Spirit of the time.

7. Doppelganger = Doppelgänger
Doppel- = double
‘Gänger’ (not used in this form; derivated from the verb gehen = to go) = ‘walker’
Double walker.

8. Poltergeist
poltern = to rumble
Geist = ghost

9. Bauhaus (architecture)
Bau = construction, building
or: imperative of bauen = to build
Haus = house

10. Blitzkrieg (military)
Blitz = lightning
Krieg = war
War of lightning.

11. Neanderthal = Neandertaler
Tal = valley (Thal is an old spelling)
Taler (not used in this form) = inhabitant of the valley
Neander(tal) is the proper name of a valley in Germany
Inhabitant of the valley of Neander.

12. (Apple) Strudel = (Apfel) Strudel
Strudel = swirl

13. Sauerkraut
sauer = sour
Kraut = herb; cabbage
Sour cabbage.

14. Leitmotif = Leitmotiv (music)
leiten (in imperative form) = to lead
Motiv = motive, theme
Leading motive.

15. Volkswagen
Volk = people, nation
Wagen = car, cart
Car for the people.

16. Gesundheit
gesund = healthy
heit = -hood

17. Schadenfreude
Schaden = damage
Freude = joy
Being joyful about the sufferings of others.

18. Katzenjammer (music)
Katze(n) = cat(s)
Jammer = sorrow, misery
The sorrow (moaning) of cats.

19. Zugzwang (chess)
Zug = move
Zwang = compulsion, pressure
To be forced to move. (a bad situation in chess)

20. Gründerzeit (history)
Gründer = founder
Zeit = time
Time of the founder.

Und der Fräulein mit der Glockenspiel und der Bustenhalter — verboten! Und der Apfelstrudel mit der Liederkranz — Gesundheit! Everything is Gesundheit, kaput und verboten!