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The Knowledge of The Holy

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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I will learn from their tilling...
I will know of their harvests... I will join the Gods.

It is possible, no one has ever been born at all. That death may mean nativity and that life may mean gestation.

-Excerpts from one of my Books of Shadows
I will learn from their tilling...
I will know of their harvests... I will join the Gods.

It is possible, no one has ever been born at all. That death may mean nativity and that life may mean gestation.

-Excerpts from one of my Books of Shadows
The possibilities of the improbabilities, far exceeds all limitations
beyond the boundaries of the imaginations of the minds of men.

Nothing is impossible.
God and I converse with each other every day.
The things that people say that He said, He did not say them to me.
Maybe He said those things to them, but I know what He has said to me.
He said to me that I could become immortal and taught me how to do it.
Now if He told you that you had to die, that has nothing to do with me.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
I know sex in biology Bares me into life.

I know my brother's mind consciousness is warped as he discusses time warping.

I learnt the heavenly body records any type of body as a state...not just biology.

Hence maybe it's where and why he thinks everything is immortal.
I know sex in biology Bares me into life.

I know my brother's mind consciousness is warped as he discusses time warping.

I learnt the heavenly body records any type of body as a state...not just biology.

Hence maybe it's where and why he thinks everything is immortal.
We are all time travelers. We are all traveling through the time of life.
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